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Chatty Member
Really? Really Toni?

From the woman who has spent tens of thousands on her body, needs designer everything. Buys so much she forgets what she buys. Never leaves tetris towers alone. Always driving top of the range cars. Swanning off on holidays. Away and fuck yourself. She's the poorest.person I know.

Also the gym. First it was because she gets nowhere but the house and work (🤣🤣🤣🤣) and then it was to be stronger for M

I'd say she's looking more surgery and needs to show some results somewhere before they do it
Dig at cliona?
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Hahahahahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Aw Jesus I can’t deal! Hahahahahahahahaha

Nailed it! 🤣🤣🤣 You’ve won first prize - any ornament of your choice from Toni’s new drinks station 🐠🍇🍋🫖
There is a ceramic banana or (Delph as Toni calls it ) in the post for u haha
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Chatty Member
She's thicker than porridge, does she really believe fried baby potatoes are any better than eating a bowl of chips, don't even get me started on the fried pineapple, what's the point in adding colour to your diet if you're going to fry it and cover it in sauce! Any wonder she was Toothless Toni at six years old, the high sugar content in those sauces would be enough to leave anyone diabetic.

My evening prayers will be offered up to the poor nail tech who had to work around her manky infected finger today. 🤢 Hope she didn't catch anything
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Et tu Brute?

VIP Member
Also, to do a post about not giving negativity a platform then continues to spread it and not rise above it by saying "raging my boobs are nicer than yours?"
That's adding fuel to the fire. Not rising above it.
Matthew has 11k followers so we can easy create a seperate thread. But Matthew is harmless, could be doing with better friends. But maybe toni has been a good supportive friend. Doubt it but it could be possible. She needs to keep what little friends she does have
Toni doesn’t have friends and begrudges anyone who does well for themselves. Any support she’s been to him will have been through gritted teeth or a false grin.

Not looking to derail or discuss the fella but my eyes rolled so far in my head I didn’t think they were coming back 🙄 Nice to know there’s lots of lurkers keeping up with the gossip anyway. Surely those who troll the trolls can see the irony? 🤣
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And she very clearly has a disorder herself though. The obsession with fried foods and take away, the binge eating junk food by the jar on a Sunday. Although she is fitting into singular jean sizes (just about) she still has the fat girl brain she had before the quick fix surgery and has done absolutely nothing to try overcome it.
In defence of fat girls and our brains, even I don't eat like Toni and I have a binge eating disorder and have done for most of my life - she's just rotten with no taste when it comes to food as well as everything else 😭
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Can someone please tell Toni that for the majority of us getting up to go to the gym involves a 5.30am start to be home and ready for work, not rolling into gym at 11am..
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Active member
I am absolutely gobsmacked and how delusional this woman is. Does she seriously believe what she’s saying? Rolls into work at 11-12 every day. Does a few eyebrows and stuffs a cupcake into her mouth on fun Fridays. Away home a few hours later. Away on multiple holidays/ days away/ nights away, sat for hours every night watching movies or whatever else and she’s burnt out? I actually want to walk up and fucking shake her (or slap her) and tell her to get a fucking grip!!!!!!!!!
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Blonde Aries

VIP Member
Pride is also a big celebration in Derry and she never ever mentions it yet jumps on the band wagon for everything else that’s popular or being talked about.
She's a dose, it depends what mood she's in or who she's trying to please, what band waggon she jumps onto

She copies everyone, lmd, cliona, kiera

That nutjob doesn't know weather she's coming or going,

As for Paul,, he needs a good boot in the arse, for he is a bigger fanny than her

The finest two dickhead ever
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VIP Member
Pride is also a big celebration in Derry and she never ever mentions it yet jumps on the band wagon for everything else that’s popular or being talked about.
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I think writing all that was an excuse for crocodile tears and to revel in her victim mentality. No one asked her that question and that answer wasn't a spur of the moment answer. She just wants sympathy

She's been extremely passive aggressive towards people the last few says calling her out on her bullshit. So now she's playing victim. She takes meds and regularly sees people regarding her MH. She is a disgusting selfish twisted narcissist. She neglects her own children and does what she wants and thinks nothing of lying and manipulating to bring people down. Same people who pay for her tat. Telling people to jump the bridge. Threatening people, even in her own family. She's entitled and nasty and needs a serious wake up call
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What the f**k is she at with all that chocolate and treats as healthy, get some fruit, im sure paul will show you how to demolish a banana
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Aww poor Toni, she's now working the rest of the population!

It was me asked if he had boobs - I also said he had great confidence, but sure why take a positive away from a comment when you can take a negative!
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I laughed into my tea when I read she's doing it for M. Toni doesn't give a shit, she'd leave him with nick the devil to get a Mr chippie
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There's me not buying Sperrin pancakes anymore.

Why the fuck not donate that to a food bank rather than thon greasy greedy smellbag?
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Awk God love her the day not feeling great! How convenient - on your day off instead of looking after M or something, you leave it to Paul because you aren't away on your holidays.
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VIP Member
Naw sorry guys I'm going to be really harsh here, youse have all lost your minds!

Toni was a vicious wee bitch as a wain, she was hateful to teachers, hateful to her fellow school pupils and hateful as fuck to her family. She built herself a wee gang of bullies and ok maybe she didn't throw a punch herself but she was queen bee in her gang and there was plenty of punches thrown by her orders.

She lost 15 teeth cos all she did was eat sweets. Her ma might've been a bit mental but at the end of the day Toni was not innocent.

Toni has driven a wedge deliberately through the family between the siblings and parents, there is one sister who claims abuse the rest have been involved in bust ups where Toni was involved/instigated.

Toni has been determined to be the "only child" to care for the ma knowing full well that when the money comes in she would be the only one to be able to claim it/h LP the ma spend it. She's said this many many times in different ways over the years.

Youse can blame Toni's parents "for the way she is" all youse like but at the end of the day Toni is responsible for her behaviour and even at the age she is she sees no wrong doing in her behaviour.

I didn't have a great childhood (not the worst but not the best) and I have spent time in my life resetting those bad behaviours learned from parents and peers in childhood so that my children don't grow up the way that I did. Show me where Toni has done that? MM is growing up to be a right wee bitch too and you can't blame Toni's parents for that 🤷🏻‍♀️

Youse have been sucked into Toni's wee poor me pantomime and victim play.

She is disgusting, she treats the people that pay her money like shite, she has no friends because she treats them like shite and she has a husband that she openly treats like shite but we're all supposed to think "poor wee Toni no teeth had it rough" there are plenty that had it far worse than her that don't go on the way she does.
Best line ever ‘poor wee toni no teeth’ 😂😂
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Et tu Brute?

VIP Member
Kids that are PEG fed are normally fed every 4 hours 8am 12 midday 4pm and 8pm. Having said that when the feed finishes, it needs to be stopped and the line flushed and disconnected by someone trained to do this and someone needs to be present to supervise the feed incase anything goes wrong. They probably have told whoever is there to just switch the flocare feeding pump off when the feed is through and they’ll disconnect it when they get home. It still raises issues that he’s possibly being left with someone that doesn’t know what to do if something happens
I understand it’s probably quite complicated, my point is, they aren’t too worried about his feeds every 4 hours when they are away galavanting around the world. It’s frightening that he’s been left in the care of someone who isn’t trained to feed him, what else aren’t they trained in? I usually try to steer clear of the M chat on here as I’ve no experience of children with additional needs but that concerned me when she said it.
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VIP Member
All I know of Toni is what she shows on her Instagram (which is horrible) and my personal experiences of her (which were dreadful). I’ve had cause to be in her company on several occasions - yes Toni we’ve met - and I’ve also personally witnessed her behaviour on other occasions. I’m not trying to troll her and as I’ve said previously, it’s not my desire to dislike another person, but she has no redeeming qualities.

She got a slither of sympathy from me about the teeth - cause it’s absolutely child neglect for a child of 6 to have no teeth - but that’s as far as my sympathy goes. I’m by no means going soft and I absolutely see her for what she is. I didn’t know she was a school bully. I didn’t think I could regard her any lower than I already do but here we are. I think a lot of us see her for the vile individual she is, despite the fakery and victim card. I don’t believe it’s trolling or hating, it’s purely observations and expressing opinion.

She can look for all the sympathy she wants from her sheep and convince herself we are all just jealous of her but deep down she knows that most of what’s discussed here is the truth.
I think that's why she goes on about the trolls and here so much, because she knows it's the truth and we aren't bitter twisted jealous people who need her prayers because we have bad lives. We see her bullshit and call it and she hates that. We don't fall for her crap
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