LOL That is a much better title!

Yell I don't mind u changing the thread name, that's good, actually I wonder if someone could alter it to Colleen Sings - The first preggers etc please? Unfortunately I wasn't sure what I was doing (newbie noob!) when I made this thread, and didn't understand about the title. I really love that, it's fitting.
I wanted to come back to this thread but I lost my link to this forum when my pc died and I got a new laptop, so it's taken me a while to find it again. Plus I was really annoyed with Colleen when I made this thread as she had made like 8 baby videos back to back on all her channels endlessly complaining about being pregnant, after she and her sister had previously made a video complaining about pregnant women who complain. Seems it's only okay for Colleen to whinge endlessly, not any other pregnant lady! And I thought I might have got some hate for it lol So I was a little scared to peek back haha :3
I've been keeping a casual eye on her socials and nothing has improved. colleen worried all her little fans making out she was on death's door kind of thing, that she was mysteriously ill and fainting several times a day (and while on toilet pooping and vomiting at the same time, she has no filter) and said she has a condition that means she cannot walk unaided. She can walk a little if leaning on a wall for support. And uploaded an insta story demonstrating the wall assisted snail walk, inc her cat in the wheel chair she needs now to get around the house. I started to feel sorry for her, she's only 4 - 5 mths preggers and disabled already?! she has 5 - 4 months left to go!! That's not nice. THEN! After saying all that, her fans are so worried and she disappears after saying she's going to hospital check out why she's in so much pain she can't walk. Can you imagine the pandemonium! I think she loves being centre of attention and does it on purpose because she could have done a quick update knowing she had worried everyone silly. When she returns she's so jolly and flippant, I'm fine, don't worry!! I think she realized she'd overdone it, as then she asks the fans to come and support her, as she's about to do a huge day of shows!! She had planned a meet and greet and a full show, then another meet and greet and a show (two in one day) while also filming a Netflix special!

I mean HOW!! If her words and stories are to be believed, she can barely walk to the toilet, and when she does anything on said toilet, she faints and worse. But she's perfectly okay to perform two back to back energetic shows, inc meeting hundreds of fans
and filming for TV the same day! She ignores everyone's panic and worry and asking her to cancel. She replies her dr said it's ok for her to perform her shows. Ofc, she's $$ mad!
Then she posted a youtube woe is me crying video, an entire video dedicated to all her symptoms and sickness, and how terrible life is for her and how she's soldiering on like the superwoman trouper she is. Sympathy rolls in to the max!! The day of the multiple shows she posts an insta story of her flying there with yay I didn't faint on the plane! As she's already spent a day talking on her socials about how she fainted on a plane recently and they kicked her off. Then she goes ahead and performs her show twice and 2 meet and greets with no issues or hiccups, not one faint or vomit all day, after saying she can't make Miranda video's atm as she can't walk plus faints or vomits at the slightest effort!! She posts an insta story between shows lying on the floor saying she used every inch of energy in her and her baby's body but she looks FINE!! You know when someone is really like that, they look ill in the face? No energy? She's the opposite. She's loving it! Again, it all goes off without a hitch!

Honestly! Thirsty for attention to new levels of desperation. sorry but I have been in pain and zero energy and I did not look or talk like that. I was a shrivelled ball of dehydrated skin and sunken eyes. and doing a show or even meeting a bunch of stranger would be laughable, when you can barely walk to the toilet!
She's back on socials saying how she 'put her all into it, so nobody should know she's ill when they see the netflix show'
She posts more insta stories shuffling along using a wall for support, of being stuck on the stairs not able to go down another step, then she has pics of her on insta out shopping and looking jolly taking silly selfies with her friend trying on new hats. If you're that sick, you don't go shopping. You don't do shows. You can't.
I've concluded she is just a dramatic betch, but I hate how she's using all this fake drama to get so much views and $$ and worrying her kid fans senseless. The good thing is, she's been so inconsistent with her stories that people are picking up on it now big style, and while I used to be a lone voice in the wilderness I saw a bunch of people calling her out about it the last couple of weeks on her insta which is refreshing (although to be honest, I think they inspired the crying video)
She said she didn't have any clothes for the bebe before the tour and needed them or her baby would be naked (right at the start of her pregnancy!) so the fans bought her tons of lovely baby clothes, toys etc she is so set, she is so tight it's unreal! Her kid fans are already buying her books, her merch, her shows, netflix subs etc and she makes a lot, enough to buy a huge house with a swimming pool, and then she gets them to buy her babies things. hahaa. c'mon. I hope people see through her more and more, but instead I think it will trend like crazy when her baby is born as she's hyped it so much. It's literally a soap opera.
On another interesting note, since my first post her ex husband got back together with his childhood sweetheart and they married, ever since he's dropped little hints about how badly he was treated by saying how wonderfully he is treated now, and in response she's pushing the new bf as the best guy to ever breathe air even more. It's so weird to watch. Erik must be wondering what he got involved in. She has come with so much mental baggage. Erik is massively private and shy, so she's doing all the yelling from the rooftops about how he's the best man on the planet & it's bizarre to see a woman whos 31 acting like she's 15. I also don't believe they are engaged, she bought herself a cheap pink ring 'until she gets a real engagement ring which is being made somewhere by Erik' which was forever ago lol She's still wearing the pink ring. She also started a hate campaign against her ex when she saw his new wife's wedding ring as she thought it looked like her old one, which was his grandmothers & she gave him back. She got her best buddy in crime Trish Paytras or whatever her name is to shred him apart in a livestream, forcing him to have to show the two rings & the one his wife has is new. It's been ages & she's still belittling and attacking him. When she got the pink ring herself, she said at least it's new, horrible to have a hand me down. Rude af. She was happy to wear it for a long time.
I'm watching with popcorn & hoping the kid fans see through it more, I'm kinda mad she made me feel sorry for her which seems to be a ploy for attention, but there again she is an actress & convincing, but my main concern is Erik, he seems a shy, sweet genuine guy, everything she is not. She says I don't know what I did to deserve you! And I think yeah I know. If she tires of him eventually, especially as an odd jobbing actor, I fear he will be out. She got mad at the last hubby for not working enough. Erik's saving grace is he was perfect for saving her Miranda character, and her career (as she says, it's miranda who pays the bills) & she's loving rubbing ex's nose in it that she's with the 'perfect' tv guy, the only one all her fans shipped. And she really, really cares what they think. If that disappears, I fear he's on thin ice.
Also briefly, can she stop doing weird things, like hiring a psychic to tell her how her son will behave?! The psychic said he will be a man's man & she is gutted as gay men are what she knows. She grew up with 2 straight brothers, a straight father, married a straight man, is engaged to another straight man (who I assume she spends most of her time with) but then pushes the idea that she's only used to gay men? She has 1 gay friend who lives with her (he is basically her slave) & various others who have their own lives (youtubers) I feel sorry for this kid already, she's been playing him musical theatre & crying when he kicks when it's on, and encouraging her fans to buy gender neutral stuff for him as she doesn't believe in blue for a boy & wants him to have rainbow. She even chose purple for a girl in her gender reveal as pink is too stereotypical, as a result nobody knew if it was blue or purple lmao.
It will be interesting to see what plans she has for the next 4 or 5 months, all I know is they will be dramatic, endless and ensure as much attention as possible for her. I know she's often said how proud she is to be one of the original yt'ers & still going strong, but it's only because she's willing to pull stupid stunts to get views!
Sorry this is long, I don't expect anyone to read it, it just feels so good to finally have a place to rant, I used to like her. Lily Rose depp mentioned loving her on insta, I checked her out & sort of forced myself to find her funny (which was stupid) but now I see it all clear as day, and it's a fooling of the kid fans on a Zoella level. And for some odd reason nobody was talking about it, yet she deserves to be outed equally as Zoe now is!!