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Mario, you're thick as shit to have to ask people questions 🙄

As for the teeth, there's no way I'd show the before picture on social media. Backward prick.
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Last time this fool put a question box up (think it was looking for a chimney sweep) I responded with the same and was blocked in a split second 😂
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Why's he saying he needs us to get up?! Marylebone I've been up since 7am, portioned out stew I'd cooked over night in the slow cooker, stripped and remade bed (no sharting here tho), done my organised mum method tasks, pegged my washing out on the line (smell the wealth), seen my teen off to school as he isn't on Easter hols until Thursday, showered, skincare done, walked dog round the block and all done by 10.30am. I'm now sat in my back garden with a cuppa relaxing before I go to work for an 8 hour shift (nae 30min shifts there hens)

YOU need to get up, YOU need inspiring to create a better life, we do not need you inspiring us ya wee sack of spuds.
How dare you! It's no easy being an influencer! Never message this page again #marionsfanclub 🥔♥ x
I was laid in bed feeling hopeless but fear not I saw Mario's post and I GOT UP 👏 who the bloody hell does he think he is 😂
Ignore the haters, spine bright 💎

Go and treat yourself tae sum beige food 🥔♥x
Dykebar is just round the corner from where they live ma lovlie 💎
He shud volunteer tae gie a life coach session there. 🤣
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Clutching ma beak at his 'loved by thousands' and 'leaving a legacy'
Definition of legacy Marion ..."the long-lasting impact of particular events, actions, etc. that took place in the past, or of a person’s life" There is nothing lasts longer than 5 minutes in his life - apart from his out of date make-up.

Can I see my children say in the future 'I was so inspired by that man in Glasgow who took 6 months in the planning of the aesthetic aspect of his tea and coffee station'. It's hardly comparable with the innovative style of Charles Rennie Mackintosh or The Glasgow Girls. We are unlikely to see Marios Primark Loafers in the Peoples Palace alongside Billy Connolly's Big Banana Feet.

Mario, you are as transient as your kitchen worktop wrap and flair coverings and they actually fulfil a function which you don't. To use your favourite word, F*ck off you delusional narcissistic tit.
If yer weans say aye tae Marion the influencer ah'd disown them if ah wuz youse ma lovelie, spine bright 💎
Naw hen. He’s absaloootley fine. No just fine. But absalooootley FINE!💎
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I can’t carry on wae him, am literally squinting like him, but av hud too many ae them 🥂and about tae huv some more , but a look forward tae watching it and then look back here whilst clutching ma beak in ma bed hungover, you do you lassies, hold yer power, smell yer wealth, love youse all , mwah mwah 💎 xx
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He must surely make those stories up, who seriously watches him sit oan his arse swearing into the camera, wash his bedsheets a hunners times a week and go out eating average meals 24/7 and thinks “wow I am truly in the darkest of days but Mario is what gets me through”. Sorry but in a pit of depression or illness he’d tip me ower the edge. Get over yirsel hen. Deek needs to get him telt to wind his neck in, his hooter is well oot it’s ain lane
No one does. The whole story is definitely invented.
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It makes me irrationally angry that he films THE GROUND when the caption is “lovely day”. Like, the fuck? Show us something… the sky….. a park ….. anything other than the bloody pavement. 🙄 he’s so shit at everything it’s unreal.
And compromise his security! 😱
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Nay wonder naybody wants to use him for collabs.

He is vile and remotely not funny.

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Tinkerbell cat

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Happy sunny Monday guys and gals from the fanny that dosna like the sun but canna wait far it to come oot.

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All these candles and diffusers dotted around the bedsit.

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That's fucking madness 😂 He lives in flat with the same square ft of a microchip box yet has all those burners/diffusers/candles lol is he ok? One would suffice. There is just no need but we move my lovelies, keep your power so aye xxxxx
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Madge, you’re deleted and blocked for even mentioning Marion’s thrushy boaby head t me. 🤮 You’ve put me right aff ma criss and joose that I’ve got laid oot on ma tapas table for later while watching his Q&A.
Ah'm saving youse fae looking like Marion, putting youse aff eating. And saving youse money oan buying fillum night boaxes when youse kin just haud the packet of criss. Thank me later 🥔♥🤭
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They've just shown a clip of the Barbie film on This Morning, and it's Mario alright...Tacky and for the childish 🙄
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