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VIP Member
Absoloot 🐍 behaviour and nae debates. Ah bet youse bought a ticket tae see your bestie Hinch as well and your hoose honks oaf Mario's max welts.

In fact ah'm gonni cast a fine eye ower his big night oot yesterday, see if ah kin spot youse 👀
I know I'm a piece of shit but please believe me, I'm not a influenced hun I swear 🤣🤣
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I was just thinking that. I truly believe the dull bastard is actually planning a year in advance. Didn't the tea, coffee and sugar pots take 9 months to plan?
Clutching ma beak, ah furgoat aboot the beverage stashun planning. Tattle really needs tae dae the memories thing like Facebook. 🤣
“We did a thing”

he is trolling us trolls
Is that a sex and the city 'thing'. Mebbes Martin thinks he Beirut toap flat is equivalent tae a New York penthouse.
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I had an early night because my new tits were hurting and I wake up tae that massive night oot that I missed! Absolutely FUMMING the noo!

Can’t wait fae the birthday downer that will be hitting in a couple of days
How are your Turkey tits ma lovely?

She'll be copying you noo she's a seasoned traveller also.
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Anyone remember The Scheme, wi Marvin, Dana and wee Bullet? They shud make another one wi Deek, Beak and Rayne the wean.

The money Ah would pay to see Martin do the ‘there’s a lady aboot the hoose’ bit. Pure class 💎
Wait, do you all (non Scots) understand the 🍊 ?

Ffs troops, how we going to explain this?!
No the day hen. Just no the day 😂 am no sure MrMac will make it back from Paradise if it goes the way we’re aw expecting it to.

(For our English friends, Celtic vs Rangers the day. Paradise is Celtic Park. So aye.)
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