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He could make millions MILLIONS but would rather leech off the working people he’s complaining about
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Go Trudy! She just went into her live too and really rattled her cage 😆 She’s had a strop and deleted her account (unless she’s blocked me)
Have you seen Trudy's latest post ?? She's seen the light it seems , £2000 she's lent CJ and surprise surprise hasn't had any of it back .
Haha cross post. Love that this is all coming out now. She deserves everything she gets.


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SS aren't interested in what she gets up to and who with, as the court papers state they can't be returned to her. I don't know why they haven't fully stopped contact yet, because it must be awful for them having to see her once a month. Even that is too often. I would be so ashamed and disgusted if she was my birth mother. I'd change my name and avoid her like the plague.
I agree, it’s so cruel making them see her once a month. And it always seems like a chore to her, ‘I’ve got to see my kids at the weekend’ ‘I’ve got to somehow pull money out of my arse’ I don’t think I have ever despised someone I’ve never met so much. I also don’t understand why she isn’t called out more on TikTok, I think that’s the only reason why she doesn’t try and do the rankings, because she knows she would be called out.
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She went to shop yesterday as well. Anxiety must of disappeared 🙄
He's not much of a man just laid on the bed all the time. Why is he not taking her out for a meal, watching a movie, going for walks to get to know each other better. Do you think he is regretting going or he is just not much of a man 🤭
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God this tramp pisses me off. So she is moaning she has had to pay £90 at the vets for Gordy. So guess what she hasn't got the money to see her kids at the weekend!!! Can smoke weed and fags all day, buy take aways, days out with her new fella, the pub but hasn't put the money aside to see her children. Money that should of been put aside weeks ago. She makes me sick! All the dogs locked up in this heat no fresh air. The fella fast a sleep on the bed. Pair of wasters
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Oh my god! Poor poppy! She clearly isn’t limping from being outside or from exercise! I wonder if she’s starting biting at herself like poor willig did?! X
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I really hope SS watch her Tiktok....someone needs to stop contact and let those poor kids move on with their lives.....yet again this vile excuse for a woman and a mother puts a total waste of space before her kids!! Angela you will NEVER get your kids back, weed and 🍆 are more important to them a favour and sign them over to the care of social services, get sterilised just in case you are tempted to ruin another innocent life, hand those poor dogs over to a rescue so they have the chance of a life beyond the confines of your hovel and then give that house back to the council so a deserving family can have it!
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The neighbours need to report her to council. I bet the noise from her shouting and swearing at the dogs is horrendous. Then there's the constant smell of weed seeping out the windows.
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carrot top

VIP Member
Angela when you say the “rescue” is non profit answer me this…what happened to the money you got from the 2 chihuahuas you supposedly rehomed? that you allegedly keep for the next dog.
I can probably answer that for you we probably all could, and that’s one of the reasons you get called a liar.
How dare you agree with the baffoon that all workers use their money for drugs, you pair of wasters, stop embarrassing yourself just stop.
#dogkiller #localbike #dogabuser #thickaspigshit #georgeisabaffoonpassiton
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French bulldogs are prone to allergies and skin conditions. They should be fed grain free food and she feed Gordy crap dog food from the happy shopper range!! And the meat is even cheap food as well. As for feeding him her food that’s a big no no with frenchies. Any treats should be grain free also because of the skin conditions and tummy problems they have. I’m no dog psychologist but I researched frenchies for over a year before I got a puppy couple of months ago.
I’m sure she said she had taken him to vets 4 pets inside pets at home.
as for pet insurance you get 4 weeks free when you buy the puppy from the breeder and trust me after that the insurance varies from £60-£160 a month. My pup costs me £82 a month. I also pay £16 a month for a health plan which includes yearly jabs and flea and worm treatment once a month.
there’s no way she’s paying out all this money each month for 1 dog let alone the other 2!!!
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
That poor dog, why is the poor thing limping like that? Why does she have to lie down the whole day?
Why is a middle-aged woman got her cap on like that? Hilarious.
The boyfriend. What a catch he is 😛. Is he going to lie on the bed the whole week?
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Chatty Member
I’m not saying any woman should wear make up etc but she’s got “her baby home” and she looks like something the cat spat out
Grubby, scruffy, surely you’d make an effort to try and impress?
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Thought he was hard working, what’s happened to his job?
Why are they relying on her gifts to buy wood when he works?
He’s the laziest bloke ever, he’s hardly shifted off that piss stained bed all week,
Pair of scrounging crackheads.
I thought he'd come to stay to sort her shit tip of a garden out.....I also thought Willie was coming to help? Whilst on the subject of having men around to do your dirty work Angela, why isn't your bone idle, workshy, benefit scrounging son helping you? Strange that he can turn up, doss down, eat your food, ask for money then fuck off cos he has to show up at the Job Centre doubt he'll have his hand out for the next COL payment.....disgusting that pensioners are being taxed so you and your vile offspring can spend all day doing the total sum of fuck all!! And don't tell me there's no jobs, lots of people I know can't fill vacancies because the Government make it too easy to make a career of being a leach on society!
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Always in the bedroom with Gordy and Arlo while poppy gets no human contact, love, affection... Just ignored ffs
It’s so gut wrenching to think about isn’t it. That poor dog hasn’t got a chance, and that’s all down to Angela’s disgustingly selfish, negligent and abusive behaviour. It’s even more angering that the RSPCA haven’t intervened after all of this time, after Willig.
I really hope she (Angela) has a miserable and painful death.
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