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carrot top

VIP Member
Quick update on this mornings live,
The dickhead son is still playing gooseberry
Angela making breakfast with a fag hanging out of her gob,
Poppy is limping quite badly and Angela ignoring all questions about it,
Gordy pissing all over the bedroom, the alcoholic effing and jeffing about it and stinkabelle saying it’s because he needs his knackers removing (Gordys not Lover boys )
The unmentionable taking the piss out of the neighbours and the other 2 twats finding it hilarious 🤡🤡
Not sure I can watch much more every time they kiss I get a bit of sick
In my mouth 🤮
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So they got a taxi to the pub then she will get a taxi home but has no money to see her kids. If he was any kind of man he would be telling her to use her money for her kids. She's been giving it the biggen to the neighbours while lover boys been there bet she ain't once he's left.
In their new house they having wooden flooring throughout, a hot tub, a bar and kennels built.... She ain't got a pot to piss in 😅
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Urgh just see it's live on the FYP and whatever Muppet is in the box is talking her through eating a sandwich coz she needs to eat and have fluids. Fk off she is a grown ass women! Loving all the sympathy she is getting poor old CJ.. no poor dogs, poor kids that she fucked over, poor Fran not poor fucking CJ. Maybe get her to feed and walk her dogs instead of talking to her like a child. I can't even watch it's pathetic! I would take all those dogs on in a heartbeat and I've got 8 animals, 3 kids and 7 months pregnant! They would still have a better life with me then trapped in that bando house, honestly makes me so angry 😡
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Have you seen Trudy's latest post ?? She's seen the light it seems , £2000 she's lent CJ and surprise surprise hasn't had any of it back .
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Just so you all know I work nights was at work last night and I’m back there later I’ve had probably 45 minutes sleep because this shit is funny my children don’t tantrum and pull faces like that when they’re on one …. So for anyone I know who might know who I am and sees me tonight I apologise now for any strops I have I will be extremely tired but I’ll put a hoodie on for those Angela moments I’m not gonna have 😂😂😂
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Alex has posted today too … Alex you know we are behind you 100% keep smashing life mate 💪🏼
Just came here to say I’d just seen his video

His mannerisms, language, demeanour.. it’s all miles above the lowlife we have all come to hate (that’s you Angela if you couldn’t figure that out).
He is empowered and is going to go places in his life.
It’s a strange feeling to feel genuinely proud of someone you’ve never met but Alex, I’m so proud of you. Never change, keep moving forward and always always speak your truth ❤
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Could be making millions but hasn’t got time. Too busy chatting shit on an app with a child and dog abuser. That other silly cow who’s always in her lives gets on my nerves as well. She can’t/won’t work either. Got anxiety and she’s agoraphobic apparently. Absolute drains on society the lot of them. Get a fucking job!
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I am actually impressed with that... her idea of filth is actually getting a shower 😆 OK maybe no soap was involved but at least it's a start. Come on Ange be a proper xrated skanky bitch and brush ya teeth for us hun 😘 #gaggingforit 🤤🤤
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So poor Gordy has a paraphimosis....has had it since at least yesterday....the dog "expert" has taken advice from her bestie Beardy and an ex vetinary assistant (note, assistant NOT nurse) and is now treating it with sugar paste.....yep, that is first line management you can try at home.....BUT if its still present 30 minutes after this intervention then YOU SHOULD SEE A VET!! See a vet before his little winkle gets gangrene!! I've never treated paraphimosis or priapism in dogs, but I've seen grown men screaming in pain with it/them.....she can't afford the vet.....WELL DON'T HAVE ANIMALS THEN!!


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One shoe magoo

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She's really us the world's biggest c**t. Thinks she's owed from the world. Oh woe is me. Can't stand the absoloute hypocrisy she spouts. Take those teeth and either brush them or at the very least run under the tap. And everyone who tells her how great she is and what a wonderful mother get real. Look deeper your keeping her in weed. She doesn't want those kids never has never will. She needs humbled and fast before it's too late
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She talks to the dogs like shit thinking she's all tough and hard. She said earlier " he wants to go out well he ain't he can fuck off" then poppy was crying and she said " shut the fuck up moaning all the time " yet claims to be a dog lover! And your not tough Angela your too scared to leave your house. You look like death warmed up, would love to give her a piece of my mind!
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Did she go and see the kids today? Normally she’s on live with the same excuse ‘ I need to buy some games incase it rains and we are stuck indoors’ she must have shares in hasbro, the amount of times she had to buy games!
Yes she did, obviously paid for by her dimwit followers. She's fuming tonight because she won't see the kids for 2 months, next month the kids won't be available as they're going on holiday.....yeah Angela, a holiday, paid for by the tax payers of the UK....a holiday they rightly deserve.....a holiday I don't mind my taxes being used for, innocent kids who deserve so much better than you ever gave them!!! Then she's saying she will use this 2 months to sort the house out (how many times have we heard that?) as she's putting in for a house exchange...but not to St Helens because of S SEN needs. She is apparently going to spend the next 12 months sorting her new house, passing her driving test and completing the parenting course....then she's going to court to demand her kids back. Angela you've been in a perfectly decent house for almost 2 years, a house that you said was a forever home, a house you've abused, damaged and left the garden like a shit've done fuck all about changing your life, you live hand to mouth, you scrounge money, food, takeaways and anything else you decide is important, you constantly run out of gas/electricity, you have no furniture to speak of, no carpets, no curtains, you never finished your online course, you get sanctioned because you can't even be arsed to make any effort to adhere to the simple rules that entitle you to FREE money....please tell me why exactly you think your kids would ever be allowed to live in that situation.
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Piss heads on live in a beer garden. Can’t string a sentence together 🤦‍♀️
He’s waiting to pick up his daughter from her moms, why is she handing over a child to be in his care when he’s clearly drunk. 🤡
He was pissed the other night when he was live with Angela, his daughter in the room....the language was shocking, effing, jeffing and CU next Tuesday....the way he spoke in front of his daughter about stuff a child doesn't need to hear, and Mum of the year was laughing.....more evidence that she should not even have contact with those poor kids of hers. I'm hoping she will move to St Helens and SS will fully investigate who she's moved to be near and stop contact permanently.
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Can we all keep CJ in our thoughts, the poor thing is poorly. She worked on a TikTok for 3 hours earlier and hasn’t stopped since, and now she’s projectile vomited all over her bedroom.
Poor thing has really over done it, she’s drained. She’s already shouted at her phone and warned it not to piss her off tonight, and warned someone not to text her after she took her socks off. 🧐
It’s such a shame, I’ve just worked 9 days straight but I really feel sorry for her as she has it so hard.
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So she goes to the vets and is now in panic mode because of what she needs to buy him to be healthy. She didn't give a fuck about that dogs leg prior to vets and only now doesn't want him to make it worse. Why does he need to remain in his bed, why can't he sit with her the evil cow. Won't be long before she's giving him a chicken korma again 🙄
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She’s live putting on the performance of a lifetime, all kicked off with Karl, he’s got pissed and accused her of cheating, woke her up when she’s poorly (she’s got a cold) she’s doing her usual indirectly begging, doesn’t know how she’ll get to the doctors tomorrow because she won’t make it up the hill, she’s sooooo hungry, can’t breath( all this in between using an inhaler with one hand and smoking a joint with the other) make it make sense?! 🤯🤯
And I am up at this time because I have a real illness at the moment 😂😂
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