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The problem is she can't stand to hear them laughing and having fun. She's a miserable bitch who despises kids even her own!
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I caught a bit of them on live on his account either yesterday or day before. He’s a huge red flag (as if we didn’t already know) but he was pissed and I was surprised with the way he was speaking to her and ordering her about. Telling her to shut up and barking orders. He’s a right tosser. Not that she doesn’t deserve any better but still.
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Speaks to them dogs how she spoke to her kids. I hope she walks the streets looking over her shoulder because people don't like dog and child abusers!
I hope she ends up on the streets the waste of fucking skin. And those poor dogs find good homes 🙏🏼
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carrot top

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OK so if the so called dog rehoming non profit thing is true, then there should be the 'rehoming fee' from the last dog in a separate bank account as there's no dogs up for rehoming currently in her care! Fucking fraudster!
Exactly that, it’s not a rescue she’s a pet peddler, gets free dogs knows nothing about them and sells them for profit to the first person that gives her the money.
She plays a very dangerous game with these animals.
She’s just said Gordys leg is healing so she might not have to have the stitches, we just knew she wouldn’t take him back so bloody predictable.
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Chatty Member
Twice today I’ve caught her talking about her adult account, first I’ve heard of it
She’s posted a few thirst traps today apparently but will edit them again
Whose taking one for the team?


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Can't believe he hasn't gone home to his daughter yet. Anyone know how old she is!
Apparently he's going home on Saturday, because he has "a little girl missing him, and you always put your kids first".....yep, you read that correctly.....straight out of Angelas mouth!! It appears he puts his daughter first in the same way she put her kids first....NOT!!
If that childs mother allows her daughter to have contact with a woman who had 6 kids taken off her she's as bad as Angela. I hope she does some research into her background.
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Thanks for the new thread @Hadtogetinvolved xx

My attempt at a recap

House still a shithole
Still finding the money for weed and energy drinks.
Poppy "promoted" to the front room...still in solitary though.
Angela continues to hint (read that as beg) for food, takeaways, leccy, gas, cash, wishlist, vets bills.
Gordy still not walked can be seen by his overgrown claws.
Pops and Arlo never walked.
Spends any money on crap...bamboo fencing, astro turf, firepit.
Kids remain last on her agenda...down to forgetting contact day and then having pity parties AGAIN. Still scrounges money for buy cheap plastic crap, sugar laden sweets and donuts.
Now has a "guest" room....form an orderly queue please 🤣
Has fallen out yet again with her Tiktok "friends" and then makes out its them that are the problem!!
Has financially abused a former follower by borrowing money and not repaying many more people will you hoodwink Angela?
Started "studying" to become a dog physio....or so she said.
Is still blabbing on about taking her driving test...good luck with that, don't think driving instructors like stoned pupils pmsl.

Sooooo....basically zero change....still a moaning, whining, swearing, scruffy apology for a human!!
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She's really us the world's biggest c**t. Thinks she's owed from the world. Oh woe is me. Can't stand the absoloute hypocrisy she spouts. Take those teeth and either brush them or at the very least run under the tap. And everyone who tells her how great she is and what a wonderful mother get real. Look deeper your keeping her in weed. She doesn't want those kids never has never will. She needs humbled and fast before it's too late
Correct! Sits in that minging house going all plastic gangster on anyone who dares call her out. I could knock the skinny, smelly fuck into next week I honestly could. Then take the dogs! I already have three rescues and would happily take another three!
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God shes like a loved up teenager fs. She do more for that man than she ever has her children. Telling the dogs to go and lay with their 'dad' off to get milk for his coffee. From someone who is constantly sanctioned saying she can't afford to eat, can't save money to visit her young children or take them gifts she managed to pay for him to go to her. Wonder how many times the dogs get walked, now there is two of them what excuse does she have. Are they just going to lay about indoors on live all day every day... How romantic. She said yesterday that when her kids are there if they want food she will get up and do it .. well firstly you only get visited by one kid out of 6 and that's very rarely mother of the year and secondly that's what you do as a parent Angela. She makes me feel physically ill
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I've never come across anyone that wallows in self pity like her! She is so miserable all the time. I have bad mental health and physical health problems been through some horrific trauma as have many others but I have my kids to get me up everyday and that's because they come before anyone and anything unlike hers did.

Done nothing but tell poppy to shut the fuck up all morning coz she is crying. Does she not ask herself why she's crying like it. I don't know why she has 3 dogs. She should re home Poppy and Arlo because she only cares about Gordy anyway. The others just piss her off and she does nothing but shout at them.

Moaning she has an X ray and it's not til 6 o clock.. what else has she got to do, get time off work? Get someone to babysit her kids?... no 😏 should be grateful they are looking into her lungs when she smokes the way she does. Someone has already paid for the cab and she still ain't happy.
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Gordy looked really poorly this morning....that is more than a mosquito bite, it's red and swollen, he's not eating, had his ears back, dull eyes and no life in him....I think it's an abscess and he's systemically unwell...this is at least day three of him having it!!
It’s heart breaking 😢 she said herself that he’s not himself and he’s normally doing zoomies but he’s just lying there. Yet she still prioritised getting that shitty strimmer and fags and energy drinks before taking him to the vets for three days. You are an animal abuser CJ and you’re stupid enablers / followers are just as bad for sticking up for you!
I wish fact freak or miss red would talk about her.
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She's got a load of cretins in her live defending her atrocious behaviour, basically saying "If you lend someone money, don't always expect it back". What a bunch of fucking wankstains.
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