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yeah there plan did not work ;)

i know whats your thoughts on her ordering a bacon roll ? did you notice another thing she contradicted her self on did you notice she said she had a full shop then said she did not order salad etc all her meats in the freezer she needs to meal plan a bit more so she knows when to take it out etc bet she wastes so much food
I dunno I dont like the mcdonalds ones so I wouldn't have one, I'd get something else instead 🤣🤣 but then I'm not a faux slimming world influencer.

How do you forget salad when its a huge part of the diet you are doing?

i dont think she did either tbh ''i did not finish it all '' should be her tag line at this point
I didnt finish it all but i actually did but if I say I didnt it doesn't count
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I just still can't get over the fact she left girlsmouth for only fans 🤣 what does arron do for work then
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I'm not Putin

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I always sit and wonder to myself what do Aarons family and friends make of Chloe? I know in reality as long as your other half likes you who cares what everyone else thinks, but surely they must talk about her? She gives them enough to talk about!

My sister in law can be really bitchy and has something to say about everything (she's one of those). If Aaron has anyone in his family like my sister in law I can't help but think they must have plenty of opinions on Chloe!
ive seen comments on here saying Aarons mum doesnt like her but ive never seen her discuss it on here (maybe thats the reason she never offers to have the boys) notice how if they do get baby sat its by chloes family
i mean i think most people are going to talk if you wear fishnets on the school run and do only fans when your partner tells you they dont like it they proberly have an account they watch her on lol

that crafty so and so shes gone into no house holds meeting right? shes done a post with filler date and tagged that holly and jazz in it ? i hope shes just done that and im not reading that as shes about to break the rules ok so its holly thats posted it and chloes shared it il share the screen shot if i can

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I'm not Putin

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I don’t understand how she’s not losing followers rapidly, unless they’re all fake 😂 it’s just so boringggg hearing her go on and on about her big bloated face and then two days later pop a photo on the grid with her tiger stripes body pos shite. I’m honestly so surprised she hasn’t gone down the craft etc route since she hadn’t an original thought in her head and just copies stories constantly 🙄
oh u ony have to look at her engagement to know she buys followers she has 500+ likes on some pic and then like 2-3 comments
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I'm not Putin

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Hmm I dont know, i follow becks Connie and chloe I cant say they seem bitchy because they never really post anything aimed at other people, even when lauren posted about the fall out on her stories none of them put their 5 pence in and they could of done, they have a huge following compared to her and even when people have messaged them about it they haven't said a word and they could of, I think if their friendship isn't real then it won't be long before they all stop talking but I do believe Lauren is the common denominator between everything that has happened in the group with the Fallings out, when lauren put that story up yesterday about how people come across her account I replied saying chloe tagging her and she's now blocked me which I think is a bit odd because I've had conversations with her before and followed her for ages, she just seems very negative and dramatic. Maybe I have this opinion because I've heard so much about her bulling people
how do you know people have messaged them about it :\ im not commenting too much on lauren as i dont know she seems a bit odd but that doesnt really make her a bad person sadly i have seen a lot of evidence towards chloe being a total bitch there has been endless amounts of people saying stuff about the girls mouth page how she allows certain behaviour for money and how she has been mean to people through her admin group chat too i personally just think there all bitchy and they come across like it especially chloe but ive not heard enough about the whole situation to judge on lauren sorry

i personally havent really heard any of them talk about the situation either so how do u know so much has been talked about in regards to lauren being the bully ? i think we all followed the stories but i dont re call anyone mentioning it
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I'm not Putin

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I dont thin

Literally just seen this thread, I heard from quite a few people that they hayley girl left the group because she fell out with lauren and that lauren wouldn't let it go, same with that jess girl it was lauren that pushed her out? Apparently it was all over a live she done, some one called lauren out for bullying hayley so much that she stopped even posting on her Instagram anymore and lauren laughed, quite a few people have made friends with her through Instagram and she just blocks you after a disagreement that mamasaurus of boys is one of them lauren didnt agree with her parenting, plastered it all over one of her lives basically giving her follows ammo to troll this poor lady due to her parenting.
idk there is somthing about lauren though she seems nice but like too nice if that makes sense?? i 1000 percent believe she would do that after the incident with her house and she went on about it for days
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I'm not Putin

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She’s such a fibber! She’s definitely claiming benefits (nothing wrong with that but she’s lazy let’s be honest), I’m sure you have to be earning under £16k or something, so she’s clearly either not declaring her/Aaron’s income or she’s lying about how much she earns and doesn’t have Aaron registered as living with her 😂😂
yeah i defo think its one of these hence why u never really see Aaron on stories he has no social media according to chloe again i dont really believe this just a way for her to cover up the fact shes lying
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I'm not Putin

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I’ve not watched her stories for a few days (mainly because when I see 40 small dots at the top I just think I cba) but I have to say, I feel better for not watching! I normally weigh myself twice a day everyday. Since not watching her, I’ve only done it once. There must be a link here! Maybe constantly hearing her obsess over her weight has subconsciously had an effect on me 🤷🏽‍♀️
i 100 percent think theres a link its sad to hear she has this effect on people really :( there will b loads of others in same situation as u
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I'm not Putin

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Why is she like this, whatever she has done she has to make a fucking HUGE deal out of, it was the same with her hair. She’s a weirdo! She’s so unhappy with her weight gain yet she’s got her tits and fanny out on the internet for people to see. She’s so unhappy with them she’s gone and booked for another ml lolll. Dickhead
and a few weeks ago was saying it gives u a confidence boost then yesterday said it doesnt as shes not taking new content shes a walking contridiction
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exactly she said they had to boil the kettle which ok is fine but still really shitty i know shes housing asssociation but she hates talking on the phone so i bet she has not been chasing it up either the other day said she had heating now she does not so what is the actual truth? i bet they have not had heating for months exactly thats what pisses me off shes all about her self
I was just about to say she said she had heating now she doesnt. Boiling kettles is all well and good but how many would she actually boil before she got fed up? Probably not enough for a proper bath. I get she is housing association and it can take longer but I always thought that if you had kids under a certain age you were a priority.
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