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i haven't tried the roomba yet because it hasn't actually arrived 😂 so my bf took our small hand hoover and put wheels and a face on it instead until the real one arrives 😂

aww poor harry i hope he feels better soon ❤

i have been playing hogwarts legacy all evening and now we are watching love actually! christmas dinner was amazing i'm so full 🥰
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first of all you can make your own poll next time bitchez 😂

second of all please for the love of god who is the second vote for voldemort 😂
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watermelon sugar

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we're being really cool and doing a 500 piece jigsaw of a golden retriever with balloons in its mouth 😅 (and having some wine)

how are you feeling today @watermelon sugar ?
I’m ok! Bit tired! Scared about tomorrow but only cos I hate needles and the last time I had a cannula in was when I gave birth I had one in each hand and I ripped them both out at the same time by accident and just as I did it Mini melon popped out, Mr Melon described it as ‘blood bath’ so I’m a bit scared haha 😂
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watermelon sugar

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yay @strawb that is so cool, how was it?

@watermelon sugar I got my cinnamon roll haha, I'll give you feedback later 😉

I bought some really cool pjs with tigers on 🐅, I love tkmaxx 💗 - we don't have it in France so I'm fully overwhelmed by it whenever I go in lol
Oooh report back! Do you live near an Asda? They do really nice pastries. Raspberry croissants and lotus croissants 😋 And they do raspberry ripple buns!
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watermelon sugar

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New year new me ✨ I’m feeling positive about 2024, 2023 has been a mixed bag really, Mr Melon did his hand this year and is lucky to be alive! I’ve been at my job and have enjoyed doing something new! Really looking forward to 2024, I’m due in just 5 months tomorrow 😅 And it’s mini melons first birthday 2 months today 😂

I tried telling him he turns 1 this year yesterday and he was like ‘NO I’M NOT I’M GONNA BE 4’ and he got a proper cob on 🤣
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that’s so nice that he had such a good day @watermelon sugar , he’ll remember it for such a long time - I can still remember my 3rd birthday party vividly 😍

it’s pouring down with rain here and yesterday when we were leaving I was looking for my umbrella and couldn’t find it 😟

ps my spot is huge and red this morning!
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watermelon sugar

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Omg that reminds me, I dropped Mini off at nursery yesterday morning I was looking rough AF, looked like I’d been dragged through a hedge backwards, had my hair slapped up and no make up on. I was stood at one end of the nursery and his teacher the other she shouted ‘Mini melon’s Mum, come get a picture!’ I pretended I didn’t hear her and walked out 😂😂😂 I ain’t getting no pictures looking rough af!! So I put a bit of makeup on and made sure my hair looked nice for the school pick up, and she collared me saying she needed a pic of me and Mini for Mother’s day 🤣🤣 I was ranting to my fella like ‘it shouldn’t be allowed, them casually dropping it on you on a Monday morning when you look homeless they want a cute pic’ 🤣 I’m dreading seeing the picture I hate getting pictures!

And no he doesn’t have Spiderman ones 😆 He wants to wear his Paw Patrol ones
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Good luck for your scan! @watermelon sugar I remember the 20 week one being so long because they check all the limbs and everything don’t they 😅

I’m meeting my friend for lunch today and I need to buy Harry some bigger bottles and bigger size nappies because this kid loves his milk and is starting to drink more than his small bottles hold 😅 makes me so sad at how big he’s getting but also excited for him to start smiling more and laughing and be able to sit up etc!!

Hope everyone’s okay and has a good day💕
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Just to clarify I didn’t make the cardi I just stitched the name 😆 I would like to learn to knit a cardi but I don’t have the time for anymore hobbies!!
thanks he will just be in for an hour tomorrow but I think I’ll cry the whole time 😆 and then Wednesday he will be in all day, I’ll be in work so that should distract me!
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Yes watermelon try the carrier it will change your life, I had to go to Morrisons this morning and had him in the carrier so I could have both hands free instead of lugging the pram around while trying to hold the basket!! Life changing
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I hope the scan went well @watermelon sugar!

aw that’s cute @fudgebox where does the time go? How old is Harry now?

How is everyone? I literally turned my back for about 20 seconds a while ago and when I turned around Sophia had opened up the sudocream and rubbed it all over her face 😅 my reaction made her burst out laughing. She’s so funny but omg it’s so annoying because it’s so difficult to wipe it off!

I’m going to the cinema with two of my friends tonight then for food afterwards! It will be good to do something different for a change!

I hope you have all had a good day 🤗
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I think she realised she was being a bit rude because when I got the girls hair untangled her mum said ‘your accent is lovely, I’ve been to Mexico twice and loved it’ ????
hahaha that's so funny, what kind of accent do you have anyway? people say the oddest things, a woman once said to me "I want what you've got," and I was like "what?" and she said, "an all year round tan..." and I was like, "that's just my skin colour". 😅 😅

@watermelon sugar it was delicious and only cost £2.80 which I don't think is bad at all! not sure if there's an asda round here, do you have any tips on the food from ikea though because i'm going there later and you seem to be a pro at this kind of stuff hahah
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watermelon sugar

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Hi guys! I had a midwife appointment today, I heard the heartbeat 🥺 which was nice so that put my mind at ease a bit. Then me and my friend took our kiddies to soft play. Mini melon has tested all of my patience today. It’s only day 1 of the Christmas hols, wish me luck 🤣

I won’t be able to enjoy a cheese board this year as I’m pregnant ☹ 🎻 can’t have a baileys either!!
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