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Saw this and immediately thought of you guys with the horrible bosses, co workers who take advantage, expecting you to do their work while they party and rip you off for gifts
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Morning all.

2 more weeks of work and school before some xmas hols. Really need a break I’m tired out and the weekends go so fast.

Also time of the month so cramps too and would rather curl in bed than sit at my desk today but I’ve got a hot water bottle so could be worse.
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Morning Guys
Feeling a bit down this morning. Can’t quite put my finger on it. Do you ever feel like you need to cry but the cry isn’t coming out? Could be my hormones who knows 😅

Back to work today. Only 4 days & then I’m off for Christmas 🎉 Father Christmas & his reindeer are going to little peaches school today so I can’t wait to hear all about that after school 😊

Hope everybody has a good day xx
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Morning all, hope everyone slept well.

I’m having some family problems at the moment. Tomorrow is my younger sisters birthday and so we have plans to celebrate today. My older sister is pregnant and, as much as I love her, she gets very sensitive and argumentative* when she’s pregnant and sometimes it’s like walking on eggshells around her.

Anyway, we had plans to go to Bicester Village which my older sister doesn’t want to do anymore because apparently she goes there all the time (which is news to me, but ok). So my mum and I have been offering alternatives we could do and literally everything is being rejected for all sorts of reasons. I think she just doesn’t want to go and so is making it really difficult for everyone. I completely understand not wanting to go out when it’s cold and raining but it’s one day for my sisters birthday when last year we couldn’t really do anything because we were in lockdown. It’s really bothering me because I can see a big falling out happening today over this and I really don’t want anyone flouncing off in a strop and not talking to the rest of the family for weeks/for god knows how long 😔

*I respect that pregnancy does come with lots of hormones and mood changes etc and I don’t mean to offend anyone!
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Blue pumpkin

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I need to go to the little Tesco that opens at six for some gaviscon but it's howling outside - sounds like a horror film .
The tree goes up today. I don't have the patience for spending time piss potting around with the detail. The decs are just going to get chucked on and away we go.

Hope everyone has a good day 💕
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watermelon sugar

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Thanks guys I just had a mini meltdown cos I was so tired 😅 he’s not well he’s got a cough I think it’s that! It’s just so hard when it’s every night and I’m the one who is up with him every night. I managed to get a couple hours 😊 I have theeeee worst period pains as well so their not helping!!
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Happy birthday @make-mine-whiskey

OMG. We've been up since 6.30 normal school day wake up. But my kids are already ready. This never happens!!
We have an hour spare before we need to leave 😂😂

I slept like shit but home alone once kids are out so i think this morning might be a cosy back in bed kinda day
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watermelon sugar

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I feel like shit today ☹ I put the baby down for a nap half an hour ago and I’ve just lay on my bed staring into space the whole time 😅 just don’t feel any motivation whatsoever.
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I am not allowed out of bed at the moment so here I am as always. Am watching the NFL, let's go Seahawks! American commercials are so bizarre.
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I was going through old photos tonight and found this from the summer. It was taken at 9.51pm. It blows my mind that it was ever this light and warm at nearly 10pm when it’s always so cold and dark now.

I know that’s generally how seasons work, it just seems crazy
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Terrible nights sleep last night… lots of anxiety and feeling horrible until I put headspace on (The Indigo Gallery sleepcast essentially knocks me out 9 times out of 10). I just feel sad about Christmas this year.
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Joining the feel like crap club...I can't stop crying. I feel like such an idiot.
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watermelon sugar

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So I text my landlord and she replied saying she’ll have a look on Friday! It’s still absolutely pouring down. We went to have our tea in the dining room after she text and we came back and it’s got worse. I sent her a pic and she hasn’t replied and I sent her it nearly 2 hours ago. My fella just stood on the couch to reach the wet patch and a bit of the ceiling flaked off in his hand 😳 so that’s good 😳 gonna have a brownie and a cup of tea and go to bed I reckon 😩
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At my big age of 30, I’m still absolutely fuming if my mum doesn’t get me a selection box.
I always get little peaches one for Christmas Eve, and my fella a sweet one but then nobody buys me one so I have to get my own one. I saw a Kit Kat chunky one in Tesco the other day I got my eye on 😋
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Morning all, hope your feeling good

feeling a bit anxious. Our whole house is, so we are all ratty with each other. It’s not a great place to be atm.

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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
@BelleAmie pregnancy causes hormone changes but doesn’t mean she has to be in charge! It’s not her day it’s your little sisters so she should stop being stroppy!! No offence 😅 why don’t you say to her look we’re gonna go cos it’s little sisters day not yours if you wanna stay in and rest we’ll see you another time when you’re more up to it? Maybe she just wants the get out of it card and you can give it to her?
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Morning Gang. I have today off work so that’s something to be cheerful for 😊 I’m proper in my own head this morning though. Hoping to keep busy today to distract myself.

My Christmas tree should be arriving today. I’m proper nervous but mr peaches keeps telling me it doesn’t matter even if it’s proper shit it’ll be gone in about 2 weeks 😅

Hope everybody has a good day xx
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