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VIP Member
I agree. I lost loads of my friends when they had children, not on my side because although I don’t want children I’m happy to hang out with children and do stuff like hold the baby while visiting so the mum can put washing on/have a quick shower/whatever to help out. Now their children are grown up I’m getting messages asking how I am and if I want to meet up and do stuff, I’ve just left them on read.

I’m still friends with lots of people who had children who didn’t fuck the friendship up and childless/childfree people so I don’t need the friendships that clearly weren’t that strong but their social media and/or messages to me are all about how lonely they are. One posted a long thing on instagram the other day about how when the children are grown up friendships end because you don’t do the school run, clubs, reciprocated babysitting and lifts and stuff like that and how she’s so lonely now all her friends have drifted away and are working now the children are grown etc but when she had her children she told me she couldn’t be bothered to meet up with me because I didn’t have children and so couldn’t add anything to her life like playmates for her children or reciprocal babysitting etc which was a shame for her because I do actually babysit for friends and family although they can’t reciprocate 😂

You get out of life what you put in and that include work, hobbies, family and friends and if they’re not willing to put in them they don’t get anything out 🤷‍♀️

Also your friend should complain because she has covid and one kid. Someone out there has covid and two kids. And they also shouldn’t complain because someone has covid, three kids and a dog. Where does it end. Let’s find the poorest woman in the world with the most illnesses and Dias abilities and kids and pets and the worst house and the shortest upbringing and all that and we’ll all just listen to her complain and no one else gets to complain ever.
You’ve just described Jack Monroe 😂Always the victim (her threads on here will explain!)


VIP Member
I find those conversations hilarious ‘it’s lovely to be away from the kids, so nice just to be ME again and not just MUM, you know! Nice to be out as well, been stuck in the house all week because Daisy had been sick, poor thing, she missed dance class at the weekend because she wasn’t well, she was devastated, she was fine about missing her maths test though haha. Yeah, she’s just watched Disney films mainly….’ And on it goes for three hours until she goes home to be MUM again instead of ME like she has been that night. Apparently.
I’m laughing at missed dance class 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
I think New Zealand/Australia - Berlin is that long. I certainly wouldn’t want to do it with a baby! I feel sorry for the baby and passengers. I reserve my sympathy for the parents until I know why they took a baby on such a long flight 😆
Totally. It can’t be easy for anyone.

You make such sensible and logical points, but I still think if that guy was on a 29 hour flight it must have been intergalactic.

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VIP Member
I thought I’d pop into the Trafford Centre because I’d finished work early - I didn’t realise it must be half term. I can barely move for mummies bellowing “TIA! TIA GERROFF DER NOWWWW!” at their feral spawn.
I hate that place these days! I used to love it (I only live 20 minutes up the road), but now, even late at night in the week, it’s over run with kids screaming and parents shouting. Nando’s is like a crèche 😂


Was it sore to be fitted?
Not going to lie it really was. But an hour and some paracetamol later it was fine. Just felt like light cramps for the rest of the day. Never had any bother with it. Only downside is that some people get slightly heavier periods on it, I haven’t experienced that though.


VIP Member
I asked my sil what her kid's current interests are as I'm starting Christmas shopping. What she said for my nephew was absolutely shocking. He's just turned 9 and she said his "interests" are youtube (how is that an interest) and video games (call of duty).

My husband and I were horrified. She should be embarrassed saying those are his interests 🥴. Maybe I'm out of touch but he is way too young for COD.

So none of that was useful for gift buying in my opinion.
Get him a board game, honestly my boys are Roblox mad but put a fun board game out and they love it


VIP Member
This is like the reverse of what was being said on here yesterday, going on Mumsnet asking for opinions on being child free!

Childless wives reveal how they're judged for not having children

Not going to lie it really was. But an hour and some paracetamol later it was fine. Just felt like light cramps for the rest of the day. Never had any bother with it. Only downside is that some people get slightly heavier periods on it, I haven’t experienced that though.
You’re braver than me! I’ve thought about it before but I just don’t think I could do it🙈 I’d need Valium or something


VIP Member
I love how Halloween is huge now.

Parents were so scared of children being assaulted, kidnapped or worse that they never allowed us to do it where I lived.


VIP Member
Loving the holiday chat! I was wondering if anyone has any really nice 5 star adult only hotel recommendations in warm European countries like Greece? Me and my partner have been to a few of the tui Sensatori hotels before which are lovely but we've have been noticing more and more kids and babies at them so decided next year we need to do adult only 😂. We just don't have the patience for the noise and chaos anymore!
Tui is amazing!

I went to one in the Canaries this summer and it was the dream


VIP Member
i was born in 95 and i never even went trick or treating, let alone carved a pumpkin or did any Halloween activities for that matter.

same at Christmas. I got a chocolate advent calendar, visited Santa when I was tiny and got a stocking and that was it. No elf on the shelf, no fancy advent calendars, no trips out to light shows etc no Christmas Eve box.

even in the summer holidays, I went on a caravan holiday for a week with my grandparents and that was it. No endless days out to the cinema, zoos, theme parks etc I had to learn to deal with boredom.
What’s a Christmas Eve box?