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Tatty's and Silly's new channel has launched!

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View attachment 896400
Are they crowdfunding because they spent their life savings and they'll be broke? Is the chateau theirs to make big muddy nerd plans for? What in the hell is even happening with these lunatics? Dan is the chateau fan favorite and only made 10k for men's health and fun mustaches. The only way I see this coming close to happening is if they already own (or are renting?) the chateau. Tatty filming her feet and Selmar breathing heavily while he feeds the cat or sneaks around an empty castle that's closed to the public isn't going to make a cool half million in a month. At least Marie in Diagon Alley is a realistic story arc. I might be wrong about those money totals and I'm too lazy to go back and look, but wtf?
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T Rex

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I lived in Florida, just north of Tampa, for 16 years and I saw MANY alligators. Some were even right beside busy roads where there were small canals. We even ate at a restaurant named Gators Dockside which served alligator entrees. It's not bad...kinda chewy...LOL
I live in SW FL on the water. This is "Cuddles" chilling on my fish light under the powerboat lift- he showed up and hung out for a few days. He was over 10' long!

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Nobody asked but there is no level upon which the Tatyana/Selmar project can work. If you need to crowdfund to buy the chateau, what funds are you going to use to organise a festival commensurate with the funding contribution, even if it is a token gesture to backers. It is more than a few sandwiches and cups of tea. Even if they raised the purchase price (they won't) how are they going to pay the bills and the taxes. They are not even doing B&B. Why do they need a chateau to make a bit of cash running festivals and dinner dances. (Which would be the most they could hope for). Hire a chateau for the events and get yourself a proven track record (Start by renting LaLande for a weekend) and get a million views on your own Youtube channel. Then you might persuade investors you have a chance. Advent number 24 - Selmar will be spending Christmas will Tatyana in England and then New Year with Steph. What next? Oliver needs a chateau so that he can have several studios to paint? Potts needs a chateau so he can open a bakery and provide artisan bread? Philip needs a chateau to lay a table and plant his tripod?
How about the other elephant in the room. Selmar can’t dance!? He sucks
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Selmar's Patreon account:

He's had his account for 7 months. He must be delusional, there are no fans who want to support him financially.
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@Jeeves Have you ever looked at Tatty's fanfiction? Reams and reams of absolute drivel!
Judging from the interview she has spent far longer thinking about her fantasy characters and storylines than she has on any business plan.
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Maple fairy

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I think he has quite a nest egg from selling his two properties that held a bar and his workshop and then add a payoff from the horrible accident. He bought a nice campervan and has lived meagerly to say the least for several years. It would not surprise me if he had a handsome sum in his bank account and just barely touched it. I know people like this, they work and come home and that's it. They don't buy anything but the absolute necessities and don't do much but stay home and they have all this money in their savings but are afraid to spend it. I'm not saying Selmar is afraid to spend his money but I don't think he is a big consumer either.
I may have misunderstood Selmar but I believe he lost everything. My impression is that he more than likely had debt that he had to satisfy by selling everything he had. As discussed I think it was Le Comte de Monte Cristo said they do not get big settlements for car accidents like the US.
I agree with you that I don’t believe he is a big consumer but I believe he has had his head filled with fantasy. He was probably lonely and & ripe for the picking.
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Reader's digest

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So tattlers were right when suspecting Tatjana being a scam. In 55 days she will disappear with 1245 sold "Tickets" for a mystery operation in Turkey
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If memory serves, @Clara Burnett told us that Selmar is not a pleasant person.
I used to feel sympathetic towards Selmar as he seemed modest and kind and loved animals but as time has progressed, he has increasingly gone down in my estimation. I think he has very dated ideas about women and seemed keen to dominate when Tatty first arrived, although she is now asserting her dominance. He seems to have an inflated idea of his usefulness and importance now, and has no awareness of how boring he and his "flogs" are. I think he really probably resents SJ, which is understandable, but she has put up with him parking his campervan there free of charge and achieving very little workwise. He is very gullible but I think he could probably also be quite nasty. In the announcement vlog, he and Tatty seemed to be sneering inside when they emphasised all the positive aspects of "their" chateau, implying comparisons with CLL. His only saving grace is his treatment of the animals.
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I don't have very good feeling of Tatyana. My senses say that there is something suspicious about her. Her entire presence seems quite shallow and even her speaking voice/tone doesn't sound really hers.

There is no time limit for love or how long you have to love someone to truly love them BUT I always get suspicious when people get together and start making big changes, such as huge financial purchases together. It is just unwise.

How long they have actually known each other, like in person, I don't mean online relationship. Half a year?
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Marty McFly 9

VIP Member
More convo under this one ... seems Caroline Gooder has been challenged, and Jessica isn't happy with Rosalie!

Catalina Rotches
3 hours ago
Im sorry for what im going to write. But i am looking out for Selmar..I dont think i ever heard selmar talk about getting a chateau,untill miss tatiana came into the picture..correct me if im wrong please.. To me it seams like the young women is leading..She is more excited than Sermal..I mean im happy that sermal found someone to be. With .Im sorry everyone if i speak my mind..Sermal is a good soul thats how i see it..

Sleepy Sparrow
3 hours ago
Yeah it feels like a scam

caroline gooder
2 hours ago
Selmar was looking for a Chateau for over a year before he met Tatyana. His dream is a dance school, which he has had for years. The first feature they looked for was the two ballrooms for him, and towers for her. Their dreams coincided.

rosalie jackson
2 hours ago
I think it is actually kind of you to show concern instead of all this puffing up and patting on the back. True care and true friends caution those they care about. Something is very off with all of this, very scammy feeling.

rosalie jackson
1 hour ago
@caroline gooder When he did his interview with Stephanie in the summer of 2020 on Patreon, when she asked him where he thought he'd be in 10 years he said living at Lalande ... he had no plans to chateau shop. When she talked to him on Patreon right before he left this past summer to go on holiday, and home and to pick up Tatyanna, he said he has been with her for a long time, I think it was something like 6 months at that time ... so no, he wasn't looking for a chateau a year before meeting her! He had just arrived at Lalande a year before meeting her. His trips to visit chateaux started getting more serious right about the time he started chatting to Tatyanna online.

7 minutes ago
@rosalie jackson but how can you say that when all he did on his own channel was ho look at chateaux in the neighborhood, he wasn't house hunting because he couldn't afford it, but he was certainly day dreaming

rosalie jackson
@jessicathespy I'm just repeating what came out of his own mouth in his interviews on the vlog and putting them on a timeline that is NOT matching what Caroline said. You can go back and listen in his own words. He definitely started chateau hunting, but the timing of it is right when things started with Tatyanna. Sometimes I think the vloggers think people are not paying attention or we're dumb and clueless.
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SJ was getting irritated by BJJ at the start of the gift grab! He is extremely irritating and he showed his ignorance not knowing when the Renaissance was! Davy had to correct him!
I was waiting for this ..... even rich old men who go after the young PopTarts get sick of them as its the "not much knowledge" and the time line of familiar interests ..... you know , "who was the Beatles ?- whats a Hippy? - I hate 70's music and who are they anyway! ... etc , etc.
SJ see's herself as a connoisseur of "The Arts" -- in All forms !
Squirrel Boy can be very embarrassing for her especially when she is showing off !!
He has to go ! He will .
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Beau Monde

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@Ann G. if you look at the video the outbuildings look in terrible shape. I wonder if these rentals include utilities or if they are extra. You also have to maintain these rental areas as well. Can you imagine a tenant telling them that they have bathroom issue wonder how long it would take Selmar to deal with it.
Hahaha! Delmar, up at noon, walks in slow motion to the rental. Whispers unintelligible nothings and then replaces a mirror. Done. Meanwhile...Tanya dances in her Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves ensemble.
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Does anyone else want to donate a half-eaten something for Tatty and Silly's chateau fundraiser bake sale?

Alex W

1 hour ago
Beautiful chateau….but that business plan sounds a little off (OK, maybe not a little but really waaaay off)! Is anyone else laughing out loud or laughing on the inside?

1 hour ago
Thanks for saying it out loud.

G. Tepper
1 hour ago
Very risky indeed…they already offer one third of the main events to be online? 😳

G. Tepper
11 minutes ago
On January 23 we will know if it burns or glows 😉

Alex W
3 minutes ago
I am tempted to donate a half-eaten pumpkin pie from last Thanksgiving for the live auction. 😅
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omg that gag...Davey is sitting on that couch like a lost cuckoo who has landed in a henhouse...he can bearly keep his eyes open..they have been doing real work..putting up the trees in the courtyard...but thats a big secret untill tomorrows vlog...those trees are there already two weeks..but ok..she is always behind with her footage...its all a big secret..she has no prerecorded gags they are live..they cannot even get the volume right.....what a silly bunch of grabbers...
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VIP Member
Thanks @MojoDublin and congrats @ComtesseRose

To continue on the Selmar and Tatyana discussion...

Have they paid a deposit? On usual French terms they need to pay 10% of the purchase price as the deposit and if you back out, your 10% is gone. There's only ten days to change your mind and not lose the deposit but these two are crowd funding for 55 days.

The deposit can be negotiated but I'm afraid Selmar and Tatyana are going to lose their savings when they fail to raise the rest of the money to close the deal.

Kickstarter link again for this thread as well:
Thanks for another new thread, @MojoDublin

If memory serves, this chateau was for sale at 1.4 million euros.

Pure madness.
And Steph who tells them that this is a business plan ??!!
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Marty McFly 9

VIP Member
Yes, Caroline, it is possible to live on dreams ... NOT!!

gh g
7 hours ago
This is so stupid. How can they possibly hope to raise £390,000 before the end of January?


caroline gooder
5 hours ago
Their dreams will help support festivals and hundreds of other people's livelihoods.

Sandi Foster
2 hours ago
@caroline gooder if they have to fund raise to even purchase this chateau, how are they going to be able to put events on, pay for everyday maintenance of the chateau especially in the winter, buy food, pay employees, get the proper insurance, the list is endless.
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Latest comments in the Revelation CD vlog. it doesn't stop... Was it the eye opener for some of her viewers... ??

CG Espana
25 minutes ago
Can’t afford it? Don’t buy it. Investors? They always need a good business plan. Charity? Risky business. A dig? No, just plain facts.

1 hour agoI'm sorry can someone clarify what is going on here? I'm confused they bought the property but are asking viewers for over $500,000 to fund the rest of it? Something isn't making sense.

1 hour agoBelieve it when I see it!

2 hours ago
Away with the Fairies ...this makes no sense.

toodles oops
6 hours ago
Sorry, but this continuous "importance" of chateaus has suddenly become quite vapid - says debbie downer

8 hours ago
I am sort of surprised Selmar and Tatyana talking about getting a chateau that they cannot afford in light of everything. They don’t seem to have a solid grasp of their financials or the certainty of their brand. Stephanie your optimism usually is contagious but this concerned me for many reasons.


8 hours ago (edited)
I am sure Tatyana is talented and has a great imagination for her storylines, however, this is the first I've ever heard of her duchess character or even that she is a fantasy writer at all. If they were expecting people to come to the medieval festivals and meet the characters from her stories, then there has to be so much more interest online. Does she publish these stories online? What about fan art? Where is the social media presence for this Valdania world? Why isn't their own YouTube channel being used to promote the stories and characters? I mean, I'm not trying to be too hard on them, but there is so much they could be and should be doing to build their brand. Not START by crowd-funding an enormous amount of money for a personal property purchase with the promise of some (possible) future events there. I hope they are taking some of our "naysaying" comments as fair criticism (they are asking for our investments after all...) and they take some time to regroup.
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Caligula Longhbottom
5 hours ago
@LadyCymbeline I mean if I raise half a million dollars, I too can create a contrived court of people and a storyline surrounding it. Before I went to the page, I assumed it would be about 30k or less...which would still be alot.

11 hours ago
Make a budget to pay for a French Attorney, Financial Analyst, Security Agent and all the licenses needed (bonds, insurance, and complete water, electric, sewage, and trash removal costs plus more infrastructure requirements ---- then forecast labor and maintenance BEFORE any 'crowd funding' requests. That way might allow for better success down the road. Best of luck!


G. Tepper
11 hours ago
Exactly! If I would enter my bank with a 17 min. video vlog about my fairytale land for a loan…I would be hearing…Next! 😂
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Chatty Member
you know...sometimes ‘dreams’...are just bullshit...and you wake up the next day...and look at your other half...and we thinking...we really have to stop all the drinking....😎
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