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The real estate agencysite says that the Tatsel..chateau is renovated in 2010...i took a closer look at the pics...those shutters are all gone...the outbuildings...some hmn not so good..There are no pics of all the bedrooms and bathrooms..mostly not a good pics of the attic...There are too little bathrooms for all the bedrooms..people dont wanne share these days...And who did the renovationwork?? prof builders or amateurs...when its done like in Lalalande they may get a big surprise now and then..I would ask for the invoids...The roof doesnt seem to be redone 10 years ago...Maybe some clitter and clatter on the inside...just to make a nice picture...Are the septic tanks in good order....

That moath is very romantic..but when something goes wrong with the roof...its a big problem and costly...

27 are they gonna manage get the taxbill and so much land doesnt give a profit must be happy if a farmer lets his cows on it, or cuts the grass...for free..

The place is next to a village...thats gonna give problems with events...i would recomment first a visit to the local meir.. Do they realise that the park needs lights etc...power for the campers..a big park can be very dark at the electricitysystem up to that..festivals need a lott of electricity..and i know from experencie you need a heavier electricitysuply....and it means they have to dig up the whole park...parkingspaces who are also drivable after a storm or a period of heavy rain...

the outbuildings are rented out...for a peppercornrent..are they gonna move out, so they can be rented out as gites??? I dont know about it in France but here in The Netherlands buying a place is not a legal reason for getting rid of the tennants... And do you want tennants so close to your backdoor...

And another thing...Tat and Sel are in their fifties...when something happens to their health...a chateau is a huge burden..but they are dreamers..when you hear her talk in that vlog..i thought are they in their fifties or just a bunch of five year olds..having a childish game in kindergarten...They both dont seem to me as hard i guss they need staff....omg the more i think about it...its gonna be a disaster , maybe they are the lucky ones when the plan fails...if it suceeds the disaster is just starting...1.7 million...are they nuts??...

After reflection, I'm good. It's the grift that I am not ok with.
He did not like being compared to Ruthy???

View attachment 894925
When I sit by myself, the mind begins to wander. I get a lot of criticism out there, also a lot of praise. I have learned to not pay attention to bad stuff, because whats the point? Does it matter? And as someone who struggles with self confidence I should maybe listen to my own advice of just doing what makes you happy...because I cant always please everybody! Yes I have scars on my face (I see them everyday and cant escape from) which I hide beind the may say I hide my face with my hair too, and the occasional eyeliner to escape from myself. And you know what, its ok! Its not hurting anyone. So what are your thaughts tonight about yourself, and taking time for yourself!?
omg how do all these lunatics find eachother?? is there an app??
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Chatty Member
Ok-so I don't know how to cut and paste from a locked thread BUT -there are: NO INDIANS in NORTH AMERICA unless they are indeed from India. There are: Native Americans, Indigenous Peoples, & 1st Nations Peoples. These people's were erroneously called 'indians' because the Europeans who landed here and 'discovered' the America's- believed themselves to be in India. Also a little known fact, the west coast had Spanish settlements in the mid 16th C well before the pilgrims in 1620. This was always a bone of contention with me in history class because there is a large amount of time between 1492 and 1620 and surely nobody just sat around waiting for a good idea. Thanksgiving is celebrated because the 'winners' write the history and apparently we all sat around with the Native Americans who were delighted to receive us and break bread with us. Look how well it all turned out for everyone-except those who were here 1st. However, there may be some movement in Oklahoma. Both Canada & the USA celebrate Thanksgiving but at different times. The USA celebrates the last Thursday in November and Canada celebrates I think the 2nd?? Monday in October-around Columbus day in the states. Thanksgiving is a MUCH bigger deal in the States than in Canada, but we Americans never miss a chance to sell "stuff" and commercialize the crap out of everything.

I could not bear to watch the videos today. It's all.... just beginning to wear on me. It's becoming tiresome, irksome and.... boring. The money grab is just too much. So many many real people in real need not these spoiled little pissy bitches.

I wonder if T has actually sold her UK house; it did not seem like it in her recent vlog!
May I ask why tf do people think they can just keep EVERYTHING, EVERY PROPERTY THEY OWN , and just have other people pay for shit!! People are such entitled assholes
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Sophie Pétoncule

Well-known member
Wendy's drunk on the Koolaid. It's driving me a bit nuts that they aren't making the connect with what SJ is doing with her grifting and Patreon.
That bothers me too. No one seems to notice that SJ has also bought a chateau that she herself can’t afford to restore/renovate/redecorate without other peoples money (well she prob could if she sold the London lovenest).
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omg that gag...Davey is sitting on that couch like a lost cuckoo who has landed in a henhouse...he can bearly keep his eyes open..they have been doing real work..putting up the trees in the courtyard...but thats a big secret untill tomorrows vlog...those trees are there already two weeks..but ok..she is always behind with her footage...its all a big secret..she has no prerecorded gags they are live..they cannot even get the volume right.....what a silly bunch of grabbers...
Everyone involved with CD, whether they live in that chateau farmhouse or pour money and gifts onto SJ's lap, is cuckoo!
I can't believe some Patron gave Nutty actual DIAMOND jewelry! Whoever that was is clearly not in their right mind.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
View attachment 895280
The Chateau Diaries
Premiered Oct 28, 2021

@11:02 Tatty is in her black shirt explaining the new chateau. Last night flog was filmed 10/28/21.

So why the long wait? Why not get it out a.s.a.p. so they could have had more time to rake in the money? My bet is they already have enough money to push the sale through so when the kickstarter project is almost at its deadline, they will just add enough to be able to keep the cash already donated, like it was suggested here before too. It's a hell of a scam and they are probably all involved.
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I'm sure they offered below the asking price but still looks like they are in it to lose about 100K in deposit money.
its very strange no name or location is maybe they didnt even sign a contract..there was also not much footage shown..also strange..i have the feeling they didnt sign anything...they just got some footage to use to try to buy the place..i guess the sellers agreed onto that...more then a million.. it is not a place you buy like a baquette...
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No one needs to worry about the businessplan. A friend of mine works for the Banque de France, and he sent me a transcript of their meeting last week:

friend: Oh hello Titania, hello Cellmare, how are you?
Taty: Mhhh m mhh
Sel: Yes
friend: can you please tell me about your businessplan, Miss tittentanja?
Taty: möööööp
Friend: Ok, and you Mr. Cellmate?
Sel: money
Friend: Ok. That will surely work out.

you see? All good.
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New member
Brb, gonna go buy a house I can't afford and then invite 2000 old ladies to come to a viking larp in my backyard.
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:sneaky: Right, I'm not even going to comment on the madness of the money side of things. But I want to agree with the ones who've mentioned age. As a man soon to be 50, I pride myself of running rings around youngsters and keeping in good shape. However, even for me (!) I notice age making a difference. Selmar & Tanya are not in their 20's, they will need sleep, rest, quiet & to watch some telly. A one off festival might be doable, but to manage the upkeep of that building & They would have to be mid 20's and extraordinary in every way. This is doomed, and as a fellow here said, even more doomed that Trotter's "relationships".
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Definitely Maybe

VIP Member
Tatty & Silly, it feels like we will soon be watching the equivalent of a car crash in slow motion and we won’t be able to stop ourselves from looking :oops:
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Marty McFly 9

VIP Member
Yes, Susan and Virginia, seeing the light!!


Susan Wallis
29 minutes ago
They’ve bought a chateau with no money to pay for it , but members of the public are going to buy it for them ? How Interesting ! I don’t really see how this will work . Where’s the money coming from to run this place ? Hope they don’t bring Stephanie down with this . I can see a lot of loyal supporters being horrified she’s supported it !


Virginia creeper
13 minutes ago
Indeed well said . Its all very well Steph giving people a leg up but association with this is dreadful. Marie is using as seen on channel 4 on her website! Eg two vases of flowers!

So if I ask for a funding to pay my rent for a year so that I can save some money to feel better about retirement nobody will care. But if I wrote I always dreamt of becoming a primabalerina and now I finally want to live my dream and ask for daily dance lessons by a private instructor (I already got a pink dress) I might be successfull?

I want my mortgage paid off so I can quite working and sit home and read Tattle .... I'm sure there are people out there with disposable income that will feel my pain!
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I think they've sunk every penny they've got into buying the chateau. I think the money is for the costs of the events.
Festivals cost a small fortune to organise, there are so many health and safety issues to consider, so you need public liability insurance, you need venues, stages, sound, lighting. , generators, plumbing, toilets. marquees, medical/first aid, security, permits, road signage, music licence, tents perhaps for the festival goers, glam camping,? actors to play the parts. costumes, merchandising, advertising, waste management, crew, etc. People to clean the site afterwards. Caterers and stalls will pay pitch fees to come of course which will offset some of the cost. If you get event caterers you would pay them to come, but festival caterers pay you.
No, they actually need the money for buying the chateau. They have not disclosed yet how they are going to pay for the costs of the events, because once they have bought the chateau, no events will be organized. They will blame Covid or anything else outside their responsibility.
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Chatty Member
I've reported their project on kickstarter.
As much as I think their plan is pure fantasy, I don't think they are braking any rules on Kickstarter. That platform has a plethora of other fantasy projects never to come to fruition.
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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
I like Dan's vlogs, short and entertaining. The comments have become increasingly more and more painful to read, in the way the saccharine comments are on the chateau diaries vlogs. "Dan you saved my life during lockdown" "How wonderful that you and Stephanie found each other " what is wrong with these people.? Sentimental, desperate and sad. I saw one comment on Stephanies vlog yesterday pairing Stephanie off with first Selmar and then Dan, although he's married. Another person thought Selmar and Stephanie looked just like each other. What wrong with these people?, 😂
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Winter 🥶 has arrived -
the white walkers are feasting as the tartlets watch ….. gobsmacked 😶

Freezing over the Midas touch

You can still get burned 🥵 by ice 🧊

If they use the crowdfunding - as a deposit 💵
How they gonna pay for security - food - staff - light n heat
If all the patrons have prepaid all of their stays ????

White walkers ….
Winter 🥶 has arrived 😈
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Well, so far Fannys deflection is working, we have been engrossed with Le Chateau de Photoshop and rightly so. Meanwhile, that scheming bitch reckons she can operate under the radar
Don't you worry, as usual I'll keep all my eyes and ears on her and her unnecessary schemes.
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