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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Seriously. I think so too.

Why doesn't she just pull her boobs out in the open for all to see??
We saw the barbecue DAYS ago, b#tch!!
That disgusting barbecue was the least of my worries. To hear those self entitled pricks ramble about conserving nature where they would without a doubt build a massive holiday home if only they had not have to pay for it with their own money, makes my blood boil. Potty has zero interest in conserving anything other than his ex girlfriend who he still considers way more important than his current one, the very forgettable Ruthywriter. And SJ can only think of meat to realize she's in Africa. That obnoxious excuse for a woman could have fallen from the earth and still ramble about being in heaven. She will not have the financial report for two years ago ready next week, obviously. She thinks there will be a delay. Yes, there will be, naturally. Let's just hope it's going to be her who's delayed, as in never coming back to the HMN. That would truly save that farmhouse in a way no restoration ever could.

Her and potty pants should just get back together. He is weird too but SO much more tolerable than the little obnoxious boy.
I couldn't agree less and you should be most careful what to wish for. I truly loath the Snorting Squirrel Cameltoe and can't wait for him to fall into the whole he has dug for himself, good riddance whenever that happens but hopefully sooner rather than later. But nothing about Potty is more tolerable in real life, he is SJ's plotting partner in all her endeavors, if not the mastermind behind it all. If those two would decide to become an official couple again (as we all know they never stopped being, really) I will never set foot on their grounds again, and that's a promise I love to keep. Oh wait, maybe I should dare them then...
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Marty McFly 9

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Can anyone make out the name of the hospital on his gown? The letters are backwards…but it appears to be a hospital in France (maybe). I’d like to send him some flowers. 😀
If you send flowers, say hello from the rest of us at Tattle.Life!! :)

Thank you to those of you who gave us an update on Phiphi's vlog .... I won't be watching!!
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Am I the only one willing to wait to see how Michael is before being heartless and critical? Surely some others have compassion.
I may not be his biggest fan, but no one want to be hospitalized - especially these days!
I agree, but let's be honest: would he be posting a picture like that if it was all that serious? He doesn't care enough about his viewers normally to keep them updated about what's going on in his miserable life, so I can totally understand this sudden outburst makes many of us suspicious.

So long as he's ok. I'm kind of fond of a lot of you and I notice when someone is MIA.

Speaking of new material, there was a new cadeau today that I couldn't bring myself to finish!
Her cadeaux episodes are never new and always impossible to watch, so you haven't missed anything.
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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
Well spotted!

Anyone else endeavouring to launch their business would jump at any opportunity to promote themselves and would have responded to the approach in a much less dismissive manner. Had she said she was away "doing a floral tutorial" with a client for a couple of days but would love to have a chat with Breakfast Piers on her return, she would have left the door ajar and not sounded ungracious, unprofessional and mannerless.

She is the absolute limit. Wants it all for zero effort.
She's a shithead and I just can't with her anymore. She can take her fake, coy, Vaseline lens, Summer's Eve, meadow frolicking bullshit persona and fuck off.
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:coffee: :sneaky: Good morning. Those who've been here for a while will know I've never been a fan of young Trotter. He has annoyed me no end, I have found it so irritating to watch him lie to himself and others, making excuses for himself, and putting out his begging bowl with great entitlement. I did not enjoy seeing him waste his chance in life one little bit and it also annoyed me that people paid for him to be a bum. So, you've never heard me say anything nice about the "boy" (another irritating thing, and adult man making excuses like a child, no responsibility for own actions). But, today is the day. I did watch his new vlog. He took some responsibility in a way, for the first time ever. Well, at least he owned up to his failings, and accepted that something wrong with him (ADHD) was at fault, not everyone else (including us haters here). I think he might be right. There may be other mental issues to address also,but ADHD seems very plausible and ties in with his behavioural patterns. Like other people here, I think he needs therapy too. When he looks back, he might find that all too depressing. He needs to resolve issues and move forwards. I hope he manages! I wish him well. And I feel people finally got a kind of "mea culpa" from him, he did thank those who'd stood by him when he's been a dick. Trotter boy has a clean slate with me now, I like the honesty and that he is finally doing something in the right direction. This I will follow with curiosity, and good luck to him.

She might be powdering her nose.
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So MPK....

...decides to quit smoking, and I'm guessing, all other substances he abuses, only to be dependent again on ADHD medication.

...says smoking made him age a lot.

...blames ADHD for his bad spending habit/addiction---especially on Spode; his laziness and not being able to follow through/finish what he starts.

...thought he had a stroke, but doctors found nothing wrong with him.

...makes fun of himself from all his earlier videos and how watching them makes him cringe now (Please don't do a Mrs. Patmore impression again).

...updates viewers about the work that his ADHD failed to finish.

...buys a ton of fuel he has nowhere to store for the AGA that he hardly uses.

...gets a lot of heckling from his brother on the live chat!

Watching you is like watching a child grow up....let's see how long this change will last.


Last year, you blamed everything wrong in your life on your sexuality.

If something goes wrong again we'll blame the ADHD because no failure of yours is ever your fault.

Right? Wrong.
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Here's another example of the fruitful teachings of our charlataine, who instructed her boyfriend The Snorting Squirrel Cameltoe to never be honest online if you can avoid to...
Dan has used the same music for literally 200 videos! And there is no way in hell that squirrel hasn't watched them...
The stupid music is so catchy I find myself singing it sometimes!

I call B-F'ing-S
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I truly believe that Marie & Selmar really had some serious damage done to them during their stays at LL. While no excuses for them, I’m not a fan of either of them, they do seem to be naive and gullible people. Being love bombed constantly for months on end and their heads filled with dreams of lollipops and gum drops really did a number on them. They started to believe how wonderful and special they were, how amazing everything they did was. Stephanie told them to start their own YouTube channels so they would be as unbelievably successful as she was. People would just hand them easy money, everyone would love them, life would be paarfect.

I think Marie & Selmar really took it hard when Stephanie found new favorites and the reality of life slowly started to set in. I don’t think they have adjusted well to life in the real world. The ghosts of glitter parties past continue to haunt them.

Marie & Selmar, stop being entitled children. Maybe social media isn’t good for either one of you. The world is a rough place that can chew you up and spit you out. Nothing will be handed to you. Nobody owes you anything. Grow up and make it happen for yourselves! Do it! ❤
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Well with the land purchase Ruthie can start her next novel “I had a jungle residential block in Africa at the foot of a natural reserve….”
There's nothing very natural about that plot of land and it's certainly not neighboring a natural reserve. Ffs, it's a plot of land in what hasn't been jungle for the longest time because it was turned into a villa park for the rich and predominant white people who want to pretend they are somehow more important and need their place in the sun. The fact that Sj feels at home there should give you a clear impression.

Any patreon comments on the land grab? I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them suggest donating to Potty’s new venture.
That's the plan indeed. They won't like us calling them out before they've had the chance to properly present it as a charity, but it won't stop them anyway. She's in desperate need of a money laundering project to divert attention from the HMN.
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I didn't know of this village, and it's story. Is only about 2 hours from Fanny but she would never do a video on it.
I'm glad Peter did this video and not Fanny. He has given it the right respect.
Oradour sur Glane is located near Limoges, not very far from Lalande.

In short :
After the Allied landing in Normandy in 1944, the French Resistance intensified their actions. In result, the infamous Das Reich Division (SS Panzers) was ordered to proceed to severe retaliations against the civilians.

Note : Germany had been busy to rearm in secret their army since 1933 while other countries respected the Versailles Treaty not to do so. In consequence, the German army was over equipped in comparison to the other European armies (especially powerfull tanks, weapons, etc). The SS were the worse of the Nazi army in term of barbarism.

Oradour sur Glane is one of the 3 French villages to have been erased, massacred, atomised by the German SS Division. Women, children, elderly raped and burnt alive in the village church. Men (as young as 15) shot down in the village square.

I suppose this story is not Life, Love and Laughter for our Chatelaine (rightly so).

Here is a link in english.
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That is hilarious! His video going viral. When monkeys fly!!
You know what I’d like to see him do a video of? I’d like for him to lay out what his plan was in coming to volunteer. Like how many days he thought it would take to get in her pants? The plotting he did with his mother on how to woo a lonely woman in the middle of nowhere. The possible effect it would have in his career if he became a feature in the vlogs? His ideas for his own channel. His ideas on how he could work an invite to meet Tess’ squeeze and make contacts. You know, the stuff he’s actually interested in. Maybe that would go viral? 🤣
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:coffee: :sneaky: Good morning. Those who've been here for a while will know I've never been a fan of young Trotter. He has annoyed me no end, I have found it so irritating to watch him lie to himself and others, making excuses for himself, and putting out his begging bowl with great entitlement. I did not enjoy seeing him waste his chance in life one little bit and it also annoyed me that people paid for him to be a bum. So, you've never heard me say anything nice about the "boy" (another irritating thing, and adult man making excuses like a child, no responsibility for own actions). But, today is the day. I did watch his new vlog. He took some responsibility in a way, for the first time ever. Well, at least he owned up to his failings, and accepted that something wrong with him (ADHD) was at fault, not everyone else (including us haters here). I think he might be right. There may be other mental issues to address also,but ADHD seems very plausible and ties in with his behavioural patterns. Like other people here, I think he needs therapy too. When he looks back, he might find that all too depressing. He needs to resolve issues and move forwards. I hope he manages! I wish him well. And I feel people finally got a kind of "mea culpa" from him, he did thank those who'd stood by him when he's been a dick. Trotter boy has a clean slate with me now, I like the honesty and that he is finally doing something in the right direction. This I will follow with curiosity, and good luck to him.
I am agreeing with @Heathcliffe here and like you, Teabag (and his family) have been my least liked inhabitants of Chateauland.
I do feel that it's likely that he has ADHD and this has surely been evident throughout his life. As @Madame No No suggested, it was very unlikely that concerns weren't raised about this from his school (We were very aware of ADHD and the use of Ritalin and other medications used to treat effects of ADHD back then.). I suspect that even when concerns were raised, Ma came up with excuses for her Golden Child's behaviour - she's still doing it. We've heard them all from parents in similar situations - he's bored, personality clashes, you don't understand him and so on.). It sounds as though his school recognised the problem and offered him the chance to stay on to Sixth form and he blew that too. I bet he was an absolute nightmare in school and his mother would be on the warpath blaming everyone else for her son's actions. Now she just has to delete and block anyone who comments! The world of work opened up new opportunities for him to slip further into the mire, leading him to be sacked from every job. He's lurched from one crisis to another, running home to hide behind his mother. (I think Mick dispaired of him years ago and Michael has undoubtedly been a cause of friction for the family.). I would hazard a guess that Billy and Sadie have grown up seeing Michael excused for his actions and there must be some lingering resentment, even though we have seen them try to follow the party line and defend him. Enough is enough though.

I thought he seemed calmer in his latest vlog. As someone said, he spoke slower, with more focus. There was less eye darting and fidgeting. This may well be the effect of the methylphenidate (Ritalin.) Ritalin is an amphetamine (CNS) which affects neurones. If taken by someone who does not have ADHD, it can cause highs etc, which is why many addicts try to get hold of it. It will soon become apparent if this is the case.

Addicts will also try to get hold of opiates but that doesn't stop morphine being prescribed if needed. Perhaps the substance abuse we have long suspected was an attempt to quieten his brain.

It sounds as though he has been prescribed Ritalin by his doctor and I hope that he will be monitored. I presume there will be a psychological referral at some point. I don't know the process in France. Here, when children are referred for an ADHD diagnosis, they would have a SCAP profile and a Conners Questionnaire completed by the school.

Ritalin (and the CNS meds) can work extremely well for many children with ADHD/ADD however it is not suitable for all. I know of a number of children who suffered excessive weight loss for instance, as it can also be an appetite suppressant and had to stop taking it.

I don't like Teabag and I don't believe there is any excuse for his scrounging and sense of entitlement. I don't believe that it in anyway excuses his obsession with Spode - that was greed. Giving up whatever he was smoking can only be a good thing - however I don't believe that this would give the miraculous improvement to his skin he is claiming - he's been playing with filters! You don't cancel years of skin damage caused by smoking in just a few weeks. (I've never smoked which explains the youthful countenance in my avatar! )

I hope he can clean his act up and make a new start - I'm not holding my breath - but this could be a new start for him. He has had many opportunities handed to him, let's hope that he can make good use of this one. I believe that he should step right away from You Tube at this point and focus on sorting himself out, working on his cottage and doing a full day's work with Billy. Then we can really see if it has an impact.
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Am I the only one willing to wait to see how Michael is before being heartless and critical? Surely some others have compassion.
I may not be his biggest fan, but no one want to be hospitalized - especially these days!
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me
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so is she really wanting us to believe...that the buyers of that daybed..paid between 7000 and 10000 euros...reupholstered it and sold it back again for less thean 4500 euros..they must be mad...they were not mad..Fanny was..she paid a lott more than 4500 euros...Are her followers/ patreons really gonna believe this shitstory??
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Chatty Member
"living life basically" WTF!!!! She really pisses me off!!!🤬
I am continually amazed at FRK's pathologies and poor decisions. She does nothing to grow her business; she takes one step forward then two steps backward.

Her latest vlog is titled "Come And Visit Me in Haworth." Well someone took her up on her invitation. A local internet radio personality dropped by looking for her on Friday and was surprised she wasn't there. He left a message on her Insta page. FRK--who likely already departed to points north--gave her stock reply that she isn't a florist shop. Little did she know who the person was or that he was interested in setting up an interview and promoting her business on his show Breakfast with Piers. Well, that's never gonna happen. And, while sipping her Riesling in Scotland, she still has no clue about this missed opportunity.

Thick Marie is finally realizing she has worn out her welcome in Haworth and is looking for new pastures. She didn't take the hint when they paid her to leave for Norway. Most everyone there was annoyed with her right from the start. The last straw (at least for me) was her recent shouting to someone down the street from a first floor window. She is in a suspended state of reality and continues to act as if she is in some farmyard at an HMN.
instafool b.PNG
instafool c.PNG
instafool d.PNG
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Marty McFly 9

VIP Member
It's the closest Phiphi will get to having anything remotely resembling a banana in his trunks! 🍌 The idiot was waffling on about the vermin monkeys! When will he learn to keep his mouth shut instead of displaying his ignorance to all and sundry?
He REALLY needs to work on his listening and learning skills ... he doesn't realize what he doesn't know yet, but hasn't the humility to understand that. ::eyeroll::
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Ann G.

Chatty Member
I suspect IJ egged him to buy them when they were in the shop together, knowing full well he is an idiot and that it will take some effort and expense to get them back to France. Exactly the type of underhanded thing I expect from IJ.
Perhaps IJ's hoping he'll just leave it at her house in know that's not going to be his last shopping excursion. Since the shop owner told him that the couple she was selling the crystal for was downsizing, I'm betting we'll see him pick up more pieces for his new found collection of Waterford crystal before the dynamic duo heads back to the farmhouse. To be honest, if I were in a shop with that much old Waterford with the original boxes, I'd snap it up as well. :)

The Fleuries posted a new video of the concrete being poured for their new kitchen. Philipp opened with: "A couple of days ago, this was still a shabby, neglected, run-down room..." (Many chuckles, as the Fleuries kitchen was far nicer, functional and cleaner in its "derelict state" than the CLL kitchen on a good day- Fanny, take some notes.) They also had a bunch of trees that were downed in a previous storm (and bartered with their farmer neighbour to haul it away for firewood), and the farmer's horse escaped the fence and decided, "Honfleur is nice- I'll spend the day here." Anna, who has apparently befriended all of the horses, and knew the one by name, led it back home, which was quite endearing. Phillip set up the makeshift kitchen counter (which looked precarious AF, but Anna was kind, and said it looked great) in the laundry room temporary kitchen, and explained later that while they initially wanted underfloor heating, it would have cost an additional $5K, so they nix'ed the idea, and instead are adding extra insulation. (Priorities and projects apparently differ between chateaus, as Fanny spent that amount on wallpaper for a powder room for a chateau that has no proper heating.) While some find the Fleuries dull, I enjoy their vlogs, as they work together, get things done properly in an order that makes sense, and prioritize their projects and stick to budget without being ostentatious. I am looking forward to the kitchen reveal after it is done.
Agreed, I'm looking forward to seeing the new kitchen too...I really enjoy watching them. They have a great dynamic and it's refreshing to see them complete the jobs they start out to do. If they're not capable on their own, they have no qualms about hiring properly trained and professional help when's nice watching responsible adulting. They know how to prioritize properly and don't spend money foolishly, unlike the lady of the farmhouse whose show can promote anxiety....these two are easy to watch and I love seeing their property come together. It was pretty funny when Philipp said he wanted a donkey and then Anna replied that she'd be the one to end up taking care of it...I think she's right. ;)
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PJ was playing with his Greek salad like a child. Why order a salad that comes with feta cheese? if you can't/don't like the feta order it without.
Who in the hell doesn’t like feta cheese? Squirrel has the palate of a two year old. 🙄 It would drive me crazy to dine with him.
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Am I the only one willing to wait to see how Michael is before being heartless and critical? Surely some others have compassion.
I may not be his biggest fan, but no one want to be hospitalized - especially these days!
Sadly I have been in hospital a lot and I forbid anyone taking a photo of me there--
let alone one where I have centred my cannula right up front of the photo !!
I was hospitalized three times last year for over a week each time and because of covid no patients could have Any visitors!
It was hard going with no family support to help you talk to the doctors and make big decisions...he is just "sending it up " !

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