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Cook with me for my kids…so you won’t eat that poor attempt?! Boiled rice, chicken nuggets (you can call them goujons or chunks but they are nuggets) with broccoli and she thinks she’s nigella.
Well nigella won’t be quaking as last time I looked, she didn’t wear a dingy coloured ill fitting bra that doesn’t close the gap that is the Grand Canyon between her chest!
I’ve had an unbelievably busy week, I’ve made more effort in the kitchen, she calls this her job!!
This. 👏 And how can she not know how to spell broccoli? Seeing as she's such a foodie!
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You can always tell the difference between kids who are naturally skinny and kids that are malnourished. And by looking at the parents. Daisy and Stan are both malnourished
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Hello its me

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Just because you’re a lard arse there is no need to be doing feck all at a caravan!!!

Up and showered and out for the day exploring or jumping in the car to somewhere new for the day!!!!

She’s making such a big thing of bringing the dog!!!! Our Dog came everywhere with us (if the property allowed) as it’s a holiday for them too 🐾♥🐾♥

They are a pair of self indulgent lazy feckers 😡
The more I look at this picture the more it grinds my fucking gears the way she holds that phone 😂😂 like why does she hold it like that?
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This. It's not going to be a long walk is it? Clearly not intending chasing her kids about or planning on kicking a ball around. Honesty, she looks ridiculous wearing that out. And I daresay she's got five layers of foundation and sparkly eye shadow on as well! 🤪
Yes all made up and doing that really creepy grin, watching her family and being all whimsical. I do think the thinness/odd joints of the kids could be due to Sticklers. I looked online as I had never heard if it and there were pics of kids with it, some were really thin. Mind you, we also know they are fed absolute shit and small portions, the fact Charl opted out of having her kids health checked at school speaks volumes.
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Chatty Member
Can’t even be bothered to get out of her car to take a photo?!
And the lunch - so sad. If you didn’t put it on insta it didn’t happen…might as well not have. Away on a free holiday and she is still working.
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Chatty Member
Frank is a waste of fucking space.

Things I think he does in the house -
Cut the grass
Cook for Charlotte once a week
Drive the family to gifted days out
The occasional BBQ

Apart from shagging and putting up with Charlotte, does he do anything else?!
I mean putting up with her must be exhausting so no wonder he doesn't do anything (joking)
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Chatty Member
I would have thought as Charlotte has sticklers & Daisy was born with it, that they (hospital/doctors) would keep a close eye on Stan - even though he wasn’t born with many/ any obvious signs. I really hope she is seeking medical advice behind what she shows us - but seems odd as she shares literally everything- especially when Daisy was born, hearing aids etc.
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Hello its me

VIP Member
Why does she always do the lingering fingers over anything she’s bought. Showing a few bits from H&M for Stan and Daisy and always the flow creepy fingers 🤢🤢. I hope she plans on buying them new stuff nearer the holiday. The amount she spends on herself and yet the get a couple of cheap tees two months before they go away,
It's Charlotte we're talking about, they'll get nothing but cheap shit. She'll never ever spend on them kids which is so unfortunate
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Chatty Member
A) you wear heavy makeup constantly, why you lying Chart

B) even if I had Chart’s amount of dead time on my hands to stare at myself in a mirror long enough to realise my eyes were ‘popping’, I wouldn’t post about it online 😂

Just the absolute narcissism gobsmacks me
Yeah charl your eyes look no different soz love 😂🫣🫠
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Hello its me

VIP Member
I am cross at his dad actually as he could have done something and said no to Will being online. We know she’s a c**t but you’d think his dad would at least have put his foot down over her pimping out his kid.
What if he did say no and she contained to post him? There's not much that could be done to stop it really and she'd definitely have played 'this is my income this is how I support him to have the life he does'
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