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They seem to eat pizza at least once every week, sometimes twice. I know I’ve said this before but why won’t she just cook a big pot of something that can easily be heated up? Like, a big pot of chicken curry for example. It’s easy to make, you can do it first thing in the morning and then pop it in the fridge. Put dinner on the table for the kids and eat WITH THEM and then it Mark is running late he can heat some up when he gets home. It’s just so lazy, putting in frozen pizzas and letting them eat it alone because she’s pissed at 5pm and going to make some flamboyant dinner for Mark. Like, fuck Mark. He’s a grown man. He can reheat and eat something when he gets home. Her priority should be making her kids a proper nutritious meal and sitting down at the table with them to eat, to actually engage with them over a shared meal. Her kids are like an afterthought - she thinks of herself first & foremost, then social media/“work”, then Mark, then somewhere behind all that is the kids. I honestly think she’s a disgrace.
Totally weird. Yesterday was pretty busywork wise but I still managed to do chicken satay in the slow cooker. 10 mins to cooks some rice and and make a salad. Lid on rice to keep it warm so husband and I ate later. All of us at the same stuff in two sittings. This is from someone who was up til 1am working snd then up at 6am to start the day. Lots of people will have done the same as me yesterday and managed to get something decent on the table. It’s not hard and sort of a bare minimum. If you’re pratting about all day at home refreshing your emails to see if Channel Mum have finally sent you a new ad, there really is no excuse

I also don’t think the “so anxious” about doing the ad yesterday was really the best intro to whatever brand has been silly enough to pay Charlotte to stand bent double in front of a mirror “showing off” their clothes.

It’s not very positive puts the focus firmly on Charlotte rather than the brand. Not professional at all.
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That nationwide ad has gone down like a turd in a lift!!!!!! Hahaha!!!!!
What an embarrassment!!’
Presumably the answer to the person wanting to extend (not clear what? Their mortgage term or the amount which dopey hasn’t bothered to clarify) will be please go into your local branch or ring us so we can consider your own specific facts and circumstances. WTF is the point of that? It makes it look like Nationwide are locked in a cave with no access to the internet so need to use Charlotte’s page to access the world

Plus banks are really trying very hard to encourage online safety - not putting any identifying financial details on the internet at all to try and counter fraud but here we have Nationwide trying to encourage us to post sensitive financial information/data on some random’s open Instagram account?! A random who is not even registered with the ICO?! There is NO disclaimer there telling people not to do that. If I am half witted enough to obtain financial advice via Charlotte, I am certainly stupid enough to post something staying: hello. My mortgage account number with you is xxxxxxx. I am trying to borrow £25k for a new kitchen. I’m a part time teacher snd my husband works for Tescos. Pls help. How long before that’s taken down?!?! Nationwide have no access to Charlotte’s page snd we all know she is veerrrrrry busy or might have a “headache” and not be looking at Instagram.

This is really not acceptable
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🎵 She's spending most her life
Living as a 1950s housewife
Food cooked for the little mites
Looks like portions for tiny little mice

🎵 She's spending most her nights
Drinking alcohol and talking utter shite
She looks like an absolute fright
Treats her kids with nothing more than spite

Rap that Charlotte
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She’s worn that manky jumper in stories at least 3 times this week. Gifting people like her all those toys ffs what is wrong with these companies? If they insist on using these cunts they could at least get THEM to gift them to their local childrens ward or maybe a local charity so deserving people get them. So, so out of touch. And the comments on the posts!!! I’ll take being a nasty troll who sees through the bullshit any day than a dopey easily influenced idiot lining the pockets of these monsters.

“Mums are real hero’s” fuck off you twat your kids are the hero’s as they’re the one filling your bank account you dumb fuck
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You didn’t have time, YOU COMPLETE DIMWIT, because you were prattling on at random strangers on the internet and pretending it’s ‘work.’

Anyone who has time to do boomerangs of dipping toast in eggs is and yet says they’re busy is (1) a lazy fecker and (2) so self-absorbed they’re lost up their size 13 chubby arse.



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Did I count FIVE Home Sense candles? Totalling around £50 - no mention of an ad or anything. Can't buy her kids new shoes. She's abhorrent isn't she.

Also, she's not mentioned the Queen once before today. Why is she pretending like she was her biggest fan.
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Hi Charlotte. I'm a single parent. I have a deposit for a house yet despite being on a pretty decent income, no mortgage will cover the cost of a house in the area I have lived my entire life, worked in, served my community and my child goes to school in. All this, despite my rent being £700 more than the mortgage would cost per month. As a single person, I'm screwed because we're overlooked and I don't want a partner.

Any advice?
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Here we go again.. both nervous for a kids birthday party she’s giving her kids the inability to be normal and to relate change to nervousness of detachment! It’s your problem Charlotte stop making your kids feel bad for being kids and enjoying the things kids do ffs!
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Notice she covered up Stans school badge today. Tell us you read tattle without telling us you read tattle 👋
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This is what is so wrong with it. They're HER words, not his. The words 'mama day' not 'Stan day' once again shows us that she's been vocalising how it's all about 'me me me' - if he has said it, his words are what he's heard and once again it's about HER. He's vocalising his mother's pain, grief, loss and he shouldn't be. It's dire.
You are so right here👌🏻
If he said it it’s because he’s overheard her in her self pity againnnn and a wee boy is in a roundabout way trying to comfort his very needy mama!!😡
Omg I really really feel so sorry for those kids having to actually try and parent their parent!!!
Ps the mama dada thing makes me cringe 😬
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I am CRYING at the beep story hahahahaha honestly how was it made into a 2 minute story 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 her life is so mundane and shit
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Charlotte, we know you read here. I know this is why you've posted this image. You think it's funny. You are probably sat giggling thinking you've got one over on us. Offering bait hoping we'd bite. You know what this behaviour really tells us? You're a very disturbed women. Your son is only four and you think it's okay that he's been playing an Xbox for many years, face against the screen, no interaction from his mother or father. You thought, I'll pretend I'm not bothered by showing Stan with a games controller as a baby. You wanted to laugh at our expense. It's not working. You look like a terrible parent. You look twisted. You are an embarrassment. Your kids have a shit mother and one day you'll get your comeuppance. You sad, lonely, pathetic excuse for a mother.


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She’s so infantile it stresses me out. Why does she talk like a child? Going to the doctors for a couple of headaches ffs. How this woman makes it through day to day baffles me 🤣
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Who makes an entire reel of themselves eye fucking the camera?
Who has time or money for that much self indulgence? We're in a financial crisis, people don't know if they'll be able to eat come December and she's having her fucking hair done to match the seasons and making a reel of it?

Oh and of course, her hairdresser is also her friend!!!
Get a job Charlotte, please just get a job
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She sounds SO patronising in the latest grocery haul when she says “Mark is working in his office this week because we have somebody round to fit radiators and Mark can’t work when there is a bit of noise. I’m fine working around noise but Mark isn’t. Bless him”

Mark has a REAL job Charlotte where he probably has to talk on the phone to REAL people who actually talk back to him. 🙄🙄
I DETEST how she constantly fondles and touches all the food items.

“We’ve got some bananas” - slides her hands all
Over the bunch of bananas and then taps all of her fingers on them as she’s speaking/“I’ve got some crisps” while picking up and putting down a multi park of crisps 10 times and then patting them - like for fucks sake does a packet of crisps or a bunch of bananas or anything else really need an introduction and explanation?! No one cares. I genuinely don’t understand these food shopping videos. She doesn’t buy anything that’s particularly interesting or new, it’s basic household staples that most people buy a variation of themselves. I don’t think anyone needs some dimwit like Charlotte to
Show them a trolley of shopping that literally everyone down their local Tesco probably has on any given day.
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Omg the fucking 'me' time at Costas 'cos Frank's off to the football for the AFTERNOON!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Me, me, me, me. Your kids go back to school next week Charlotte, can't you even spend the last couple of days with them? She's the most selfish women in the world.
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🙋‍♀️Hi charl, any chance you could treat yourself to a new rug sometime soon? That one you feature most days in your stories puts me right off my Muesli 🤮😩😂it’s fucking filthy woman!
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