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Little miss ungrateful has gotten right on my last nerve!!! What I’d give to afford a printer to make our homeschool life easier!!! I’m bloody writing/drawing out my own versions of the worksheets 😡. She’s so fucking ungrateful!!!
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I find it really shocking that Daisy was ending her insta stories by putting her hand over the lens. She must have seen her mum do that soooooo many times, you know, because Charlotte films so much of their private life at home. It’s terribly sad that a 4 year old is mimicking her mother’s behaviour (talking to strangers online) and thinking it’s normal.
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The fact that she’s telling everyone on her stories that she is working and doing admin this evening indicates that this isn’t a regular occurrence for her 🙄 Meanwhile lots of us have been working every evening when the kids are in bed for months 🤦‍♀️
Exactly this. I've worked most evenings since the first lockdown once my kids are in bed I sit at the laptop catching up. I need to take 2-3 hours out of my work day to homeschool so thats how I catch up. Charlotte doesn't have an actual job, regardless of however she wants to dress up filming her kids, it isn't a job. Nobody cares if she is editing her pictures or videos in the evenings, its not relatable because its not a real job!

I can't even watch her vlogs anymore as she really grates on me. I watched her home and bargain video and thought what a waste of money on stuff she didn't need. She is the worst for pretending she cares about limiting her contact but visits coffee shops and supermarkets far too frequently. She meal plans but always needs to get extra food in which suggests she is shit at meal planning. She uses a home delivery slot when she has no real reason to. I do my food shop when my husband is home at about 6pm. He does bath and bed whilst I get the shopping/put it away. She could even send Mark the Prestonian.

Charlotte is such a drain to watch lately.
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Hi all 🙋‍♀️
First time poster here, but I’ve been lurking on this thread for a while now. Gotta say Ladies you have kept me sane! I used to like Charlotte (I started following her as my girl was born with a cleft palate) but now I cannot stand her! Especially in the last few months, she seems to have gotten insufferable. I love coming on here and hearing the TRUTH, not the bull she tries to sell! I feel i’m kinda similar to her - albeit I don’t have a ‘hard job’ like Char 🙄. I’m a SAHM with 3 young kids. It is NOT easy, it is NOT a fairy tale - especially right now with lockdown and homeschooling! I’d love to be able to have the time to put make up on and potter about taking photos and videos (although NOT of my kids)’s just not possible! Not for me anyway. I’m also around her size (16/18) and I cannot stand the fake ass selfies she takes - all she is doing there is making people feel worse about their size rather than showing you can be comfortable in the skin you are in OR she could even admit - yes I am x size, I don’t like it, I am going to change etc...I feel it’s so unhealthy to act like everything is wonderful and portray that image to the world but then also have the audacity to say she’s finding things hard! Well if that’s true then maybe show some of that reality and actually be relatable. Sorry that was a long post! Had to get that out 😂
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I honestly can’t believe she took her 3 children for a trip to Home Bargains in the middle of a global pandemic 😬 I get it she NEEDED pet food and toilet roll but as we’ve said SO many times on here she didn’t need to take all 3 kids. Maybe Stan if Mark is working and on the phone but just stick the other two in front of the tv or iPads for an hour. They don’t need a trip out to buy bath bombs. Go get them yourself if they are that essential 🙄 she even moans about not being able to buy Easter things because she had all 3 kids with her......WHAT?! Just don’t take them. I can’t believe a) she took them b) she wasn’t in the slightest concerned about theirs or other shoppers safety just the fact it was hard work shopping with all of them and c) she then posted a video to thousands of subscribers about all the “great” things she found in HB encouraging them to go out and buy random crap too!!
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The really fucking stupid part is that she actually has the means to create some decent content, rather than just rely on the rampant consumerism that she has always known. As a well off lady in a nice home with a back yard, I'll list off some video ideas she could do over the next month:
- "Random Acts of Kindness With Kids" - draw happy chalk messages on the footpath outside neighbours' homes, record a video message and send to a loved one, write some cards/draw a picture and send to a nearby nursing home, etc
- "Care basket for XX" = this ties in to her love of hauls, but she could look at what could be put into a care basket for an elderly neightbour, a single parent, someone who lives alone, or even go through the top 10 items requested by foodbanks at this time
- "How to spice up your daily walk" for kids, she could put together things like scavenger hunts, numeracy activities (counting items, recognising patterns, distance x time etc), rock dropping
- Getting the garden ready for spring - planting summer bulbs, getting a little raised bed or clearing a patch of garden for a veggie bed, even how to make a basic greenhouse out of old squash bottles and starting some seeds - kids love that kind of thing
- Implementing a 'Household Community' chore system - she has three kids of varying ages, talk about what it's appropriate to ask each age to do, and how to motivate them to be giving and responsible members of a household community and contribute to the house

... oh wait. If she did that, she wouldn't be able to play the martyr and do all the housework. To do activities on a walk, it would have to be longer than 5 minutes. To work in the garden would actually take regular maintenance and energy. And SHE'S the one who gets care packages dropped round to HER (Thanks Auntie Debbie).

Maybe I should pack in being a teacher and get on this insta-shilling gravy train - I have some ideas!!
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The stories of her pretending to be the dog have tipped me over the edge. Staying at home for the past 5 years has shrunk her brain, she needs adult interaction desperately.. persuade her to get a job sharky. If my friends or family saw me posting stories like that they would take the piss, why does everyone stand by and let her make a complete tit of herself. Poor, boring, lazy, size 13 cow.
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This woman is completely and utterly RIDICULOUS. There's no denying this is a shit time for everyone, but the poor little me attention-seeking act every day does my head in with this one. Your whole family lives on your effin' doorstep, you've seen them loads. I know it's not the same, but some of us haven't seen relatives in a year. Literally not seen them at all, not even a single doorstep chat. Do one.
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She has really annoyed me now. Yapping again about missing the grandparents that she has seen on the regular, that have literally just been on her doorstep. Charlotte, you have NO IDEA what it's been like for some of us. I haven't seen my parents in 8 months yet, they only live half an hour away.My dad is extremely vulnerable. I didnt get Christmas with them, or my birthday, or his birthday, or my mums birthday. They've missed my kids birthdays. My dad had a hospital appointment next week, I usually take him to those, and we were actually excited for it, because it gave us an excuse to be together and now it's been cancelled 😔
So dry your eyes, you pathetic woman, you don't know how blessed you are.
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Seriously what part of STAY AT HOME does this idiot not understand? Why does the daft plumb keep taking her kids out to the shops? Those kids do not need to be going into fucking home bargains or anywhere else. Leave them at home!!!!! What is wrong with her?!
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A reply to Tattle questioning her claims.
If you’re truly comfortable in your own skin then own it, Charlotte. You’re not a size 12 or a 14. It’s not body shaming to call you out on blatant lying.
No one cares what size you are. We care that you lie.

View attachment 411635

Stop lying about your clothes size. Infact, stop talking about what size of clothes you bought - no one cares, apart from you it would seem. Stop trying to convince yourself that you are a size 14. We all have eyes, we can all see your body and we can all tell that you are far bigger. No one cares but because you constantly lie about it and constantly make an issue out of it, people will comment!!!!!

stop photoshopping your pictures and stop contouring your body into poses to make yourself look slimmer than you are. Again, no one cares but you - no one is asking you to take photos of yourself like this. No one cares. But stop trying to make yourself look a certain way. It’s insulting.
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Mark’s doing weights. Of course he is. Has he moved on from lifting the little peppa pig pasta tins to full size spaghetti hoops tins yet?

As for being fat shamed, the only comments I see are about her atrocious posture and photo editing where one leg is three times smaller than the other. Put something nice on, stand up straight, smile and own those curves you love.
Marks doing weights?!!! The guy looks like he wouldn’t be able to lift more than a ballpoint pen!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Showing off again. Princess perfect has all the school work organised and just can't keep it to herself!
Also, why feel bad about Bill coming home from his dads and having to do school work? Its no different to any other Monday morning for him, is only the setting thats different but, our Char can't do a humble brag without a pity post tagged on the end of it.
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Chatty Member
Guys, I don’t think you read her caption properly - Mark has been on a lot of calls today 🙄🙄🙄 Honestly the way she harps on about how hard he works you’d think he was on the frontline, not fixing websites for the third sector 🤪
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With the whole custody thing, if Bill's dad is willing and able, he could technically qualify for 50/50 custody couldn't he? Could you imagine Charl if he ever wanted to increase his time with his son permanently? Custody arrangements should always be about what's best for the child/ren, and I can see Bill wanting to spend more time with his dad as he gets older. It's one (of the only) things that I like about Louise Pentland - the custody arrangement she has with her eldest daughter's father is meticulously equal, and Louise never moans about it really. There are so many kids out there who have to grow up with minimal/no contact with one of their parents, IMO if an equal custody arrangement can be worked out that works for everyone, then that should be the goal. Once Bill gets older, gets sick of having a camera shoved in his face, and having to protect his more delicate or grown up toys from his two little siblings and an untrained dog, I can see him finding his dad's place a paradise.
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Get a fucking grip Charl, YOU ARE SEEING THEM!!! You see or 'bump into them' all the fucking time. I've seen my parents once this year! Yes once! I've never not seen them at Christmas, my whole life. I bloody miss them and my kids miss them. But you know what, I'm a grown up and I act like a grown up for my and my family's sake.
Stop acting like a bloody child and have a word with yourself.
Oh and you can fuck off too with your patronising 'proud of you' bollocks.
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Chatty Member
Charlotte has posted a negative test result on Instagram. She still needs to isolate for 10 days though? Just because she was negative yesterday doesn’t mean she will be in a few days time? I had COVID in November and track and trace predicted I had caught it a week before I got symptoms so if she has caught it her symptoms wouldn’t be showing yet.
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