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unt Bessie

Well-known member
Anything she can do to be difficult, she will! As if she doesn't know what they mean 😂
I couldn't get over how rude she was! That's clearly a real (likely poorly paid) person she is speaking to, rather than an automated chat. I appreciate it might be a frustrating system but there is just no need!
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Now she's complaining that people are asking her questions about skincare when she literally fucking asked them to do it.

Do you want to be an influencer or not you raving lunatic?

"You could have googled it". Love. You are doing sweet fuck all that we couldn't Google but somehow you're still on Instagram.
Came on here to say this. She has primarily gifted skincare, positions herself as an influencer with reach to get more free skincare, films a 2 minute story then gets passive aggressive and rude when people, god forbid, ASK QUESTIONS.

Also if she's as moral as she likes to project, it wouldn't matter if The Body Shop have an MLM and a retail arm. The overall business will ultimately profit from the MLM so it's hardly disconnected and is still a questionable enterprise.
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Ugh this is really gross. Age differences are obviously fine in relationships, but someone 15+ years older in the workplace should be staying the fuck away from a 23 year old unless they are explicitly invited to flirt by that person. Even then, I'd be seriously concerned about the power dynamic. (Source: Have been that 23 year old who older folk wanted to flirt with and you have no escape until they cross a bad line as everyone just says it's 'banter' or them being 'friendly')
When I was 16 I was with a 23 year old. I couldn’t understand why my parents didn’t like it. Now looking back (as a 25 year old) it blows my mind that they never actually banned me from seeing him. Luckily he was a lovely guy and we only broke up a couple of years later because I moved back to the UK for uni but something could so easily have happened
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Did she fail to see the black guy front and centre?? Also, they're sports pundits which means they're probably sportspeople themselves. Hardly likely to be fat (I'm not saying that to be "fat phobic" - I'm a big lass myself)
Need to get sumo wrestlers involved!
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Wow Cathy has been quiet! She must be sitting on her hands or something.

Get ready for the sanctimonious shit we will come out with after her "break" 😑
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View attachment 1011966
View attachment 1011967

This woman is even more annoying and deluded than Cathy, I imagine they’ll be best pals soon.

‘Can you guess what he was apologising for’ 🥴
I was just looking at her account... what an exhausting set of stories she has.
1. Saying she wants to be a unicorn in a 3some but doesn’t want any unsolicited advances
2. OMGs when she gets 3some offers
3. The wording of the offer is also pretty hilarious

4. some beef about who originated the term NMERF ?

I need to lie down
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New member
I’m so surprised there isn’t more written about this woman. Soooo negative end her voice is so monotonous 🤣😫
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More sex toy chat today. Except this time it’s not a sex toy, it’s a facial cleaner that ‘could have other uses’… Does this woman think of nothing else?!
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Not only did she lose followers yesterday, she probably also made sure that Boots will never want to work with her on anything skincare related. Just to make it clear, I do think she’s correct that singling out black hair products for security tags is racist & it shouldn’t happen. My point is that she’s indicated several times that she’d like to earn money from Instagram, and Boots are a huge company who could’ve offered her paid opportunities. There’s a reason why the really successful influencers largely steer well clear of topics like politics or racism, & just stick to posting fluff. They don’t want to risk losing their followers or upsetting big brands. You never see the likes of Mrs Hinch posting about anything remotely controversial in any great depth. I’m no fan of hers either, but if I was a big brand choosing an influencer to work with, I’d pick Hinchy & her sickly sweet banal content over Cathy & her rantings any day.
This is exactly it. I don't think she has a clear idea of what she wants her presence to be, beyond being 'paid' for her 'content' and maybe some free gifts.

Is it parenting, disability activism, skincare, political commentary? She seems to give herself a lot of credit for being a writer but honestly she's not saying anything particularly interesting or that isn't already been said more eloquently by someone more likeable.
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Chatty Member
Sorry if I’m being ignorant but she won’t date cis het men- so would she date a cis bi man? Or a trans het man?
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Chatty Member
Fucking hell, I was waiting for her to share that over the top post about This Is Going to Hurt by @thepositivebirthcompany 🌝 Do people not understand the concept of artistic license? Each slide gets more ridiculous than the rest. Can’t believe they were offended by obs and gynae being nicknamed ‘brats and twats’ 🙄

What next, am I going to be told that Green Wing isn’t what life in a hospital is actually like?
It was the I didn't realize it was offensive bit for me aka I'm not actually offended but never miss a woke bandwagon.
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Interesting article from a few years ago. I don’t doubt she needs financial support but complaining about needing a reminder to submit proof for it? It’s not hard to set a reminder on your phone or fridge calendar is it?

Hertford shire times article
The disabled mum who has had to dig into her own pocket
Cathy Kamara is a disabled single mother who commutes from Hitchin to Cambridge four days each week to provide for her two disabled children.

The 33-year-old transitioned to Universal Credit from Child Tax Credit in January after finding that child minder and nursery options weren't compatible with her hours.

She was informed by the local job centre that she would be eligible to claim for childcare costs if she employed a nanny.

Like Mary, Cathy was initially delighted that Universal Credit would cover childcare but was wary that one missed payment could mean her digging into her own pocket.
"Needless to say, the first month they didn't pay me," she said.

"They just didn't know what they were doing. They kept asking me for evidence and then losing it. They promised it and promised it and it just didn't come."

She went without payment for six weeks, although she was eventually reimbursed.

Despite having strong computer skills and previously working as a journalist, she found the system to be very frustrating.

She said: "I continually find the Universal Credit system to be very unfriendly and very unyielding, to the point where I've often misunderstood things to my detriment."

Under the old Child Tax Credit, costs each month were assumed to be the same unless she told the DWP otherwise.

But Cathy claims the new system is putting unnecessary pressure on claimants to prove how much it costs.

She was also reportedly told that she would receive e-mails detailing when she needed to send invoices for childcare, but she claims they never sent any reminders.

"That was the real shocker, just being very accountable and responsible for having to justify every month that this is how much I am paying," she said.

"It feels a bit sneaky – I have to prove I pay this amount every month, even though it’s always the same amount, when it has been evidenced that I’m in a longstanding childcare arrangement with a consistent base cost.

"They never send reminders, which I find really mean, it’s like they want you to forget."
Come on lady, you seem smart enough to set reminders for yourself. Maybe other recipients would struggle but you know how to manage life-min.

Thank you for sharing your view! nice to see a more positive person with dwarfism.

Re: the doctor stating she “suffers” with achondroplasia- talk about biting the hand that feeds you!

I was waiting for a thread on Cathy so thank you for sharing.

I too found out about her originally because of the Daisy May Cooper affair, which she totally blew out of proportion.

I have dwarfism, albeit not achondroplasia, and hate the word midget but I didn’t even notice it in the caption she wrote initially as the intention clearly wasn’t to be nasty. When she took it down that should have been enough but of course it wasn’t 🙄

I find Cathy’s account really draining and negative, like others have said she’s attempting to make a living out of outrage. I do wonder how some people cope with that attitude. Hate the use of the word ‘snowflake’ and I don’t doubt the shit she’s had to go through but some stuff that I wouldn’t even notice she makes a huge deal of.

Recently she was really angry a doctor wrote she ‘suffered’ with a achondroplasia, and stated she’d written a bit complaint. That’s something that I wouldn’t even register, I sometimes use that word myself when I talk about my own condition but no doubt Cathy would accuse me of internalised ableism or something similar.

Growing up I was incredibly insecure about my dwarfism, I think if I found an account like hers it would just make me incredibly angry at the world and still insecure.

Don’t get me wrong issues still need to addressed, life isn’t sunshine and rainbows but sometimes with certain matters there are bigger fish to fry.

Never even thought about that letter being a fake! Makes a lot of sense if so. Even the outrage in the story that followed about how it’s all well and good people being shocked but WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT? Honestly have a day off please, she’ll never be happy with anything.

With Bumblegate she seemed furious they wouldn’t tell her who made up the team who polices their app, in respect of how diverse they are, but surely that wouldn’t be allowed to share that? I know companies will publish business wide reports on diversity but why would a company share the exact race, sexuality, gender etc. of a specific team with her?

Sorry essay over, have a lot to say!
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