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Chatty Member
Hey guys, give me heart or comment if can hear me lolo. I have something to get off chest. Like guys, we doing this lockdown now for long time and there are nasty people lolo who are saying things that is just complete lies. It's nonsense really. Listen, like ok I have tried my hardest to keep my children safe. They grown adults, Cassy is making multiple SIX FIFURES from shop she does not listen to me lolo. My SON. IN GERMANY I have 7 children I am experience mother. There are facking PEOPLE like who think it OKAY to create fake documents on street like say I am poor. I am on phone to police for long time lolo. My daughter Cassy is wonderful mother. Linoleum such good idea for girls. IT IS HOT upstairs! Girls room must stay cool we all dealing with the covic... now like, seriously, ok this tattel. I love my daughter I have tried y hardest KIDS DO NOT LISTEN. I am worried sick about the covic I have bought CHICKENS! THOR! I have collect eggs. Lolo this government is not good. Boris lolo the covic control population.
Cashback is future I keep earning like ok guys, seriously... it is big money. Time is now with BORIS making covic lolo to join team. #networkmarketing
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The police have the cctv
How long before Angel is on Fb live crying about her facking daughter and "I am just so worried about covic. Cassy, she doesn't fucking listen to me, she is grown up but she fought so much about the covic she was too scared to go to the tip. Now she's facking in trouble with the police. I blame the government. They are not giving clear instructions, Cassy and me and Bill and her friends all have local authority permission to raise the girls as one household. Boris has not said we can go to tip. COVIC!"
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I’ve been following this thread for a while . I had ‘derma. Plan’ at B and B in Jan purely as I had moved to the area and it came up when I was searching for salons in Gillingham . £40 I paid for that shit .
but let’s start at the beginning ... I walked into the salon to4 girls one being Cassy.. she looks fuxk all like she does in her pics . She was in dirty grey mike tracksuit and scrunched up muddy ugg boots . She is literally 5ft nothing And looks nothing like her pictures I was actually so taken back by that . Also the shop smelt of a fried shop. Rest assured Macy (I know her name now from reading this and insta) was slumped on the lash bed with her fingers covered in chips and ketchup . Cassy told her to “move you Fat cunt’ ... to which my eyebrows went up (I have no poker face unfortunately) to which Cassy did apologise as she must of seen my face. So I had my remaining makeup scratched off with some sort of cheap wipe and she got to work. In this time .. 3 other foul mouthed girls turn up. And they all start talking about a car that someone has got of cassys. They start plotting a plan to buy the car back off the girl so Cassy can park round the corner as to where they are gonna meet her and cassy will ‘Jump her and fuckher up so she will never walk again’ baring in mind this girl has a blade on my face dermaplaning me . She was boasting about having 20k in the safe at home and that she would go HOM ‘nah’ and grab a ‘2 ball’ for this girl to buy the car back / corner her . Honestly it was the most horrendous experience . She finished my face and then there was no lotion or mask or anything after that it was get me out of there super fast so they could ‘go mine ‘ aka cassies what I can only imagine ‘for a sesh’ .
I then got out my card to pay and she went ‘cash only bayyybe’ so I replied okay I’m just going to run and get some cash out il s right back .. and she said ‘too right you will be , you’ve just been listening to what I’m about to do some gel (presumed she meant girl)’ again my eyebrows went up I’m sure and she done some horrendous evil cackle laugh . Her mates were playing the most horrendous music and dancing around in there shit sliders and socks . Anyway I came back with my cash of course and the shop was closed up and she was parked on the pavement illegally hanging out the window . All her mates piled in .
Honestly thank fuck the place is shut down . Possibly the worst place I’ve ever been to and boy did I let everyone know 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Horrendous business woman and deserves everything she has coming . I had to unfollow her after the constant lockdown breaches! Everyone I speak to absolutely despises her and laughs at her every move . JP aswell please ... more like JP aka just plastic !
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Thing is...ok this tattel. If people to make out that I am stupid. Cassy has such style you guys don't see. We have caravan we have local governments permissions to be one household with my daughters close friends. Isolating in 3 house inner circle . Boris is lying ok so Lecistdr has covic cases they in lockdowns again. People saying girls should go to school but covic still here ! These kids I have 7 one is in Germany. I am good mum they facking rude and lazy and do not listen to me!! I saw girls furniture last night it is lovely such style my daughter. . Like her mum lolo. People to having a go at Cassy like Ikea seriously! Girls is getting beautiful new room they safe with mum. Lolo Sweden has not closed due to covic. #angelsdelight
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To all the people coming here from angels post for a nose....give your heads a wobble no one here talks about either of them without reason. You obviously haven’t followed Cassy for long or haven’t been bothered to put 2+2 together and make 4. No one here is jealous of her lifestyle in fact anyone would be horrified to be like her. But if you support her and her behaviour and voice it that way on angels fb you are effectively supporting an awful person. Do your research instead of believing everything that comes out of cassys and angels mouth and you will see. One example, if Cassy is such an amazing mother, why does she barely have the kids? Post half naked pictures of them for public viewing and leave perverted men’s comments on her profile of the girls (doesn’t block them). The youngests teeth are rotten and stumpy and the oldest is anxious. Swears at them and calls them “c***s”. Does drugs in a house they live in. Drives them about with no car seats and also films herself while driving them about. That’s just a few examples and if you think this very small drop in the ocean of mess that is cassys life is acceptable then there is something wrong with YOU not us
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Chatty Member
" Angel" is having none of it lolo .. this tattel ! My daughter is excellent cook , good German healthy! Fresh ! Police have taken all evidence we have submitted , slander and defamations ! People so jelouse of Cassy , such cooking such happy 👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼 !

These people unhappy , my daughter has such big inner circle ! I am good mother I have 7 children 1 in Germany . They all excellent cooks lolo . "Vegetarian " lolo we have chickens fresh , organic , eggs ! I sell . Beware of the covic is still here !

👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼 likes to play " eyebrows" it is cos they are little girls my granddaughters ! Normal to play with the make up and colours ! Police have all copies of this comments carma will come ! I believe #angelsdelight
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Chatty Member
This " tattels! " will see carma I see ! With the Big Eyes windows 👀! Police is has all IPs and investigations for long time , block and DELETE ! Say such things my daughter style , such style ! Good , quality , trent linoleum ! 😎

My granddaughters and daughter have such Lovely home , bunk beds to play ! Too many toys too big imagination !

My daughter has such slanders and defamations , SS see such style she has . Case close ! They so happy in fully renovate home lolol ! Linoleum , eggs ! Fresh , organic , chickens and eggs ! Only the best my daughter .

Such lovely long time partner , big inner circle ! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Tight ! Partner for Cassy long time !

Lolol Police have said carma for those in cashless world ! Say no ! Covic ! #angelsdelight
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" Angel and Benny" we are safe from the covic. Lolol DECEMBR sick :sick: and poo , say covic ! This why my family not follow these locking downs , " antibodies" lolo , safe , homegrown , healthy ! Eggs ! No more full of the poo 😎

My children wear mask I buy more 😷😷😷 , good idea I think ?? Benny liking the cellophane , a gift 🎁

Google the covic , can catch from hair ! 😮 Buy my sombrero it is Mexican such styles you don't see ! Safe head! Covic safe lolol #anglesdelight🥚
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Why is she trying to imply Ronnie has gone in her house and thought wel fuck me angel I love this council tax bill from 2016 think il take that and dump it down the lane 😂
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Chatty Member
Ewwww that meat 😂 it’s white & pink? Is it meant to be that colour? It’s fatty looking aswell.. ain’t she meant to be a vegan?
Seriously this troll . ! My chickens is home grown , organic , fresh !! My daughter seriously, so hard working always on her back , good fresh! chicken. My daughter is TRENT SETTER !
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Voice of truth

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This is sick there have been a few of us here for months who are trying to actually protect the children! Everything we have done has been backed by true concrete evidence and a couple of people with the IQ of a crayon are trying to jepodise that. Unless it’s concrete evidence hush your gums 😡
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when was she last even with them? Didn’t she have one of the girls- the Barney bear day where the poor girl had to make her own breakfast cause fattyanne was still in bed with soppy bollox bag boy x

I wonder if he has his own allocated nail when he’s there to hang the bag on?
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Chatty Member
This tattel ! Seriously , such talents my daughter 👩🏻‍🎨 ! Such style you guys don't see ! Talented " eyebrows" her inner circle , is tight ! Cassy making SIX FIGRES 💷💷 ,! of the brows lolol . DOES BROWS OF THE CELBRITY ! like tv show botch

" BIG Eyes windows to the soul !" I believe #angelsdelight
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Do you know what I always sit here and laugh but it’s actually really bad. Those beds should have been the last thing to go when the new ones arrived. They don’t even have bedding on and they look like they actually don’t have a bottom part to it like a blow up bed would it’s like one of them where it dips- meaning how fucking cold would they be laying on that Lino floor, they wouldn’t even be able to see each other because of the sides, just laying in the shitty dark. Doesn’t look like there’s a tele in there either. I’m so so glad they don’t stay there because this is just terrible. I didn’t realise what a shit mum she was until recently and she really is neglecting them two!

I mean I know they stay there but not often. Why on earth did she get rid of their beds it doesn’t even make sense! You would do that at the last min. I think she’s having some sort of breakdown because no one thinking clearly would decorate it into this piss fest she calls a home. Fucking blow up beds and plants growing up the walls. It’s like jumanji
I'm starting to think maybe she had bedbugs or some shit. The way she stripped that house out so urgently was weird as fuck.
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Mouth ache

Well-known member
So hold on last night after I posted the pics to her status of the lilo bed and Lino flooring, old angelika then wrote a big post about how she’s seen the girls beautiful furniture and how amazing it’s gonna look, then today thrush flaps posts a pic of the kids ‘choosing their new furniture’
Absolute bellends mate
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Chatty Member
#9 Cassy Clark have such style you don't see , a house full of linoleum she is very trentee !
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