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What’s the dram regarding the name ??
Why has she said since the name has hit the news ?? What news what’s she on about
Id be to shamed to ever post him again after everyone seeing the video of him not giving 2 fucks about her being hit by the car…. Bless her she really thought he was gonna go running to her making sure she was ok…. But nope he to worried about getting recalled 😂. I get second hand embarrassment for her over that. Everyone is making a laugh out her over it
How do I see the video I’m pages behind 🤣
Not defending Casey Ann but her child was stood there and she did gain some speed. Awful behaviour from all parties involved
Jesus 🤣🤣 did she lose control or something I hope Jess don’t get in trouble for this she could get in some serious trouble for this especially with the kid in the way
Cassy filming in that video rather than getting out the way 🤣 she’s proper dumpy isn’t she is that Tommy Lee walking towards her? Baby ain’t even born yet and she’s bringing this level or shit to the family . Her own and his . Acting like that in front of your kids is a no no .

I’m gonna say it …..the car driving at her from Jess will be iconic on this thread and others to come 🤣 Jess let the intrusive thoughts win this day 🤣
Honestly I imagine Tommy lee won’t want to argue with Jess if like others say he loves Jess he won’t want to pick sides . Casey will never be anything to him . If I was Jess I wouldn’t allow my son around them lot they are scum
So Jess and her mum went to Cassy's to collect little TL..... Cass as the hump with Jess for outing the baby name.... The little boy was upset both his brothers was going to be called Johnny!!!! JOHN was not Cassy's dad name. She also well aware of Jess's children's names.

Cassy went over to the motor and was getting saucey knowing Jess is also pregnant, they told her to go away and get her arm out the motor, jess's mum pushed Cassy's arm out the window so they could leave. Cassy as then lost her shit and started caving jess's mum's head in.... Through the window.... INFRONT OF JESS'S KIDS WHO WAS IN THE CAR AND HER BUG!!!! The women get out of the car and Tommy lee is saying to jess's mum it wernt me just go and il sort her out. Jess is trying to get at Cassy while she's being a mouthy tramp after opening jess's mum's head up.... She's hard 🙄.... She's shouting you've come to my house in a her traveller accent obviously..... Jess had to go to her house to collect her fucking child!!!! Now through all this Cassy never dropped her phone once and carried on recording after supposing getting hit by the car.... Most of you have seen one angle!!!! Never once does she scream BUG or put that shit house phone down to check her girl is ok!!!!
Casts is disgusting Jess clearly heat of moment hormones pregnant and a beaten up mum sorry but I’d have done the same in that moment !! Horrible bitch she has no morals at all she wants her kids taken off her !! I hope Jess mum is ok and I hope Jess never ever lets tommylee have his son around caddy
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Cassy 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Wants her 'YARD' to be an adventure playground for the kids and a separate bit for the kids... 🤣🤣🤣 Since when as her back garden been a YARD🤦.

The garden that's been took over by her cabin of doom 🫣. Steady on Cassy the traveller 🙄 YOUR DREAMING AGAIN
There’s literally no room there unless she’s gonna use Roccos dog area and cage her kids in there 🤷🏻‍♀️ She’s really trying too hard to be the good wife and mother now but it stinks of desperation
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They’re like The Whittaker family - that really inbred family in America 🤣
They make them seem average everyday people 😂
So why wernt she done for attempted murder when she was off her nut on balloons and injuried her friends while driving into a wall
Old drop nickers is the definition of fuck about and find out
Jess going Gran theft auto through the hedge was so unhinged but I don’t think she hit Cassy . Cassy would be making a huge song and dance about it with a fake cast on every limb 🤣
I am sure Cassy does worse than this outside her house never mind inside it .
It’s like a street version of wwe with the theatrics .
Kid as deff seen and heard worse then that. i can think of 2 examples off top of my head. 1 cutting her sen up in front of them 2 driving her to some random dick of the day and calling her sen all prostitutes and whores.
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So funny how TLB has carried on just posting videos of horses. I expect he favours them as they don't talk back.
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To me that video looks like a heavily pregnant woman and her mother and children were under attack from an unstable jealous prostitute and her pumped up pimp. In a moment of sheer panic to get away and protect herself and her unborn baby she jumped in the car and tried get away in such speed that she lost control of the vehicle causing it to veer off the road and up the curb. That’s how I would interpret it so let’s hope that’s what the police believe too 🤞
Yessss 👌🏼
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I bet TL is loving his new teaching assistant job. His next promotion is babysitter so Cassy can carry on butchering people in the cabin when brown eyes is born
He ain’t gonna be promoted to babysitter because he doesn’t give a shit whilst the poor child is in her belly, he’s not gonna care when he’s born. Men like him never change and Cassy’s an absolute fool to think he will
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If her baby weighs more than the average then it could have gestational diabetes. It's basically living off red bull (full of sugar), fruit (full of sugar) and all things fishy. What a great start to life but then we all know he's safer in her womb
GD is to do with the placenta, not how much sugar is consumed 🙈
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You can hear Tommy Lee saying the video “it’s not me is it” several times 😂 how embarrassing he does not back her at all. He really don’t give a shit about her
I think that’s because the kids were basically saying to stop it then you got him saying that! Any normal dad would have screamed at slaggy to just get back in the house
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Anyone else find the videos of him spraying the girls with a hose whilst they exercise absolutely disturbing?!
That’s a reach and a half. The kid ain’t upset. But mother of the year certainly should not have her in a bikini moving about like that at her age on the internet
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Cassyanne suffers with delusion. She genuinely thinks she’s won because she has “the man”. Honestly after seeing that video and him not giving 2 fucks about her, his unborn baby, her daughter and even his own son I wouldn’t have him round me and I certainly wouldn’t still be putting posts up of family days out with him. That’s embarrassing for her. I feel more for her daughters than anyone else. Everyone can move on with their life’s but them girls can’t escape it. If she wants her daughters to be brought up in the gypsy lifestyle, they aren’t going to have a friend in the world. When them girls are older no one is going to let their daughters anywhere near them girls purely for the fact that their mother can’t leave a mush alone. Honestly my heart broke to see how that little girl checked on Cassy after and Cassy didn’t even look her way. Them poor baby girls are gonna have a dogs life when this baby comes along. They will be left baby sitting while their mothers in the garden disforming peoples faces or laying with the next baby dad 🤬😡
She won’t have no one going to her after hat she’s done … and as far as the poor little girls go I doubt any travellers will have anything todo with them with a mother like her 😂 I wouldn’t allow my children around them or Cassy Ann the kent bike … she’s rotten to the core she can’t keep a friend for the life of her and as far as Tommy Lee goes he needed a place to stay! Funny how Cassy Ann moves so fast with multiple men … with her fake tracker accent she’s the biggest joke to travellers . Everyone and I mean everyone is talking about her and not one decent traveller woman would go to her after everything she’s done
I do wonder if Slaggy had to be interviewed by the police yesterday as she didn't post anything until later in the day.
More then likey she had to give a statement - she’s already known for being a grass
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