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Latest rant from the contradiction Queen!

I don’t think anyone messages her saying they gonna unfollow her because she anti religion,
She so full of shit

like another member said she only vice support about a issue when it’s popular then your never hear her mention it again 😂

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Oh, she’s burnt out. From sitting around doing fuck all. So she’s going to spend the rest of the week sitting and doing fuck all.
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Omg she's SUCH a fucking liar. Her followers did not sell that little incence burner out at all. As soon as she showed it (it showed 2 mins on the story) I searched for it and it said pre order for 22nd November then. It was pre order anyway. Now she's like omg guysss you sold it out. Nope, its status was pre order anyway the lying lying little cretin. Made me piss laughing that. Especially after she wrote paragraphs about being an 'influencer/content creater using phrases that signified a you and' us' divide between herself and regular Instagram users. What a fucking knobhead, who on earth does she think she is 😂🤣
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Well-known member
That is a good point... where is her best friend? I can't remember his name. He actually seemed nice enough. Has he had enough of her shit ??

As for her caring for a baby solo.... no way should that be allowed. She allegedly can't care for herself!
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So it's okay for her to inbox a woman she doesn't know about her husband but no one can pass judgement on her? Okay Samantha make it make sense
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Chatty Member
Oh me too! My brother is lucky enough to be entitled to Medical Cannabis on the NHS, but I know just how much of a fight it was to get him there and each of his conditions was scrutinised by the local trust before they'd even approve the application.
So shes not got a chance NHS or private way unless she's gonna pay for some private fake diagnoses 😅
Really glad he’s able to access his medication via the NHS , I can only imagine what the journey to get there was like!
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Well-known member
She an idiot, whether she likes it or not Harry Potter is a massive and profitable franchise, they not gonna give that up and lot of people agree with some of JK views on women's rights, doesn't make them a terf.
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VIP Member
Do you have screenshots of this? I don’t doubt you, but I’d love to see what Miss “be fucking kind” had to say to somebody who dared criticise her beloved Hinch
Unfortunately no, it was around Easter 2019. The person who was doxxed came onto the hinch threads. It's just something that's always stuck in my memory
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Active member
I see she’s popped up again today. I only became aware of her because she brown noses all the accounts I absolutely hate. She complains about trolls but I’ve seen her rip into people who have a different opinion of Hinch, PTWM etc and she’s awful to those even though comments left from others have been polite. I think she sets up the ‘woe is me’ to make everyone else look awful for disagreeing with her. The way she’s muscled in on Nursemum’s “charity” ball just proves she’s another scammer.
She's also fairly unpleasant about straight men!! Refusing to follow them and blocking them ,even if their wanting to follow her is genuine e.g sobriety, recycling,even dogs!!
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I have trauma for the fact she's never worked a day in her life and despite not having a job or kids she still somehow constantly looks like she needs a really good scrub in a dettol bath
Waiting for the four page rant on people trolling her on how she looks, don’t you know she can barely move from the sofa because she’s in soooo much pain? Unless she’s driving hours to London etc.

Has she ever had a job? I knew a few people with chronic illnesses, I think almost all of them have tried different types of jobs, a girl I used to work with used to have such bad flare ups some days she would be shaking, we’d always encourage her to go home but she has a kid so had to pay the bills some how. I guess it’s a different when you have zero responsibility, get free food and gifts sent 24/7 without doing any work. Must be the life.
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Active member
She is very obsessed with this Gabby case. It isn't normal behaviour. We all might take an interest in something that is ongoing, but her obsession on the case and how she talks about it is uncomfortable. You would think she was leading the investigation
It is truly troubling. Why haven't any of Tam's family who I believe she is still close to stepped in to help her or the chap she is "best friends" with realised something is very wrong. The case is in America and she has nothing in common with poor Gabby.
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Chatty Member
sadly a lot of us are continuing in our daily routine as we have jobs which require us to be out and about and traveling.
im kinda hating the criticism of people going out , living their lives and using services during this heatwave.
reminds me a little of when everybody was working from home preaching about social distancing with no regard for the large number of people whose jobs require them to still go out
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