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And then she cries troll and plays the victim. I can GUARANTEE she has an account on here. She is very invested in mentioning it at every opportunity she can 🙄
I hope you does have an account on here. She is a foul mouthed, dirty, lazy attention seeker. She tries to come across all sweetness and light on her account. Poor Seri who has had such a terrible life, is so very poorly and triggered by everything including fresh air. When really she thrives on been ill and playing woe me. Dare to pull her up and you're faced with a torrent of foul mouthed aggressive abuse.
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If she can make all them bangles. She can work.

Not saying she should be digging the roads or laying bricks but she could do office work. Especially when so many are work from home now days!
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Forgot her dogs birthday saying yesterday was manic yet managed to post paragraph after paragraph of shite and posting house pics etc.

Pull the other one, false facade you portray of being "dog mum". I'd have definitely remembered above all the conspiracy theory's and writing others paragraphs and showing pics of my council flat....moron.
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With all her health conditions shouldn’t she have kept the handrails leading up to the front door?
I thought she was helping the Nurse mum with her charity ball, she hasn’t mentioned it in ages
Again she claims that her neighbour gave her the bench and someone is helping her with all the renovations
Yeah strange you would remove them considering it’s a obviously a house adapted for a disabled person and she been so vocal about her disability disabling her mobility.
She's making it look like it's the whole house!! Is it not just the ground floor flat? What if other residents in the block/house need the handrail? Surely she can't do whatever she wants in a housing association property and would need some sort of official OK? Also what really got to me was £6 for a bunch of fresh flowers!! That's a lot, you can grab bunches at half the price!!
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She is so needy and attention seeking. Hypocrite as well after the reams and reams and her obsession on the Gabby case looking into her death
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She is the biggest hypocrite going. Has she not just spent weeks posting & pulling apart the gabby petito case, posting every detail about it? Boasting about how her story views exploded because of it. Is she not someone’s loved one who might not want all that out there ? & yet she tells anyone who dares ask about tams to fuck off? Nastiest bitch alive she is.
She plays little gentle hard done by, terrible life Seri. And then if someone dares to question her, she turns into some petulant foul mouthed teenager
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Omg she's SUCH a fucking liar. Her followers did not sell that little incence burner out at all. As soon as she showed it (it showed 2 mins on the story) I searched for it and it said pre order for 22nd November then. It was pre order anyway. Now she's like omg guysss you sold it out. Nope, its status was pre order anyway the lying lying little cretin. Made me piss laughing that. Especially after she wrote paragraphs about being an 'influencer/content creater using phrases that signified a you and' us' divide between herself and regular Instagram users. What a fucking knobhead, who on earth does she think she is 😂🤣
She is a fucking idiot. She blocked me because I dared to disagree on her stories about what she wrote. I dared to have a different opinion. I wasn't nasty I just said I thought different. She said I was negative and not a nice person.

We don't stalk or harass you babes. Please don't ever think you're that special.
I'm sorry that you're a dickhead who needs to fabricate her life to justify being a lazy work shy cunt. I'm sorry that you feel the need to bang on about being "ill" which then gives those of us who truly do suffer but still go about our day to day lives a bad name.
I'm sorry that I'm a hard working chronically ill person.
We're not dickheads, you're the dickhead for CHOOSING to read here ❤
Fancy her saying you can dm her or call her. She wallows in self pity and is so not interested in what other people have to say. Its all about her. Does she think other people are not going through or have been through shitty times in their lives. Difference been they pick themselves off, dust themselves down and get back on with life. But not seri, she gets off on been negative, I think she secretly like things bad happening to her as she gets off on talking about them for attention. And she should lay off the weed and she might stop been so paranoid ........she is like the grim reaper. Grow up Seri and stop acting like some hard done buy needy child. Everyone has a story and some have been through a lot worse than you. Or just sit there full of self pity until your dying day thinking the world owes you a living.
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Hinchy’s Tamagotchi

Well-known member
She has an addicive personality she needs to constantly jump on hop topics and she'll obsess until there's something new. She did it with BLM, and that was then replaced with posts basically tarring all straight men with the same brush that they're rapists and killers.
I remember the BLM fixation, it went on for weeks. She got increasingly aggressive with it, to the point where she was ranting in block capitals to ‘PAY BLACK INFLUENCERS FOR YOUR EDUCATION!!!!’. She barely mentions it now, and I notice the BLM highlight she once had on her page has vanished…
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Hinchy’s Tamagotchi

Well-known member
She is off again ranting at people for messaging her. Saying she doesn't have to share her grief. Is she not sharing it by putting the photos on? Also saying Dacie was only 12 and dragged out of school the day Tams died and that she follows her page and doesn't want her to relive it. So therefore why share it. She needs to get out there and get a job of some sort. I mean she can manage fine typing non stop on her stories. She boils my piss! She is one of those people who will spend her whole life feeling sorry for herself and been negative for her own gratification. It's like the Seri pity party.
I remember her once claiming that typing on her phone left her in ‘agony’, yet she frequently churns out pages & pages of self righteous ranting.
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Religious trauma is definitely a real thing but she literally has gone through EVERY trauma that is even imaginable. Any time she goes off on these rants, it’s always screens full of long text about bullshit, yet never actually any proof anyone has sent her anything hateful?
It's funny though the religious trauma didn't define when she had to put her tree up, just when she had to take it down. Everything's a trauma for her.

She will probably get someone to send something now if she reads here lol
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“It’s ok to not like something but you don’t have to shout about it”
Does she not see the irony in this statement, that all she ever does, publicly slag off men, straight women etc 😡
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All the money from those kiddy bracelets she's selling, I'd love to know who's spending £8 + postage on that tat.
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