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Chatty Member
She wouldn't because I don't believe half her conditions have actually been diagnosed by a GP
Okay true, I’m taking her conditions at face value and believing everything 🤣

I’m a big advocate for medicinal cannabis so it’s something I know quite a lot about, but I forgot diagnoses are kinda important 🤣
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Chatty Member
sadly a lot of us are continuing in our daily routine as we have jobs which require us to be out and about and traveling.
im kinda hating the criticism of people going out , living their lives and using services during this heatwave.
reminds me a little of when everybody was working from home preaching about social distancing with no regard for the large number of people whose jobs require them to still go out
Shes detached from reality sadly so won't have any understanding of real life 🥴
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Bea Saint

Active member

She has to have a chat about whether to
Read a book or not! She must really not have much else to do!
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She’s blocked me. No idea why, I’ve never interacted with her but how the fuck does one get “chronic dehydration”? And wouldn’t the cure just be to maybe DRINK SOME WATER?
What’s her excuse for not doing that? Too chronically ill to turn the tap on?
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Active member
So skint she goes out regularly for coffee and cake. And urges people to use local coffee shops to stop them going bust.

Samantha, not everyone can afford to do that, many many people are using food banks. Read the room and stop acting like the privileged white woman you so despise.

So skint she goes out regularly for coffee and cake. And urges people to use local coffee shops to stop them going bust.

Samantha, not everyone can afford to do that, many many people are using food banks. Read the room and stop acting like the privileged white woman you so despise.

Just had a little nose at the coffee shop she is a regular at! It's actually looks rather cool with a good menu however cheap it's is not!! Her order alone would be approximately £4 for the latte and at a guess £3 for the cake!! The area she lives in is quite affluent so good luck to the owners however certainly NOT the sort of place a poor,skint housebound " work is me" Seri should be shouting about going to!!


Just had a little nose at the coffee shop she is a regular at! It's actually looks rather cool with a good menu however cheap it's is not!! Her order alone would be approximately £4 for the latte and at a guess £3 for the cake!! The area she lives in is quite affluent so good luck to the owners however certainly NOT the sort of place a poor,skint housebound " work is me" Seri should be shouting about going to!!
"Woe is me"😂not "Work is me*
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Shes such a hypocrite.
Skint, on the poverty line yet can spend £75 on a duvet cover ? Investment or not, she can't be that bloody skint ! Myself and my partner work full time and I couldn't spend that on a duvet cover!!!
Now £50 on a blanket and paying for private testing for her allergies 🤣 yeah she’s definitely not broke or in poverty.
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VIP Member
Who the hell nominted her for some made up “Shero” award? What has she ever done that’s remotely heroic?! Lazing about pretending to be ill, endlessly shilling sex toys and banging on about how absolutely everything traumatises her because of her oh so traumatic upbringing and earlier life?
how very heroic 🙄
Highly likely nominated herself tbh x
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Methinks she has had a little look on here because she has posted in her stories a verbal " attack" at "trolls/people" 😂 who dare to question or doubt her! There is a great mock up of an messy kitchen with an expensive bottle of Eco washing up liquid!!
She’s literally quoted you exactly on her stories today lmao. She must keep tabs on here.
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Well-known member
She is totally out of order. Blaming the parents. Their kids were in the same fucking tent. Yes tents have sections. It is not the parents fault some creep entered their tent. Absolutely disgusted in her. Why does she think she's some sort of sleuth ? She sits on her lazy arse all day crying about whatever made up illness she has, clearly too much time on her hands and her brain is just stewing away.
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Chatty Member
I agree with how insincere she is. She's not mentioned the abortion thing before unless it's hot topic of the moment, like when it's not highlighted in the news/on social media, she doesn't speak about it. So she's not a true advocate, she's jumping on bandwagons. Just like every fucker else suddenly taking a notice. I've shared planned parenthood type information many times when it's not 'relevant', which is what being a true advocate is about. Standing up even when you might not be heard, being passionate about topics when it's not currently highlighted anywhere else.

And clearly a nice little flare up just to make sure we know she's not enjoying life too much as she's been living life to the max lately. We needed a reminder she's 'ill' 😂
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Not her commenting this on someone’s get unready with me. What relevance is this? She just loves talking about herself and her trauma far too much.
It's somehow really funny to me that she is *wishing* she washed her face 🤣🤣 Just wash your face anyway?! Flight or no flight?!
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Crikey. Acting like she played a major role in the school Lunches debacle 😬 she's got a constant need for validation and a pat on the head. Wallowing in her own filth seems to be a regular occurance to her. Yet the moment there is any event she's magically well 🥴
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She’s sooo poor and broke but can spend drop £60 on a pair of converse 🤣🤣
And £158 on a dress 🥴🤣 surely if she regularly experiences poverty as she puts it then surely she would save any money she gets just incase. But nope, spend it on a dress and then expect handouts when she hits poverty crisis like not being able to afford items for her home or food etc.

Silly cow.
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Well-known member
Wow finds her energy today to joyride out, the girl who claims she bed bound, can't dress herself because of crippling pain and is unable to do anything can find it when she wants 😂
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She be in bed tomorrow crying she can't move because of pain and fatigue but has been ok the last couple of days going out and about though, funny that.
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