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Phil I Buster

VIP Member
I, like I suspect a lot of people here, used to do a lot of am dram/community theatre etc and the thing I used to hear all the time was “you’ve found your tribe” “the kids who are outsiders or unusual” blah blah. All that this has shown is that theatre kids grow up to be bullies like the very people they always said they were better than.
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Did she really ‘turn it down’ or did she again ‘take herself out of the audition running’
I’m sure actors like Carrie must get invited to audition. However it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get it.

One of her dream roles is Mrs Lovett and Mrs T is a poor man’s Lovett. She doesn’t have the comedy chops for either
Carrie could NEVER pull off Mrs Lovett. You need to be an extremely good comedic actor and frankly, she isn't a good enough singer to do Sondheim - she would really struggle.
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He looks pissed off he’s been left holding a baby, doesn’t even seem like his. What an odd guy he is.
I think he's one of hundreds of millennial bellends who since the early 2000s when camera phones emerged has pulled a face at the camera as he knows he's ugly. He's managed to ditch the hand under the chin now but it's still engrained not to take a natural pic.

To an extent, Carrie is also like this but she's got worse as she got less attractive and now she's level with Joel, neither can stop themselves gurning.
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When the baby goes bed at night it is not nap time ffs it is bedtime 🙄

Could she get anymore boring if she tried 😴😴😴

Put the phone down and go out, ffs stop festering on the sofa! The baby needs bloody fresh air not a dirty cat infested moses basket or you knees.
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Ripley Rose Kat

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I wonder Carrie is possessive with the baby. She kinda strikes me as the type to be...

"She needs feeding, that's my job, Joel" "You're not holding her right, give her to me so she will stop fussing"
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Note: I'm in no way belittling PND
Me neither but she doesn’t have it, she was crying long before Mabel was even conceived. She’s just regretting her life choices. I’d probably also cry all the time if I was stupid enough to marry my rebound and reproduce with him and I saw my ex being happier than ever with someone so different from me and all of my colleagues careers thriving.
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Crabbie talking about Mabel No Hope "I would appreciate her napping right now" 🤢🤮🤢 so she can plugg the next two make no sense "workshops" open to everyone from her scam company 🤮🤢🤮

Also look like Tom and Gi had to wait for Hot Alessia to no longer be in Back to The Tuture to be allowed to go and watch that musical...🤡😂🤡
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I’m not sure if anyone here follows Deanna on TikTok, but I saw her post a video of a “boyfriend pov helping me learn my lines” using that same sound, but then seems to have deleted it pretty quickly and uploaded one saying how amazing the girl in the clip is, how she’d help make her merch. I don’t think many people saw the first one, so people are applauding her picking this girl up instead of mocking her…

the theatre world seems so incredibly exhausting to be a part of, but again, I wish people were just open and accountable
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I just saw the Mother's comments, ffs the girl is primary school age 😡 so for people not in the UK that is up to age 11, she did the performance as part of an after school club.

Gary and John, shall we all take the piss out of your daughter when she is at primary school?
I feel so sad for her 🥺. It doesn't matter what the performance was a part of. But the fact that it was an after school club gets to me a bit. A group of children having fun and making the best out of what they have. Some actors don't seem to realise how fortunate they are. Attending expensive drama/ dance classes or even schools from young ages. Christ it was just a group of children having fun.

Regardless of the job, most jobs nowadays have a social media policy. Even if you aren't in uniform/ the theatre, these actors are open about what production they're apart of. I'm sure the majority of us would fancy some kind of displinary action. I really hope they all get their comeuppance. Half of these were all preaching 'Be Kind ' too 🙄
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7.45 isn't time nap time...its FUCKING BEDTIME!!

I'm not sure why out of all those tedious stories...that annoyed me most!
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Phil I Buster

VIP Member
She used to be absolutely gorgeous. After Les Mus its been a long downwatd spiral. She got her "drean role" and promptly peaked. She is the burnout peaked in highschool karen mom stereotype

As an actual teacher the idea that I would ever mock a child for doing their best is disgusting. It only destroys them, it never helps them.

She looks so old. Like pushing 40. Its crazy
“So old. Like pushing 40.”

lol what?
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A big part of job is, quite literally, to find out when students are using AI to write things. I will go down a rabbit hole tonight with feedback about Joel’s captions 🫡
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People love justifying their bullshit.
Making fun of kids ain’t it and I doubt the child actor finds it funny that established west end actors and our very own panto star are making fun of her!

Rant incoming 🥰

Karen and John since you read here religiously here’s a message for you bellends. As people and now parents you should empathise even more with children and not want to see them upset but no clout is more beneficial to you both.

Karen your career is dead so I understand you being jealous of a kid that is probably gonna have a better career than you and Joel you’re just the biggest twat going! Pull your head out of your asses and get the fuck over yourselves.
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“They’re theatre kids they’ll be fine”

What if that was that child’s first production ever? Or their first big part? Or they were trying to overcome stage fright? If this were me, I would never perform again and be mortified.

In other news. I saw this tiktok on my FYP the other day and nearly lost it. Quite frankly and with full offence intended, Joel clearly hasn’t been bullied enough.

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Chatty Member
Good for you but let’s not demonise the lack of bonding. It’s very common for both mothers and fathers, not everyone manages to bond with their baby straight away.
Pretending otherwise or adopting a shocked tone at such a confession can make some people feel inadequate when they shouldn’t.

Side note: congrats on the new baby and hope your recovery is going well. C sections are rough. 🥹
of course, i apologise if it came across that way it wasn’t intended. think i was just surprised. absolutely nothing wrong with not feeling that bond straight away at all, i think it’s just because joel is so clunky with the way he describes things with mabel it seems very much like he doesn’t do a lot with her. although i think that’s more because carrie probably doesn’t let him and that won’t help with the bonding process for him.

again apologies if my original comment was insensitive!
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We haven't seen that ugly ass brown dress before have we?! It's HORRENDOUS
Isn't it just under the dress? I think the green bit was like an overtop with the fugly unflattering corset underneath and I can see some green in the skirt, though she might have had an overskirt too.

It's infeasible to me that she would have had TWO hideous rotten lettuce dresses made.
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