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did anyone see instagram story (the girl who interviewed joel) from last night? saying she has had loads of uncomfortable questions about joel that she doesn’t want to answer
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I've been a lurker for a long time but felt the need to comment after Joel's constant focus on the negative comments. It really reminds me of a terrible relationship I was in for a lot of my early 20's, he used the negative comments about our relationship from my friends and family to try isolate me from everyone else. He created an 'it's us against the world' mentality and tried to tell me constantly 'I'm the only person that understands and cares about you' so I'd become that reliant on him I couldn't leave. I genuinely hope I'm wrong and they're super happy, but it very much seems like that to me!
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Carrie hasnt made a mistake yet in her entire life, she's not about to start now
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Fairytale love isn’t real and it’s damaging for Carrie to try and say it is. I love my fiancé don’t get me wrong but a relationship is so much more than that, it’s support and understanding and growth. It’s tackling huge life changes which are stressful and might cause friction but you still want them there at the end of the day.

She’s locked on to a Disney daydream and Joel is perpetuating it with his lovebombing so it probably does feel like a fairytale - but the bubble will burst. Hell, let them plan the wedding - that might burst it. We’ve had arguments about menus and guests and what to prioritise - but it’s cos it’s stressful and we recognise that, but we’re stronger as a couple than beef vs chicken 😂 Carrie and Joel? Not so much
If wedding planning doesn’t break them , parenting will . My husband and I have a strong foundation , know each other well and are in love and we still found that having a baby rocked our world . You fight more because you’re tired and irritable , plus it changes the dynamic of the relationship hugely - you’re not each other’s whole world anymore . You’re mutually putting all your energy and most of your love into looking after a child together , not each other and that’s a big change .

Joel seems like the type who would be jealous of a baby
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I thought it was not very nice of her not trying to play along once she suspected that something was up. Definitely a Narcissistic trait to try to worry, ruin someone's plan. She is mean and she does not truly love him.
Yeah what was up with that?
I did feel sympathy for him then. He obviously went to a LOT of effort. Using theatres that meant a lot to her, getting the theatre cafe involved, a treasure hunt etc
Rather than do the nice thing when she realised something was ‘up’ and play along she insisted on going to the Victoria Palace, insisted on sitting outside. She KNEW something was going on and rather than give herself over to the moment of it (a birthday surprise, or a proposal) she had to be in control and spoil it. Several times in the live he said ‘but you didn’t realise something was going on, it was a surprise’ and she just couldn’t please him by just saying ‘yes’. She talked around it. She completely knew. And yet she just couldn’t bring herself to enjoy or allow him to have his moment.
She couldn’t have looked less ‘engaged’ in telling the story. Barely smiled or looked excited while adding her bits? He looked thrilled. The whole thing was awkward to watch. The fake yawning (a cover for embarrassment?/distraction technique) was so odd too?
For two creative people, they rambled, talked over each other and the live was waaaaaay too long. Just get to the edited highlights?
Also to those who say Carrie was forced into it. Can you imagine anyone forcing an ego like that into anything?
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Don’t mind them, guys, just being a couple of goofy lovebirds 🤪🥴


Also just noticed how far down the ring is on her finger—definitely the completely wrong size!!
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i skimmed through the first bit of the live. like everyone else has mentioned carrie’s body language vs joel’s is very telling, and while it makes joel look slightly less unhinged… i don’t think this is the damage control they thought it would be. they still sound insane. they basically admitted they’re still strangers, and that carrie straight up ignored his attempts to even befriend her via dm until after her breakup when she decided she had no standards in the race of turning 30.

we “got” the engagement story in the loosest sense of the word. but like... you guys sat down and chose to do a live together. did you not think people’s first and loudest question would be the engagement story? did you not talk, as you so emphatically say you as a couple do so much of, about whether you would answer that question? and if so, how? carrie looked pissed at quite a few points bc she wasn’t the one in control of the narrative, though she refused to tell the story. and kept interrupting with weird distractions related to edgar. how bizarre is that? wouldn’t you just be gushing about how the love of your life proposed, rather than being preoccupied with your cat?

it’s just so very odd
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Is it just me that’s feeling this… or has the vibe rather changed from genuine concern for what Carrie has been getting herself into, to actual dislike? I know what I’m starting to feel… 😬
If so many Tattlers came forward and said 'I was in an abusive controlling relationship, and Joel ticks off all of the same boxes as my ex, Carrie please be careful'. And she chooses to ignore that or consider these extremely brave and honest women to be liars or haters, then quite frankly, she is not worthy of my concern.
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On the year anniversary that Oliver left Carrie, she is already engaged to be married to another man

When you type it out simply like that it seems even more crazy

But I'm getting to the opinion that she's an adult, she is as bad as Joel in a lot of ways and so they deserve each other
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This is such a pretty photo of her!! Interesting that she had to post this one before the slide of the comment… Almost like she didn’t want it on her grid, or wanted to somehow prove that she does actually look nice from a controlled angle. No tongue out?? No silly pose?? 🤔

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It’s interesting properly seeing them together and observing their chemistry. Joel defers to Carrie a lottttt, it’s clear who calls the shots between them. They do seem to have a fairly easy way together. And Joel is coming across as sane, which is refreshing. But it feels like their chemistry hinges solely on Joel being a total yes man. And there’s not an ounce of visible sexual or romantic tension at all, it’s deffo more of a besties vibe.

Carrie absolutely looks dead behind the eyes though and extremely checked out. We know her and we’ve watched her on camera for years. I know what she looks/sounds like when she’s overjoyed and enthusiastic, and this ain’t it. Either the break up with Oliver fundamentally changed her as a person and her ability to express her emotions. Or she’s just not all that into this. In comparison Joel’s flushed and animated throughout.
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Also I’m dying at Joel explaining how even though he and Carrie knew each other and ran in the same circles, a relationship never developed because they were both always in relationships/seeing other people and Carrie is immediately like weeeellll, it’s more like we were never at an event where I was looking for a ‘suitor.’ It’s like he’s trying to make it this incredible ‘finally in the right place at the right time’ always destined to be together romance and she’s like no, we never dated because I wasn’t in need of a partner?? Literally, the only reason she became interested in Joel is because she was suddenly single and in want of a new boyfriend?? Deranged.
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C: "It's never been one of those events where I thought: Oh a potential suitor might be here!
You were always just Joel! just Joel! Yeah you still are." *inhales sharply and continues to chew her finger*

Ha ha ha 🥤
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It was a rude comment, and I can guarantee Alesia’s pic is the reason it touched a nerve. She clung onto that bc Alessia can post a bikini pic without all the preaching and she can’t.

Though. I do wonder if having to watch Tom struggle with eating disorders is the reason she’s so hyper-focused about her weight and having to justify posting certain pics so she doesn’t get the same bullying he got from
his weight. But that’s just the armchair psychologist in me going to town.
Carrie posted that comment 19 hours ago, Alessia posted the bikini pic 6 hours ago, they were unrelated.

I feel like we need to pull an anti-Joel and move on from the weight comments too. (Y'all weren't kidding, he reposted like 15 stories about the negative comment?? Who the fuck does that??? Why would you ever want to further Streisand-effect and shine multiple spotlights on your fiance being body shamed?!)
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I find it very telling that Carrie said she knew/strongly suspected that Joel was about to propose but seemed to do everything in her power to spoil the plans or at least make him panic. What a power trip.
Almost like she was sabotaging him from proposing :unsure:
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I have somewhat lost the motivation to follow Carrie's current and future endeavors. She is so mediocre looking, unhinged and dull at this point.. also knowing that she wants to marry that knobbly farmers "boy".. I am contemplating whether she deserves my/the attention 😅

I did/do enjoy the collective analysing and debating though.. which was evidently more amusing than the object of "interest" herself.
Same. Since she drew her line in the sand these past 1-2 weeks and fully doubled down on her creepy relationship I’ve found her very boring. It’s become habitual for me to check this thread a few times a day but my interest has deffo waned.
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