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On her podcast she constantly talks about how they have cirque du soleil sex hanging from the rafters (you know, cuz dirty Juan is such a sex god) and it makes me throw up in my mouth every time I hear it!!

Here’s something for a morning giggle 🤭

His sandals are so much more ladylike than hers 😂😂😂😂😂
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He can't believe his luck at his 5 minutes of fame !

I guess Season 2 will be the failed IVF, season three THE Divorce.
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Podcast is like every thing she and IQ27 do. She puts absolutely no effort, research on topics worth discussing, nothing. Even the guest she gets to come on are as outdated and boring as she is. I think she literally - gets on a microphone and has her personal therapy lessons for all of us to hear. I sent her a message telling her it would be wise for her to start out each podcast saying she isn't a licensed therapist and these subjects are strictly her opinion. She will end up gettng sued as alot of information she said is wrong. My undergraduate degree is in psychology and she is spreading misinformation about many subject relating to marriage and divorce. Statistics are wrong and some young naive women or man may believe the crap she is selling. She basically wants to justify that everyone her age should divorce their husband and start life all over again. It's is the oddest podcast out there. Again, puts no effort or research into any topic- just curses using the F Bomb the whole time and talks about how all her married friends are unhappy and drink and she skips to work now because she has met her man. Very nausteating to listen to.

Think it's gas in this day and age, if a man wears tan, gets teeth whitened, dresses well - pretty much looks after themselves....they're smacked with "GAY".

It's like living back in the 80s. Morto for you.
(I despise the two of these btw, just frustrates me to hear the same worn-out casual gay slur shouted out for instances like this)
I am going to take the other word that I have been using - metrosexual. I know many men that dress well, and take good care of themselves. I love a man that is dressed well and takes care of himself. I just don't like IQ27!!!!! He is to thirsty for anything that she does or he thinks will get him noticed. Also, as a latin women with latin brothers- tanning is not something latin men do. Not sure why he does that -but he is clearly taking advantage of every opportunity she is paying for. The fact that these lazy bums can't go into a dentist office and have their teeth worked on or have a spray tan place show up in a hotel ( who cleans up that mess if it gets on the walls and sheets) shows just how out of touch they are. They literally slopped up the hotel room and eat and lay in bed all the time. What a absolute waste, but I am here to watch it all go down. Wait until social media gets ahold of IQ27- they will say many unkind things to him. Can't say that we didn't try and warn him to change ways............

Peeps, I need some prayers or postitive energy headed my way. I underwent chemo and last treatment was a few months ago. Been battling this since April, 2019. Last week I had bloodwork and already they are starting to see abnormal cells. I am bummed out but far from giving up- just trying to refocus. Trust me, this thread has been a great distraction for me during my chemo days- glad I have connections with you guys.

And he has had a spray tan and now teeth whitening. What man does this?? He'll be having his make up done next!

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Okay, I am sorry this guy is just absolutley nauseating. Of course it's a freebie but what is the purpose of showing it? They couldn't get a freebie in Dubai because they have used up everybody- now they will come here to the states and do it. please go back to dubai, like now. plus, look at how sloppy that hotel room is. And for some reason they look like the type that don't tip, what do you all think?

Well, it’s very noticeable that all the other housewives of Dubai are together in NY and Caroline is conspicuously apart from the group. 🤔
Imagine what they all say about IQ27 when they aren't around. Not sure how they feel about CS- but I bet they talk about ass brain (his other name I call him) just as much as we do.

So tacky feed a homeless person than post on stories
Of course, they have to show they are feeding one homeless person. How about going to a homeless shelter and helping for a few hours. Try as they might, nothing they seem to do comes of as being sincere.

That tragic thing is, she think she looks fabulous 😂😂🙈
Well, we know he would never tell her she looks bad in an outfit. He is scared she will ship him back off to Newport Beach with a one way ticket. He can always be a pool boy- he looks like he would do just fine in that line of work. Meanwhile, like most young men his age that are working and building their future, exactly what are is plans?"
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Urgh it is always too little too late when Caroline tries to post about world events. You can just tell she only does it after she sees others posting stuff. This is where her lack of education and culture comes in - I don’t care how old or “connected” her family may be, or whether she snogged the disgusting Prince Andrew - she just seems to lack the intellectual spark to actually take interest in or deeply care about anything other than herself. The relentless pursuit of fame just doesn’t cut it as a hobby. Even Kim Kardashian, the original and ultimate famous-for-nothing-famewhore has gone out and educated herself on criminal reform, has used her celebrity for good, has even tried to pass the bar exam to become a licensed lawyer. Caroline has absolutely nothing in her life that matters more to her than being on TV.
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IQ27's cognitive dictionary and spoken vocabulary:

1. Amazing
2. Incredible
3. Crazy
4. Oh my god
5. Beautiful
6. Crazy
7. Oh my god
8. Amazing
9. Wow
10. Beautiful
11. Lucky
12. Excited
13. Beautiful

Can anyone else come up with any other words he knows? I had to repeat a few just to bulk the list up.

I don't think this guy is cunning or playing Caroline at all. He is far too thick for that.
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I just think Cem is one fine looking man. Whew, when he is up there DJ'ing and has that swagger, I was swooning! To think she gave that up for this wannabe realit star, or financier, or bitcon person or the hundred other things he tells us to stay tune for he is gong to be, just blows me away. He would make a great front desk staff greeter at ghost hotel. IQ27 did not like the fact that she said the only way to get through another 12 year old birthday party is to drink tequiila. I think we are starting to witness the cracks forming in this relationship. IQ27 is tired of watching her drink and get drunk at almost every event they attend. I know how that feeling is, my brother in law drinks whenever there is a party and my stomach is always in knots because he get out of control. I think that is exactly what happens with CS. Cem probably look at IQ27 as a joke. A little boy that is trying to act like a baller when in actuality he wears the same clothes, has no job, no friends ( unless you count the scary russian mafia men) and isn't more than CS personal assistant. He just took the place of Luke.
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Misty Morning

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What a Boring life they live.
Eating out all the time
Constantly on their phones, filming
No Normal Family life
A Really Sad existence
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On her podcast she constantly talks about how they have cirque du soleil sex hanging from the rafters (you know, cuz dirty Juan is such a sex god) and it makes me throw up in my mouth every time I hear it!!

Here’s something for a morning giggle 🤭
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His sandals are so much more ladylike than hers 😂😂😂😂😂
People who brag about an amazing sex life, usually have anything but!
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I am curious to know, considering that you are married to a local, if you have any insight into how the heck they manage to get away with posting stuff that clearly shows they are flouting local laws and sensitivities !
Local laws have relaxed enormously in the past few years, and to be honest there are bigger fish to fry/more disrespectful ‘influencers’ to clamp down on before these two. However if someone watching their stories took a screenshot and filed an E-Police report about a genuine concern regarding something they’ve posted, it would have to be investigated.

Curious because you have lived there for 20 years & understand the place ,do the other housewives live in top tier "post codes" better than stanbury?
No they definitely do not. To be frank, the local population is mortified that this franchise is going ahead (especially with S.A.M as the sole representative of locals). They are all - possibly bar Nina, although I don’t know much of her personally but she seems nice from what I’ve seen - fame-hungry wannabes and very much living that ‘fake it til you make it’ lifestyle. None of the real big hitters in Dubai would be seen dead anywhere near this franchise. It’s embarrassing how Bravo fans online are writing ‘oh Dubai is where we will see the REAL money!’ meanwhile everyone who actually lives here knows that LVP’s dogs have a higher net worth than this entire cast 😂
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I just find it so crazy that Caroline, the most unmotherley mother I can think of would even consider having another child. Like others are saying, I feel like the cracks are beginning to show between the pair of them, I would be surprised if it actually happens it would interrupt her life so much, and I would think the same about her if she were younger, it’s simply the way she comes across and what she shows us!
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Oh it pains me to write this but I feel the need to give some (teeny tiny temporary) props to IQ27 here, because - unlike clown lips - he does seem to love his mama and show her love and appreciation. When his family’s around, he pays most of his attention to them and plays tour guide all around Dubai. Yes it’s weird that he drags along random crypto thugs and eurotrash realtors, but he does seem genuinely happy to have his mom there. And guess who is completely and utterly absent? This, to me, is the truest sign that this relationship is not “real” in CS’ mind. I’ve said this before, but when you are truly head over heels for someone, you will try your hardest to get their family to love you. Certainly there are situations where in-law relationships are strained for whatever reason, but since we’ve all been privy to this traine wreck of a relationship since day 1, we know that she’s never out in even one tiny ounce of effort. Not even a whisper of kindness. He, on the other hand, has tried his hardest to chum up with her family.
She is a world class narcissist, while Dirty Juan sometimes seems like he’s really just a kid.
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God that the Canary Club is so far out of Dubai is so embarrassing!!! Has anyone noticed how far away the city is based on their view at the 'penthouse' ? So in this instance it's like the party being in Anaheim, when you live in Anaheim, but just call it Beverly Hills to try and appear wealthy
Not defending them at all as I’m def not a fan, but just want to give some context for those who aren’t familiar with Dubai. The city is very very sprawling but most places take a maximum of 20-25 mins to reach even if you’re starting from the opposite side of the city. It also has many different hotspots spread all across the emirate and there isn’t one main centre, like where Burj Khalifa is (‘downtown’) has only become considered the centre in the past decade or so since it was built, before that it was Jumeirah (where you find Burj Al Arab) and for the really old school residents and locals the centre is Deira clock tower lol.

Also the more central areas are mainly commercial and the residences around there (for example in Jumeirah) are only allowed to be owned by GCC nationals. So expats can only rent in those neighbourhoods. The gated communities such as Al Barari, Arabian Ranches, Palm Jumeirah etc are where you will find expats owning and if you look at the map or try to see the downtown skyline from there you’ll think it’s extremely far away. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t an expensive or exclusive community to live in. For example Al Barari (the villas not the apartments) is one of the most highly regarded communities but it’s 20km away from downtown. It only takes 20 mins to drive though.

JLT however is a really odd location for a party. It’s just office buildings and a weird one-way road system. But it isn’t ‘far out of the city’ by any means, it’s opposite Marina/Palm and right next to Emirates Hills which is the original most expensive gated community for expats to own in. 15 mins drive from downtown, 10 mins from Jumeirah.
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Yes, Joan on Third, the traffic here has slowed down considerably. Here is a recap of these two morans three weeks that she left children behind for. CS who is supposed to be a smart business women and married to mr. MBA genius - can't get the paperwork right again so she misses her flight Then they spend a week in a filthy hotel room with food and clothes scattered on the floor. He photobombs every picture she is in even with RHOD cast members. We then were treated to mattress on the floor and eating fast food because they probably couldn't pay for pricey' dinners in NYC. Move on to the small private plane that everyone was packed in like sardines but now we see they are spending their honeymoon with a bunch of tweens. Same beach stories and images, she is drinking and he is lounging getting sun. Ending with the good old luggage images. Did I miss anything? These two are so predictable! hese two clowns block anyone that leaves them a negative message - so most of that hogwash of "we love you two" "couple goals" "so happy" comments you see on their accouts look to be from people who pay them to advertise and some scattered friends. . For sure, they are so superficial they scower those accounts and delete anything that takes away from this fake narrative they have built. IQ27 is deliusional in his thinking. It's apparent to most people now, and especially CS older friends (Shiva, for one) that this giglio came into CS world to attach his face to her lifestyle. In that moran's mind he thinks he is married to a young, athletic, blonde, blue/eyed woman with braids in her hair and dresses like most women his age, and can pick up and travel whenever to wherever. He doesn't respect the fact that CS has 3 children waiting at home for her. If IQ27 and CS had a kid would he leave his kid for 3 week? What an absolute waste of life for a young man his age to be acting and living this way. Could it be he is way addicted to social media?
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Hey now, studmuffin12, it’s more than fair game to call out the Arab gentleman who was denouncing the RHODXB. His critique had more than a tinge of sexism to it, as does - dare I say it? - Arab culture in general. The conversation is a ripe one, and we should be having it. While I understand that conservative Arabs will take issue with this show, I also understand Patsy Fritata’s reaction to the very classist/sexist/condescending tone of that video. And before you try to roast me too, I am half-American and half-Arab, and while I love so much of the beauty, tradition and refinement of my culture, it can also be stifling and oppressive and backwards.
Also: this picture of Caroline with her legs spread is beyond gross 🤮
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Now that some stuff with the comment left for IQ27. I They both blocked me yesterday because I called them out on their childish behavior and asked him if he ever was planning on going to get a job? I guess they don't want anyone bursting their love bubble- no man would keep me from my kids- I would show his ass the door in a second. This unemployed moran has already said he wants to be a power couple and that doesn't mean her kids. They are blocking anyone leaving bad comments. These two morans are the worst - on vacation with a woman and her kids, but CS are no where in sight. Does that make any sense to anyone? IQ27 and his typical verbiage - look at this one, you look so cute, honeeee i love you, is going to be in the spotlight more than he wishes to be once that show airs. Trust me we are kind compared to what people are going to say when they watch these two fake wannabes. It is going to be brutal. She isn't likable and he is nothing but a paid giglio.
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I have been at home, sick as can be with Covid for the past week. It's been rough...and then i discovered this page, and everything changed. I think i have read every single comment on every thread over two days. I can't get enough. Thank you for bringing me down the rabbit hole that is the train wreck IQ27(almost laughed myself into recovery when I first saw reference to this) and CS.

I am disgusted but why can I not look away from them??? F*** he is so annoying. I am not an agressive person but I so desperately want to punch him in the face. It is so obvious NOBODY likes him. As a result of this life changing, re awakening website I have also discovered their youtube..honestly. What are they thinking??????? Side note - it has 11,0000 subscribers. Hasn't exactly taken off lol. Take a look at the spelling in the description of this video WTF looooool. Hedge chock. Noa's arch. Jouncing (joking???) Dying. And no you did not literally 'bought' the whole store.

Why is Caroline not stepping in here? Can she at least correct the spelling? I am soo confused. Please watch the video. He is hanging around like an annoying leech in the background adding weird, annoying commentary 'ohh maa godddd.' At the end a 'generous friend' pays for the animals they buy, including toys for all her 5 dogs? It's too bizarre. What the f**k is going on.

Is anyone down on digging up some real dirt on IQ27? I'm talking getting to the bottom of this MBA bullshit. Any reference to which University he apparently attended?

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People used to like CS on LoL for her Ice princess vibe and her zingy one-liners. Now that she is just an over-inflated LA/Miami wannabe with no posh friends and no more (admittedly tenuous) connection to British aristocracy, she really comes across as nothing more than a boring washed up reality star. Her daily life is woefully sad and empty. Aside from flogging pet food and dodgy crypto BS, she does nothing. And certainly nothing of any interest. No charity work, no interesting hobby, not a doting mother/daughter/wife, doesn’t create any sort of art or even interesting content. Her fashion sense is nonexistent. All she can really serve up these days is her ability to get shitfaced and shake her boobs in people’s faces. It’s all becoming rather pathetic, and made worse by the fact that she seems to believe that people actually love her and are eating this up. And having your daughter toast you as “everybody’s favorite MILF” basically just broke the cringe-meter!!
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