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She's getting desperate now. The skincare range hasn't brought in the big bucks she was expecting so that's where the app comes in

She should talk to her friend Ruth about launching apps that serve no purpose. Remember she launched a subscription based app that was basically the same thing as Mumsnet? Unsurprisingly it didn't last
Sorry, there was a once off cost for Ruth's app. And even that failed. The oaf is deluded if she thinks people will want to pay a monthly subscription
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Yep! Her original SPF cheat sheet has the following (classic Caroline) at the start

The same blog post currently starts with:

Then on some posts she's made visible/acknowledged edits to update her opinion which I think is a better move personally (including on this one about Institute Esthederm products,
Rarely burns? Except in Italy. 🙄
Her own mother had melanoma and she still took that risk.
Shoehorns in the Native American ancestry.
Hirons the Pocahontas of Skincare!
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Jelly Bean

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I have had skin issues lately, not sure if from following CH’s advice (or changes in me) but E45 basically saved me.
She's a crashing snob. Fuck knows why as she's utterly classless. These eejits who get everything for free and are wealthy anyway are so condescending. Like her and Sali Hughes being all po faced about dupes. Well pardon me if I can't afford the Charlotte Tilbury primer thingy so buy the Collection copy for £6.
Nadine Baggers seems to be the only one who appreciates the value of good dupes for a lot of people.
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These outfits are bloody awful. Caroline is obviously trying to copy Trinny’s power suits but looks like someone’s Auntie Sandra who has never married but has a housemate called Pam 😂 and Ava looks like she’s got it from the Band Of Gold collection. Dear , oh dear.
You're spot on with both of these. Band of gold brings back memories!

Hirons would make anything look awful, there's no accounting for taste..or dressing in the dark

I'm hoping they make heat magazine's worst dressed.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
This is the point isn't it? This is why her adult child is the way she is. She knows her mother will buy her a new ticket, put her up in a hotel etc. She is living her life without consequences. Ridiculous way to raise a child just because you can afford it.
This is it. It isn't nature but nurture. Nellie is pretending to be annoyed but she not so secretly loves her madcap crazy family :rolleyes:
'What is my family like! We're all so mad! But fiercely loving!'
Ava drifts around like that because there are no consequences and she's young. She's not unique in that. Missing transport when you don't pay for it and don't actually have to be anywhere is no big deal. 100% if she was on her own or paying for it she'd have been there earlier.
Plus when you have a timekeeping parent or friend you leave it up to them - hence her husband's behaviour. Hirons is pretending to look for deep meaning when all the time she was no doubt thinking 'this will make a cute anecdote to show what a amazing free spirit my Ava Hirons is'.
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She looks dreadful 😬 So do I lot of the time but I'm not in the beauty industry.

View attachment 2817833
Blood and sand as my Aunt would say
In this and your last photo post Hirons looks awful and is ageing very quickly. If I didn't know how old she was I'd put her in her mid sixties.

It's probably a combination of crap diet, restrictive diet, Ozempic, late nights, bad tweakments and not practicing what she preaches with a skincare routine

Like you then majority of the time I look don't look great ... To set the scene I'm the love child of Medusa and Robert Smith but I'm not on camera working in the beauty industry
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
The launch of the PERMANENT counter at Liberty does seem to have been underwhelming 😬
Footage of Trinny's was much busier. Didn't Trinny have an actual launch party and special offers and makeovers all week or something too?
Typical of Nellie to assume the mere presence of her stall would be enough and that freaks would storm the barricades in excitement.
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View attachment 2798013
My goodness the teeth! Plus all the filler…never mind looking good for her age, she looks much older than she is. 👵
Morphing into Danielle westbrook.

ETA tl;dr Nellie looks cheap and Lisa and Trinny don't

I'm not sure how to explain this without appearing snobby (I'm from Essex ffs!) but I'll have a go. It's all about whether you appear wealthy. Lisa Eldridge and Trinny just look rich. Trinny walks down the street wearing Zara and still looks like no one else could afford what she's wearing. Lisa just oozes style and class. They've both had loads of work done and full to the brim of botox but it's done to perfection by people the likes of us couldn't afford to see. Lisa looks as though she's had absolutely nothing done other than forehead and around her eyes look completely smooth, so she probably started botox very early.

Anyway, they could be walking around in no make up and in primark clothes and still look like there's half a billion in the bank.

Then we turn to Nellie Hirons. She looks no richer than any of us despite having a country mansion and London flat. She has no idea about style and presumably thinks she knows best about procedures so tells her practitioners what to do as far as botox and filler goes. I can imagine her being so brash and loud that they just do as she says. (A dermatologist was talking to Nadine about Madonna having gone too far and her docs should have stopped her as it's unethical to keep working on her. Then admitted that if Madonna came to see him "I'd shit myself and do whatever she wants"!). She has the worst hair I've seen on anyone famous, has no idea about style (she lives in trackies and sweatshirts, nothing wrong with that but she then dresses like that in more formal settings) and just doesn't have that look that inspires you to want to look like her.

I look back at pics from just a few years ago and she looks so much more natural and herself. I don't even think it's ageing, although she does look decades younger just 6 years ago. It's almost as though her personality shows in her face. Nadine is another one who doesn't look as polished as the others but she at least takes professionals' advice.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Please can the next thread title contain 'NOT A POP UP' somewhere? 😂

Foolishly skipped through her skin cancer fearmongering highlights. Wtf is the point of posting ghoulish pictures without context? Most of them are old bald men anyway, part of the generation when dark brown tans were fashionable (status symbols because it showed you could afford a foreign holiday), who were told you couldn't tan without burning, and applying baby oil was the thing to do. OF COURSE there will be some cases of skin cancer. Where are these people located? Australia or the UK? Did they work in an office or as a roofer? Were they sunbed users? What was their attitude to tanning? Did they regularly strip the protective layer of dead skin cells and sebum off their skin with acids?

Hirons is selling it like 'apply a lot of this ultra expensive cream every day to a few square of your skin, and like a magical talisman, you won't get skin cancer. Ps RUN, DON'T WALK AND BUY MY ACIDS TO STRIP YOUR SKIN!!!'
Yes thank you for saying this.
The lack of context in the skin cancer photos is ridiculous.
My father had skin cancer on his bald head, but he was in Eygpt in the war, and then was a farmer out in the sun for decades. And never used sun cream unless he went on holiday - as sun at home didn't count. Which I think was quite a common attitude - even St Hirons herself said separate SPF wasn't necessary only 10 years ago 'Ireland isn't Australia'.
We all know skin cancer exists. All Hirons is doing is showing proof it exists. But she's doing the equivalent of saying lung cancer is as equally as likely to affect the 60 a day smoker as the 1 fag every couple of years social smoker.
No wonder freaks cower under their duvets in winter slathered in factor 50.
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Chatty Member
And most of her teams jobs seem to be computer based anyway - so why isn't it possible to wfh?
I've long thought her bellowing 'who's that going off home then? Byeee!' as she peers through the door during a live was passive aggressive and aimed to let them know she's still working as they slope off 'early'.
Hard agree. Plus her comments like "if I'm here, they'll stay, unless I tell them to go" as if that's because they all love working there and are so dedicated, when in reality it's fear.
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What nonsense is that? I have moisturised from top to bottom for over 25 years and never once heard I was supposed to be smooth like a dolphin.
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Don't think so, she's waxed lyrical about how hard it was in the early days when their family was young and she was working at least a couple of jobs to make ends meet.

Someone has to look after Hirons Towers in Somerset, so that's his current 'employment'.
I remember Ruth saying how thick the walls are in her old house, the room’s are also large and airy so it must be hugely expensive to heat during the colder weather . Jim’s probably in charge of the coal fires and woebetide him if they die out.
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Lots of people on the live assumed it was a pop-up which may have started to get on her nerves. Vs I don't think anyone would have assumed that about Trinny in Liberty.
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Just seen this on the Trinny Tribe page ! ☕

There’s a lot of replies along the lines of “where did not tearing up / supporting other women go?” and so forth but one comment I’ve attached points out the digs Hirons has had at Trinny and one person who commented hasn’t heard of Hirons / Gangsta Gran 😂😂😂
That “women supporting other women” soon got forgotten when Hirons was slagging off Trinny’s product. You can tell the die hard Freaks from the bollocks they post.

Talking of Freaks, did anyone see the new X Factor post today? (Hope this won’t be the start of those again)
Lost her mum last year, went into a depression so wracked up lots of debt. Now can no longer afford her usual high end skincare (products listed of course! 🙄) so could anyone recommend any cheap alternatives.
There were only a couple of replies when I saw it and no offers of freebies so fingers crossed it stays that way.

I don’t mean to sound unsympathetic because I know losing a parent is truly awful but the post could have just read “I can no longer afford high end products, could anyone suggest a good budget balm cleanser, acid toner, etc?”
We don’t require an X Factor sob story!
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