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This gave me a little chuckle.
On Instagram in her comments I got the “this comment is hidden because it may be inaccurate, etc” message.
I opened said comment. “Your skin is glowing.”
Even the Instagram bots are calling out that was inaccurate! 😆
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Love the comment from Moogster. There was another one but it’s been deleted. It was something about her freaks paying for her 2 mill house in the country, vs what an open book Trinny is. It’s was gold!
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Caroline did her usual of telling everyone she knows better than anyone else and we should all listen to her , including Trinny it would appear.

We’re all too stupid to understand, that seems to be her assumption.

Her arrogance is astounding.

I went to Trinny’s online shop after this and I’d buy her products over Caroline’s any day of the week.
Trinny is so much much more knowledgeable and thoughtful than Gobshite Gloria and has never ( to my knowledge) thrown anyone under the IG bus unlike the classless Hirons.
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Worry about your own lazy offspring rather than what other people are or aren't doing. She raised them to be lazy shites.
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I have done micro needling at home many times but it took a lot of reading and prep. I got scarring from acne when I was 25 so the desperation to be my former self was very overwhelming. It’s like one day I was normal skin and the next I wasn’t. I don’t think it is wrong to sell a microneedle kit as some people will like using it.
Miss shit head hirons has never dealt with real acne so I do not think she is specialized in helping people with that. She couldn’t fix Ava’s acne so who’s can she fix? She’s disgusting and her jealousy is coming out of her pores. Trinnys skincare is so much better than skin rocks. Trinny does not need hirons permission
The comments under the live are bad! She calls a woman a Karen because she called out exactly what we all are thinking
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New thread! Title by @50sGirl

Cazza's son married his elfin (sorry, evil) bride, started selling some flannels for an exorbitant amount and was generally an arse
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Yea we need to grow up. Lol. I get what ch is saying about micro needling but I think she’s more hurt that trinny is so successful. It has little to do with the tool and a whole lot to do with her jealousy. Trinny has been needling her face since forever and she had terrible acne. So I am more likely to listen to someone who gets the scarring aspect of acne. Hirons has easy skin so I don’t really think she’s that much of an expert . Again aciding your face twice a day is fine but micro needling is a big no no. It just doesn’t make sense that she’s all up in arms about it.
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Wouldn't it have been the classy and honorable thing to approach Trinny with something like "I'm getting lots of comments and questions on the microneedling tool, just wanted to give you a heads up". Instead she acted like a little rat and dragged in a nobody who was too stupid to realise she was being used
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Sitting listening to a load of flannel from a brand wanging on about their product range you are going to punt in your salon is not a post graduate qualification. It's delusional. As good as her 3rd generation of beauty counter person claim or whatever it was she had on her old blog. Like the knowledge passes down in your DNA.
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Chatty Member
Now she’s accusing someone for “stirring the pot” for tagging Trinny when Nellie had a full on Instagram live having pops at Trinny and having a expert with her slating Trinny but tagging Trinny is stirring the pot …… okay….


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Space NK are stocking her crap skincare and letting her tour their branches though
On “paper” it probably looks like a profitable range - X amount of IG followers and X amount of FB Freaks. If all her Freaks bought one item… I bet she uses her stats, but no not an influencer at all! The engagement has dropped considerably in recent years and I bet a lot of the members of her FB page are only still there for the amusement and possible offers that other Freaks post.
I’m only a member for that reason.
This morning a Freakoid posted her ELEVEN year old daughters routine! WTF!

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To the person asking about their experience with microneedles… I had a great experience with it. I think you need to be very aware of the risks and just be very clean and careful. I’m thinking of starting again after watching hirons go OFF.

Trinny gave very subtle but real disses to hirons. “Let’s look at the advice in my book for neck lines and saggy jowls” … or “okay how to read an inci list, once you learn to read an inci there are brands that are not good.”
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Chatty Member
Wouldn't it have been the classy and honorable thing to approach Trinny with something like "I'm getting lots of comments and questions on the microneedling tool, just wanted to give you a heads up". Instead she acted like a little rat and dragged in a nobody who was too stupid to realise she was being used
You know if CH had thought that instead of doing the sly subweet ~aiming at you, not aiming at you~ thing she did, but instead thought why not invite Trinny to do a five minute conversation or even a live crossover where they could both debate the pros, cons, reasons why and why not. That would have been a bit of marketing genius. But, obviously Madame I'm A Big Deal In The Business of Beauty is obviously not as much of a big deal in marketing tactics.
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'First thing in my profile' isn't enough is it?
Should be stated clearly under/in each video?
Every individual post a brand, or someone directly promoting a brand/product, makes is a separate ad, not just the profile. You can't just put the info on your profile and assume that's enough, because that relies on the viewer/reader to actively click through and that's not how people tend to browse.
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Hirons has shown herself time and time again to be classless and vindictive.

Trinny has handled the criticism off this oaf with style and diplomacy; something the oaf couldn’t muster up in a lifetime.
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Lisa Eldridge is pure class. Nellie is pure trash, total scammer
Any income Lisa makes from her YouTube videos she donates to charity.
For that reason I always ensure I don’t “skip ads” on her videos.

Has Nellie mentioned a “charidee” donation this time?

Just seen her jacket, she is trying so hard to emulate Trinny! 😆
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The micro needling live.. I have not even watched because it is so fucking rude to trinny. I used to microneedle with a 0.5 and it did not cause any damage. I was very careful and read up on it for months. I don’t see any problem with trinny selling a microneedle roller. It’s right on brand with trinny. So we can’t microneedle but we can sandpaper blast our foreheads?

My total dislike for her has gone up another level once again. Hirons is piggybacking off trinnys popularity. If hirons thinks you need to go in clinic why do you need a Q and A?
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