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VIP Member
I'm definitely not asking for myself, I'm just being kind and thinking of those really stupid people who may not know this information.

Where do you find chatgpt? Is it an app or a website?
Both, it started as a web only app but now has a mobile app too
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Fishing's a whole body activity. That's my point - it's very demanding in a way that wouldn't convince an assessor that the participant needs HRM and/or HRC.
The motability scheme literally advertise fishing as one of the things it can enable you to do:

I agree on HRC but mobility is totally seperate.
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It’s the intent to mislead though. Yes we should hold everybody to the same standards, I don’t think that’s what is being disputed here. It’s not ‘she can’t talk about her chemo’ it’s ’why is she talking about her chemo’. I honestly think we do her a disservice if we pretend she doesn’t know exactly what she’s doing.
I’m sure she is using it as a shield but she could use literally any aspect of her condition as a shield. Joe Public aren’t going to understand biologics or infusions anymore than they’re going to understand chemotherapy has various forms so she could easily breadcrumb the same side effects and claim she needs the time off.

There’s no need to say “she’s not having chemo” when she may well be or say she shouldn’t call it that because it’s a low dose, call her out for using her condition to deflect instead.

Questioning whether she needs time off for treatment or to hide from the BBC going after grifters is totally fair. Complaining someone is using the name of their treatment just because 90% of the people on her page will assume the absolute worst and won’t be arsed to Google isn’t particularly fair.
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She’s been wanging on about this chemo as if it’s for cancer for a while, though. It’s a very low dose chemotherapy for MS which shouldn’t be confused with the gruelling cancer treatment. Although I’m sure the average Harlow resident is fully appraised of her medical history before asking for stale bread.
She does say for MS though, at least in the times I’ve seen.
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I use the bus daily for work (it's not fun, bloody painful, I've nearly keeled over a few times) but I kind of like food and housing). There is no way on earth I'd be able to manage a night, day or morning fishing, even though I've only ever caught one fish over 2lb - the strength of a pissed off Carp somewhere over *there* <gestures in vague direction of a lake> is something to behold, never mind the getting from the entrance to having a hook dangling over bait in the first place.

Yes, her car could easily be from HR Mobility (plus some extra up front for a nicer one) - but if somebody were to be looking at her claim right now with the fishing, the gardening, the social media activities until the last couple of weeks and everything else (including that she's on biologics now) I don't think she'd have a troublefree renewal. Because she's describing very intensive and physically demanding activities, not just your ordinary doing an online shop, cooking something for tea or going to the doctor's. So I agree that her application will have been gilded somewhat.
I suppose it depends what she said. She could have a perfectly valid claim for PIP based on impairments to her lower body while being able to do physically demanding activities with her upper body.

The mobility part in particular was obsessed with “can you stand and walk X m” last time I had to help someone with their forms so if she’s claiming she needs to use a wheelchair to get around most of the time, gilded or not, she’d get her 12 points while what she is or isn’t able to do with her upper body or how much energy she has to do those things is entirely irrelevant for the mobility component.
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She knew exactly what she was doing when she mentioned chemo. 'Don't question me about the missing thousands or the cancelled school projects for our future adults'. She's a liar and a thief
I’m not disputing she’s a liar and a thief, I just think people should be able to say what treatment they are genuinely having.

If nobody who isn’t having chemotherapy for cancer is allowed to say they’re having chemotherapy then the 99% of people who assume it’s always the stereotypical high dose aren’t going to learn otherwise, are they?

IMO more people should be open about it being used for other things, it helps everyone rather than gatekeeping it and anyone curious about the specific dose she’s likely to be on and the side effects she’s likely to have (even at a low dose it’s nasty stuff) can easily google “chemotherapy for MS”.
I disagree. I take biologics - as Carlz does. I've also taken DMARDs. My DMARD dose was 25mg intramuscularly weekly. A comparable dose of exactly the same medication as actual chemotherapy would be 8000mg over 24 hrs intravenously for a child. And accompanied by other medications.

She's not having chemo by any stretch of the imagination.
Low dose oral chemotherapy is absolutely a treatment for some cancers.

And chemotherapy is exactly what she’s having. She’s taking a chemotherapy drug (or is likely to be - obviously she could be specifically lying about this but we know her MS is real so on balance, likely she’s being treated with it). Chemotherapy is a massive wide spectrum, just as antibiotic treatment is - and it’s a massive wide spectrum even within cancer treatment before you get to it being used to treat other illnesses.
She never mentions that it's a very low dose. I suspect 99.99% of the people who hear or read that she's having "chemotherapy" assume it is similar to cancer treatment, and I think she is deliberately creating that association in people.
I don’t think she has to specify what dose she’s on though. It’s not up to her to educate people on other uses for chemotherapy than cancer (of which there are quite a few). Nobody expects cancer patients to specify whether they are on a low dose protocol of chemotherapy or the high one that most people probably think of - some cancer chemotherapy treatments will be far closer to Carly’s treatment than the stereotypical super high dose.

She’s saying legitimately that she’s having a common treatment for her condition and she’s got every right to specify which treatment if she wants.

ETA: I remember Selena Gomez getting loads of shit after she said in an interview she’d had chemotherapy for her lupus for this exact reason and it’s ridiculous. People should be allowed to say what treatment they’ve had without the implication it doesn’t really count if it’s not the highest dose possible.
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