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Chatty Member
Surely it’s enough and a wake up call if you are too big for the shops sizes? That’s surely a sign you have taken things too far?
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So in the latest charity shop vlog, Carla bought a swimming costume, tammy tried it on without it being washed and if she didn’t want it it would be going onto EBay, she did want it, but if not some unsuspecting person could have bought it at I’m sure some extortionate price never knowing it came from a chazza first and then was introduced to tammys minge🤢 I’ve bought used off eBay, no problem with that but it does makes you think 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
I didn’t mean a used swimming costume btw 😩 I meant I’ve had dresses and tops, never underwear or nightwear or swimming costumes used, just wanted to make that clear 👍
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You got that right. She deliberately told her viewers she went to macdonalds three times and bella pasta so she would get a response cause she was having the time of her life killing her morbidly obese self with meals out and some viewer came along and spoilt her happiness, nasty horrible viewer how dare they. Truly though todays vid was just a load of bs, tammys cooking meals meanwhile jenkins tells viewers they off out for lunch where they will make healthy choices she said😂🙄🥴😅🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😀

Heres the cal crush video from last year for those who have not seen it. She ate ten tons of food and felt guilty so took it out on a viewer. Her daughter, not at all an enabler and encouraging her own mother to die from obesity, according to jenkins asked if mumsy wumsy 20 odd morbidly obese stone, if they could go three times to macdonalds for a birthday treat and then bella pasta. Imagine this jenkins, not only having to eat healthy but having to inject with insulin several times a day since the age of ten or not being able to eat another wheat or dairy product. Cause truly you don't know how lucky you are, so carry on making these cal crush videos and then making no real attempt to get healthy cause lifes just one big joke. Grow up, before you actually die.
she is absolutely pathetic
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Lex is one of the most vulgar things I’ve ever witnessed she’s deffo unfortunate looking. She’s so cocky and smarmy and ridiculously immature. The comment she made about having to get a “that” to Carla meaning a job she later said. I’d love to see her WORK a REAL day away from her eBay selling and fleecing charity shops 🥺😂😂
That camera was way up in the sky to make lexx look vaguely human, as for jenkins (lifecoach to the stars ie lego) she looked massive meaning she's absolutely gigantic in reality. I think half the comments in viewers section is jenkins and pals under different id's sucking up to her.
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That car boot had obviously already been mostly emptied😩no way did those 2 not buy all those chocolates and cakes and sweets and nuts they showed in Costco, who the hell are they trying to kid, we were only allowed to see these two big packs of cakes and buns
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Jesus wept! Just give it up Carla. How many bloody times are we going to hear the same sad excuses why you went off the rails yet again. Every time she slips up she always says I will pull it back next week, but she never does. Maybe Nat and Tammy have tried to encourage her, we don’t know, but I’m certain she’s the type of person if anyone tried to stop her eating crap she’d fly off into a rage and say I’ll eat what I want, because food rules her life.
Yeh, ive wondered how much of a temper she has if she don't get the foods she wants, so i guess they shut up for the sake of an easy life, but does that mean nat can fill the home with all her sugar and food fixes, that's something she could help with. They could also say no to all the meals out, but i guess they are battling all their food addictions too, but sometimes like carlas endless excuses, i think the people around her make excuses not to help her. Shes a full blown addict. When a person surrounds themselves with enablers and fellow addicts this is what happens, round in circles until someone breaks the endless cycle of helping each other into a life obesity and ill health.
Also just to add, weighing herself every day...catastrophic, dont do it. Doctors recommend losing weight by measuring the waist, on average four pounds weight loss is one inch off the waist. She could set herself a goal of four inches a month, that's 16 pounds, or a more realistic say 2 inches or three. With weight around the waist this is visceral fat, no water weight, no fluctuations, if you lose an inch off the waist it's fat loss!
Heres what the British heart foundation says about surplus weight around the middle. It certainly wakes a person up into realising that its healthy eating way before calorie deficit diets that matter most.
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There are three dogs in that house, one a collie cross that must have boundless energy. A crappy twice a day run around the local field is no where near enough exercise even for the Chihiuahua cross. I get that her mobility & legs are bad but if she can withstand the pain to walk around a car boot or charity shop, then she can walk those dogs properly. To put into perspective, I have three dogs of differing breeds & ages that are walked once in the morning for around 2.5 miles mostly off lead & though our fields & again at teatime for about 4 miles come rain or shine. Even after all that, they still expect a ball throwing when we get home. If she pushed herself even just on the exercise front the weight would literally drop off her. She never seems to break a sweat. Let me tell you, I am a sweaty mess & ready for the shower once our walks are done. Calorie counting will only do so much. She has to you know, actually move her mass!
When she lost all that weight she did venture further onto a field and the dogs had a good walk. Now of course she’s piled it all back on and she’s back to sitting on her plumbing. Those dogs have never been taken anywhere apart from that bloody park where she probably only sits for twenty minutes. We’ve had dogs and they were took to different places and walked for hours.
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Anyone believe she just put 7lbs on after her cruise, I smell 💩, she was having 3 course breakfasts, imagine the state of them troughing at the buffets morning, noon and night and the bits inbetween
No I don’t believe it. Bet she never had her snout out the trough. More like a bloody stone!
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So where does Lexx sleep when she stays with Jenkins? That place is so cluttered with EBay mugs and tat I guess she must curl up in the dogs bed.
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Carlas devastated upset face as she complains about supermarkets making six packs of buffet foods like pork pies instead of just having one packs was hilarious, seriously watch that bit again. A if your that pissed off at packs of six pork pies, GET OFF Your Arse AND Make YOUR OWN And B I thought you were on a diet cause eating bedroom buffets whilst watching bridgerton will do you no favours. This entire video is absolutely priceless carla jenkins bullshit excuses are just plain hilarious. They both clearly enable and sabotage each other and will ultimately end up losing no significant weight whatsoever or saving one damned penny, cause they are both like the same scratched effing record. Cant change, WONT change.
So, in conclusion, next weeks calorie crush will be the supermarkets fault😂😂🤔🤣🤣🙄🙄🙄😂😂
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Woo hoo, new vlog, Carla and Tammy off on another food cruise, it’s a wonder the weight of those 2 and the Pepsi max cans isnt enough to sink the ship😩
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Cakes made with lard 🤢
Of course it was feeder nat who asked mumsy wumsy to cook them for her using her baby voice and Tammy the other feeder "oooh yeh make some more of these" chomp chomp. No fibre, high carb crap, oh wait, I forgot, Jenkins said they all just have a nibble and share the rest with the neighbours:rolleyes: that's why she's so slim and healthy lol
I guess she cooked something, instead of running to macdonalds, KFC, subway,every pub lunch in Britain, Gregg's, etc, etc, the list is endless.
Lard, please stay in the seventies lol, yuk.
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So she’s quite open she lives in a council property, is she aloud then to have someone living in a shed in the garden?
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When she was on the Hills's vlog about a month back she said she makes 1/3 of her income from work, 1/3 from EBay and 1/3 from Youtube, which would be about £3,000 each month combined, then all the free gifts and Koffis on top, plus the rent from her children, plus Tammy's rent. Make it make sense.
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Just noticed the advert on tv , butternut box for dogs, human quality food...cause that stuff she is feeding her dogs is not for for human consumption, full of additives, full of scrapings off the floor, cooked shaped to look marginally like something your dog would shit, rancid full of worms. Thats what a dog really should have, or your own home made version or are dogs just replacements for babies and little subservient followers you force to sit and raise it's paw for one treat. Someone should force jenkins to sit and put up her paw for her one trea
Carla looking a bit stressed today. Trying to rearrange all that tat in her bulging at the seams house.
She's knackered just walking down the stairs, you can bet it was her loving son who helped her do all the hard work, all this for that pal tammy, hope it's worth it, feel sorry for Anthony. Leave her to go up in that attic on her own, then she might value you for once in her rotten ebay, money and food driven life. As for the regresed teen, almost as big as her mum, filters only get rid of wrinkles, another puppy to fullfill her needs, got it in a sling like a baby, but mother is happy, keeps her daughter and son at home, they both need to fly, when nats finally grown up that is.
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Seems like Tammy is morphing into Jenkins with their matchy matchy Dora the explorer box dye hair styles.
Yep, saggy old grey haired women. I dont have any grey, I dont go near hair dyes or shampoo with any sulphates or chemicals. Tammy really is only there to tell the world that jenkins just eats salads and would never buy five grab bags, or overeat, or binge, or go to all you can eat buffets, or macdonalds three times in one day or scoff 17 twix bars or consume her body weight in reeses at christmas. Jenkins weight is just an illusion, the camera makes her look bigger🤣😂🥴
She’s such a bloody liar as well. She’s said in the past that she’s not interested in therapy, doesn’t need therapy as she knows what her problems are and can’t afford therapy. But in today’s video she says sneeringly that people who suggest she needs therapy don’t realise “how much therapy I’ve already had”. Absolute bollocks. If she’s had therapy she needs to demand her money back! Therapy isn’t just finding out why you do something, it’s learning strategies for counteracting self destructive behaviours. She thinks she’s identified why she overeats/overspends/is generally a stroppy bitch and that that’s enough. But she hasn’t bothered to learn how to change those behaviours. She’s also started saying she has ADHD, and today she claims to have ODD (oppositional defiance disorder). But you can bet that no professional has given her that diagnosis, it’s just a handy catch all she’s found to let her off the hook. The more I watch her the more I dislike her and am very glad I don’t know her in real life
Lol defiance disorder, i missed that bit🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤨🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Youtubes turning into bonkersville🥴😋🌞
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