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My god! Her leg! What a sorry state she is in. If my legs were like that I'd be horrified and beside myself! The sheer sight and pain of them would force me to eat healthier. She never replies to comments! Doesn't give a shit about her arse licking subscribers - only their money! Bucket lego head at least replies to everyone! Although she got some comments about her bathroom decor today and turned the comments off 😂. Carla is going to gorge herself on that cruise! She'll come back with a load of excuses! Being at sea makes you gain a stone! It's something in the water! Going with the 3 other enablers! They are all going to stuff themselves rotten and fester away in their cabins guzzling Pepsi max.
Lol she will have retained sea water😂🤣 she will look like old gregggg. Ya lego does reply to comments but today lol they were naughty so she banished them. Good lord not everyone is able to adore you and you're bathroom decor, she can't stand different thought process to hers it's a wee bit narcissistic.
As for carlas legs lipedema is quite serious and linked to the lymphatic system, her body isn't just suffering from weight gain, it's actually packing up, its had enough. Either you sort out your head and get that weight off and eat healthy and give up the sugar and pepsi or you WILL be diagnosed with something far worse than what you have now.
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We’ve got a B & M haul but no calorie crush. Not likely to see one for some time, especially with the cruise looming.
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Erm did you hear what she said about her viewers as she was explaining its her money she can do what she likes with it, she said her viewers were fixated with her gambling. Shes a prize bitch aint she. A couple of people responded to her admittal about gambling, no one asked her to volunteer that info, no one forced her, but when she gets a reaction that aint licking her giant hypocritical arse shes pissed. Also did I hear right, gym challenge???😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣
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Wow what a pair of braggers. Should be more concerned with their gambling addictions and sky high debts than comparing cruises. I found this video utterly tasteless considering how much she admitted to wasting each month and her son sleeps in a shed cause no doubt in debt too tammy sleeps in his room whilst jenkins lovingly massages her with her new free shit she scrounged. Of course carla will say he wants to sleep in a shed, its his choice he does not want to pay rent, what mother who clearly has hundred of pounds spare each month wont let her son live there free whilst he saves. Thing is anthony interferes with her eating out an gambling, he is irrelevant. Only her cruise buddy matters as they sit there like two wealthy women discussing the staff and tips on the ship. I just switched it off, they are no more interested in giving her viewers advice and tips on cruising as they are in a salad.
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Interesting how she said Josh had to carry her ‘crap/tat’ around after charity shopping. So is that the same ‘crap/ tat’ she then expects people to buy on EBay for 10x the price?
Greedy mare.
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Just watched the rest of her vlog, I can only manage to watch it in bits lol. She comes back from Mrs m's, has been out for lunch, dinner, macdonalds,cake and then later off out to eat again with Tammy, bingo and any other meal you can think of that you can eat out at ten times the cost of cooking it at home and then she gets up in the morning and it's snowing outside so she films it with a shot of the shed her sons sleeping in....IS SHE TAKING THE ACTUAL PISS? Throwing money down the drain , left right and centre like rockerfella, shots of her and the pet dogs all snug and warm indoors and she's filming the pitiful sleeping space her son lives in as she discusses the snow to her viewers. God almighty!
Footnote, she could actually pay for somewhere for him to live using the several hundred pounds a month she spends on eating out, gambling and takeaways.
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Why does anyone bother commenting on her videos when Jenkins jumps on anything she feels is vaguely critical, even if it is, in fact, supportive. As others have said, the weight should be dropping off her if she’s actually calorie counting. Certainly more than 1lb or so a week.
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Black Cat 13

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Why do all her friends look like they need a good wash! Tammy is full of the same bs excuses as Carla is! Can't eat salad because she doesn't like lettuce and is allergic to tomatoes! There are sooooo many delicious and nutritious items you can make a bloody salad with and you dont have to eat out to get it! Spinach, peppers, cucumber, beetroot, onions, celery, radishes, pomegranates, rocket, olives, carrots, green beans, just to name a few! All the comments, kissing both their arses 'we are so proud of you' blah blah. The pair of them are addicted to sugar and processed food! Full of excuses, this doesn't work for me, that doesn't work for me blah blah blah. Can't stop themselves from eating out! They could have made scrambled eggs on toast at home, foe half the price and half the amount of eggs and a healthier choice of bread! They think calorie counting is so good and that consuming bubble tea, which is 100% sugar isn't too bad because it's only 200 calories!
They all look like they're related
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You know im getting the feeling jenkins gets tammy on the video cause shes terrified of every comment that disagrees with her effed up mentality on dieting. She mentions heroin, you put that in your body, it effects you, alcohol, you put that in your body it affects you, but apparently LOL what you eat does not affect you, her osteoarthritis and lipedema will always be the same. Except seventy percent of the immune system is in the digestive system, feed it crap and if will cause sickness, inflammation and disease. Also shes bullshitting you all she said her medical condition lymphedema turned into lipedema which is a complete lie. They are two separate medical conditions. Lymphedema is a disorder of the lymphatic system and causes dysfunction in the flow of lymph fluid in the arms and legs. Lipedema does not involve the lymphatic system at all and is symmetric deposits of fat mostly in the legs and almost exclusively a condition amongst women only. Neither condition can turn into the other.
Watch the vid again and her acting all cocky cause her pal is there practically shouting at the person who commented and banging on about if she were a heroin addict you'd never just tell them to stop. Apparently out of the millions of people in the world battling obesity shes the only food addict. You are a food addict cause that's what you believe you are. Keep saying yeh im a food addict and nothing will change. Weight loss is in the mind and willpower, nothing else, if you want chocolate and there is none, you can replace it with othr foods, a crack addict or heroin addict cannot do that. YOU have the power of choice. So keep dreaming in la la land and fooling yourself until something serious happens and she will have no choice but to be healthy.
I would also like to address tammy, who should be called mother instead of ed, cause jenkins is still a regressed child compared to her. Yes a holiday should be enjoyed, especially if you spent 50 weeks dieting, but please spare us the bullshit cause none of you spend fifty weeks dieting cause if you did you'd be slim and more importantly, healthier!
Quit bullying and blaming the viewers who speak their mind and quit bullshitting the rest.
I rest my case lol🙄😂🤔🥴another bullshit calorie crush, still waiting for the blaming, overspending and excuses to stop and the healthy eating, exercise and lifestyle to begin....this is not our life, its yours, wake up. You never got rid of your lipedema fat you say when you lost all that weight, that's because even at your lowest weight you were still a massive morbidly obese 19.7 stone! Fast asleep, she is.
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Hanna Spanna

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Was Carla on a cruise for fat people? All of the fellow cruisers in the background appeared to be obese and wadding along like Carla does! The food looked far too sophisticated for those lot! Bet they were really pissed off they couldn't go and get a KFC afterwards.
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She was on nic and Andrea live stream Sunday night, could only watch for a few minutes a very strange relationship these 3 have , can’t understand it ? Does anyone know of box and Andrea have a thread in here?
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I didn’t mean a used swimming costume btw 😩 I meant I’ve had dresses and tops, never underwear or nightwear or swimming costumes used, just wanted to make that clear 👍
Listen, I'll ask carla when shes finished with the swimsuit if you can have it at a knock down price. Maybe forty quid, a girl can try🤣....only joking, I understand what you are saying. Same here. I haven't watched the car boot extortion vid, to be honest not watched a few of hers, just took a glance. I'm waiting for the repeat performance visit to lego m where they go round and round in circles doing same lazy ass content shite.
Carlas charity shop fix, Carla's generic meal out, which will be a total sodding lie and she will try and make out she just had a salad. Constant guffawing at their own jokes. Talking shit to ashley as he cooks some generic dead animal with his massive gut and permanent red face. Lego m sozzled on booze and carla in the kitchen raiding all the food, none of which is shown on cam. If we are lucky carla puts some makeup on on camera with some cheap free music playing as she paints on her winged eyeliner and fluffs her fringe sexily. So, if you have ocd, love watching repeat performances of two fat greedy bitches...tune in.
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Well you know why carla dragged tammy on there, cause she's scared of the viewers hitting her with anything remotely near the truth. Whilst I understand and it's a bit drastic to stop seeing your friends cause they are enablers but poor carla had to inform the viewers moronically that no one influences her when it comes to food. Really? Would she have a group of friends all stick thin and into yoga, hell no, she created that little group of friends, all like her, food addicts. Carla who thinks she is so loved by everyone, feels the need to tell the world, don't blame my friends, no one forced her, BS, would she sit in the all you can eat buffet on her own , would she run off to macdonalds for yet another calorie laden breakfast if her daughter said "NO quit wasting money and lose weight you fat bitch".
Then the old dears talking like old grandma's from the war, "oh tasmin missed a meal on weigh day" oh you can't do that becried tammy, you might die. Up pipes granny jenkins, "oooh it might do something to your bowels". Well grannys you may have noticed that we have moved on scientifically from the days of do you want seconds, how about some more custard with your pudding? Over the years nutritionists have found out that overeating and constantly digesting food is not good for you and that it does no harm to intermittent fast or at least go one day a week eating much less. It helps the body detox, your bowels get a rest from digesting mountains of over processed crap and the heart does not have to work has hard digesting food.
I'm sorry but this pair look like a pair of cave women, it's time to start living in the modern scientific world. They go off on their cruises, tell the viewersoh we are not going to give up our socialising, ie eating out every day, buying dr martens, expensive handbags, going for foot pedicures and then you look at their teeth, ruined from years of crap food and cigarettes and do they go to the dentist, hell no, all too scared. Try growing up instead of telling the viewers what they can and can't say, try blaming the people around you instead of pouncing on the next comment and diving in to defend your pals. Seriously though, she's just waiting for an argument and then she can tell them they are all wrong, cause NO ONE tells big carla what to do.
There should be a government health warning about so called social media influencers....saying don't listen to no one unless they listen to their own conscience.
Apparently Jenkins is back on track and very focused, is she hell, she's still fighting a battle with the viewers.

Why do all her friends look like they need a good wash! Tammy is full of the same bs excuses as Carla is! Can't eat salad because she doesn't like lettuce and is allergic to tomatoes! There are sooooo many delicious and nutritious items you can make a bloody salad with and you dont have to eat out to get it! Spinach, peppers, cucumber, beetroot, onions, celery, radishes, pomegranates, rocket, olives, carrots, green beans, just to name a few! All the comments, kissing both their arses 'we are so proud of you' blah blah. The pair of them are addicted to sugar and processed food! Full of excuses, this doesn't work for me, that doesn't work for me blah blah blah. Can't stop themselves from eating out! They could have made scrambled eggs on toast at home, foe half the price and half the amount of eggs and a healthier choice of bread! They think calorie counting is so good and that consuming bubble tea, which is 100% sugar isn't too bad because it's only 200 calories!
I so agree with you Hanna! Excuses excuses. Well if she didn't spend 12 quid and more on each meal out she would not have to put up with lettuce and tomato would she. Make salad at home , choose whatever you like. We are not temu and shein workers living in third world poverty, we have an abundance of fresh fruit and veg. Whilst some lettuce is ok most has very little nutritional value, spinach is much better, full of iron, calcium, vitamin c, potassium and magnesium. Wait, you can socialise in your own home for a tenth of the cost of eating out? Well fancy that!
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Brilliant comment on her latest #kindlygrifted handbag slog basically saying she’s only enthusiastic about it as it was freebie! Got it in one dear commenter.
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