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No I don’t believe it. Bet she never had her snout out the trough. More like a bloody stone!
Crock of shit, don't believe a word. More like stone and a half. Love how she comedies up her videos with stupid sounds and how she words everything. Laughing at her own demise when shes binging like that. Not only does she pile on more weight, that's some more lipids in her blood clogging her arteries. Too much salt screwing u her circulation in her legs some more and too much sugar so her pancreas is on its knees and liver. You can see on her face that this dimwit is proud she only put on seven pounds. I think shes a born liar and if it were true shes happy as a pig in mud that shes 24 stone 7 pounds.....shes utterly enormous, morbidly obese and like thicko kazza just goes on in ife trying to cheat their diet🤣🙄🥴😋......end of this year neither of them will have losta significant amount of weight and in mobility scooters.
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Sat on their arses so pleased with themselves with all the bullshite they spout, apparently Tammy who was eating massive breakfast burritos every morning just put on a dainty 3 lbs on the cruise and Carla is a big fat liar as well, I don’t believe 1 second of her story of how much weight she put on on the cruise or how much she lost after, what an horrendous pair of bullshitters
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Hanna Spanna

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I can't understand why she let her friend move in! Now she's had to shift all her stuff into storage and go back and forth looking for things. Can't see her being able to eat well with another enabler in the house.
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DITL mind blowingly boring. What a palava going back and forth to the storage unit to get her EBay orders. Then packing them in the car. Wonder how much petrol she’ll use doing endless journeys back and forth. Lovely fried healthy breakfast. Then a shopping haul in the car with Nat who is getting to look as huge as her mum. Her mates Tasmin (does she not have a home with loads of kids) and Tammy (the state of her teeth…..rancid) plus Nat slumped on the settee when Carla returned from work. Riveting stuff! I wonder if she works at Betfred. T shirt looks the same.
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I am actually appalled and had to switch off after she said they had 5 bags reserved but then Krispy Kreme popped up on the app so the greedy bitches were still looking for more!
She may say she didn’t each much if it (Big fat liar) but with the food that they got, it needs to be consumed quickly or frozen . As if that would happen.
Rant over, they are vile, disgusting and deserve all the weight related ailments they get🤬🤬
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I think Anthony’s got the right idea. Live in the shed and let the 3 lumps get on with it indoors, stuffing their faces on stale cheese toasties, broken biscuits and Krispy Kreme’s
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Instead of spending thousands on a thermomix, Ninjas and cruises, those two should be spending their money on therapy to deal with their self medication of food.
Bingo! Right answer. Thermokazz half woman half air fryer is tied to the kitchen. Shes so thick shes not realised that its wazzo her hubbys plan all along, plus if you think about food 24/7 like she does, may as well get her to do more cooking. She has this stupid smile on her face, i made everyone this meal she says, everone loved it. Shes just being used as a kitchen slave, none of them cares a jot that shes surrounded by the very thing thats been killing her for years, food. She of course will say she love cooking, thats not cooking thats feeding her food obsession. As for carla, eating out and takeaways costing hundreds a month, holidays, cruises and pointless temu hauls, spends thousands each year on pointless crap when all she needs to do is pay for therapy just like you said. Can't see that she and her son and daughter have a lot of unresolved issues, just blocks it with cake. Tammy enjoys being centre of attention in that house, when she really should have been helped by her own family. Carla is secretly in love with her, cause tammykins can do no wrong and lets go off on another cruise. Pepsi max rules the roost, no one can ever break that dreadful bond between her and that can of corporate battery acid garbage.
Oh and another thing, those pill container things she keeps buying......well save some space in there, because if shes turning to food to self medicate at every little thing that upsets her as she admitted in the last cal crush, therapy wont be enough, she has chronic depression. You need pills for it.
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Hanna Spanna

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I wonder what would happen to Carla if she went cold turkey on the Pepsi max! It's great this lady is doing a walk to raise money for Parkinson’s, full respect to her, but Carla has to get her nose in and make herself look good by getting her subscribers to donate! Probably taken full credit for it and will demand a load of free subways now!
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Shes quite manipulating and her ego is pretty much unbelievably big. Shes just a legend in her own lifetime. She managed to direct her fringe fluffing onto some kind of obsession her viewers had with her fringe except lol its her constant fluffing thats the obsession. Done the same with that clock, I never even noticed a clock but according to her a couple of viewers mentioned it so now we we are all fixated on her clock and using her words, "blown away" by it and thats the reason they moved it around😂 Have you ever heard such shit in all your life. 🤣
The way she speaks to mollie like she loves her. Love starts not at bingo but with the dogs nutrition, so to make sure she got all her gambling money, cruise money, amazon buys and mountains of meals out, that dog gets shit from costco and even then she complained about the price. Its actually painful listening to the verbal shit that comes out of this fake womans mouth and seems proud to waste all her money and she will do as she pleases. These challenge are a joke, I do feel sad for her son though and fingers crossed he does not have to spend another winter in the shed.
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Chatty Member

Her lastest video 😯

What has happened to her ?? She's once again hugggeeee !!!

Wasn't she 27 stone at her heaviest pre lock down ?

Then she dropped down to 20 stones

Now she's 25.5 /26 ish stones Again? That huge shelf around her stomach is well and truly back with a Vengance.

At her heaviest she visited lego head and could barely climb lego's steps , having to constantly stop for breath & in a Lot of pain.

She lost lots of weight and was so happy that she could take her dogs onto the top field , up a slope , for the first time ever.

Her poor knees and heart & now 3 years older and piling all that fat back on .

Bucket isn't that far behind , she thinks getting rid of a gall bladder is a license to stuff her face with rich, calorie laden food . Size of it on lard arse jenkin's meet up video. Real View .

M & S should be ashamed of themselves linking to hearse chaser , greedy lego head .
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She’s in debt up to her eyebrows but still manages to go on a cruise and eat out nearly every day plus spend, spend, spend on shit from TikTok, Temu, Shein and the like, all of which is bought on a whim and never used. She really isn’t wired right. Her obsessive eating habits spill out to her obsessive compulsion to spend money on anything and everything. £50 a week on scratch cards??? This woman is mental. And are they just budgeting for June? No way will this continue. And all that food in the freezer will still be there this time next year.
Exactly, shes already cheating already, running to her pals and daughter to pay for meals out, who all should have said NO, for once in your lazy ass life go cook something! They will probably buy all her meals out and takeaways for the length of this challenge its clearly just to up her views, shes no intention of ever changing, too lazy. I bet those idiot viewers of hers sing her praises in comment section, oh well done carla keep it up carla, keep cheating and fooling yourself you will get up off your arse and change.
Hilarious comment, lol carla Jenkins and mindfulness, its not happening, those viewers are utter twats.
3 hours ago (edited)
A great exercise in mindfulness.
“IIt’s habits that make OR break the man”.
Seems to be an unusually large amount of her vid spent on this claire woman who she hardly know whos doing the charity thing. Going on about her go fund me page. Is she doing her usual subliminal e begging, lets all make a go fund me page for carla and pay all her bills😂
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Bloody hell….what an old video 😲she’s talking about her holiday in May, on Caribbean Cruises with “ the girls “ 🤣
What a load of old tat , also crap filming with the 2 cameras 🙄 you can’t actually see what’s she’s fannying around at ( thank the lord 🙏 🤣)
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Well you know why carla dragged tammy on there, cause she's scared of the viewers hitting her with anything remotely near the truth. Whilst I understand and it's a bit drastic to stop seeing your friends cause they are enablers but poor carla had to inform the viewers moronically that no one influences her when it comes to food. Really? Would she have a group of friends all stick thin and into yoga, hell no, she created that little group of friends, all like her, food addicts. Carla who thinks she is so loved by everyone, feels the need to tell the world, don't blame my friends, no one forced her, BS, would she sit in the all you can eat buffet on her own , would she run off to macdonalds for yet another calorie laden breakfast if her daughter said "NO quit wasting money and lose weight you fat bitch".
Then the old dears talking like old grandma's from the war, "oh tasmin missed a meal on weigh day" oh you can't do that becried tammy, you might die. Up pipes granny jenkins, "oooh it might do something to your bowels". Well grannys you may have noticed that we have moved on scientifically from the days of do you want seconds, how about some more custard with your pudding? Over the years nutritionists have found out that overeating and constantly digesting food is not good for you and that it does no harm to intermittent fast or at least go one day a week eating much less. It helps the body detox, your bowels get a rest from digesting mountains of over processed crap and the heart does not have to work has hard digesting food.
I'm sorry but this pair look like a pair of cave women, it's time to start living in the modern scientific world. They go off on their cruises, tell the viewersoh we are not going to give up our socialising, ie eating out every day, buying dr martens, expensive handbags, going for foot pedicures and then you look at their teeth, ruined from years of crap food and cigarettes and do they go to the dentist, hell no, all too scared. Try growing up instead of telling the viewers what they can and can't say, try blaming the people around you instead of pouncing on the next comment and diving in to defend your pals. Seriously though, she's just waiting for an argument and then she can tell them they are all wrong, cause NO ONE tells big carla what to do.
There should be a government health warning about so called social media influencers....saying don't listen to no one unless they listen to their own conscience.
Apparently Jenkins is back on track and very focused, is she hell, she's still fighting a battle with the viewers.
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I so agree with you Hanna! Excuses excuses. Well if she didn't spend 12 quid and more on each meal out she would not have to put up with lettuce and tomato would she. Make salad at home , choose whatever you like. We are not temu and shein workers living in third world poverty, we have an abundance of fresh fruit and veg. Whilst some lettuce is ok most has very little nutritional value, spinach is much better, full of iron, calcium, vitamin c, potassium and magnesium. Wait, you can socialise in your own home for a tenth of the cost of eating out? Well fancy that!
I had to zoom in and double take at the teeth. Like a row of burnt down houses!
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Her saying Temu sell high quality items 😂 what a crock of shit, YOU ARE AN ALL ROUND SHITE OF A PERSON CARLA 💩💩💩
Shes desperate for a temu viral video, shed just pile all the money from a viral video into her big gob down at the all you can eat buffet, none to help her son get an actual bedroom to sleep in or get some therapy for her daughter who's still going round after 7 god darned years with half her front tooth missing. This self absorbed lazy old bag cares for no one but herself and that pal of hers as they go on another holiday with a suitcase of pepsi max in tow and having their pigs trotters painted meanwhile tammys teeth are all rotting, does she know bad teeth leads to constant infections which can affect the heart and fill the gut with bad bacteria and the digestive system is 70 percent of our immune system. They all need therapy not another slice of cake or a pair of dr martens and a garbage vacuum that takes longer to hoover up items than it takes to just pick it up yourself.
These people sit on cam daring to influence others when they in fact couldn't influence a fly to land on that shit she calls an exciting temu haul.
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She buys 4 crates of pepsi max for the month, that's 92 cans. Then all the pepsi she drinks whilst eating out. Surprised her gut has not burst. She also said she spends 50 quid MINIMUM on scratch cards a week so she actually spends more. Totally gobsmacked.
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