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She got handed the keys to adulthood at 15 when she won that writing competition, and thus probably never felt the need to really grow up since.

She’s also always been a massive snob as I knew people who worked with her on magazines in the 90s. She’d look down on people for their accents, schooling, the music they listened to, and what drinks/ciggies they used to buy. She was in her mid-twenties then, and it was still the same teenage mindset as when she first broke into the mainstream. It was boring then and it’s boring now.

Oh, and that gurning? I wonder if she practises that look in the mirror? If so, she really needs to quit it. She looks like a pensioner who has lost her dentures.
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Old Harold

I am the same age as Caitlin, just a few years younger than the fabulous Róisín Murphy, and I remember the 90s being all about "feminism" that had to somehow be sexually attractive to men. Caitlin still doesn't get how fucking thick this was, because she became rich and protected from the shite the world throws at the rest of us.
Same and I remember it well. Makes me cringe. I suppose it was boredom with actual feminism, the kind that men don't like and which achieved a huge amount of concrete things. If you're a young straight woman your pheromones can mess with your perception and you want men to like you, as well as maybe not having the life experience to see patriarchy in action. I see it now in young women heaping abuse on us old terfs or whatever. Caitlin has fallen badly at that hurdle, she never grew out of needing to be liked.
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She keeps sinking to new lows

View attachment 2496024
This is such an idiotic thing to say in so many ways. I don’t know any feminists who say every man is a rapist: the point is rather that you can’t tell who could be one and that many are never even suspected.

She wants it both ways, to be a feminist and to always appeal to men. ‘I’m not like other feminists…!’
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Agree with all your top tier mithering here. A women's perspective on the cult of masculinity could've been really insightful. After all, we live with men, love them, raise them, can see how it damages them. But tired old Clinton card stereotypes have had their day and the wheel has turned now anyway. No one thinks men shouldn't talk or have MH issues anymore. The issue is that despite this men are still suffering in the same ways. In our emotionally incontinent age sharing is pointless voyeurism if systems to deliver concrete support are missing. Men need sick pay for MH absence and to not have to shoulder their burdens under the individualist new toughness cult of 'wellbeing' where responsibility for being ok shifts to the gym, mindfulness and nutrition rather than 'being-a-man.'
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Jelly Bean

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She’s also a massive snob, which sits weirdly with her supposed working class credentials. Only valuing professor feedback makes her whole argument fall apart. You’re not supporting or understanding working class men if you sneer at them and say their take on their own experience is invalid. 😬
Yes this attitude is so pathetic. Her book is all about men feeling disenfranchised and not listened to any more. So when some challenge her on twitter she mocks them with things along the lines of 'why should I listen to men like you when female academics love my work' 🤦‍♀️.
She was happy enough to mine their opinions for her book a few years ago - 'GUYS what do like and dislike about your testicles?' (Not even joking).
She even posted the link to the one article that defended her, The Guardian, to a man who disliked her book with an 'I think you'll find the people that actually matter agree with me' attitude.
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Jelly Bean

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She’s such a dick. This is her advice to teenage boys...

View attachment 2277985
That interview on Lorraine.
Moran was saying all mothers and daughters discuss their vaginas together with pride, simpleton Lorraine nodding along instead of saying 'do they? How do you know?'
Just because Moran talks about her fanny endlessly does not mean other women do. And nor should they if they don't want to. I just don't see talking about your privates to anyone who will listen as the great feminist liberator she for some reason assumes it is 🤷‍♀️
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Well-known member
Pump this review into my veins:
I also don't know if all the menopause talk is actually helping. The Davina stuff is actually making women feel more frightened and anxious about menopause I think
I'm not so sure. There was a lot of damage done about the myth that HRT increases your risk of cancer and I think that has been undone of late.

my mum died of breast cancer when i was 30. I was terrified of going onto HRT but i was absolutely losing my mind because the symptoms were so bad. The increased discourse has really helped me.
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I came across her in the noughties and your description of her ‘broadcasting at’ people rather than actually engaging with them is spot on @coolcapitalist

And that was 20 odd years ago before she got her column at The Times - can only imagine how much worse she’s got since!
Love Kathleen Stock

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Sideboard Bob

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I remember when she tried to crowdfund another series of ‘raised by wolves’ - and claimed it was the only working class sitcom in existence. 😂
I laugh reacted, but now that I think about it, this is what’s so crap about The Times, and anyone else who’s given her a platform. I never buy the Times, but there must be so many great writers out there who are genuinely working class, funnier than her, and more intelligent, who would be able to write a much better column every week.

And thinikng more about it, the Times probably think that she’s a “woke” voice, but she’s really not. I criticise Jack Monroe in the same way, as she is also described as “woke”.

But even being very generous and loose about the term, “woke“ means being aware of social issues. This does not apply to Caitlin or Jack, because they are respectively in their own bubble and too narc to care about anyone else.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Wow, the hubris. What an awful, arrogant person
It's crazy isn't it?
Her whole book thesis was that due to feminism men's voices aren't being heard.
Yet on her timeline:
Man 'I'm not sure I agree with your premise'
🤪 'Shut up you thick male twat. I, a woman, have written about it and am obviously right'.
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Chatty Member
She did say something once - it was shortly after Sarah Everard's murder when she commented how she felt scared walking at night and that women "felt it in our wombs". Then she apologised to everyone who didn't have a womb and hadn't been a woman at birth blah blah blah. That's what she said.

I really wish people would STOP apologising when they get rounded on.
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It is such bollocks - her and Coren both using the same excuse and thinking us thick unwashed who aren't paid a fortune by Murdoch will fall for it.

Just own it ffs. Say 'I wanted them to go to private school because I thought they would do better there.' Just own it. It's so lily-livered to make up this bullshit rather than having the courage of your convictions.
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Can you imagine the uproar if a man suddenly made his whole thing be "omg women, you've got it sooooo bad, but you're just not able to grasp it so I'm going to explain it for you, bless you all"
Outrageous. Who signed off on this shit?!
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I now get why she and Sali Hughes are friends, both with huge egos and extremely brittle self esteem who react badly to criticism outside of their echo chambers.
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Sideboard Bob

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She really pissed off fans with that too. There’s like an unspoken agreement between fan-fiction writers and actors that they are not meant to be for their eyes* and everyone respects that.

I know some fanfic can be really cringe, but people really enjoy it and keep it within their fandom. It’s never intended to be read out in public like that.

*some actors don’t mind it though
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She did a similar thing when she was publicising How to Build a Girl - I remember her saying in an interview that she wrote it because there was no fiction for teenage girls that wasn't about vampires - so just ignoring the whole young adult fiction genre going back decades then.

I think that was when I first noticed how much of what she says was just pure bollocks
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I don't understand what's going on with editors these days. My job involves a lot of formal writing and I've had managers who wouldn't have let me put something on this level of crapness in an email, never mind a publication.

Is the whole industry all nepo babies and vanity publishing now?
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What Sinéad did with ripping up the photo was extremely brave and ballsy as it is, there's really no need to try to embellish it by pretending she was the first to speak out or that no one else was aware up until that point
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