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Chatty Member
I was chatting to a bloke who said that back when she was touted as this "fresh talent" her industry nickname was Caitlin Moron.

Basic, yes. Mean, yes. Funny, yes.
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She’s still going. Her approach is so troubling. Like why make it a girls v boys issue in the first place, it’s so unhelpful to everyone

Shes so absolutely full of shit it makes my ass clench. My son is in his mid 20s so I’ve spent a HELL of a lot of time around young men (plus I work in Higher education so perhaps double my ‘personal’ experience to include my‘professional’ one too)
None of what she’s rabbiting on about is true at all. None of it. She’s desperately trying to centre herself on a subject that she knows fuck all about.
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I have loved the Pixies since before even Sali and can solemnly swear I have never had a single calf-related Kim Deal thought. What a baffling thing to notice let alone write about in a serious music publication
I would love to see her face if some little upstart podcaster reviewed her nepo-baby's music like that.
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Jelly Bean

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A few years ago I saw her at Cheltenham litfest and she was amusing. But she made the same joke twice during one hour, about going into a place which looked like the Star Wars bar where a bloke plays his own nose as a flute, and the audience shifted. It all felt like a schtuck she couldn't quite keep together
That's very interesting. I watched a video not long ago with Sali Hughes interviewing her (again 🙄) for something or another. It was all quite strange. Moran did her normal patter of talking very fast with lots of 'shocking' statements. It was noticeable that when they fell flat with the audience and no one laughed, even when she left gaps for the laughs that did not come, it completely rattled her and she got a bit desperate - telling the same old anecdotes - tampons the size of badgers and schoolgirls telling her they had formed masturbation clubs 🤢.
She's not very good at being spontaneously witty or erudite. It's a series of rehearsed soundbites and she flails if it doesn't go to plan.
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I always think she feels very superior to Pete, like she is the cool one and he is the nerd, rather than them both being middle aged and he being an actual music journalist rather than an obnoxious opinion machine.
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Anyway shortly after that he rang her in the night and invited her over 'it was obviously a booty call' and she turned him down as Murder She Wrote was on TV. Then some disrespectful glib bit about 'I thought oh Jeff Buckley he'll keep but then he went and died. So the moral of the story is if Jeff Buckley offers to fuck you take him up on it'.
How convenient that Jeff isn’t around to tell his side of the story…. Next week, how George Michael said he would turn for her 😂
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The Times has two writers well past their sell-by date they hang on to - Caitlin Moran and Giles Coren - and I don't really understand why. Both were (sort of) big in the noughties, and now, meh. Boring. Same old shtick. Surely it's time for someone fresh with a new and interesting take on things?

As for women hurling around tampons and telling randos to dump their man, I have frequented a few cocaine-driven London media haunts 🍉 over the years, and I'm afraid to say this *is* what happens in the bogs. But it's a tiny niche. Wetherspoons near The Barbican in Plymouth? Not so much. But Caitlin wouldn't have a clue.

This latest book of hers is SO awful, and her take on men (from someone with such limited experience of men either as husbands/lovers or sons) is SUCH bollocks. It's all such babyish drivel -I will be really interested to see the sales figures as I don't think she has nearly the following she once had.
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Chatty Member
I know this is such a minor thing, but I remember in How To Be A Woman, she talked about how she was fat as a teenager, but she managed to lose it by smoking. Ok, congratulations :unsure:
why is she so invested in making out white middle class men have it so rough?
To paraphrase Mean Girls, she's not a regular feminist, she's a cool feminist!

The bottom line is, men are sexist because it benefits them. They aren't going to suddenly have empathy with women because CM tells them "Hey, did you know women are hurt by misogyny?" They don't care. The kind of men to read this book will be the ones who are already pro-feminist. She won't make a dent in the general population.
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I just can't get over the gall of this woman. Not so long ago she was tweeting about how slim pop stars and actresses were seen as 'big' in the 90s and 00s by the 'media'. No, Caitlin, we never thought that. YOU did and YOU are the media
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I also don't know if all the menopause talk is actually helping. The Davina stuff is actually making women feel more frightened and anxious about menopause I think
It’s certainly making people who don’t have a fancy private endocrinologist feel like their care on the NHS will be non-existent.
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Jelly Bean

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Somewhere in her background is actually a fascinating story.
But she has such a terrible way of writing, self angrandizment (sp???) smugness and exaggeration that it is difficult to really care or take anything at face value.
She suffers from main character syndrome always - 'I was wierdest kid on the estate' 'everybody was always looking at me' etc etc ad nauseum.
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Chatty Member
The Guardian seems to have such an endemic issue with this, Owen Jones is very similar in tone as well…there’s a branch of supposed liberal journalists who are so deluded and sheltered that they’re as entitled as right-wing politicians. The danger being that they still believe that they’re on the ‘right’ side and socially conscious.
Owen Jones, or "Talcum X" in some circles, is a student union debater with his fingers in his ears.

Caitlin Moran is not fit to say anything about Sinéad O'Connor. Sinéad was our Joan of Arc in Ireland, Moran is just a waffling halfwit.
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It’s quite entertaining seeing Caitlin squirm and squirm and desperately try to justify this private school. “HIPPIES! Like my parents, guys! So anti-establishment! I could never have stumbled upon this many hippies if I’d sent my kids to state school! I’m a socialist! I would never buy my kids an educational advantage! Did I mention HIPPIES? Far out!”

FFS, just own it. You sent your kids to private school because you could afford it and you wanted to. It’s not a crime.

The only problem is it’s so incongruous to her image.
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The contrast between how Sali and Caitlin use professions against their trolls/ fans is interesting. For instance, Sali has often said that her trolls here are made up of lawyers/ social workers/ 'teachers of children among them!' in order to make it more shocking that such pillars of the community could post here. Caitlin on the other hand uses professions to lend credibility to what she wants to believe. 'Well if professors and doctors and regional directors are saying it it must be true'.

Speaking of Sali isn't it interesting she has said nothing about the book? She once made a big thing out of supporting her friends when they released a book
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Her arrogance and ego know no bounds. People 'making a fuss on social media' is simply people expressing the very valid opinion that her book is an embarrassing hotch potch of tropes and stereotypes woven in with her usual 'hey, I'm WACKY and FUNNY and I talk about FANNIES as well as WILLIES and TAMPONS. She's exhausting.
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As if academics can't have terrible and/or stupid opinions. On an unrelated note, I see Moran devotes a whole chapter to Prof Jordan Peterson.
Susan Faludi who wrote Backlash: The Undeclared War Against Women also wrote Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man. In 1999.
bell hooks wrote a book on masculinity in 2004.
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