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I saw her interviewed on telly once (can’t remember who by) and the subject of her parents not working and having lots of children came up and she said as she and her siblings had all become successful adults and were paying into the system it made it ok. I think her parents sound awful, what if we all had 8 children, didn’t work and let our children bunk off school?
As usual, being on the sick, having the state fund your large family and living a chaotic lifestyle in which the kids don’t always go to school is something that a genuinely working class family would be monstered for.

Edit: And the kids in question would also have a harder time making a success of themselves as adults if they were genuinely working class too. Working class family my arse 😄
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schoolgirls telling her they started a masturbation club
I fucking hate that anecdote. It’s such an adolescent boys idea of what they wish teenage girls were like. And she said it happened in 2011, when the internet was in full swing so I’m pretty sure a bunch of horny teenagers didn’t need her book to teach them about masturbation.
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Chatty Member
Thank you for articulating this. I always thought the Spice Girls were naff and couldn't stick their 'Girl Power' schtick. (I was in my late 20s when they emerged, so not their target demographic.) This is explains why!
Have to say I was and still am a big Spice Girls fan, one of the reasons being that they weren't about men but sang a lot about friendship and sisterhood. Their songs weren't about being treated shittily by a bloke but still loving him; they were about kicking him to the kerb. To me in my late teens/early twenties having struggled with the very feminism described above this was revelatory.
Same and I remember it well. Makes me cringe. I suppose it was boredom with actual feminism, the kind that men don't like and which achieved a huge amount of concrete things. If you're a young straight woman your pheromones can mess with your perception and you want men to like you, as well as maybe not having the life experience to see patriarchy in action. I see it now in young women heaping abuse on us old terfs or whatever. Caitlin has fallen badly at that hurdle, she never grew out of needing to be liked.
Absolutely. As a young woman I remember that feeling: I want to be "not like other girls, but better", and growing old filled me with dread. If only I'd known then how fabulous it is!
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Jelly Bean

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Hear me out. I wonder if Caitlin Moran, with her obvious hatred of middle aged women, and sneering dismissal of women with non arty jobs (Jan from accounts is a bitch, the post office mistress is toxic), plus her terrible dress sense, might in fact be a man. Or at least non binary.
I might submit a light hearted 'piece' to The Times about this and pretend my sister thought of such offensive nonsense.
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I came across her in the noughties and your description of her ‘broadcasting at’ people rather than actually engaging with them is spot on @coolcapitalist

And that was 20 odd years ago before she got her column at The Times - can only imagine how much worse she’s got since!
Love Kathleen Stock

I find her expressions in photos so infuriating. Shut yer gob!
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Pump this review into my veins:

I'm not so sure. There was a lot of damage done about the myth that HRT increases your risk of cancer and I think that has been undone of late.

my mum died of breast cancer when i was 30. I was terrified of going onto HRT but i was absolutely losing my mind because the symptoms were so bad. The increased discourse has really helped me.
Thanks for sharing xx

I definitely think that it's a good thing to discuss it more, no issues there. At the same time, there is also some fear mongering that menopause is the worst time ever and something to fear. That unspeakable things will happen to womens bodies, mental health, you name it. Equipping and empowering is one thing, I just think there should be more positive messaging in general rather than scaremongering especially as no two women are the same
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God this has really pissed me off. To completely ignore one of the main sources of criticism because it doesn't reflect well on her. I hate when people deflect and twist valid criticism because they can't take it - so cowardly.
If she didn't know about the plethora of men's orgs that already existed before she wrote the book, she definitely does now! If she'd held up her hands and said "I didn't do enough research on this topic, here is a list of charities and orgs that already exist that I shall now signal boost with my immense platform" I'd have respected that, but no, it still has to be the Caitlin Moran show. Imagine the difference she could have made to underfunded mens' orgs
She wants to answer the question “What is a man?”
Why not start closer to home Caitlin, with “what is a woman?”

Bit controversial eh, for a three decades feminist….
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Caitlin or IMM or🤪 as she’s known, is just showing off her arrested development. She’s no different to school refuser Sali Hughes, or 4.5 GCSEs Monroe. There’s a real absence of life experience and being shaped by genuine setbacks, meeting true mentors who open your mind, travelling just…anything!
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The Crouch End black hole is the most hysterical, self serving, pauvre moi, Crouch End thing I’ve ever heard 😂 see also “it just made sense to get a Range, you know, with the kids, and sometimes we have to go to Winchmore Hill,” and “I’d do my shopping elsewhere but Waitrose is on the way to Alexis’ ballet”
No kidding. Someone we knew got a Defender because they have a steep drive.
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What are 'trans rights'? Trans people have the same rights as anyone else in society 🤔

Saying you've changed sex (scientifically impossible - you cannot change your chromosomes which instruct every process in your body) doesn't entitle use of single sex (by law) facilities.
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"I was just having some light-hearted humour at the expense of women with some very offensive female stereotypes. What's the problem? Such post menopausal in a bad marriage and toxic mum energy"
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Caitlin does tend to skirt around one of the most important issues affecting women today. Whatever anyone's thoughts on it. I've no idea what she thinks. I wonder why she is so hesitant to say anything at all about trans issues.
I presume she wants to keep everyone onside.
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Jelly Bean

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@Mselvista you are right - she has genuinely lost the plot on twitter. Not used to criticism she has turned into a right nasty bitter person.
This person in his bio says he is writing a book so 🤪 uses that against him.


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had the misfortune to part read one of her books. Couldnt finish it, she’s so unlikeable, unfunny and a try hard. Still stuck in her shouty student politics stage. Wish The Times would bin her off, would much rather they had Grace Dent.
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This is such an idiotic thing to say in so many ways. I don’t know any feminists who say every man is a rapist: the point is rather that you can’t tell who could be one and that many are never even suspected.

She wants it both ways, to be a feminist and to always appeal to men. ‘I’m not like other feminists…!’

The beautiful irony is that she fails at both. Badly.
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Yes it's more than most have done. What's happening to her is utterly despicable, all because of some reasonable comments about puberty blockers. Her apology wasn't enough for them. Pete has at least said something unlike top feminist Caitlin
I am the same age as Caitlin, just a few years younger than the fabulous Róisín Murphy, and I remember the 90s being all about "feminism" that had to somehow be sexually attractive to men. Caitlin still doesn't get how fucking thick this was, because she became rich and protected from the shite the world throws at the rest of us.
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