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God anyone see the state of Liv on her live earlier ? Apparently she went to court drunk again and fell over ...this is after having a black eye in the first place! Girl was a mess chipped tooth, bruised face and busted lip and face...
she’s another one tbh who shouldn’t be on the app
when she came out and was staying at that h’s house for the life of me idk why they all encouraged her to do the rankings.
the girl isn’t and wasn’t in the right state of mind to be doing that , all for them to use her for the money she would’ve made
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I saw him say to her sister that the heating might be making her more sleepy. Yeah right. She seems proper out of it everytime they are on live.
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Honestly, I think this is all some sort of trafficking / exploitation ring. Most of these young girls are vulnerable care leavers with history of abuse/ neglect. It’s so uncomfortable to watch and so sad to see that our aftercare system lets our care leavers down like this. Makes me feel sick.
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Tommys hair annoys me 😂 I’m sure Olivia posted a photo of him once without the curls and he looked so much better
It’s a weird shape too coz he’s just got curls on the top but the sides of his hair is box shaped 🤣 he would do better getting curls all over or just cutting it as it looks silly

I did feel for chy when she was speaking on her live about how damaged she is and how she doesn’t intend to hurt anyone. She needs to seek therapy for sure. I’m probably about her older sisters age and I’ve dealt with my younger sister being a nightmare teen, they do not listen and WILL run away. Sadly, chy might have to learn the hard way and she has now - being thrown out constantly by two guys. I think Chris is the love of her life and him moving on scared her, so she sent the nudes to try keep him in her life, but she knows deep down it doesn’t work and settles for Tommy. It’s sad all round but best thing they can all do is stop going round in circles. I’m so thankful tiktok happened after my sisters antics as she was just the same if not worse 🫢 think that’s why I’ll always have a soft spot/empathy for chyanne.
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tommy has really really manipulated his audience it’s actually sickening.
he has been saying for weeks “she’s just furniture” “im single” “hit up my snap” this that and the other but now he is “heartbroken” and “just wanted to make her happy” lol he couldn’t care less for her.
i absolutely hate the amount of sympathy he gets.
chy has a whole heap of problems but that doesn’t excuse her behaviour.
i wish she would just go back to her place and work on herself and happiness but i’m sure it’s because she hates being by herself so she won’t
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i actually wish someone would get chyanne intervention before it’s too late she’s being used abused ect left right & centre x
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I wish this thread was more active ahahaha chyanne is all over the place but I can’t stop watching 😂
I’m surprise it’s not more active especially considering how many views she gets and the drama she gets involved with.

on that note she back with Chris who all of sudden when she seem to be coping without him was back in her life, I think he lost his hostel as he been at hers for a month now and refuse to allow her to go to his!
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I love her friend J. From straight up saying that modeen’s house stinks to literally just waltzing out that front door of the restaurant while Chy hadn’t got out yet.
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I’ve watched this story unfold since around January time. Just watched this video and I’m sorry but this guy is at least in his 30’s… look at how old he looks. He actually creeps me out so bad

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I don't know why these people ain't banned from tiktok all together. Jesus they all need locking in a mental asylum and they all encourage each other.
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Regardless if she paid Chris that dog is her responsibility no one else’s. How can you leave your dog for that long she just lies all the time about her nan having it. She was crying because she was on a comedown and people calling her out for her behaviour. Then kicking Millie out in the middle of the night so she could get some 🍆 of Mally.
Honestly think their as bad as eachother at this point.

turns out (from what I can gather) she rang him and asked if he’d go check the dog and paid him but he made out he went to save the dog and used it for views..

BUT she shouldn’t be leaving the dog for that long even with her nan and Chris checking the dog.. it’s cruel!! All so she could go do balloons 🙄
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VIP Member
This whole situation makes me so sad. Chu's going to end up dead if she continues making these choices.
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Think the issue is, Chy grew up in care and has never really had a stable mother figure to guide her, so as a result she has been influenced by some not particularly nice characters and has learned to become manipulative in order to survive.
I believe it’s why she repeatedly gravitates to people like tommy and chris as well
And the person that was supposed to protect her groomed her in care
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Ohh so chys mum was telling her to go to hers last night while chy was in a hotel. It was literally midnight and her mum was like come here now and chy just kept saying no. There was young kids in the background wide awake. Shelleyanne asked chy about why she said her nan was ill and chy just changed the subject. I have no idea about her mum but how the hell did she let chy get like this in the first place?!
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Oh my god, it was wild! I didn’t go to sleep until 7am cause of watching.

Basically, Chy was at Chris’ with Becky & Chris got tired & said Becky had to go cause he had work in the morning. Chy wasn’t happy about that & was on live to Ben & Tommy whilst this was happening. Ben kept begging for Chy to come to his hotel & Tommy ended up asking S1 to pick Chy up & bring her to the hotel. S1 went & picked her up which was at like 3am & then Tommy got rude to S1 & proceeded to say S1, Nabs & the other guy had kidnapped Chyanne & was touching her inappropriately etc. In the end the police got called & S1’s car got swindled by 3 police cars, Chyanne ended up back at Chris’ & was still trying to get to Ben & Tommy’s car after this all happened.

Basically Tommy was a little wanker & Ben was enabling it by laughing etc which could have resulted in S1 & his friends getting in big trouble when they hadn’t done anything wrong at all.

Tyrone & Bouncer have addressed it with their videos but people are calling for Tommy, Ben & Chy to be cancelled from Sunday smoke.

There’s lots more too it but this was the main stuff. 😂✌🏼x
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Chatty Member
Literally the whole lot of this is pre-planned and scripted. All for views and likes, bunch of grifters that have never done a days work in their life. They all know exactly what they are doing 😬
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