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They always say be careful what you wish for....I think Sue found that out the other day...I don't think she took to Mart...And I dont think she was keen on baby...But she persevered with them both...(Brave woman)...I also think Guru and Baby had no intentions of meeting up with anyone...And has anyone noticed when guru is bored he rushes baby and wants to go...On camera he comes across ignorant....And what's with the Sid James 60s jokes...I'm sure he thinks he filming a Carry on..(in oh look it's the moon in lanzarote)...And folks what was with the Bide / toilet in tonight's slog...OMG. .I just want to scream at the man...Making baby sit on the bog how degrading.
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I was shouting at the TV what an absolute cunt,and more full Baby for doing it😡 Sue hopefully has seen them for what they are. How rude was he to that lovely waiter and the man in the watch shop😠 he really does think he's something special🤡
Baby wanted the gold Casio (no accounting for taste) but our horological expert informed her 'the gold comes off' so she ended up with a miniature version of Mart's Casio after the browbeaten salesman convinced him it was an illuminator. So extravagant knowing they were cheaper on Amazon (kept telling us) could have saved himself a whole fiver!
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Sasha coco

Well-known member
@Justabrowser ---- 💯💯💯💯 agree. I thought that especially when guru said his brother isn't the most 'hygenial' of people. What a twat.
I take it this is the same brother they took to the dentist to have his teeth out and then guru paraded him in front of the camera to show his gullibles.

The comments from his gullibles, saying how lucky David is having them two.
Marty, don't talk like that about your brother, give him some privacy and dignity. You only needed to say he was in hospital with complications of his diabetes. The world doesn't need to know he doesn't take care of himself, it's no one else's business. He's not a youtuber, putting himself out there.
Anyway, I hope David's foot can be saved, and wish him the best.
I thought that! Not their story to tell 🤨
Its helpful and informative to raise awareness about the side effects of poorly managed diabetes but they didn’t have to ridicule his poor brother in the process 😔 they could of just said we have a family member in hospital and we want to make you aware how important it is when you have diabetes to look after yourself because this has happened to them.
I'd started my post and got interrupted by the phone, by the time I'd posted, already been said. Sorry, all I can say is great minds 🤣🤣🤣
Just thought, how can the guru criticise his brother's eating habits. He's been on I don't know how many faddy diets and now he's a carnivore.
Eating bacon and sausages which is processed every day (doubt nicola gets him the nitrate free stuff). Then there's all the meat smothered in butter, albeit grass fed peepul. That diet is a heart attack waiting to happen.
The Heck sausages and naked bacon haven't put in an appearance since they first slogged them.
Guru says all his numbers have come down,since being on the carnivore diet, that maybe the case, but I dread to think what his arteries are like.
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Who needs enemies when you have a brother and a sister in law like these two. Disgusting behaviour calling out his brother in the way that they did. Maybe his brother doesn’t want the entire internet knowing his business.
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Sasha coco

Well-known member
@Upnorth 💯💯 agree about the innuendos, I like stacey but she's letting herself down with the smut, especially in front of her in-laws. Her in Scotland is the same, making suggestive comments in front of her father and mother. Not normal in my view or maybe it's the way I was brought up and how I've brought mine up. I'm an old boot.😉😉😉

Yes @Rosiep2008, he is a greedy bastard, I keep saying all that meat is not healthy for your arteries, I wouldn't wish anything bad to happen to 'ol Marty but it wouldn't surprise me if he developed heart problems.
Marty, try slogging with a diabetes diet, balanced, portion control, alright not too many carbs, now that could be useful. Your welcome.

I had to laugh when guru said something about a resting bitch face, baby said they seen a lot of that on holiday. Really shazza, perhaps the resting bitch faces you seen was actually peepul pissed right off with your filming and invading their personal privacy while they are on holiday.
Talk about no self awareness. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Someone commented asking why he doesn't ever finish the jobs in the garden his reply was as usual sarcastic "we have lives" The only thing they do work wise is vlog.
All that begging, scabbing, shopping on temu and eating is very time consuming 🤣
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Sasha coco

Well-known member
I'm no prude by any means but I find it a bit strange he was cracking jokes and making puns about his daughter in laws Bristol Cities
💯💯💯 agree Deaky, there is a time and place and a line you don't cross.
All the family, with the exception of Charlotte and Jimmy, talk smutty with innuendos. Guru, Stacey,the sly one in Scotland and her cunt husband are the worse. How grown up children can talk smut like that in front of their parents like that isn't normal (in my world).
And for a father to speak like that in front of his family is just wrong. Why shazza hasn't put a stop to it baffles me. 🤔🤔🤔 Or maybe she just has to put up with his jack the lad attitude.
And the cheeky bastard had the nerve to call the lady on her way to play golf a 'crazy woman '.
He'd already told her to watch Butlers empire ,she'd be on it, and then proceeded to insult her and laugh with Stacey. What the fuck is wrong with him.
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Sasha coco

Well-known member
Weight gain is inevitable, when you go on a faddy eating regime, and then 'lapse' briefly. Been there got many tee shirts 🤣🤣🤣
I stopped 'dieting ' years ago, I eat what I want within reason, have smaller portions. Weight does come off slowly and you don't feel deprived so don't crave and binge. I'm fortunate that I love vegetables and fish, unfortunately I also love nice new potatoes so limit the amount but don't deprive myself.
I'm sure all that fatty meat can't be good for you.
As much 'manual ' work around the house and garden as you can manage also helps with the pounds dropping off, no need for a gym.
I know we don't want to, but look at Oprah Winfrey, all her billions, tried every diet known to man, they work in the short term but then the weight piles back on and more besides.
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I'm no prude by any means but I find it a bit strange he was cracking jokes and making puns about his daughter in laws Bristol Cities
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Would love to know what they cut out in the garden centre. Baby actually had the grace to look embarrassed this time! 🤣🤣🤣 he was in a foul mood, just looking for a row.

Yet in one of their vlogs in Nottingham they paid a disgusting amount for a scabby breakfast and didn't say a word! He's a rude pig!

He'll get a punch one day. If he was swinging that camera around me at AI when I was trying to get my food I'd tell him to fuck right off. Someone will wrap that camera around his neck one day. There has been a few big blokes staring at him as he chats shit into his microphone 🤣

I was cringing at the gates. He's not left enough gaps, so when it rains the wood will swell and cause problems. No wonder their house is a tip he's useless.

Can anyone answer why they don't drink alcohol? I'm not judging them for it, I am genuinely curious.
I suppose the calories in it and it bloats you? Not sure.
Just watching the garden centre video. God he's a teasy bugger. So rude to Sharon right in front of the waiter. "I'll have what I want" Let Sharon have what she wants then. I'm sure it said 2 for £14 there not sure what that included but it would ave been cheaper seeing as he's always moaning about prices. Don't get me wrong, I won't buy something if I think it's a ridiculous price but he just moans about everything. I bloody hope he ate it all seeing as he said he wouldn't be able to eat it all. I don't believe they suddenly lost the footage. He was in a right mood, his face was miserable. I think I just would have walked out and drove off and left him there.
I see he left half of that breakfast. After throwing his toys out the pram about it.
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@Justabrowser ---- 💯💯💯💯 agree. I thought that especially when guru said his brother isn't the most 'hygenial' of people. What a twat.
I take it this is the same brother they took to the dentist to have his teeth out and then guru paraded him in front of the camera to show his gullibles.

The comments from his gullibles, saying how lucky David is having them two.
Marty, don't talk like that about your brother, give him some privacy and dignity. You only needed to say he was in hospital with complications of his diabetes. The world doesn't need to know he doesn't take care of himself, it's no one else's business. He's not a youtuber, putting himself out there.
Anyway, I hope David's foot can be saved, and wish him the best.
Old Butler likes to think he's superior to his poor brother and to say about his hygiene 😠 this is from a couple that lives in a house that Aggie and Kim would have trouble sorting out.
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Bloody hell last night Sharon ate 8 sausages! The remainder of what was left on the huge sharing plate for her gary, Stacey and Martin!

She took the whole serving, dumped half a jar of mustard on the side, and got to work!!! Did anyone notice?

Meanwhile Mazzy on the Travel Trolls is taking illegal drugs to get thin! YouTube has gone mad!
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Oh shazza, why do you let your guru demean you, filming you on the toilet and then on the bidet,(albeit your pants were up),all for content. Wasn't funny. Told you to shut up, on film, was that when Sue was with you. If it was that would have embarrassed the woman.

There's been plenty of cuntage in the last few slogs.
Like has previously been said the poor man who sold him the digital watch, (why the fuck they want to wear a watch when they've never got their phones out of their hands), the young man at the tapas restaurant. And when he said the man selling the watches was toying with him, that was Marty toying with us. That's what I say about him. Unbelievable.
Trying to make jokes at Sue's expense. I think Sue is shy and who knows, might not have expected the constant filming.
And Nina got blamed for them getting a parking fine.
I was a bit puzzled as to why Nina got the ferry over for a brief visit, the cynical old bitch in me thinks it could be to promote and advertise her Airbnb, it will be ready next month you know peepul.
So shazza, the offer is still here if you want 'Ol Marty on the cunt list. After telling you to shut up, that digital watch would have been shoved right up his arse.
Cartier darling, nothing less. 🤪🤪🤪🤪
-------- I forgot to add to guru's list of cuntage,
Going on and on and on, about shazza having big wrists when buying the watch, I'm sure he said something about her being a wrestler, twat.
Who needs a troll body shaming you, when your own husband is perfectly capable.
Even if it was said in jest at Shazza's expense, just so he can play the comedian for content, no woman wants to hear her husband talking about her like that.
Shame on you Marty. 👿👿👿
Sasha coco think you covered everything😘 How many times did he say poor Sue's name ffs I bet the poor woman had to take 2 paracetamol and lie in a dark room for the rest of the night after an afternoon with that unfunny cunt. I now can not stand him😡 also what is it with the weird faces he pulls🤪 I was praying he would fall at the cactus park🤣(yes I am an evil bitch)
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I revisited the Cactus Garden vlog and my word he treated that poor inoffensive lady abysmally! He exhibits a complete lack of social skills in his pathetic and juvenile attempts at humour, he appears to be getting worse?

Sue honestly didn't seem like you'd expect a typical Butler fan to be. Mind you I doubt she is a fan any more!
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I just don’t get why he hasn’t lost anymore weight.
I know the answer to this as I did carnivore for a while. When you eat too much of the protein (and let’s be honest Martin eats 3 burgers with 4 slices of bacon, plus eggs plus black pudding) the excess protein turns back into sugars and fats.

So unless you only ate the meat in moderation, you wouldn’t lose loads of weight necessarily, you have to minimise food like on any diet still. I did a steak for breakfast one for lunch and a protein shake for dinner. I lost 2 stone but it’s a difficult diet, you get very bad constipation, and quite bad headaches.
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Sasha coco

Well-known member
Well they've educated me 🤣🤣🤣
All I need to do is go to Tesco, pick up packets of unhealthy shit and I'm good to go.
That burnt salami and bit of cheese in the airfryer was genius, Gordon Ramsay will be shitting himself.
They really are walking case studies, do they genuinely think that warrants a nearly 30 minutes slog, but I'll give guru and baby their due, they know their audience. Unquestioning, appreciative, gullible and complimentary, no matter what shit they churn out.
Unlike us load of enlightened bastards 🤪🤪🤪
That was a very poor demonstration of that airfryer
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Sasha coco

Well-known member
I see in the latest slog Shazza must have been talking to Mazzy using the P word for the gypsies.He also had the shits when he came back from holiday and wasn't taking enough salt but he's better now🙄Also back to the Ragged Aprons they're profits will be dropping now they're back.
I wondered what was blanked out after shazza had answered the door. I thought she said was alright cause he had some in him. I might be wrong and was confused. 🤔🤔🤔
Did 'ol Marty say you can't say that ? It never entered my head she would say that.
Sounded like some subscribers had left money or paid for their breakfast at the ragged apron, shazza announced that they had had their breakfast when giving the shout outs.

I can't see the few bits of carbs guru ate on holiday putting all that weight on in a week, maybe the fight gave him water retention. If it was the food, it just shows that the carnivore diet is not sustainable.
Well balanced and smaller portions is best. A diabetic plate should be divided into three imaginary parts. Half veg, a quarter protein and the other quarter carbs. And use a small plate. Still guru's done his research. 😉😉😉
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