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Bryony has been enabled her entire life, she has a quack doctor chronic Lyme disease diagnosis, was allowed to give up on education early because tiredness, has the privilege of her parents funding her life, which allows her to lie in bed whenever she’s menstruating. She is mollycoddled to the extreme. She doesn’t know what being unwell is like and has never faced any hardship. I’m not surprised she is in a wheelchair at just 14 weeks into pregnancy. At the slightest sign of feeling unwell she becomes a total dramatic invalid. It’s just another thing to add to her munchausens list. Also LOL at her wearing maternity trousers when she can clearly still fit into a size 8
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so boring that i know this but xero is an accounting software used by lots of small businesses in the uk. so i’m guessing she’s referring to work stuff! but by god who actually cares about a dull to do list??

her latest instagram story comes off as so patronising. moaning that she’s had to switch her savings account to a better interest rate one. does she realise that being able to afford to save money is a privilege lol. her complaining about the cost of childcare just makes no sense coming from her and it’s not like she’s even advocating for change or saying anything useful, she just constantly complains about it.
She seems to think having children is a right, not a privilege. The average age of mothers is going up and up because people don’t feel financially stable enough to provide for them and are now waiting until their mid 30s to even start trying for kids. Bryony literally chose this, knowing she had no partner and no real income unless you count scrounging off mummy and daddy as income. She’s nothing like 99.99% of single mums in their 20s, most of whom didn’t choose this or have been left by their partners and are actually struggling. She’s such a privileged immature twat. Why the hell would you pay to have a child by such unnatural means if you can’t even afford childcare? She’s just trying to sound relatable, what a stupid whingebag
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“Mind field” lol that home school education is really working well for her isn’t it?

Something that bothers me a lot that I haven’t seen mentioned is that early on when she was still excited about the pregnancy and had, let’s be honest, just some cramps and diarrhea, she was already ready to give up her child’s health for her own comfort. This is before her depression kicked in and she still thought “well, I feel really bad so if taking this pill kills my baby then so be it”. It’s just such an odd thing to feel for someone who has paid for and supposedly wanted to have a baby. It’s also telling about her commitment to having a baby and how she’ll prioritize her own needs versus the baby’s in the future. I’m scared that she will actually turn out to be negligent.
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I think it's also quite telling that she had that massive panic attack over her mother having a car accident (100% an imagined scenario) because she realised that she'd have to raise the baby without support and wouldn't be able to cope. Reality hit her hard during this pregnancy, I'd say.
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Chatty Member
Do you reckon she was disappointed to have a boy because if she had a girl she could include them in her strange fascination with menstruation etc?
I genuinely don’t think she cared either way. I don’t think she’s even conceived of the idea this child will be an individual person.

HA! I take it back. Just saw her recent story.

‘’Hey kid, I publicly considered aborting you over some mild nausea and discovering your gender contributed to my mental health crisis’’.

Does she not realise the internet is forever? Her ‘’being open and honest’’ as a public service to small audience is apparently more important than the wellbeing and dignity of her child who WILL someday find this.
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If she is complaining about her mental health now then she is lining herself up for postpartum psychosis. If I were her relative I would be making massive moves NOW to sort out her Mental Health issues. I am concerned about the "sliver of relief" not "over the moon" that the baby is ok.
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The weird part is that she's had an easy pregnancy. She made a decision to TTC and a year later she has a healthy baby due any day. Considering its normal for healthy fertile couples to take 12 months just to conceive, and most women are exhausted and sick with constipation, heartburn, backache etc she's had it so easy. I've been on bedrest for most of a pregnancy, I've TTC for over a year, I was left in a wheelchair and disabled by a condition in pregnancy. That chinless whiner has had a pampered pregnancy that most could only hope for. She's done nothing but record and spread every complaint she can think up and then confess to plotting her own child's murder. She's vile.
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Yeah the overall impression I got from the last few videos is that she’s very self centred. Not that she’s mean to people but that she has very little regard for how her actions effect others.
I saw one comment saying that what bryony is describing as being bloated is actually bump and that she’s nearly halfway through her pregnancy of course she’s showing. She herself seems very detached from the fact she’s having by a baby and that it’s going to be moving and kicking soon. She didn’t even say what size it is now. Every other YouTuber is thrilled to tell you the baby is now the size of a cabbage or whatever.
It's because she quite clearly regrets her decision, but she spent 1000s and now it's too late to have an abortion really so she has to go with it. She's always thrived off medical attention, atttention from her parents, being treated like a kid. It made me feel sick when she said she liked being "small" and her bump not showing. Does she realise what pregnancy's about? She's always had this thing about not eating much too or having a small appetite. She gives off such big red flags to me, I just can't. I feel SO sorry for whatever poor human is growing inside her right now.

Another thing, she got nausea medication from the NHS and is sponging off every pregnancy related therapy she can get her hands on. Nausea medication really??? I went through the whole 1st trimester no meds because I don't want to be a drain on the NHS and I think that's ridiculous unless you have it severely, which it doesn't sound like she did. She just absolutely thrives off attention and I truly think she's such a sick, nasty little person.
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Her snobby story making fun of someone else's finances was repulsive. I looked at the blog and yes, they did spend a lot of money on non-essentials. But they also didn't get their money from mummy and daddy and had a life. Can you imagine her spending diary, even with a baby on the way her parents and impressionable viewers have bankrolled everything. It really shows just how sheltered she is.
I’m sure plenty of people would have criticism of her money diary when she was hauling baby gear as a childless teenager, spending thousands doctor-shopping for sketchy diagnoses and then on pseudoscience cures, and all her holidays funded by mummy and daddy. She is in no position to comment on anyone else’s finances until she starts living independently and without the safety net of her parents bailing her out.
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Chatty Member
I didn’t think it was possible but I’m also blown away once again by the most recent video. I’m so done with her. How fucking dare she discuss a termination so carelessly.

I actually laughed out loud when she was crying about not having ‘’support’’ for the day because her mum was at the proms 😂😂😂 or away on a cruise ship in Portugal. Like you can’t make it up.

I have no sympathy for her mental health crisis either when it means she’s having all the thoughts she should have been having before getting pregnant. She was doubting her ability and decision, she was scared about her mother dying, and IMO also regretting doing it alone. But these should have all come this time last year. The nausea meds induced reality not a mental health ‘episode’.
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Do you reckon she was disappointed to have a boy because if she had a girl she could include them in her strange fascination with menstruation etc?
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New poster but been lurking for ages.
just been on bryonys insta. I know someone mentioned her covering her hair earlier on. Does anyone else think this was not for religious purposes and rather because of the attention she might receive when out and about because it makes her look ill? I really do think she has munchausens.
As for the pregnancy… there are so many people out there who would cherish a pregnancy and who have lost babies. She seems so ungrateful.
You could be right with the hair covering you know. I never really understood it. Hell cover your head if you want to. Tell people why you cover your head if you want to but I remember she came up with a whole host of reasons for covering her head that didn't make sense. Sometimes it was religious. Sometimes it's wasn't religious. Sometimes she was religious. Sometimes she wasn't. Didn't make sense.
Whenever I think about her and munchousens(sp???) I think like "I wonder if that would be a diagnosis she would love as well?" I'm remember the energy healing... Which she did over the phone!!!! The weird machine with the fingernail. I feel aweful because I know I shouldn't mock people's beliefs and maybe I shouldn't gatekeep what people are allowed to promote but I really struggle that she portrays herself as this womens health advocate but was also promoting a load of twoddle.
I don't know. You know sometimes when you're female and doctors do sometimes assume your being hysterical or think your symptoms aren't as bad as they are? I feel like people like Bryony really don't help that? Like TMI but I have periods. Sometimes they are painful. I've never never had an experience where I've been like rolling round on the floor in pain from a period and needed to RUSH to a and e or call an ambulance. Like I've had really really severe other pain from like injuries and frankly I'm not as dramatic as her when she has a period. I don't know I know sometimes I don't have a lot of empathy for her experiences becuase I don't believe her. I cannot believe that everything can be as bad as she describes.
When I'm being unkind I also sort of think that she has built her "brand" based on all these reproductive issues. I think she really expected to have loads of difficulty conceiving, which evidently she didn't. I've done the period math and she got pregnant relatively "easily" - other than you know the money, the medical procedure and the hycosi which was the MOST PAINFUL THING EVER. I think maybe to continue the brand of "I'm chronically ill" she had to have a difficult pregnancy. I believe she feels unwell. I believe she is mentally struggling. Pregnancy is hard. I don't believe she is nearly as ill as she makes out.
She was talking about "feeling faint" so she laid down. I've only ever fainted once because I hadn't eaten or drunk or sat down and was just exhausted and over hot... Blah blah blah. I didn't have time to think "I feel faint, I'm going to lie down here". I was doing things. I felt unwell. I fainted. Surely if you had such bad fainting spells where you "feel faint whenever you walk anywhere" you would have actually fainted at some point. You've got great odds if EVERY SINGLE TIME you felt like that you had an opertunity to find a stall with a comfy carpet or lie down in the back of a car perfectly with your skirt pulled down modestly over your knickers. I am in no way wishing that she did faint. Of course I'm pleased that she hasn't but I don't understand how you can be so lucky whenever you feel like that.
Hell she made this big fuss a few years ago about her asthma and how it was SOOOOO severe. If it was that severe she would have been deemed clinically extremely vulnerable during covid. So it wasn't as bad as she was describing it was. I think it was probably just common or garden asthma.
For me. Although the chronically ill thing is IRRATATING and it wastes the time of medical professionals it was (kinda) harmless. It's now she's bringing a baby into this I worry. I thought it was so telling that she finds saying "hello" to foster placements harder than saying "goodbye". Yes the hellos, the getting to know someone new is difficult. But if you have done it properly and you have given some of yourself to that child who deserves it, saying goodbye SHOULD hurt. There's a phrase they teach you when you train to be a foster carer, I can't remember what it is but its about how you have to hurt for that child. She seems to not be able to connect to ANY foster children. Yes your not going to love all of them but you definitely will love some of them. They're kids!!!! They're innocent little babies. Like they have evolved to make us love and care for them! I just really hope she is able to love her baby. I hope she cares for her baby.
I wish I didn't watch because I worry that this engagement actually encourages her. Like she wants to show off. She wants people to know how much she's suffering. In an ideal world I'd say "there's something wrong here, this is dangerous" and I'd stop watching. But I haven't. I think I might have to becuase I worry about this baby. Like I'm not saying Bryony is a BAD or an EVIL person. I think she's probably a good person but I do worry that her behaviour is problematic and that baby will have to deal with that and a bit of me worries that even though I'm only 1 person, if I'm encouraging her to do that, is that like a tiny bit my fault?
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imagine how she’ll be with a crying baby waking her up at 3,4,5am. i don’t think she’s ready to be a mum yet. there are teen girls, who complain much less than she has.
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It’s nice that she seems to have a bit more life to her in the latest video. I agree with what’s said here regarding her having a baby being a mistake. She’s not even trying to be subtle or hide it she’s clearly freaked out.

She also seems to have a very high opinion of herself for someone who didn’t finish school. I don’t think she’s realised that if you took away her parents support and her niche as “teenage entrepreneur” she really didn’t have a lot going for her. She’s no qualifications (that I’m aware of) and very limited work history.

I don’t know maybe I’m just bitter because in my field there’s constant expectation to be upskilling and staying late and I’m at the stage where I can see how having a baby would set back my career. And I’m not even in a particularly cut throat industry.
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So glad there's a thread for Bryony. I've been following her on and off for years and always felt she was a bit off and not nearly as mature as she likes to make out (it's obvious her family have money and support her a lot financially, emotionally etc) Her pregnancy video popped up on my YouTube homepage and my first thought was she's going into all this very naively. Planning a pregnancy alone isn't a decision to be taken lightly imo and her videos are only proving me right. It's compelling viewing tbh but also quite worrying... Her pregnancy so far honestly doesn't sound that hard, I had similar symptoms in all 3 of my pregnancies including bad antenatal depression with my first but never once did I think of termination. I don't think I'm a particularly tough or special person for that either. She seems to want a magic solution to everything, that's not being 'real and honest' like her fans make out, it just comes off as entitled. I truly hope she is able to cope with parenthood, but I foresee lots of tearful sleep deprived videos in future.
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Just watched her latest bumpdate, again absolutely nothing about the pregnancy itself or the baby, just alllll her ‘health issues’. It should just be called ‘health update’ rather than a bumpdate because it has no relevance to the baby at all. Had a 90 min appt with birth options person?!!! I’ll be shocked if she wants a vaginal birth, or even to be induced to manage her anxiety/need to control. She’ll 100% want a section so she can know the exact date in advance and be on full control. Plus it’ll give her a whole new list of fake things to medicalise once the baby is born.
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Also love how she continues to say she “had another fainting spell” yet hasn’t actually fainted once? That means you got a bit dizzy, happens to me when I stand up too quickly but I don’t upload a weekly vlog about it. Everything to her is a pregnancy symptom, even dreaming, yet she doesn’t mention or seem to care about baby’s development at all.
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anything at all

VIP Member
I’m quite scared to watch it after reading the comments here. If I get a moment later tonight I might but currently in hospital at 36+6 as waters broke yesterday and may end up with baby tonight or tomorrow !

I must say that there is absolutely no way Bryony would cope with any of what I’ve gone through so far 😂
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Chatty Member
I would be shocked if she only stays there for 6 weeks and even more shocked if she’s doing 100% of the childcare like she defensively claimed she would be - surely it goes without saying you’ll be the one getting up in the night?!? For your own baby?! Her stating that makes me doubt it lol.

She has said before that living at home makes her feel like she’s a sick teenager again. When she was a sick teenager her parents were doing literally everything for her. She said in an early video that she had never done her own laundry or changed her own bedsheets before she moved out. Personally I regress a little bit while living with my parents, but Bryony’s dynamic w her parents is something entirely next level. It’s sheer infantilisation. Add a baby to the mix… I think it’s going to get messy and very blurry with interpersonal boundaries.

I don’t really believe that she’s going to be maintaining those boundaries (of her as the parent of the baby, of her as an autonomous adult) when she knows living at home allows her to regress so severely. But she’s right that she doesn’t entirely have another choice - she’ll be in a vulnerable position after birth and she has nobody else. I think that living at home will feel safe and comfortable immediately but will exacerbate her mental health problems after the birth. It could be a very nasty collapse. I can’t think of anything more grim than giving birth, recovering and trying to establish myself as a parent, while my own parents are squashing me down into a sick teenager. Like that’s genuinely horrifying to me and I don’t believe it’s what Bryony wants either.

I’m really quite worried for her. I think it’s clear she has made a mistake and knows it. But she’s so stubborn so she’s still trying to justify it to herself / her audience.

It literally made me irate hearing her say ‘‘having a partner only makes me easier if the partner is a helpful parent‘’.But I have so much to say about that I’ll have to collect my thoughts for another time. She’s literally deluded.
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