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hi all I’ve been watching this forum for weeks now as I’m finding it so interesting seeing people with the same opinion as me when it comes to Bryony. I’ve known of her for a long time and definitely known she’s a complete hypochondriac.
I just can’t get over how much this pregnancy is just about what new symptoms she’s having. Every single ‘bumpdate’ is just her reeling off her symptoms and nothing about the happier side of pregnancy like movements, getting excited for baby, new baby clothes, how big baby is etc. It’s just always about how much she’s suffering and as someone who’s had two children and I’m the same age as Bryony I’m finding it all completely ridiculous. I understand everyone’s body reacts to pregnancy differently but the breathlessness for example, you’ve got a baby taking up most of the space inside you of course you’re going to be breathless your lungs are going to be squashed! It’s not asthma it’s just a normal part of the 2nd/3rd trimester! And In her most recent video she has said once again she’s had a ‘fainting spell’ while lying on her back for a head massage, when pretty much all pregnant women know you don’t lie on your back beyond a certain point in pregnancy because the baby lies on your main artery making you feel dizzy and light headed! I’m so shocked she doesn’t know that considering how much of an expert she claims to be on all things gynaecological. Im most shocked that no one in her family has called her out in her life and said pull yourself together girl! Insisting on being pushed around in a wheel chair but well enough to fly abroad? It’s just madness to me. I genuinely worry for Bryony for when this baby comes because her life will no longer be about her but about her child and looking after him. And that’s every day of the month, you can’t palm your kids off whenever you feel tired, sick, or have period pain. Adjusting to having a baby and having to put them before yourself is hard enough for anyone without being someone absolutely obsessed with being weak and sick. I often wonder how her parents will feel if she has this baby and still continues to make excuses and constantly use ‘being sick’ as a reason to just be plain lazy. How does she expect to cope the first few weeks where you’re surviving on a couple of hours sleep a night? The little things like making sure she gets the child to school by 9am every morning, you can’t just not parent whenever you have your period or ‘feel nauseous’ or whatever thing she’s Moaning about at the time. I can already see her making videos saying ‘mums got baby boy today im too sick’ constantly. I feel she really needs someone to sit her down and say this isn’t normal and it’s not going to be able to continue as it’s going to affect her sons life having a mother always claiming to be sick and sleeping in till the afternoon.

so sorry for my rant but I had to get it out there, it just boils my blood that people in her life have enabled this behaviour for so long. She has no hope of ever having a normal life now.
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Just watched her last bump update and she wants to apply for more leadership positions because she thinks men don’t have the skills for these roles. In what was has she ever demonstrated leadership skills? She dropped out of school at 15 and has worked alone out of the spare room in her parent’s house, with her mum as her business advisor. She has never worked a conventional job, never worked with other people and appears to have very limited social skills, let alone leadership skills. She openly admits she lies in bed until the middle of the day and will just not do anything if she thinks her period might start. She criticises men for “justifying their self worth with their job titles” but her entire personality is being ‘business owner and CEO of precious stars pads’. The hypocrisy and lack of introspection astounds me.
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Honestly this girl 🤦🤦🤦
I've never been pregnant or had a baby so sorry if I'm being completely ignorant but she's obviously complaining and complaining and complaining about this pregnancy and living with her parents because "she's suffering so badly" but also saying she intends on returning home within a few weeks of giving birth. Maybe I've got the complete wrong end of the stick and I'm not trying to argue that being pregnant doesn't have it's unpleasantness (but saying that I didn't choose or pay thousands of pounds to get pregnant) but isn't actually having the baby like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire???? Like giving birth to babies like that's pretty unpleasant, then your still recovering from that and obviously looking after the baby for the rest of it's life? The point I'm trying to make is and maybe I'm being an ignoramus is, if she's struggling now, being pregnant and can't cope on her own, it seems completely unrealistic that's she's expecting to cope on her own, living alone (with the brand new baby and changing her routine from being with her parents for months) after you've literally given birth to a baby and are looking after a whole other human???????
Like there are so many things unique to human birth compared to other animals. Humans are upright so have narrower pelvises compared to other mammals which increases the length, pain and complications of labour. Human babies have proportionally enormous heads due to the development of the human brain AND due to the combination of the above they are born far less independent than other mammals and like need pretty much constant care.
Like I have so much admiration for good foster carers and I'm not going to lie it's something I've always wanted to do but in my experience I don't think she was a good foster carer and it's not at all like fostering some one else's baby is just like giving birth to one and caring for it. Like you're dealing with a whole extra dimension on top of sort of physical trauma and hormones. 🤯🤯
Also I don't believe for a second she's giving birth to that baby in any way other than elective c section (although I can just see that this will be a massive emergency that she tells us she was forced into last second.... Probably been because she's SO TEENY TINY) and that's litterally recovery from major abdominal surgery.... + A baby + hormones + massive enormous life change.
I feel like I've put more thought than her into her getting pregnant and having a baby.
I just don't get it. I don't get it at all.
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Did she really just say in the video that her gender disappointment led her to google an abortion at 21 weeks (which would have been to invasive for her to go through with), then contemplate suicide, and then have "intrusive thoughts" about having the baby killed after it was born? Wow...
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I have made this point before and I guess if she paid for her IVF privately, she paid to become pregnant BUT I genuinely don't think the Dr's, specialists (and her parents) should have allowed a woman with so many psychological problems and issues to become pregnant, a
She didn't have IVF....where eggs are removed fertilised and reimplanted. She had IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). You buy a quantity of Seman and they squirt it to your fallopian tubes. You can achieve the same results by having 5 shots and standing behind the bins at your local pub.
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Chatty Member
Very early but for future title:

Bryony Farmer 2: A baby is for life, not just before/after Christmas

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Yeah I would very much not recommend anyone wastes their time with her newest video. She’s having a baby in 6 weeks and all she can think to talk about is the process of getting a new inhaler prescription and how much magnesium she takes for bowel pain. The same medical drivel she’s been on about for almost a decade. No mention of becoming a mother.
This, this, this. I find these bumpdate videos horrifying. She is so devoid of emotion, never once mentions the baby, her feelings about being a mother, things she's looking forward to, things she's bought. Is there genuinely something mentally wrong with her? How can she think we are interested in the saga of her inhaler and the minute details of each ailment her parents paid thousands of pounds for her to get. Her parents should be ashamed of themselves, they should be disgusted at the person they have produced and enabled.

I feel so much dread for her son and how he will cope. She deliberately chose to deprive him of a father figure. She knows nothing about men. She has never been in a relationship. She doesn't pay for anything herself. Her tiny 'business' (not even on Companies House) is undoubtedly folding. What on earth is in store for that poor lad.
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There is so much in this video that she’s going to regret saying publicly. I’ve not even finished it yet and everything she’s saying is shocking.

I don’t have children but that level of disappointment over having a boy instead of a girl is unbelievable to me. She does no examination of why she finds having a boy so abhorrent to her. It’s just unbelievably strange.
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Chatty Member
Has anyone bought anything from her company? I wonder what the customer service is like
Weird to admit that I have, when I found her channel around 2015. I’d just discovered reusable pads and hers were about the cheapest in the market at the time, or at least for decent quality / commercially produced rather than just handmade Etsy sellers. The prints themselves are ugly as hell (I got a random selection) but they’ve held up 😂😂 and like I said - they were good value so I didn’t care. She also had a good selection of menstrual cups that were hard to get elsewhere. Can’t remember exactly but I wouldn’t be surprised if I got mine through her too.

But something that’s just so obvious now is that the market has changed and precious stars has not. You can get various cups and reusable pads in most supermarkets and pharmacies. The market for new products like period pants has just boomed since she started. And it’s like Bryony - menstrual educator and reusables entrepreneur- has barely noticed aside from doing random reviews. There’s been no brand update, new designs, marketing campaign, even her website hasn’t been updated!

Her image and design is all off. Her designs have always been ugly (bizarre mix of childish and mumsy… suits her well lol) but they all were in 2015. Now there are loads of brands that make sleeker, more styalised versions for the same price. All with clever branding behind them.

It’s odd because she started so early that she had a good opportunity to really take off and be a big name like Wuka or whatever is trendy atm. Or she could have shifted into just being a stockist of quality brands. So much opportunity from starting in a valuable niche so early, and with her parents money. But she’s done nothing with it. She’s running a very small operation as a sole trader with shitty designs. She knows nothing about real business and has even admitted most of her customer base found her via YT. Calling herself a CEO absolutely cracks me up.
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They seem like enablers tbh, struggling to muster up much sympathy for them. I think she mentioned in a previous video she was definitley going to move back in for a period of time after the birth.
They’re absolutely enablers, they’ve completely fueled her delusion that she’s an independent businesswoman by handing her everything on a plate and indulging in her fantasy illnesses. Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if Bryony was a victim of munchausens by proxy from her mother as a teenager and has now developed munchausens of her own. It’s unusual that she was never encouraged to go back into education or get into the workforce, or even encouraged to make friends. Her parents seem perfectly happy for her to rely on them (Bryony even had her mother look after her foster children whenever she had a tiny sniffle) and tag along with them everywhere. Of course being close to your parents as an adult is a wonderful thing, but only if you have a life outside of that, which Bryony does not.
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Chatty Member
Something about her totally dependant, sickly, rich girl pregnancy is so repulsive to me. I know that’s unfair it’s just giving me the ick seeing her lying under blankets on her parents sofa after they forked out thousands to impregnate their virgin daughter with a mind of a teenager. And her acting all #pregnancylife as if it’s a normal experience. It is so gross.
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Followed her for many years now and always thought she was an insufferable little know it all with a weird co-dependent relationship with her family (and local gps surgery 😂) but from catching up on her latest videos and seeing the fucking Cotswolds baby moon (with her mum obviously because she's the one who'll have paid for it) and then the Amazon wishlist just tipped me over the edge. I had to come searching to see if anyone else on here was as god smacked as I was by it all. She's really a little madam isn't she and I don't think she will do very well with the lack of attention once the child is born. Ask any new mother, once you stop being pregnant, literally no one gives a shit about you any more, it's ALL about the baby. I really could go on but must dash, atleast I now know this thread is here for future 🥂
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I'm really disturbed that her main focus seems to be on having a white baby?! Wtf?! She will share her dna with the baby so that bull about wanting the baby to look like her is nonsense. She wants a white baby. That's what she means. Im actually surprised at her just mentioning it as if it's the most normal thing in the world and that there would be no criticism of it?!
Wanting the child to be white isn't that odd, biracial children raised in white families often feel like the odd ones out and I think anyone who chooses to have a child who's part of a different race should be prepared to educate themselves and expose the child to their other background, customs and culture as much as possible to prevent that. But I get the feeling that's not why Bryony is concerned. I think she is very uncomfortable with the idea that the baby will have a biological father. Perhaps it has something to do with her aversion to sex and relationships. She is acting like the baby is just a clone of her and the fathers genes will have no input. She seems very emotionally removed from this pregnancy and the idea of motherhood altogether.
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am I the only one who finds it a bit disturbing that so far in all the pregnancy updates she does not seem to mention the baby or their development etc at all? It’s just all about her and her (terrible terrible) symptoms, I don’t think I’ve heard her mention the baby at all really except for the gift her mum bought. Does she realise pregnancy leads to another human who she is going to be solely dependent on her?
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New post on Facebook just now
TW: miscarriage
I get raising awareness for pregnancy mental health etc, but imagine growing up and seeing that your ONLY parent was so indifferent towards you that she was pleasantly surprised to be glad you hadn’t died. I am not sure a public facebook post is the best place to discuss that, and it’s definitely not something that should be normalised. This is what all the 1 to 1 therapy sessions are for Bryony…
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WHY does she keep saying et cetera after every second sentence, it's like a bizarre version of someone saying 'um' or 'like', where would you even pick up such a habit, I bet she thinks she sounds really intellectual saying it. She doesn't even pronounce it right.
'i love massages, i've had them throughout my pregnancy ECK SETRA... My legs were propped up ECK SETRA'??? What?! She said it about 50 times at random in the latest bumpdate video.
Bryony, I know you are nuts in several ways, but the et cetera-ing is too much. if you read here PLEASE STOP SAYING ET CETERA!!
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Also where is she realistically driving? 😂 She doesn’t seem to venture out much without Ma’maa anyway. And too sick for public transport makes no sense. Just say you don’t want to. She admits there are obvious solutions, she just doesn’t like them.

Once again I’m just baffled by her use of social media. We don’t talk about it enough I don’t think… its obvious she overshares and compulsively posts because she has no friends, colleagues, peers, no partner etc. who would usually help somebody work through their day to day issues. And she has had no socialisation to know what’s appropriate for public consumption.

I actually can understand how the car problem would impact her feeling of independence, totally. If I were a close friend, I’d be sympathetic to those emotions first, offer solutions second. But Bryony has nobody to process emotions with so she turns to insta stories, not realising that the sympathy she wants for minor issues is usually only reserved for people’s close friends and family. And so maybe that’s where the exaggeration comes in… got to dramatise to get the response to match her own self pity.

A lot of her justification for over sharing and complaining is to ‘’normalise’’ various struggles.. Whittling on about small inconveniences, highly sensitive details about pregnancy termination or foster children, pictures of her period blood clots … she somehow manages to claim it’s all ‘’to raise awareness’’ for X Y or Z cause. When realistically she has been an exhibitionist for a decade and doesn’t know how else to live.
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Millennial Pink

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Has she ever gone into depth about why she actually wants a baby? Is she just so obsessed with the reproductive cycle she wanted to experience the final part of it? I genuinely don't understand how you could intentionally get pregnant and then be disappointed with the gender.
I don't think so, I think it's just a case that she's always wanted children and maybe hasn't examined exactly why, then rushed into this situation because of her medical condition.

I can't get my head around the gender thing either. It's like she didn't even consider she wouldn't get her way. Same with the nausea, very common and didn't think through how she'd react if it happened to her. It's all very strange to me.
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Her trigger warning was nowhere near what It should have been. It’s as if she did it to virtue signal rather than to genuinely recognise the weight of what she was talking about. Because I don’t think she does.

That and crying about the nausea but not infanticide of a baby she is still pregnant with… I don’t think I’ll ever be able to watch her vids the same way again. I simply cannot fathom how she’s still posting #pregnancylife and posting pushchair recommendations days after publishing that video.
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