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That video is absolutely heartbreaking. Hearing her say she was planning to kill her child. And when she said “there are many steps before social services get involved” well I think they should be involved already. She is not fit to be a mother and I truly truly hope her fostering service sees that video and decides she is not a suitable foster carer. Just imagine if your child was in a short term foster situation and they ended up with that evil witch. Doesn’t bare thinking about
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Ok! I’ve read everything here and just had to create an account to comment.

move watched Bryony since she was a maybe 14? Definitely since the beginning (I’m about 5 years older but has similar issues with debilitating periods and loved how mature and well-spoken she was). I even bought some of her products.

I stopped watching 5 years are so ago and recently saw a video pop up announcing she was pregnant and was surprised. Watched them all and googled to see if anyone was discussing her. Found this thread and was shocked regarding the foster issues and had to watch the videos myself.

Needless to say wow. I agree with a lot said here but I wanted to give my perspective as well.

I see a lot of myself in Bryony. I am autistic and have an anxiety disorder that manifests itself into health anxiety and OCD tendencies. I see a lot of that in Bryony. The special interests; menstruation, reproduction, babies, being a caregiver and her own health.
A lot or autistic folks have one track minds and can become obsessive. Her obsession with her menstrual cycle was harmless. Her health, less so… becoming a foster carer and now mother… Not at all saying autistic folks who folks with OCD shouldn’t foster or have children. I have a child myself, but there’s a few major differences between us.

Bryony’a biggest issue is her parents. She’s been coddled and told everything she does is perfect. She has no opportunity to grow as a person and face the mistakes she made. She takes criticism very poorly. Being told you are always right and given whatever you want is going to make all those less than ideal personality traits so much worse. Never given the opportunity by her parents to fail or take negative feedback. So she just feeds into her health anxiety and her obsession and lives in that reality. It does seem like it’s all turning into Mauschausens. I do believe she has very painful periods and I know that is so hard. And I believe her pregnancy is difficult too. I did IVF to conceive and live in the US so had to pay out of pocket and I was ecstatic when I got pregnant but boy it was rough and I had days where I thought, “wow, why did I do this.” Now that my kid is born it’s much easier and I’ve grown so much as a person. I hope that this baby is a wake up call for Bryony and her parents.
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That vlog was insufferable. She comes across as a self absorbed, spoilt hypocondriac. The stuff at the end about her amazon wishlist and patreon? She says that she doesn't update patreon but in the next breath asks people to join! Such an entitled beggar.
Absolutely this. She is so weak and self-obsessed. What a beggar, she's disgusting! Imagine life at 24 years old being paid for by mummy and daddy, then they pay for you to have a baby alone, allow you to move home and bring you meals and push you around in a wheelchair because you feel a bit off. Now they've taken her on trips, wait on her hand and foot and book her fortnightly massages. Now she wants strangers to buy her things during a financial crisis. Many viewers might be struggling to heat and eat whilst she's living for free with her parents and leaving a free flat sitting empty for months too and now she wants free money and gifts. That princess is in for a real shock. Although, she may remain equally as detached and self-absorbed and she'll be equally as bad as she was at fostering.

I don't think she'll cope with attention being on the baby and not her. I worry that her parents doting over the baby that they want (as a grandchild ;)) will send Bryony over the edge as she's already totally detached. She didn't mention the baby once and is more focused on how she looks.

Her last TTC update about being in agony with a bit of constipation and trapped wind being "as bad" as her horrific period pain tells everyone what she's really like. I have endo and I used to have sympathy for that part but not anymore, she's pathetic.
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So many thoughts watching this woman.......I really don't think she is emotionally or mentally stable enough to have gone through IVF treatment. Why did they allow her to do it, or has she been doing it privately!? After being so obsessional about getting pregnant, in her latest video she was talking about thinking she might have to terminate her pregnancy because she feels SO unwell and SO lousy. Well, I'm sure all women feel lousy when pregnant don't they? I have never been pregnant, but I've always thought it would be a rough ride and something to consider very, very carefully. Also, HOW many times is she in touch with her GP? How does she have a hotline to the GP and phone them all the time?
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Chatty Member
She’s so fucked. 5 hours sleep as a one off is perfectly normal for working adults with a lot of commitments, never mind a soon to be mother of a newborn. There’s not a doubt in my mind her parents will be raising this baby.

I think it’s odd how unaware and unselfconscious she is being. Does she think this is relatable or quirky or what? I don’t understand her relationship with her audience.
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By consequences I mean on breastfeeding, immune system, auto-immune and metabolic effects, mental health etc. Basic safety is important, but obviously there are a lot of processes that occur during labour and vaginal birth that serve a purpose for mum and baby. Choosing to have major surgery where there's no medical need, whilst becoming a first time lone parent who becomes bedridden every period, is an interesting choice. She can't cope with much in life so why make it harder. She's been mostly bedbound for months, not quite the strong picture of health to recover well from a c-section.
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The way she contacted her GP several times to finally get a prescription for nausea medicine... I can really understand the GP being "disparaging" about it.
I can just imagine them being like "so how many times a day are you being sick? oh, none? you haven't been sick AT ALL?"

I have some empathy for how bad she feels like the tearful bit she seemed very distressed, but I think she should have got some treatment to deal with her complete inability to tolerate discomfort prior to becoming pregnant rather than assuming it would all be fine and she'd feel great throughout. it's very naive.

also hi everyone, I've read this thread since the beginning but only felt compelled to make an account after watching the most recent update :rolleyes:
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Oh my gosh I'm so glad I found this thread! I watched her videos a lot when I was a teenager, and I've always been annoyed by her and thought she was spoilt, immature and a hypochondriac. But then all the comments on her videos say how she's so immature for her age and intelligent... I've spent the past two days reading through the entirety of this thread, and you guys have already said what I've been feeling for the past ten years.

Does anyone remember when she got into that car accident? From her explanation of what happened it sounded like it was her fault, and if I remember so a lot of the comments were saying the same, but she insisted that the other driver was speeding because of course it could never be her fault. She kept saying how she was so careful with her driving and had never had an accident or anything, sounded more like she was trying to convince herself rather than her viewers.

Anyway, the reason I bring it up is because when it happened she (from my memory, I can't find the video anymore) completely froze and her friend who was in the car had to go get their dance teacher and call her mum. How is she going to cope with all the unexpected and difficult situations that a child can cause when she has to get mummy to come help her when she crashes her car. And I know accidents can be traumatic but come on, if you're an adult with a driver's licence it's on you to be mature and responsible enough to deal with events when they unfold. If I remember correctly she actually turned on the camera while she was still sat in the car because talking it through with her camera helped her process the event, all the while her mum and dance teacher were running around sorting out her mess. I wish I could find the video because I remember she barely even mentioned the other driver/car and whether they were ok. Selfish. Also stupid to upload a video about a car accident when presumably there would have still been an investigation and insurance claims still ongoing.

Anyway, a few weeks later her mum bought her a new car. So I guess all was forgotten about and little Bryony got what she wanted and didn't face any repercussions for her actions. Mummy to the rescue yet again.

Has she ever dealt with a problem herself without her parents help? She didn't move away to university and live on her own, she's never travelled by herself, and had a real job with a real boss and colleagues. She is incredibly sheltered and I don't think she realises how much. I was shocked when she said her dad was 71 (I'm assuming her mum is also in her 60s or 70s), they may not able to help her out with her child (or with her own life) for much longer. I feel so sorry for them still having to look after their adult child, and now having to take on part of the responsibility for a baby. And without a partner who is she going to turn to when her aging parents are unable to help her? Obviously there are other single parents out there, but they have a lifetime of life skills and experiences to draw upon, something which as far as I've seen Bryony's missed out on.

And when she dropped out of school she made out like she was so much better than everyone else attending school because she had her own business and source of income at just 15 blah blah blah. She just came across as thinking education was beneeth her and she knew better than all the teachers and policy makers out there. At the time, and I was just a teen myself, I remember thinking that it was a pretty stupid decision as the cloth pad industry didn't seem like a big money-maker and a little success now doesn't guarantee continued success in the future. Others have mentioned on this thread that her business seems pretty stagnant and she's failed to capitalise on the opportunity that she had when reusable products really started to become mainstream. To be honest I was surprised she was even still making them, I've barely hear her talking about or advertising her brand.

And where is she now, in her 20s with no qualifications or employment history. Soon to be a single mum. How does she expect to support herself and her child for the rest of their lives? She likes to think of herself as a CEO or whatever, but I've never seen her demonstrate and solid business sense. What is she going to do when her parents can no longer financially support her? What is she going to do when they pass away? Obviously I'm not wishing anything bad upon her parents, hopefully they'll be around for a long time. But someone in their mid-20s who's starting their own family should be thinking about these things.

As for her hypochondria, even at the time when she was talking about her ME and her painful periods I was shocked at how mantally fragile she seems. At the time when she was talking about ME/CFS I was a little dubious about her claims that she had it (or even if it was a real disease, don't come for me) but as I'm not a doctor and have never experienced something like that myself I assumed she knew what she was talking about and that it was wrong for me to doubt someone else's experiences. But then she did a 180 and 9h no disregard the CFS, that's never to be spoken about again, now she has chronic Lyme disease. I remember the video she put up talking about it and she was getting called out for self-diagnosing, shortly after that she turned off comments.

And regarding her 'solo motherhood journey's you guys have already articulated what I've been thinking and all I can say is I hope she wishes up quick and gives her son the upbringing all children deserve.

Sorry for ranting like this, haha. But it's nice to have found people who feel the same way as I do. She's always rubbed me the wrong way and her smugness, faux-maturity and lack of intelligence has always annoyed me. I may be mis-remembering some things as I'm talking about videos that are ten years old and I don't really care enough to go back and re-watch them (if they're even still available on her YouTube). This may be the longest post I've ever made, and well done to those who read the whole thing 😂 I swear I'm not actually as bitter as I sound, but she's soon to be responsible for another human life, I think she deserves all the reality checks she can get.
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Drives me mad that she flips between acting like she's one of the bloody Landed Gentry with ideas waaaaaay above her station, to someone living on the bread-line who is scraping pennies off the bus floor.
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She also clearly loves the attention she gets from feeling (or pretending to) poorly. Which is what she likes about being pregnant, not the aspect of impending motherhood.
That poor little boy is probably going to end up a young carer to whatever aches and pains are the new debilitating condition of hers in the future 😞
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Just had a thought.... if there was a strong gender preference and a lot of emotions etc then why did she even plan a gender reveal event AND film it for YouTube!? You don't have to do these things....
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I saw that story, it was just weird and kind of attention seeking, not sure what else anyone expected of her tbh, but it gives me "my 3 year old just asked me why we as a society haven't solved social injustice and then everyone clapped" vibes.
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Did she really just say in the video that her gender disappointment led her to google an abortion at 21 weeks (which would have been to invasive for her to go through with), then contemplate suicide, and then have "intrusive thoughts" about having the baby killed after it was born? Wow...
Been lurking on this thread but I watched the whole 50 minutes and felt physically sick when she said that part… not even a parent myself and I know a lot of parents experience gender disappointment which is valid especially if you have 3 girls and want a boy and vice versa. Yet, I can’t believe she willingly admitted that she would kill herself simply because she was having a boy! Then went on to say she’d end up just killing her son instead! She’s mentioned that those thoughts have passed but I am seriously concerned for that baby, she seems high risk for developing Post Natal Psychosis honestly. I do not think she’s mentally fit enough to take care of this child or especially be left alone with him. How does she think her son would feel if he found out his own mother wanted to KILL HIM over his gender, it’s actually disgusting.

She willingly chose to get pregnant, you have a 50/50 chance of a boy or girl, what did she think was going to happen? That’d she have a girl if she thought hard enough about it? If I was apart of her medical team, Bryony expressing this stuff would be ringing alarm bells honestly. I know it’s common to experience depression, instructive thoughts, and anxiety throughout pregnancy but her thoughts have went onto the extreme end…I know if I mentioned harming others (like she mentioned) to my MH team they’d probably start discussing inpatient.
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It's so aggrivating that she has all these people fawning over her and how tough her pregnancy has been when as far as I can see she's had a very normal, straightforward pregnancy. Dizziness sucks, I get it, but it's not the same as fainting, nausea in the first trimester is expected, breathlessness is very common because, newsflash, there's a fucking baby pressing on your internal organs.
I know this from watching 1 youtuber through a pregnancy and some quick research online for a book I wrote (and never finished, we'll gloss over that), and yet she markets herself as a woman's health expert but either doesn't know this basic common knowledge or, more probably, is so self absorbed and sheltered she can't deal with normal pregnancy symptoms. Women's health is an absolute shambles, even moreso than the NHS as a whole, and I absolutely don't think women should have to suffer in silence, but when these are expected and common results of a biological process you (well, your parents) paid for, maybe you could consider sucking it up?
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I'm sure I've said this before but is anyone else sort of icked out by how often she points out she's tiny? Going on about how her mum is bigger than her, how her bump is still small, the weird small speculum thing, I don't know if it's because she seems very young for her age so it makes her seem even more like a child but it's really gross to me.
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I genuinely feel so bad for her unborn son. The poor kid is gonna end up being a young carer for his munchausen mother who was disappointed that he wasn't a girl. He won't have a dad or any family from his dad's side. His only family will be his nut job mother and grandparents (who most likely won't be around when he's grown up). Poor guy has been set up for a miserable life.
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