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She said she has admin assistants and warehouse packers who do everything to keep the business running. So what is it that she actually does? Why does she need to claim money if her income stays the same? Her viewers bought her everything she needed on top of the stuff she's been hoarding for so long.

She's planning an elective section, I wonder if she's done any research on the negative consequences to her baby or if it's only about her.
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Watching her testing for pregnancy, she seems so hyper aware of every little twinge in her body I’m not surprised she thinks she is so ill all the time. The amount she spoke about her boobs hurting, she seems to constantly be looking for any ache or pain and completely overthinking it, when most of the time its normal and most people don’t have time to even notice because they’re working/busy. I have had a period for over 12 years and could not tell anyone in exact detail what time of day I ovulate and which side it was from. I rarely even recognise things as period symptoms until it actually starts because I have better things to think about.
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Just when I thought this girl couldn't get any more insane, I cannot believe she was considering a termination for a PLANNED PREGNANCY SHE PAID FOR because she felt nauseous. Yes, nausea is horrible, but given she's not actually been throwing up hers doesn't sound that severe. She's been such a hypochondriac for so long she's just hyper aware of her body, not to mention she isn't busy enough to take her mind off things.

It really struck me that her depression brought out thoughts that her mum might die if she left the house. She is clearly very attached to her mum but also relies on her immensely to dump the kids on while she feels ill every other day (pregnant or not). Her mum isn't young, she shouldn't count on her being there forever anyway, regardless of age people get sick at any time. The fact she goes home whenever the slightest thing goes wrong, I have no idea how she even has foster kids. I do wonder how much attention they are getting while she's making videos of her obsessive pregnancy tests and on the phone to the GP.

I really wonder if there'll be a Munchausens by proxy situation with the kid when it's born as she craves that medical attention and she herself is sadly no longer actually sickly.
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So she gets up at 10:30 had co-co pops and 500ml of Lucozade and now thinks she had gestational diabetes. Of which she hits none of the flags for.
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That vlog was insufferable. She comes across as a self absorbed, spoilt hypocondriac. The stuff at the end about her amazon wishlist and patreon? She says that she doesn't update patreon but in the next breath asks people to join! Such an entitled beggar.
I know what the hell?! I loved that she was like "it's appreciated in these tough financial times" right after saying she gets a two-weekly pregnancy massage?!
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This is just an awful situation.
Also seen a post by her in a fb group stating she plans to continue fostering after baby is here because she gets a £1300 a month allowance for each foster child which eradicates financial worry. What the ever loving f*ck is this girl playing at?
She’s always been an over sharer. I am just hopeful that this is an attention thing and she actually doesn’t want - and hopefully never did want - to kill her newborn baby. I sincerely hope this was just a way for her to once again get some attention. She is a child. She doesn’t see her baby as a human being, I don’t know what she’s expecting but that blissful time when they’re tiny and lovely lasts for 0.5 seconds and soon morphs into sore nipples, tired eyes, baby sick on your four day worn t shirt and shit on your last clean pair of leggings.

also someone mentioned elective c sections. She’s posted on fb asking about other people’s experiences with elective c sections as she’s considering having one.
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On her latest grid post, It’s weird that she realised ten years ago that she wanted reusable pads when she had children. Ten years ago she was what, 15 years old? Who would be thinking about having kids at that age? When I was 15 I had no idea that you even bled after giving birth never mind wondering about my choice of sanitary protection for it. Weird weird weird.
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This pregnancy has marked a shift into total victimhood I don’t really see her getting out of quickly or any time soon. She said herself she doesn’t really need to be at home, she just wants to be. This may be her last chance to separate herself from her parents before the baby is born and she’s choosing not to. This is ALL a choice. The situation she’s in right now is of her own idiotic making.

She’s blatantly not cut out to raise a baby independently. She said the first 6 weeks she’ll be at home but we all know she’ll grow accustomed to her parents support, she already relied on them for fostering. I can see her living there for another year and potentially not going back to the flat. She’ll be essentially living and coparenting with her only other close human relationships, her own parents in their 70s.

I think time will start to slip very quickly once the baby is here. In 5 years she’s going to be a 30 year old single mother with a young child and the same questionably successful small business her parents created for her as a teenager. Her parents, her child’s part time carers, will be approaching 80 and she may need to start supporting them as well as caring for a young child. She won’t have had the time or space to develop professionally and won’t be able to get a stable, salaried job even if she wants to (I foresee lots more complaining about money now shes parenting without a foster income). She’ll have become even more isolated from people her age and will struggle to develop friendships or a relationship. What then? Quite scary stuff.
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If Bryony opts for an elective C-section (which I believe she will) she will absolutely milk the recovery time. I know it's a major surgery that takes weeks to completely recover from, but I can see her lying in bed the entire time and being waited on hand and foot by her mother, complaining about going for walks, saying her baby is way too heavy, that kind of thing.
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Just watched her latest bumpdate, again absolutely nothing about the pregnancy itself or the baby, just alllll her ‘health issues’. It should just be called ‘health update’ rather than a bumpdate because it has no relevance to the baby at all. Had a 90 min appt with birth options person?!!! I’ll be shocked if she wants a vaginal birth, or even to be induced to manage her anxiety/need to control. She’ll 100% want a section so she can know the exact date in advance and be on full control. Plus it’ll give her a whole new list of fake things to medicalise once the baby is born.
And why discuss the quest to get an inhaler in such detail and leave out all the specifics of the birth specialist appointment?? Her priorities are so odd. I can see wanting to make the video longer for ads, but then she should be adding more relevant details than trying to get an inhaler the week after Christmas. She never says what her birth options are, just that she thinks she knows what she wants to do and never says what that is!

I also wanted to mention how entitled she is with her baby registry. She sometimes says that she “ordered” the items that people GAVE her. It’s frustrating that she thinks of gifts as just another thing she’s received. She also says she has a ton of cloth diapers, so much so that she’s had to downsize her collection, and still puts one on the registry just so she can try it. She made it sound like she wanted that diaper so she could review it, and it really rubbed me the wrong way that she expected someone else to unknowingly fund one of her monetized videos.
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She's so young for her age and overestimates her own maturity.
I can think of so many signs of healthy maturity in a well adjusted 25 year old - and she misses all of them. Social and self awareness, ability to handle tricky social situations or conflicts, understanding nuances of society and acting sensitively to them. Exposure to a wide variety of people. Experience of multiple work environments, an array of necessary skills. Ability to be independent from your family. Healthy social circle and well-maintained friendships / romantic relationships. Ability to manage finances and make big financial decisions (independent of parents!).

‘’I’m a foster carer, I own my flat and my own business, I don’t go out and get drunk’’ … yes Bryony you’re all of those because you’re IMMATURE, they’re not signs of maturity.

She’s fixated on babies and motherhood like an obsessive child playing house. Her business and flat were handed to her by her parents because they know she has no education or credentials. Having zero social life is a sign of majorly stunted social development, not maturity!! (Partying is just one aspect of age appropriate social development, there are obviously alternatives but she has none).

I’m not sure if the baby will help her grow up. Maybe. But I don’t really trust her to step up honestly.
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Anyone else feel like this girl is like a child who’s ‘playing adult’. I don’t even know if that makes sense. She seems very immature but likes to act all holier than thou and grown up. Bizarre.
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I've said this before and I'll say it again. Her parents, her Dr's, the clinicians who assisted her to get pregnant should NOT have allowed this to happen. I know she's a grown woman (barely) and it's her body and her decision, but she honestly is not mentally well and certainly not mentally well or mature enough to deal with being a mother at the moment. Why did she do this now? She should have taken the advice that this was not a sensible idea, get some councilling and then in a few years re-assess. Her mother should have said from the off she would not help or support her in any way, if she chose to become pregnant. Harsh, but better for her in the long run.
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I saw her insta story saying she went to a baby show and actually thought 'oh that's good she's actually caring about doing stuff for the baby' and. the next story was 'but I had a sickness episode and it was a disappointment.'

It's almost ridiculous at this point that every little thing is negative.
It made me really sad for her honestly.
I’m so torn about the whole thing because I think she was extremely stupid, misguided and selfish to the point she barely seemed to register the fact there would be a real human child involved. I think she’s snobbish and pandered and fetishises babies into objects to ‘have’ rather than people. All infuriating and disgusting.

But at the same time she’s obviously quite vulnerable and this is clearly a tragic situation. To go to a baby fair with your parents after they pay for you to get pregnant, presumably be pushed around by them in a wheelchair and feel nothing but a sliver of hope that the baby is even alive… I want to hate her but it’s honestly just so tragically sad to me.

I just wish she’d waited to be in a relationship. Even if it was short term or non sexual or not even romantic… idk the loneliness of it all just sends me into pure pity. She doesn’t even have friends to share this with. Just her elderly pandering parents to baby her while she lives a sick pregnant fantasy.
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I feel really bad after watching that last video. It was just so sad and hard to watch. I feel sorry for her in a way though because although she has so much privilege and has been given everything she's ever wanted, she hasn't really experienced *life* at all? She's just lived in this little bubble with her Mum and its clear that it's no way to live!

I knew the antisickness tablets were going to mess with her mental health as soon as she started talking about how her GP didn't want to prescribe them so early on. Why not just accept what they say?! I know nausea isn't fun but bloody hell. My best friend was so, so, so sick with HG in her pregnancy - constantly vomiting everyday for the whole nine months. It was awful and horrible to watch but she had to get up and try and go work a full time job everyday?!
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I don't really agree. It's better to have one great parent (absolutely not saying this will be Bryony) than have 2 fighting parents or have a dad who ducks in and out of your life, and frequently abandons you. She could meet someone one day.
Yeah of course but that’s playing into the strange false dichotomy Bryony has created. It’s not realistically a question of 1 great parent vs. 1 great and 1 bad as she suggests. And the fact that she assumes second parent would be a useless without recognising any value of either a romantic partnership or the model of dual parenting is quite sociopathic IMO. She doesn’t even have any life experience to base this off. Surely she sees her parents are happy and fulfilled and stronger as a pair, and the benefit that’s had on her?

Also important to note she wasn’t even suggesting a partner/father could be detrimental to the kid. Only annoying to her. Her example was being annoyed about washing up!! It’s scary to hear a25yo be so naive.
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I don’t feel for her parents at all. They knew what they were in for when Bryony asked their permission to get pregnant in the first place 😳😳 and I believe at least one of them actively enables and panders to her imaginary health issues.

I cannot get over her complaining so dramatically about waking up at a normal time. You can tell she genuinely feels sorry for herself. I don’t get how she’s not embarrassed to publicly sulk about it. Lmao.
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