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The fact that someone who is single, never pregnant and never had to buy a test before I'm assuming given her relationship history has a "favourite" pregnancy test is so, so weird to me!
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Millennial Pink

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I'm genuinely concerned about her now. What on earth was she thinking, doing this? This is a baby, not some project she can drop out of.
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I watched a live she did on instagram this morning - and she said she is still fostering and she has apparently told her local authority she's happy to take a potential covid-positive child if the parents go into hospital in the next few weeks and she expects things to go crazy.

Very interesting. Will see whether she actually gets another placement or not.
I find it interesting that she’s willing to expose herself to coronavirus when she claims to have so many health issues.
I feel like she would almost enjoy being able to talk about the time she had it, what with her obsession with being sick.
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Do her parents have social media? I can’t believe that anyone close to her saw that post and didn’t tell her to take it down. It’s miscarriage baiting, which is awful. But it’s horrible for the poor child who will have to bear the burden of knowing the effect pregnancy had on their mother, and how little she cares even if it is a mental health issue. I don’t see how there’s any ~raising awareness ~ benefit that outweighs that.
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Millennial Pink

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I don't think she's thought of the possible future consequences of that video at all. It could impact her fostering, how she's perceived by social services if they ever did get involved with the baby, future jobs as she seems to be using her real name and most importantly her relationship with her son.

I hope she takes it down.
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I had to come to Tattle to see if anyone else feels that Bryony is insufferable. I'm relieved, but unsurprised, to find I'm not alone. Her pregnancy stories are also unsurprising to me. With her it was never going to go smoothly. I could have predicted a difficult pregnancy. I could have predicted she'd feel unwell during it amd I could have predicted her returning to Ma & PA Falmer's house. If she choses to sole parent well that's up to her. I know she feels her transparency is helpful to others but how helpful will it be in the future to her child if he finds videos where she describes wanting to abort him because her pregnancy is difficult and he didn't turn out to be a girl? While I think those feelings may in themselves abe valid I can't help I can't help but feel that in her case they are mentioned for secondary gain. As for having a list of baby gifts. No, Bryony. Say your are grateful but won't be taking things.
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Chatty Member
To me that whole rant about a partner not being any use if they’re not a good parent is probably the most horrid thing I’ve heard from her and she’s said some pretty outrageous and condescending shit in the time I’ve watched her.

Yes there are conflicts in any relationship but that’s not a reason to miss out on the support, closeness and love that they bring. Obviously she has never experienced that and it would be sad to me if she wasn’t also so smug and dismissive of how most the world choose to live.

Equally potential parenting disagreements are not reason enough to deny a child their right to have a second parent. I actually think differing opinions are beneficial… two well meaning adults compromising are typically going to settle on comfortable and healthy middle ground. Not to mention demonstrating conflict resolution, collaboration etc.

She really thinks she’s the centre of the effing universe if she can’t see the inherent value of a second adult in parenting a child. Even if responsibility isn’t split equally, that’s still double the resources across the board. Love and care, knowledge and experience, culture, family, time, money. Despite a small amount of inherited wealth and her childcare experience she actually is a person with extremely few resources.

Does she realise parenting extends past the first 2 years of a child’s life? Does she realise it extends beyond domestic tasks and choosing to baby wear or extended breastfeed or whatever else she has fixated on?

I’m just consistently creeped out by her
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She absolutely no way will be vaginally birthing that baby. She’ll go private at the expense of mum and dad, or do whatever it takes to have a elective c section. Then she will complain x1000 her section/recovery was worse than anyone else’s.
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Chatty Member
Omfg I spat out my coffee. Can anyone summarise, I’m at work !!

Okay edit that… I’ve watched now and have a bunch of emotions. In many ways I’m very pleased for her (shes spoken about this for so long and this seems to be the only plausible method) yet I’m just so uncomfortable about her maturity as a mother. In particular, how much she spoke of her parents as part of the process.

- Her outlining how/when she told, exactly as somebody would talk about a partner.
- Calling them ‘’her main support network’’ … no darling you just haven’t sustained any other close relationships and are wildly immature and fragile.
- Talking about moving back home with them and having her independence taken away. Even with psychological analysis aside (parental boundary blurring…) this sounds like a major red flag for a soon to be single mother.

Imagine if her parents suddenly couldn’t support her? They’re elderly and could quickly decline in health if something were to happen. And even with normal ageing in the next 10+ years she could easily become the sole caretaker of 2 people in their 70s as well as a child/teenager. Sure, anyone else might handle this, but could Bryony? Not given her track record.

[Side note here: let’s ignore the fact she told her parents separately on two separate holidays they funded for her… giving EXTREME rich adolescent vibes. And later she says ‘’I’m very lucky my parents have taken me on lots of holidays so I don’t really need to travel’’ as if independent travel in your mid 20s is the same as pool holidays in the Canary Islands with your retired mum and dad 😅😅 she talks like an arrogant and spoiled teenager even now]

I’ve always had an issue about how she calls herself a ‘parent’ to foster children. No, you’re a carer and there’s a distinction for a reason. I’ve been in a situation where I’ve had to provide short term kinship care for children in my extended family. It was tough/intense/ rewarding but I wouldn’t dare ever compare that to being a parent. Nothing could carry the weight of that life long responsibility. Bryony doesn’t see the difference and that’s is a major concern to me on top of everything else.

I don’t have any concerns about her physical ability to care for a child - I trust she knows quite a lot about raising small children and probably has lifelong financial security (by parental default not hard work lol). But her interest in being a mother seems to stop there. She’s obsessed with babies, bodies and her own sickness. Pregnancy is perfect for her - or perfect for her to complain about and regress to her teenage years. It’s bizarre.
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I worry that Bryony's son will grow up incredibly lonely, with no father, no cousins, no aunts/uncles, just his mother and her elderly parents. I believe I remember Bryony saying she may not have any more children because of how supposedly tough the pregnancy has been on her, so I assume the child will have no siblings either. Bryony also seems to have incredibly poor social skills and very few friends. It paints a very bleak picture for this child.
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She's planning an elective section, I wonder if she's done any research on the negative consequences to her baby or if it's only about her.
Strictly speaking, elective c sections are actually safer for the baby and the mother than natural deliveries. The reason why c section stats are worse than vaginal delivery stats in terms of morbidities is that most c sections are emergency ones, which of course are usually performed when things are high risk and have already started to go wrong. If you separate c section data into elective and emergency cohorts however, elective sections are safer than vaginal deliveries. Chiefly because a) we’ve got better at doing them, and b) you eliminate the risk of damage associated with, for example, the baby getting stuck and deprived of oxygen, or severe perineal tearing to the mother, etc. In the developed world vaginal delivery is still remarkably safe of course, but there’s always an element of “you don’t know what will happen on the day”, whereas elective c sections have a much more limited bandwidth in that respect.

Both modes of delivery have downsides, of course. And each is better for some women than others. I’m a great advocate for people choosing c sections if that’s the risk profile they feel better able to handle, assuming no contraindications (and same for vaginal deliveries).

However, Bryony has adenomyosis doesn’t she? C-sections can make adenomyosis a lot worse. I’d be doing everything I could to avoid one if I were her, because boy, if her periods are debilitating now, I’m not sure how she would cope with them getting substantially worse.
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Millennial Pink

VIP Member
Honestly I cried when she said that. I probably shouldn’t have watched that while I’m pregnant it was such a hard watch
I know she put content warnings at the beginning, but it was quite a bit worse than what I was expecting.

I think she sees all this as 'raising awareness', but I think it's just oversharing that's doing far more harm than good.
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So her mum has bought her a £153 pillow, taken her on a fuck tonne of holidays, are housing her, feeding her, taken her on “baby moons”, completely looking after her like you would a small child.

Why on earth did she think it would be a good idea to have a baby?

Editing to add that of course there’s nothing wrong with her mum treating her once in a while but she’s totally coming across like a spoilt brat who pays for nothing.
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Chatty Member
Ive watched her for years and she said her parents brought the flat for her its a joke really i get the feeling she does the fostering for the money too and her obsession with kids is so werid i remember her collecting clothes and prams while living at home or not long after she moved she needs to get out live life like someone her age and she might meet someone i remember her being on a dating agency she just seems stuck up herself doesnt seem to have many friends either
I actually don't think she fosters for the money, she fosters for something worse imo. She loves the idea of herself as a mother in an entirely egotistical way... calling herself Mummy to these kids etc, buying fancy toys, talking about ''the terrible twos'' and all this cliche language when she has pretty limited experience (or did before fostering). She's using these kids as props for her little game.
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Yeah I cannot imagine she’s going to have an easy time of labour. She patting herself on the back for getting to week six before asking for medication. She’s going to scream bloody murder whenever the midwife leaves the room

Edit: I am the most pro choice person going. But for gods sake woman why did you upload a video where you talk about terminating the pregnancy?! In what world is that appropriate to put on the internet forever? It’s between you and your doctor. Do not ever put information like that where a child could find it. I am in utter shock. That poor child is being used for content and it isn’t even born yet.
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She's hijacking normal people's lives and trying to join in, I think she's lonely and playing at normal but none of it is genuine or authentic. She wants to relate to single mums and their struggles but her parents paid to have her impregnated and have treated her like a porcelain doll throughout. Bizarre rich girl plays at struggling single mom. It's disturbing.

She reminds me a bit of a teen at a homeschool group that carried a baby doll around. I think babies are her special interest but it doesn't mean she should be a parent.
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I had to dig out my old login to comment on this morning’s IG story.

Getting up at 11 every morning because baby is moving till 3am. Struggling because she had to drop her car at the garage at 8am.

How the f*** is she going to manage with a baby?

My three year old has a cold and was awake all night Sunday night. Still had to get up early and go about my day because toddler.

Looks like she’s still at her mum and dad’s place too. Seems completely unfair to intentionally get pregnant then live at your parents’ house. She’s quite clearly going to practically live there when the baby arrives.
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New member
I’m so glad to have found a thread on Bryony.
I’ve watched her since she was 17/18? Still living with her parents. I remember her moving into her current flat, where she flat out lied & said she saved & is paying for it herself ‘with all of her hard work’, only to reveal a few years later that in fact, her parents were paying for half the mortgage (lol, let’s change that to all of the mortgage shall we Bryony…!)

I‘m not sure how many of you have watched her throughout this fostering process, but she specifically asked for baby’s only (so she can ‘show them off’ when going out with them; slightly nauseating, as if they’re dolls to be paraded around). In nearly all of her videos she’s either staying at her parents, or her poor mother is at hers taking care of her foster child. Go back to the lockdowns & Bryony REALLY ‘struggled’ & eventually stated that she had created a bubble with her parents ‘due to her mental health’; it wasn’t due to isolation, oh no! She’d lost her main babysitters! If she wanted a lay in, she was ‘tired’ from staying up half the night watching Netflix or reading, who on earth could she depend on to pass the child off on if her parents weren’t available?!
And now she’s pregnant!!
I’ve genuinely never felt more horrified.

She’s not remotely ready to be a mother. In fact, I don’t believe she ever will be. She’s not at all mature enough mentally or emotionally for a child. I’m often baffled when she states ‘she’s had her own business since she was 15’… that doesn’t mean you’re ready for your own child luv 😂
She can’t cope with headaches, period cramps, she most certainly can’t cope with exhaustion, she can barely wash herself most of the time as in most of her videos her hair is slicked back & greasy, how on earth is she going to manage caring for a newborn who is completely reliant on her 24/7?
She’ll go back to her parents once the baby is born, & likely won’t leave for the first 6 months.

Speaking honestly, & realistically though - aren’t her parents ‘older’ parents? Didn’t they have her later on in life? Which there’s absolutely nothing wrong with, but this is her decision to have a child, is it not? Her parents have done their bit in bringing her up, has she ever thought they don’t want to continue not only babysitting their adult daughter, but bringing up a newborn again?! Does she ever think of her parents? Perhaps they’d like to go on holiday.. on their OWN? Perhaps they’d like a life.. together, going for meals, walks, spending time alone, without their hypochondriac daughter phoning every 5 minutes, being unable to cope with life?

I lost a parent this year suddenly, my parents had me when I was older. Speaking from experience, she’s going to be in for the biggest shock of her life if (heaven forbid, as I wouldn’t wish it on anyone) something happens to one of her parents. They won’t be around forever to wipe her backside. Bryony seriously has to grow up & fast.

Sorry! Long,ranty post, but the news genuinely greatly concerned me for the welfare of that unborn child. Bryony isn’t going to know what’s hit her.
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Unsure how getting up for a wee during a film would affect anyone going with you? Choose an aisle seat and crack on, instead of trying to make it seem like another ailment. Unless you can’t go to the toilet alone at the age of 25 and need someone to hold your hand… I would think the bigger issue is which of your friends can be bothered with you complaining about your normal and expected pregnancy symptoms for 3+ hours


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