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There are rumours and speculation that France will make an announcement tomorrow to put the UK on its red list, because we have two confirmed cases of the new variant. Switzerland have just done this, so you now have to isolate for 10 days on arrival which would obviously make most 3-5 day Disney holidays undoable. Babs might be more worried about that than the PCRs.
She’s obviously still an idiot though. We have DLP booked and despite being gutted we are looking at changing it (husband on hold to them as we speak!) We just don’t want to risk bringing something back to all of our family and ruining everyone’s Christmas, it’s selfish really to go away now, and no one in our family is at high risk like her dad must be. But it’s all about Babs in that shitshow.
Genuinely Really sorry that your holiday is being moved. It is so rubbish. But, what makes it worse is Blabs not able to look at all the holidays she has had over the pandemic and appreciate how lucky (or reckless?!) she was to have them. It is definitely all about her.
Fingers crossed you can get a new date and have a lovely Christmas with your family.
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My brother, me and my mum have our birthdays on the 1st,2nd and 3rd of one month. We went for a meal once when my brother turned 18, me 16 and my mum 40. No photos were taken, no sashes were worn, I'm going to guess there weren't even balloons and thankfully no social media. My brother and I had a couple of joint birthday parties as kids even one at McDonald's!! We even had to share a cake a few years 🤣 my auntie would Ice half with my name on and half with my brother's. But my mum didn't make it about her, even though her birthday would have been the day after mine, I don't think other than that 40th meal we did anything for mums birthday, she probably just went to the pub with her friends? And now I'm a mum other than my 30th(a meal with friends and a cinema trip to see Toy story 3 🤣) and my 40th(lockdown but really enjoyed it) I don't make a fuss, it's just another day, I may get a few gifts but that's it. Babs is on another level. She has made her 44th birthday last nearly a week
I love your aunts cake icing idea I’m such a numpty never thought of that. My bloody twins are getting that next year 😂😂
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View attachment 902552Look at the pure, unbridled joy on her face. The only time she shows any genuine emotion is when it’s about herself! She’s a psychopath. Also, the kids just happen to be in matching pjs the night before her birthday when she knows there’ll be untold photos opts 🤔
It’s the shape of her head that struck me!!! 🥚
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Chatty Member
I'd argue the fact her current tights are falling down means she needs a bigger size, not a smaller size. Hope snag take that on board if they send her a pair.
They had better not send her a pair I love my snag tights don't want to add them to the boycott list
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The kershaws have done fantastic informative stories on Christmas at warwick castle for merlin pass and beautiful professional pictures and then there’s Babs efforts 😳😳😳🤣

she should have put the phone away and enjoyed it with her kids ffs
Don't think Merlin would dare let Babs take over their Instagram account, could you imagine how bad it would be. If you just watched Bab's stories you wouldn't know there was ice skating or a light trail, food and market. Can't believe she gets paid for that
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Just catching up on the last few days. Wow she is so self centred and vile as well as lazy and greedy. I can’t watch the birthday present video because of the constant hair touching and lip smacking apart from anything else.

Is it just me but I am a similar age to Emma and my friends and I don’t buy each other birthday presents anymore?
i'm a bit younger but my friends and i still get each other presents - it's usually just a nice candle or a scarf though, and i don't demand that they hand it to me while everyone is being filmed with their entire focus on me and only me because it's MY big day.
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Run around the block 🤔😂😂😂
She’s such a complete bullshitter 🙄
presumably she's relying on a friendly old man to be sitting on a bench every morning at 5.30am to cheer her on. 🤦🏻‍♀️

the whole concept of babs re-starting couch to 5k with margot jogging alongside her was hilarious in itself, but the idea babs will drag herself out of bed in the early hours and go for a "quick run" in her pyjamas - i'm HOWLING. this from the woman who moaned in her recent chewy vitamins ad that she gets irritated simply by waiting for margot to go for a wee ouin the garden! 🤣🤣
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Glad the healthy choices are continuing into this week with the After Eight Muffin, around 400 calories before she adds her drink! I really wish she took better care of her health.
She clearly wants to lose weight (which is great because health is very important) which is why she has her couch to 5k love affair every few weeks but she just doesn't have the will power
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Drunk sofa ramblings, no change there! CBBSte getting his own back serving maccie d's for tea, or is this an extra meal so supper?!
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Didn’t babs have the hero advent calendar last year and express the same rage? Here’s an idea babs don’t get it if you aren’t happy with it or another wild one don’t shove chocolate in your gob at 6:30 am!
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About to go in on the vlog- but have just caught a glimpse of a comment saying she's "glowing" in this video. Of course she bloody is, in this vlog she can talk her her most favourite subject, her boring self.
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I'm actually pissed off at her 'gang of lads' story. Yeah probably shouldn't be swearing on a train if theres loads of kids about but do you know what? If you are that sensitive about swearing (and I'm aiming this at you Babs because clearly you were bothered not all these families with all these kids you speak of) then perhaps you shouldn't go out, you shouldn't get trains in the evening when people are drunk and merry. There is no need for an aggressive drunk 44 year old woman to snap at a bunch of 'lads' unless they are doing something so awful and unacceptable then it is required.
exactly! yes, i get that you may not want to hear it but you’re on a train on a saturday evening - it’s gonna happen. unless their behaviour is fully crossing the line then leave them be!

(i HAVE once told a group of much older guys to stop swearing on a train but in my defence it was 10am, the carriage actually was full of kids and they were dropping the c bomb all over the place. i would never have done it on an evening train 🤷🏼‍♀️)
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Ugh! The Ivy in Birmingham is the poor relative of the proper one in London which I had the pleasure of going to some years ago. We saw Ant & Dec in there but unlike 'Emma the Narc' I resisted the temptation to go over, pull up a chair and demand a Selfie with them as they were clearly on a working lunch meeting 🙄🤦‍♀️
And why can't she just enjoy the day with CBBSte - why is she posting every fucking step of the day 🤬 Its all so fake! It's all so "look at me, my husband does adore me, he's taken me to The Ivy" 🙄
She 10000% booked that restaurant herself and it really isn't all that, I've heard loads of bad things about it 🤣
I am so glad I’m not the only one that thinks this! It’s just an “upmarket chain restaurant” in Brum nothing like the one in London.
babs people aren’t gonna be envious that’s she’s basically gone to an overpriced Zizi! Now if they wanted upmarket go round the corner to San Carlo
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Ugh! The Ivy in Birmingham is the poor relative of the proper one in London which I had the pleasure of going to some years ago. We saw Ant & Dec in there but unlike 'Emma the Narc' I resisted the temptation to go over, pull up a chair and demand a Selfie with them as they were clearly on a working lunch meeting 🙄🤦‍♀️
And why can't she just enjoy the day with CBBSte - why is she posting every fucking step of the day 🤬 Its all so fake! It's all so "look at me, my husband does adore me, he's taken me to The Ivy" 🙄
She 10000% booked that restaurant herself and it really isn't all that, I've heard loads of bad things about it 🤣
You mean you didn't start screaming when you saw them? 😉
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that vlog is SO desperate. essentially "here is how i wrap presents to put in my children's stockings." she even reminds the babettes to take the price labels off the tat before wrapping - literally HOW would her devoted followers manage christmas without her step-by-step guides?! 🤦🏻‍♀️

i just saw LP's post about Warwick castle, and the event looks truly magical. why would they invite babs along to take a few crappy photos of babs posing for her stories and talk about how her sister writes for horrible histories?! LP's post actually shows a variety of activities with decent photos that she clearly put effort into taking - and even clarifies at the end that darcy wanted her to clarify that she was in the photo with santa to support her little sister who was feeling shy, not because she still believes - unlike babs, who has shared with the world that erin believes in santa at the age of 11 which, in itself, isn't an issue - if it's even true - but sharing that information with high school bullies for the sake of content isn't necessary. 😔

"At least we all have our health"

I thought her Dad was really poorly? The recent photo she shared of him shows him looking really frail and unwell...
when babs says "we", she invariably means "me". ultimately, SHE has her health, so all is well. and anyway, she keeps health stuff private until it suits HER. poorly grandad rog's health issues will be rolled out to increase engagement prior to her next ad, but she isn't going to mention them in a "woe is me, my disney holiday might be cancelled" story, because that would take the babettes' sympathy and attention away from HER. poor babs, who hasn't been on holiday for MONTHS - and actually had the opportunity to go on holiday a few weeks ago, but cancelled it because she prioritised buying a puppy for content. 🙄🙄
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ah babs! compelled to buy some new pants after reading tattle following yesterday's revelation that hers were full of holes! i'll take my second december tingo! an advent calendar of tingos beats wankee candles and disney socks! 🎉🤣
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