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As I'm a new follower/tattler, I find it incredible that as an adult living in her own home with a husband and two kids, we never see a meal being cooked by Babs or Ste or eaten (could be content and engagement for her!) so I'm wondering how you clever long-term hilarious tattlers know what she does eat and doesn't cook?! Do I need to hang around for longer to see the non-fruits of her non-labours? It's starting to sink in that she really does do NOTHING all day except watch rubbish on TV, buy rubbish and make rubbish Instagram stories!!! Oh and not forgetting go to bed before 9am for no reason. What a sad existence!
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Looks like Pus did both school runs, thank goodness he did, we wouldn't want Bab to miss out on going to Poundland and watching Netflix. Phew crisis averted
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She really is refusing to use that slow cooker isn't she? It's like 2 fingers up to whoever bought it and of course to us. I predict she will never use it unless it's to make fudge or other sweet shit. Interesting how Taming twins no longer seems to feature in her instawanker stories....another fallout maybe? Shame cos she does fab slow cooker recipes.
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You are correct. She has never said this before. It's a new bab lie. When she gave up teaching she was thrilled to be so blessed that her hobby was now her career. Plus she has always stated this was only for as long as she wanted to do this and she has always planned to go back to teaching and then be an eccentric yea, she's lying. Again 🙄🤦‍♀️
P.s I hope you can continue in your job. I bet you are fab at it and help people so much ❤
perhaps she's finally realising that the absolute onslaught of humiliating content she's flooded the internet with over the years has entirely jeopardised her original plan to simply return to teaching after her blogging "career" fell through, so she's now grasping at straws attempting to mislead the babettes into believing that she was forced to ditch her teaching career due to her damaged back/legs etc, so that when - in the future - she is obviously laughed out the room when she attempts to apply to jobs to become a lecturer, she can simply claim she isn't physically able to teach due to her "permanently damaged" leg. y'know, the leg she can perform high kicks with, climb on her kitchen worktop and bend her leg around the back of her neck as it suits her, based in the content she wants to create.

if she fails at getting back into teaching - which she obviously will - she can simply claim it's due to her damaged leg and soak up all the sympathy and adoration - the perfect excuse for endless pity "woe is me" posts which are guaranteed to up engagement thus increase the number of companies willing to work with her. the part that irritates me the most is that she's perfectly happy to stomp around dancing aggressively, doing high kicks at every possible opportunity and rudely disgards concerned comments from her followers warning her not to risk hurting her back again, yet she always replies to them saying she's "cured". as always, she'll lie as it suits her - she's happy to say her leg is cured when she wants to dance around like an utter twat, yet her permanently damaged leg is her go-to excuse whenever she wants to use a pity post to reel on the crowds prior to an ad.

the way she manipulates and deceives her followers is utterly disgusting. she may have had back surgery in the past, but claiming it affects you on a daily basis as and when it suits you is massively disrespectul to those people who deal with disabilities on a daily basis - and can't simply choose for the "damage" not to affect them as it suits them. ultimately, she hurt her back by showing off at an awards ceremony and twerking, thinking that made her look like a cool mum. it was entirely her own fault - especially knowing she had previously had back surgery.

and yeah, i'm sure it was painful and scary at the time, but to roll out the story every year and rehash the whole event and make a huge deal about how her body is permanently damaged as a result is a total farce, and it's disgusting. she uses it solely as a way to haul in endless comments commending he on her bravery etc - as though loads of people don't experience trauma and manage not to plaster it all over the internet at every possible opportunity because their sole aim in life isn't to seek validation in the form of praise, hailing her as an amazing mother and a hero and inspirational and beautiful etc etc. there is no way in hell babs could get back into teaching, because her self esteem and confidence is based entirely on the comments of adoration the babettes spew all over her photos. the kids at school will be dramatically rolling their eyes - and far worse! - at her antics, and she wouldn't be able to cope. and that's overlooking the fact that she has unprofessionally shared mortifying images and videos of herself across SM where any of her future pupils could access them.

i honestly think it's finally dawned on her that she has absolutely no hope of reigniting her teaching career, and so she's playing on the "my twerking accident and the damage it caused means i can no longer teach, boo hoo! to. increase the sympathy comments in the hope that she'll snap up a few more brand deals after hyping up the level of engagement on her posts. as always with babs, it's constant manipulation tangled in an endless web of lies.
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Chatty Member
Literally all damn day to go for a walk and she chooses to go when her husband and kids are back 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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I bet she doesn't mention the tampon again after her hero Rosie Ramsay said it was gross to let your husband do that and she quickly backtracked on that little story 🤣🤣
yeah, it's part of the story she definitely won't mention again, but it's immortalised within her previous reminiscening IG captions, so to claim it never happened is futile! 🤣🤢


tbh, yesterday's post gives the impression that she's annoyed at herself for not dramatising her injutlry at the time, and not making the most of her opportunity to flood her grid with "pity me" posts featuring photos of her with a stick and in a wheelchair. she's realised now how much attention and sympathy and praise she would have received, and regrets not milking the situation. look at the engagement she received by exaggerating steve's smashed knee - i bet she's FUMING she didn't exploit her twerking accident to cash in! as a result, she rehases the story every year, telling the same story from different angles and with added embellishments - such as this years' claim that the injury lead to her losing her teaching career, and that she ended up with permanent damage to her legs - obviously forgetting that she recently stated she was all cured and at no risk of further further injury! she's so desperate to increase engagement that she'll literally say anything, this years' approach is all about how she supposedly put on a brave facade all for the babettes, to ensure she prioritised keeping them smiling, because that is that is "career" goal. this, coming from the woman who complains and moans at very possible opportunity!

ultimately, she had surgery on her back as a teen, and has happily flaunted wheelchair photos of her while stalking boybands - it's not something she ever hid - yet still decided that it would be a brilliant idea to twerk at an award's ceremony because she was showing off and thought she'd look cool - just as she does when she films those aggressive dances for her reels, because she refuses to learn. she's an idiot, and the accident was entirely prevetable, but regardless she wants to be praised as a hero for getting through it and keeping silent while hiding what was happening to her. silent? she has blogs posts detailing what happened, written at the time! plus THAT dramatic "PARALYSED" reel more than made up for her not making a huge deal about it at the time. she will literally exaggerated any situation now she's realised that woe is me posts up her engagement and cause a flood of attention and adoration. the story will continue to be exaggerated each year, with more an dmore fabricated elements thrown into the story for dramatic effect. interesting how she's now claiming her therapy was about dealing with the emotions associated with her back injury, and not about learning how to enforce boundaries and deal with all the nasty cowbag bullies!
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Imagine Erin at the residential with the rest of her class, and a random person walks up to her to say hello. Afterall, babs is always saying if you see them say hello. She may mean it as a “say hi to me no matter who I’m with so I can look famous” but so many people have seen far too much of Erin. Maybe this will be the wake up Emma needs (doubtful).
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Oh she’s on the woe is me ship again 🙄

Give over Babs & stop projecting your neediness onto the kids you send to bed early every night. You should be pleased 1 less to ferry around to after school clubs. Oh wait it’s the golden child, can’t let go of your control of her can you? Doubt Ethan will even get a look in this week.
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Oh ffs Emma you can’t be bothered with your children most of the time so you’re just USING your daughter again to provide content.
Erin is probably glad to get away from your controlling ways and having a camera shoved in her face every 5 mins. Although there is a part of me that thinks Erin enjoys being centre of attention and is becoming more like her dreadful mother.
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You are an absolutely wonderful human being and I take my hat off to you xx
That's so kind, thank you. I love every aspect of my job and find it so fulfilling. Xx
I have been punched, pinched, kicked and spat at, but ignorant idiots like Babs never see that side of dementia care. She seems to think it's all little old ladies sitting round watching television. Go on Bans, go and volunteer in a nursing home and see the real hard work that goes on! See the different types of Alzheimers and dementia that people live with. Then try and make it all about you!
Sorry, rant over. She just makes me so bloody annoyed!
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Chatty Member
In her vlog she said that she has ordered the pax system but it won't be delivered until November. She then went on to say that she isn't sure why but suspects it's because "lots of people are at home so they have a back log".

No Babs. Most people on furlough have gone back to work and those that haven't probably don't have money to spend on IKEA furniture as they're most likely in the throws of redundancy. The reason your furniture has such a delay is because of things such as Brexit and you know, covid. Because despite what you seem to think, it's still a thing.
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I think you are all bloody wonderful and amazing people for the work you do!

I am now a Social Worker in Child Protection, but i worked in a care home years ago. It was one of the reasons i went into Social Work- my plan was to work with adults, but i ended up working with children. Hopefully one day i will work with adults though. But anyway, you are all amazing people and the work you do on a daily basis is astonishing. And yet there are cunts like Babs who fuck around, offer nothing to society, the most selfish, patronizing, and generally awful person who once again misses the mark and makes that post all about her.

She is absolutely vile. I saw a poster say that Babs earned £100,000. Is that true? If that is true then it represents all that is wrong in society. Yes i am probably bitter, and maybe even a tiny bit jealous because i dont earn anything like that! But i believe in karma and everything working itself out, and Babs is in for a shock if she thinks she will ever be able to go back to teaching, or even lecturing. Youtube wont last forever and she will absolutely pay for it in the years to come- whether its financial, her mental health, her children's mental health, her marriage and so on.

She is just fucking vile. She is up there with Brogan Bogtrotter Tate, the Ingham Family and Beggy Dingle (rebecca Lamb) for the worst so called 'influencers'. Just fucking vile.
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Lady Doodle

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That's absolute madness, she never said anything at all to warrant that! How did you find that out?
I think wires might be getting crossed here.
Mrs Briggs continued to post for a long time after she was 'allegedly' approached by Steve and then given a friendly warning by the authorities.
I don't think her disappearance is anything to do with that, it had happened a long time before Emma moved and she talked about it quite a bit on here.
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Not once mentioned Ethan in any of those stories. Most parents would use it as an opportunity to spend quality 1 on 1 with the other child but no. It’ll be mourning the golden girl
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Don’t forget the nit infested hair photo! She’ll look ace, red lippy. Wonder what costume Stevie will be wearing 🤔 I can totally see him as Franknfurter
don't be silly - steve will be at home looking after the kids. wet san will be accompanying babs, and i'm sure her frock will be equally as horrific. 🤢
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