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I'm sorry- he had to come home.and all hell broke loose?? Try having to come from a job where you have to organise a few bits before you leave to collect your child. And then balance work and caring for your child when your job can't really be done from home so myself and my husband had to try and drive to and from work to teach 11-16 last term and home teach 6th form from our house. Otherwise we would both have been docked pay. She has the luxury of being able to drop everything and go and collect him. No headache of letting anyone down- she can work her hours around his school work and spend time with him whilst he works.

Poor Babs, pour her a drink! 😤

Sorry for the rant- I have got that out my system and can now chill! 🧘‍♀️

*Edited to add that we had to tag team and we just got on with it as we had no other choice. She just does my head in. I know people have things much much worse and her transference of saying Ethan is upset is really her being upset her freedom has been curtailed!
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I personally don't feel compelled to ever write anything on the Ad's other brands post, but I fully understand and support why others do.
Non if it is direct hate like CF experienced. It's usually well articulated things that Emma has done. Ie, DV jokes, racism, exploiting her kids. All things that are NOT OK and these influencers should not be allowed to brush under the carpet.
I keep it on tattle because I'm not interested in Emma's or Babettes' opinions about Emma's bad behaviours, I'm interested in your opinions on her bad behaviours. People should be able to say what they think within reason on public accounts, like that man who wanted to know if she had a kebab tattoo.
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too much drama.
this really isn't new- think in my house we've had bubbles burst 4 or 5 times since November. its annoying yep- but that's cuz I work in NHS and husband teachers so we have to juggle but all this drama ??? bit over the top Babs.
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Literally nobody:
Not one single person on the planet:
Emma: I'M A SIZE 18!

View attachment 492213
Doesn't she have it on her bio as well - or at least used to? Not to mention a post every other day about it. Size 18. 14 stone. Have been a size 8. And a 22. 😴

Btw Emma, looking at those grid post pics, you may want to size up. It looks as though your cutting off circulation and trying to cram into a size too small instead of owning being a size up doesn't scream "body positive" to me. Hope that helps.
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Oh my god Emma you're such a sad cow. You literally stalked Ewan McGregor and then sexually harassed him? Cool story bro.

Hate to break it to you Babs but having photos with celebrities doesn't mean that -

1. They like you and are your friend
2. It makes you a celebrity by association
3. That they even remember you
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I don’t think she was a ladette either, she was just a loud girl with a dodgy haircut who liked a drink!
I don’t think ladette’s loved Disney, stalking boyband members and being a dork like she obviously was.
...and dressed like an estate agent! 🤭
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Oh man she must be proper hungover this morning. Thank god we’ve not been subjected to the scratchy sniffy cess pit stories
And am I the only one that thinks hot cross buns for breakfast is weird?? Have some decking granola and fruit keBabba would do you the world of good


too tired to talk, my arse. Absolutely hanging looking at those photos and who looks out at the morning sun as it’s rising in bloody Birmingham. Never mind tries to take a photo of it. She reminds me of the plebs and their “baby caught me sleeping..” photos when you can see in the mirror they’ve take. It themselves
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Her post this morning has really annoyed me for so many reasons.

I do feel sorry for Ethan, I’m sure he was over the moon to be at school amongst all his friends and can fully understand why he was sad and upset yesterday. I also understand that no parent wants to see their child upset.

However, Babs has remained unscathed during this whole pandemic, bar the nationwide restrictions that we’ve all had to abide by and she’s even stretched those as often as she can get away with. Both her and Pus have been able to work from home (if you class dicking about on the internet as a job). They’ve not been furloughed or had to put themselves at risk as a key worker. None of their immediate family have had covid. They’ve got a lot of disposable income, where many people face job losses and hardship. I’m sure there are other children in Ethan’s bubble, who’s parents are key-workers and at a moments notice yesterday, were panicking as they wouldn’t be able to go to work, with their children now having to isolate.

My daughter, albeit older than Ethan, had to isolate last November, due to a positive covid case within her school bubble, I didn’t post about it all over social media, we just got on with it, which is exactly what Babs needs to do!
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How many times can you be dumped to a song? I genuinely don’t understand!!! Who has song is playing when breaking up
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in that mess of captions, is she genuinely trying to imply that - due to feeling "a bit sad" - she has been unable to listen to music for the past few months because it made her too "emosh"? pretty sure it was only a month or so ago that she was singing away during her capaldigate dance fail! there was also music playing in the background of her "surprise" mother's day tiki room, which she literally sang along to - although i guess it could have been the sound of music itself that pushed her to tears because she's been having such a sad time lately, and not, as she claimed, due to the effort the kids put in to surprising her?! - plus that reel of her dancing embarrassingly to liberty x, the reel of her unashamedly dancing to britney in her pyjamas out in the garden whilst it's snowing, the reel of her dancing with erin to sugarhill gang, plus many others - all of which were shared over the past few months! and let's be honest, if a song about literal suicide - or "a sad time" - didn't cause her to feel emotional, i really don't think that listening to music is an issue for babs on terms of triggering "sad" feelings.

again, yet another pity post to seek consolation and sympathy comments from the babettes - poor babs has been struggling so much she hasn't even been able to listen to music, poor thing!

if, and it's a big IF - her groupon counsellor actually suggested she listen to music, that will have been the advice: listen to music, possibly to incorporate as a grounding technique to help her be present in the moment. yet, as always, babs has manipulated this advice, and has interpretted it as "go listen to music and create gurning dance videos as content, because even though all your supposed anxiety and issues stem from your addiction to SM, the solution is obvs to post MORE content on SM, and then spend our sessions ranting about me all about comments you receive from 9trollz and haterz!" no babs, DISTRACT yourself from the urge to share cringey dance videos on SM. surf the urge. put your phone down, turn off your tv and your laptop and try relaxing to some music - music you enjoy, not music that is going to cause you to dance inappropriately in your daughter's bedroom, or trigger memories of you being dumped by ex-boyfriends and result in you grabbing your phone to share it on your stories. 🤦🏻‍♀️

she's never going to make any progress if she takes the advice of her groupon counsellor, but adapts it so that everything she's told to try is documented for content! the narcissism is an entire issue in itself, but her addiction to SM and need to seek external validation from others - in the form of likes and praise and complimentary comments - are never going to be tackled if she shares the details of her therapy sessions on SM in an attempt to seek praise and attention. it entirely defeats the point. and kinda indicates that the real reason she sought out therapy is not because she thinks she needs it, but because it provides super relatable content for her - talking about mental health, particularly during the pandemic, is a huge bandwagon right now - and babs will happily dole out money to pay for a therapist if it means she can focus the situation on HER, and gain a load of support and adoration in the process. 😡
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I genuinely think she lives in make Believe land. All these boyfriends that dumped her, but not actually having a kiss till 18 - remembering all the songs etc
I don’t actually remember breaking up with anyone really from when I was younger - don’t get me wrong I can remember certain things but genuinely nothing in detail. That’s why I think she’s lying, she seems to ‘remember’ minuscule details. Even if it were true (cough cough defo not true) why would she go on about it so much?!! Weird behaviour
Ok here’s my take on it that no one asked for @chipstick I’ve been on the wine too it’s my only day off tomorrow so sod it.
I don’t believe any of the old romances etc they change from week to week. Boyf made her feel ugly with hair up. Following week hair down, fat or thin, loud or demure (😂😂Emma CONwoman and demure in the same sentence 😂😂) the contradictions go on. I think she’s remembering story lines from shows/films and replaying them as her life.
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it's not a child's mug in babs' eyes though, because - regardless of age - children's mugs are plastic. she sees herself as a proper grown-up adult using actual ceramic mugs! buy yeah, it's a hell of a lot of money just to use it as pencil storage! she could literally buy a pencil pot in hoem bargains for a few pounds! it's like those expensive disney plates that she refuses to actual use incase the kids break them. she fanaticised about eating a cinnamon roll on one, but then decided to display them on the wall - probably because she realised her clumsy trotter would drop them. and the expensive disney bowls? yeh smallest one has been shoved on her easter hot cock stand to store creme eggs! why spend money on expensive mugs and plates and bowls if you're just going to display them around the house, scared to use them for fear of breaking them because you're so used to using plastic tat! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Agree 100%! Not to be morbid but when my mum was diagnosed with cancer she stopped saving things “for best”. She wore what she wanted, used what she wanted etc etc. I always think of her when I find myself thinking “I’ll save that” Like what am I waiting for?!?
Anyway Babs is a proper twat at the moment. Even when I stopped being a Babette and came to the dark side that is Tattle, I used to think now and then she could still maybe redeem herself. But this Kweeen really is not for changing is she??
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Also, hi all! 🤣

I feel really sad for Ethan bless him, he’s clearly a ‘big feeling kid’ which is completely normal and this whole situation has been hard to understand as an adult let alone when you’re 8 💚 I really hope she prepared him that this could happen though, I get the impression she didn’t and it’s come as a huge shock!!!!
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When Babs refers to things going back to ‘normal’ she infuriates me.

What is the new ‘normal’ post pandemic??

As an influencer she should be mindful of how she is coming across to her viewers.

Many people will face the new ‘normal’ without loved ones, many will face the new ‘normal’ with mental and physical scars. Many who are suffering from long covid will find it hard to get back to the person they were before they caught covid. Life will never be the same.

So whilst Babs chases her freedoms of going tat shopping, numerous free/gifted holidays and making tat hauls with Nanny San maybe just maybe she needs to THINK about how it resonates with her audience. I’m certain we are all silently looking forward to coming out of lockdown but you don’t need to shout it from the rooftops.

Sending love to all the NHS workers on this thread, to all those who have lost someone too soon this year and those who’ve struggled. 🌈
I watched Kate Garraway last night and their family covid journey. Heartbreaking that her husband will probably remain in hospital until December 2021.

Time for influencers to take responsibility for their influencing, especially Babs who seems to carry on as before. She's like teflon. About time some sh$t sticks and she's made to be accountable.
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I’ve been avoiding watching her and reading about her lately because she just annoys me and I have no actual interest in anything she posts, I really only check in when I need to practice my eye rolling skills, but, I have a couple of questions.
Why does she rub her face so much and so aggressively? Do other people do this and I just haven’t noticed 🤷‍♀️
Why is she pronouncing Cillian like that, it’s supposed to be a hard c/k sound not an s 🙄 Surely Ste the Irishman could have told her that.
Does she use cold water to make the icing and the sugar isn’t dissolved, is that why it looks so disgusting? She makes it every week, surely she should have mastered it my now!
I feel a bit better now that I’ve had a wee rant 🤪😂
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I wonder if her reaction is part of the reason Ethan is so upset. She looks so aggressive in these stories.
We all (as adults not stuck in our teenage years) know children pick up on our emotions.
Ethan knows she doesn’t want him there from her behaviour. Imagine that Emma. You’ve made your son feel like he’s a nuisance and that’s why he is quiet. he will pose for grid posts because that makes her happy and he doesn’t want angry mommy
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I've not had a chance to catch up yet but just wanted to say that my favourite part of the new vlog was when Babs said a designers name and then said 'I'm sorry if I've spelt that wrong' 😆😆 thick as mince🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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