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Well I had a rough night not due to the stress of a dawn raid on my home, my devices being sized and downloaded for mug abuse, my bank statements lifted and checked for absurd spending on shit bab mugs. My bloody 3 year old won't sleep, stop lying about your crap excuses for not sleeping emma, we all know you were up last night cross refrencinging us all on PUS's shit excel spreadsheet

Do we all need to start marking ourselves safe???
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I just can’t believe how badly she has aged. She keeps sharing young pictures to be like ‘look how pretty but unhappy I was!’ No one believes you Em, you knew you looked better and were healthier. Poor Stephen, he thought he was getting this pretty, slightly older woman, now she looks like she lives under a bridge, gurns constantly and rams chocolate down her neck. No wonder he sleeps elsewhere.
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View attachment 408402
Do you think this is the way she gestures as PUS if he doesn’t put the one load of washing a day on? The daily Mail can probably use this image in their next article about her domestic violence tendencies.
Personally I think you can delete all that nonsense text and replace it with what she is really saying behind that fist: "fuck you Tattle, I might have to keep wearing this jumper but I CAN still get my wedding ring on 🖕. Oh and have a shit headband while I'm at it 👊."
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Evening all! <see what I did there?
Just wondered if Detective Babstable could let me know about what time I should expect the SWAT team only I'm self-isolating again (second time this year :rolleyes:) so would probably cause a bit of a logistical issue for them.
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The police?! For having a difference of opinion! Oh my word. So difficult not to comment on that Facebook post and tell her what a knob she is being.
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If someone was to give me a tele and sound bar in payment for an ad. I would take it. And id put a lot of thought and effort into a believable ad which didn't have everyone squashed on a sofa!!

Also what i wouldn't do is bw oh woe is me in the run up to posting an ad like this.

I dont begrudge people making a living - what I do begrudge is when Babs is playing the "poor me, I'm sad" when she is being given great opportunities in her job.

She could easily make a lockdown hamper with some of the stuff she buys in these vlogs and put them in a "tag a mate who needs cheering up comp" and she could pick them at random and send it. Once a month.

Then she doesn't have to pay out too much money as she's prob claimed it all back in her expenses. She'll get more followers and she will feel better about herself and also cheer someone else up. Then no one would be arsed about her awful ads.

Hope that helps Babs x 😘

*just remembered she still hasn't announced the other competition winner so this suggestion is crap! 🤦‍♀️ doh!
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I don’t think Emma understands that galetines day originates from a tv show (parks and recreation) and isn’t a real holiday. It’s something the big companies have grabbed onto and tried to cash babs!
Emma your mugs won’t sell and if they’re anything like your Christmas ones they’ll arrive a week after valentines. Stop being such a try hard, we can see right through you.
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She’s excited because she’s got a reason to go out today. She never. Goes. Anywhere. Apart from a daily dog walk and sneaky meet-ups with friends and family.
She’s conjured up a reason to go to Boots (tampons and shampoo), I mean PUS can’t possibly get those on the twice weekly shops. Don’t Amazon Prime deliver tampons or Shampoo?
Expect a Boots haul to drop any time soon, bore off Bab, we see right through you. You are big but you’re not clever!
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I can’t find it on there now (possibly deleted?) but someone commented on her FB along the lines of..
“I never see any of these horrible messages on your social media, do they message you these things privately?”
..hopefully a few more Babettes will have their eyes opened soon to the fact she is a big fat liar.
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Omg! Thanks for sharing these, I can’t find them so I think she’s deleted them from DMC’s post. What a train wreck she is. How about: DON’T LIE bab, then you won’t fuck up (as much).
I've got so much cringe second hand embarrassment for her attempt at humour in the first place because the crap story she made up about the hand sanitizer to try and get a laugh wasn't even funny anyway - how utterly embarrassing 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Lady Doodle

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I'm calling Tingo for later... Sometime today a new grid post about said comment on DMC post. It will go something like -

"In this job. Sometimes. Just sometimes. I say things. I don't always get it right. I am only human. I'm just a mum. Trying to do right by everyone. I am not perfect. And do not claim to be. If you have nothing nice to say feel free to unfollow. Love ya's." 💖

Just putting it out there she will try to justify her lies again! 🤦
And the picture to accompany her on this post will be her in the Manky Old M&S cossie just to try and throw a bit of humour on the subject 🤮🤢🤣
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What is with these instashammers having to label everything. Can they really not remember what they've put in these clear boxes/ open boxes.
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“Puuuuussssss they’ve made a mockery of me they love and adore me! why make me look like a twat in front of DMC then have the cheek to say my mugs are too expensive do they know who I am and how hard it was to organise all the people. I’m just trying to run a small business pussssssss! I’m destined for big things but you need to get me there”
Saying all this shit whilst her heads in the bathroom and feet are in the kitchen. Conways I know some numbers for help appear in the background of her stories with a spoon in your hand and I’ll send someone round.
'Head in the bathroom feet in the kitchen' literally made me laugh out loud 🤣

Quiet night here KeBab so can I put in a request for my mug police visit tonight please?

I think she is still pissed off about being made to look a prat on the DMC post and is taking it out on the mug 'trolls'instead
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Yep. I spoke too soon. Not finished for the day after her 17 stories. She is RINSING the Babettes for attention and praise right now! And no Babs, we were not all excited for the start of January, those of us with any sense knew it was going to be a total shitshow because Covid didn’t disappear on Santa’s sleigh over Christmas now, did it? What an insensitive, tone deaf, ignorant twat she really is. A collage of pics for what has been a god awful month? Get. A. Clue.View attachment 412403
I've just seen this, not sure if she's made a mistake or what, but Ethan has an extra square on the grid! 😱 he's in 6 pics, Erin's only in 5! And she dedicated a whole section to pus! 🤣
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What was the Facebook comment? The “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should?”? She lost her shit over that?! What an odd lady.
Clearly in need of a little love & support to make her feel ‘Babetter’.
I mean surely it’s time for another Troll hunt. I can see them now, preparing for the night’s rampage......
. Jumpsuit CHECK
. Hairband CHECK
. Drag make up CHECK
. Wankee Candle CHECK
. B&M Pitchfork CHECK

“Babettes ready! A’oo A’oo A’oo!!”
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Hope her file for the police explains about the photos that have been discussed here that ended up on a site that I have seen referred to here, that I understand someone made her aware of and she ignored ? (Only know the story from reading here) because the police will need to make an SS referral about that as standard practice? Failure to protect is a finding in family court.
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