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Lady Doodle

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Gosh she is scraping the barrel this week isn't she!
Another Ad incoming.
Get the fuck off the Internet Emma. The world does not need your crap any longer.
And the Babette's did not help build you, you did that all by yourself with all the beige, carb loaded, high in sugar crap you eat and all the booze you drink. Twat!!!
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Oh here we bloody well go again! I wouldn’t be surprised if those kids quietly said to their teacher ‘oh no it’s ok dont give us a certificate, no really please it’s not worth it’
Bets she’s cracked open a bottle of fizz and is shouting about how amazing she is and how the teachers must ADORE her too because it’s all about her 🤬🤬🤬
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Is it me but when did Valentine’s become this big holiday? Just like Halloween. When I was young (I’m late 30s) it was celebrated not this massive build up to it and all sorts of crap available to buy in the shops for it. Another American bandwagon that Emma’s flogging to death as she has absolutely nothing else going on in her life. It’s so basic and boring :rolleyes:
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So pleased to see that she is back from her 12 hour break and not only completely recovered from her PMS but also her horrific troll incident. And now lots of making sure that everyone is fine as well, so so kind. She obvs loves on us hard. My only gripe is i cant express how i really feel, which is actually pretty pants right now. But instead of exploiting anyone on social or acting like a wally, I've contacted a few people for some sessions instead to be able to talk through the minefield that is my head right now. Babs, which button do i press for that??

Also shocking revelation, before i became a tattler i had no idea the story polls promote engagement. Urgh so embarrassed about my lack of knowledge 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Just quoting my own recap here to call a Tingo 🤣🎉

Just yesterday I wrote....
Pleather leggings and the white jumper (I mean, I don’t want to be a bitch, but she’s genuinely rotating about four items of clothing at the moment.

(And you “where” clothes Babs?? Do you?? Or do you wear them? Heavens to Betsy, would you ever just proof read before pressing share?!?)
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So the kids are fine for a valentines date but they have to ‘divide and conquer’ for all other aspects of life in the tiny house.
I know! I think she has made out they argue badly for her content! They were even cooking together the other day!! I think they probably get on most of the time and have the occasional argument like any other siblings! She contradicts herself so much!
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That puffer jacket post is so desperate. She wants to back on Matalan’s list of hunfluencers. The reason people look warm and cozy in puffer jackets is because they fasten them against the cold weather. If the size 18 doesn’t do up, get a bigger size Bab! Hope that helps 😘
puffer jacket, complete with the obligatory confirmation that she's wearing a size 18. and her jumper is also a size 18. obvs. because despite women's clothes sizes varying in literally. every. single. shop. babs is a size 18 absolutely everywhere. no matter what. she's so stupid, she doesn't realise that claiming every item of clothing she owns is absolutely, definitely a size 18 literally reveals her lies. 🤥

also, i thought it was pretty normal to buy coats in a larger than your usual size, so you can wear it comfortably over thick jumpers etc. but not babs. no way. she'll squeeze herself into a size 18, regardless of whether she can actually zip it up, because for body confident babs size is valued way above wearing clothes that actually fit you. what a role model. does she genuinely believe that, of all things, the babettes will stop hero worshipping her solely because she mentions she bought an item of clothing in a size 20?! as opposed to her lying, manipulative nature, her aggressive behaviour and her disregard of her kid's privacy etc etc. if anything, i'd be more concerned about being a supposedly body confident influenza purposefully concealing my weight gain and completely undermining the movement i claim to promote revealing that it literally meant nothing to me and was simply a popular bandwagon that i jumped on to gain followers - but hey, what do i know?! 🙄
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This arrangement makes me a bit nervous, doesn’t look very safe. Those things are heavy!
Surely having your washing machine and dryer on top of each other in a cupboard, because Babs that is what it is, is a massive sign your home is too small for you???
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Do you think this is the way she gestures as PUS if he doesn’t put the one load of washing a day on? The daily Mail can probably use this image in their next article about her domestic violence tendencies.
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Do the swipe up on the stories and watch the video of her on very
Oh. My. God


She can barely get those fucking words out. What a mess.

Also, apparently her house is "her favourite place to be in the world". Well, what's all the fucking fuss about then, Em? Lockdown is an introvert's dream! She just can't stop contradicting herself, constantly.
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both of the kids received a certificate for their effort and participation during microsoft team meetings - of which babs has absolutely zero input, especially since the kids banned her from gurning embarrassingly in the background - and that proves to her that she's "doing a good job after all". ste better whack on the laptop and get designing her a certificate in excel, because there's no way the kids deserve a home learning certificate if babs - KWEEN of teaching - isn't awarded one. hell, ste probably designed those awards for the kids himself, and handed them out so babs would feel she was doing a great job!
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My sentiments exactly - fuck off babs!!
PS let’s be honest, you’ve had much more than a couple of tinned cocktails!!
I’ll add my fuck off wishes to this too! Another emosh post to get attention and engagement. Absolutely no shame that woman 🙄
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Chatty Member
I've just caught up (ish) ... sorry proper job on the frontline babs!
once again I shall echo my standard statement. Fuck off babs.
secondly what a whole bunch of fecking gaslighting is that Facebook comment... watch out babbetts3 there will be more of these so called trolls on our safe Facebook pg speak the truth about my shit show and attempting to hold me accountable but dont listen to them they're trolls the "police" said so.
oh do fuck off.
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She isn’t stupid enough for 3k this time I doubt they’ll be there on time for galentines or Valentine’s Day
1st Feb for Valentine’s mugs?? We only saw a postman once in the last ten days. No way would I order something I wanted in two weeks time unless I knew it was Amazon prime or guaranteed delivery. She is a piss take. Which we know, obvs, but she just proves it time and time again.
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Making profit from colloquialisms, Babs
That she doesn’t actually use.
In fact I am aggrieved that she is using my colloquialisms as a way to poke fun at me. She doesn’t use Bab in her every day language and she doesn’t use mom either. She doesn’t even use brummie in its correct form the way a brummie would. She isn’t being inclusive and she is poking fun at myself and my heritage - to get a laugh and make money and getting others to do the same. That is bullying and malicious communication her and her followers and singling a certain type of brummie out to poke fun at.
Go for it Emma you are the true bully around here
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Guys I read the legislation and we were wrong -

Offence of sending letters etc. with intent to cause distress or anxiety.
(1)Any person who sends to another person—

(a)a letter, electronic communication or article of any description] which conveys—

(i)a message which is indecent or grossly offensive;

(ii)a threat; or

(iii)information which is false and known or believed to be false by the sender;

(iiii) querying the price of mugs

You had me for a second there 😂 my brains not coping with all the excitement we had yesterday.
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Just the 17 stories then on her busy day of work when she might be quiet on Insta 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ So far, we may have a drunken rant to look forward to yet!
Seriously, she is addicted. That break she had over Christmas MUST have been enforced by her management because I just don’t believe she could do it by herself!
That break over xmas was simply to cover up the fact that they were at her mums.
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