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i'm fairly confident that there wasn't a child in her room. she spent the beginning of her stories - whilst discussing the "bed olympics" - continuously glancing over her shoulder, in an attempt to prove that ste is in bed next to her as she's "including" him in the conversation. a few minutes later, she's repeatedly glancing the opposite way as one of the kids supposedly silently enters her bedroom, doesn't speak a word, and is harshly told to wait for a cuddle. she literally has no qualms about featuring her kids in her stories - and let's be honest, babs ain't gonna miss a head-sniffing opportunity - so i'm pretty sure it was astandard babs attempting to appeal to toddler mums with the a slight take on the whe "will i ever pee alone" bullshit, this time a woe-is-me "i'm never left alone! can't even film. a story. in peace!" spiel. she doesn't realise, but it's entirely unrelatable, because any other mother would happily ditch their phone to cuddle their child.

regardless of whether one of the kids was there or not, the indication that she would happily dismiss her own child* in favour of the gram is disgusting, and reveals babs' true personality. content comes first, always.

*i say "child", but we are all well aware that she would only ever speak to ethan in that way. admittedly, babs would have kept the camera rolling, but erin would have been welcomed with open arms.
She was. If you watch her latest vlog, Erin appears whilst she is filming and Babs cuddles her and tells her "you're overwhelmed with love for me".
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Why would you do this to your son? Poor kid will get the shit ripped out of him for that. Good work babs, you utter moron.
poor kid. as if sharing the fact that he still sleeps with his iggle piggle toy on his birthday, she has to repeat it again - just in case any of the kids at his school missed it the first time! not that there's anything wrong with a little boy sleeping with a stuffed toy, but announcing it to THE WHOLE WORLD as a way to shame and ridicule him, handing this information to kids who will bully him as a result - what the fuck is wrong with her?!

sure, i played with barbies and sylvanians as a kid, probably past the age that was deemed "appropriate" for such toys, but i would have been totally humiliated if that information had literally been handed to my classmates and used to taunt me - especially if it had been my own mother who had told them! babs is setting ethan up to be bullied, with no concern for the fact that bullying literally ruins lives. i'm disgusted. more so at the fact that i'm pretty convinced she's doing it specifically so she'll have "my poor boy is being bullied" style "relatable" content. most mothers would do anything they could to protect their children, but for babs, content always comes first. 😡
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I just hope she’s run that reel past Erin & got her permission to post it. Not that that makes it right, what with her being a child 🙄 The photo of her in hospital where she has her face covered she clearly didn’t want taken & yet there it is. By the time my son was 10 he’d had over 20 operations (still a work in progress) yet it wouldn’t have crossed my mind to post any hospital or recovery photos on my private account. Never mind for all the world to see 🤷‍♀️ Boundaries Babs, boundaries.
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Thats it im done I can't believe she told her child to stand there and wait for a hug, what mother does that its vile a natural reaction would be to put your arm out and invite them in for a hug vile vile vile
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Lady Doodle

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Families trying to make 1 tin of beans stretch to feed everyone & she’s crushing Flakes into a jar for her stupid ‘station’.
Just piss off.
I know! I wasn't going to comment on this because it makes me so sad. One of the families I am working with at the moment literally have NOTHING to eat today. I have to put together a case to get them vouchers to go to the foodbank, then go abd collect it and drop it to them as they're shielding too. She's so unbelievably out of touch with EVERYTHING and it makes me sick that there are people like her putting their selfish actions all over the internet cos she thinks she's funny!!!

Has babs ever shared her supermarket shop? I’m just wondering if she has any tips for finding the best deals on frozen waffles.
No. And she has openly admitted in the past that she won't do food hauls because she doesn't like people judging what she eats 🤣🤣 But she doesn't mind her kids on porn sites, threatening DV towards her husband and being a blatant lazy selfish liar 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
she has just told her child to wait there for a cuddle ... even if the child isn't there it's still a fucked up thing to pretend
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Lady Doodle

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The thing she’s failing to grasp is that those parents she originally attracted who had toddlers and newborns 8 years ago, now have primary aged children, like her and her pretending they’re toddlers looks bat shit.

There is a real hole in the market for an influencer who has growing children, and treats them with respect, but also talks about the struggles of that age group.

But meh, what do I know, I’m only the target audience.
Absolutely this.
Not here to derail about Mrs Meldrum as I know she's as popular as Babs 🤣🤣 but like Emma, she started her YouTube channel as a lonely Mum with a toddler and a new born.
Even she has now recognised that as the years moved on, that content has dried up and she barely features her kids at all. Emma needs to make a choice now. Find a new USP or Fuck off. I'm leaning towards the latter 🤣🤷‍♀️
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Oh fuck off Babs with your I used wear 2 wonder bras, dance on bars monologue. You are in your 40s, I’m not for one minute suggesting life is over but it’s different. You have 2 kids & a carer (that’s not a typo I’m talking about Kenny), plus you’ll do your back in again if you attempt dancing on bars. Live in the present not the past ffs & stop with the woe is me I’m just a woman who got dumped diatribe.

****** AD INCOMING ******
Introverts are infamous for dancing on bars 😏
Oh wait....I forgot, she’s not on the introvert bandwagon anymore.
That was last year...duh.
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Just saw where she tells one of her kids looking for a cuddle to stand there until she’s finished her shitty stories. What a bitch 🤯 that’s just not normal. Those poor kids. And as others have said, WTF is she talking about with these bed olympics?! Makes no sense! Argh she’s infuriating!
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If you are SO tired babs and the kids were still asleep... How about going back to fucking sleep? The mind boggles!
I've been up half the night with my little one going through the joys of sleep regression, it's like having a new born again.
But we're up and ready for home schooling the oldest, not sitting in a bathroom complaining about a 'sleepover' that didn't need to bloody happen!
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I wonder when she does stuff that’s aimed at tattle if she runs into Ste and says, "look what I did, that'll teach the trolls" and they scream
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In going out on a limb here and derailing slightly so excuse this rant but today is a not so good day mentally, plus lockdown and work, homeschool, the whole shebang.
But I think what's irritating me most about Emma and the whole "woe is me, dumped at a bus stop, dumped to a song" routine, is by sounds of it that's the worst that's happened to her at the hands of an ex. Yet she plays on it like some Shakespearean tragedy for laughs - I get its to be 'funny' for the Babette's but how they are not sick of her spouting the same shit I don't know.
All i can say is Emma, be thankful you've never been with a mentally abusive partner who gaslighted you to the point you felt you were going insane, who also then sexually assaulted you. It's taken me years to even start to heal and still not fully there. It's damaged my trust and relationships and there were times when me and my husband almost broke up because i was so messed up from it and couldn't trust him. I'm still traumatised and going through counseling but that's on hold because of covid and twats like Babs spreading their covidiot germs around, which makes it all the more infuriating.
I appreciate I may sound a bit of a snowflake, but I needed to vent it somewhere. Sometimes I don't think she realises, in the grand scheme of things how little she has had to put up with.
Sorry everyone - thanks for listening 💖💖
Mate this is terrible, well done for getting out of that relationship. I send you love and virtual support.
Babs the twat, can fuck off, she’s an irrelevant piece of shit, don’t let her bother you. She has no real life experiences. She’s dull and uninspiring. a narcissistic person. Xx

ETA: my brother has the same thing with his ex girlfriend, they had children together, so he is always going to need to be in contact with her until the children are older. I can understand parts of what you must be going through, and how this must’ve affected you.
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They’re probably saying ‘no Erin you have to take her’ ‘no Ethan you have to have her, I don’t want her’
Sorry to be so blunt but Babs what makes you think you'll make it to old age. Take a look at your diet, your alcohol intake, your sleep, your stress levels, your weight and your activity levels
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Chatty Member
Two things

TINGO a zillion threads back a tattler suggested virtual brummymummymeetups and now they’re happening
And what the fuck type of parent tells their child to “stand there I’ll cuddle you in a minute” when they first come into the bedroom whilst they continue to story on their phone to strangers?!?

priorities, keBabba. Priorities
I was disgusted this morning when I watched that story, how any loving ’mom’ could dismiss her child who is looking for a cuddle, just so she could finish some crappy story to a bunch of strangers, is beyond me 🤷‍♀️
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I’d put money on her Facebook stalking her fantasy exes while drunk, while she’s meant to be watching the telly with Ste (who will be surfing grinder). Marriage of dreams?
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