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It's utterly bizzare that she yearns for a life of being a student, clubbing and going to Mr Egg at 2am. Is she having some kind of mid life crisis? I did all that in my student days and don't wish for it now. Just like I don't give past boyfriends a second thought. The only thing I want now is to actually see my parents and family who have missed out on a year of seeing my kids grow up.
This! I'm 10 years younger than Babs and I don't even want to go back to the clubbing days and I would never go on and on about my ex. I personally think it's disrespectful to my current bf. That's not to say he's never come up in convo but I'd never dream of posting countless Instagram stories about him. I guess she doesn't need to think about her parents (like I do) because she's been seeing them all along.
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Two things

TINGO a zillion threads back a tattler suggested virtual brummymummymeetups and now they’re happening
And what the fuck type of parent tells their child to “stand there I’ll cuddle you in a minute” when they first come into the bedroom whilst they continue to story on their phone to strangers?!?

priorities, keBabba. Priorities
i'm fairly confident that there wasn't a child in her room. she spent the beginning of her stories - whilst discussing the "bed olympics" - continuously glancing over her shoulder, in an attempt to prove that ste is in bed next to her as she's "including" him in the conversation. a few minutes later, she's repeatedly glancing the opposite way as one of the kids supposedly silently enters her bedroom, doesn't speak a word, and is harshly told to wait for a cuddle. she literally has no qualms about featuring her kids in her stories - and let's be honest, babs ain't gonna miss a head-sniffing opportunity - so i'm pretty sure it was astandard babs attempting to appeal to toddler mums with the a slight take on the whe "will i ever pee alone" bullshit, this time a woe-is-me "i'm never left alone! can't even film. a story. in peace!" spiel. she doesn't realise, but it's entirely unrelatable, because any other mother would happily ditch their phone to cuddle their child.

regardless of whether one of the kids was there or not, the indication that she would happily dismiss her own child* in favour of the gram is disgusting, and reveals babs' true personality. content comes first, always.

*i say "child", but we are all well aware that she would only ever speak to ethan in that way. admittedly, babs would have kept the camera rolling, but erin would have been welcomed with open arms.
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Chatty Member
We know she’s said that she rarely drinks now (🤣🤥) because she used to get aggressive and argumentative so these chats with strangers in Mr Egg probably took the form of “What are you looking at? Are you laughing at my blouse? Fuck off”
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I would almost be interested in Emmas plant content if she grew her own from seed/bulb, with the kids, different flowers and fruit and veg and got creative and made content around that. I am not interested in the 9million plants she has got from supermarkets or garden centres fully grown and all too huge for her tiny home. Its not interesting Emma we all know how to water a plant.
In summer she was astounded that you could put seeds in soil, water them and they would grow. So much so that she claimed she has emailed the head teacher about it.
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I’m just here to say fancy blouse and trackyyyyyy B’s 😱😱😱😱🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 how difficult is it to get dressed?
Doing it because everyone else is, Jess Phillips the MP shared a photo of her the other day- blouse, jacket, made up, jewelry on, but with brightly coloured pj bottoms on!! Its yet another bandwagon, but as usual she is late to the party- it was done to death in the first lockdown!!

I'm pretty sure everything she's doing today is for us.

It's really, REALLY making me cringe. That floral blouse is hideous anyway but wearing it with her panto dame makeup and pyjama bottoms...she looks genuinely unhinged and frankly mentally ill (no offence meant by this).

When I was younger, my mum could do no right. Everything she did - even if it was just completely normal behaviour - embarrassed me, and would lead to screaming rows. Obviously I grew out of it as I was just being a stroppy teenager. If my mum had acted like Emma, I would have been so utterly humiliated and upset I think it would have damaged my relationship with my mum for good. As has been said on here, teenagers can be absolutely brutal and those kids are going to be ripped to shreds when they get to secondary school if Emma is still acting this way. It's hard to come back from that.
I got labelled "mortifying" by my daughter because I met her in our town centre after school, she'd walked down with friends, and I, her mother, committed the terrible crime of saying "hi" to the assorted teens in her company... Emma hasn't got a chance, Erin will cringe herself inside out.
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PUS looks like he is thinking WTF is she on about when talking about watering her plant babies in the fridge organisation video. He also looks like he is thinking is this what my life has come too
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In summer she was astounded that you could put seeds in soil, water them and they would grow. So much so that she claimed she has emailed the head teacher about it.
It must be a revelation when your entire diet is beige, to finally discover that things grow
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aaaand i think we've found where babs got her inspiration to be a body confident role model from! babs, channelling her inner pooh, every time she looks in the mirror! it certainly explains that yellow hair! 🤣

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Translation: ‘I’ve got nothing helpful to say because I was only asking to boost my engagement. I don’t actually care about you at all’
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Again. Who finds this funny?

Emma's fans are amongst the biggest sad cases on the www. The sort of women that think they're risqué if they have a glass of pink Echo Falls on a school night. Probably think Miranda is just hilarious. Only have other mums from school as friends. Call their husband The Hubster.

That blouse is fucking hideous as well.
This made me howl. They are the sort of women that I never want to associate with 🤣🤣
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tbh, i find it pretty unbelievable that babs has taught erin to make tea and not her standard afternoon favourite - baileys hot cock. i bet that, in reality, babs focused on teaching erin how to make the "perfect" options hot chocolate - obligatory splash of skimmed milk and all - but babs knows it's not socially acceptable to flaunt the fact that she's got her ten year old preparing alcoholic drinks for her - especially mid-morning - so she's forced erin to plaster a smile on and pose with a mug of tea instead.
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Lady Doodle

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And who actually gets dumped to a song? She's such a liar, she lives in a fantasy world. Its sad really and another sign of one of the many demons she's battling.
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FFS primary school maths isn’t that hard, I know some of it is longwinded and the methods can be annoying but a quick Google or watching the video that LITERALLY EXPLAINS it all and you should be fine. PUS isn’t an idiot (well, he married her, so 🤷🏼‍♀️ But he’s got a proper job so can’t be too silly), I’m sure he could also help. Get a grip woman, this isn’t quality content, you’re just making yourself look like a twat going on and on about it 🤬
Also noticed that the Andy Pandy jumpsuit does not seem to have the same powers of pulling in the waist this morning!🤣 Funny how you can look so different in two days when you haven’t edited the life out of photo hey??
I say this as a teacher whose school uses WRM - there are videos to explain everything. It’s either all part of her act to pretend it’s too difficult to understand, or she’s not even thought to use the videos to help her/them. 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Christ is it that big a deal to change a profile picture? Does it need this many announcements?
Also, no friends messaged her about it because 1 she doesn’t have any friends and 2 no one really cares enough about other people’s bloody photos. BUT if they did, I’d say it’s because they’re so used to seeing her looking like an absolute state that they got a shock seeing her look what she thinks is half decent. The “cute” face makes me want to throw up in my mouth personally 🤢
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Lady Doodle

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This is such fabulous advice. You’re kind to share it

It’s also why I’d be fascinated to hear your take on the Emma Drew threads as she’s currently wallowing in her bed whilst writing her to do list on bits of paper and putting them in jars ready to pick one out (which she then decided she doesn’t want to do so she puts it back)

Babs needs to stop coming and choosing what she reads and acts on here and take your kind advice on board.
The thing with the type of therapy i usually practice is that its not so focused on the reasons why someone does something (although it inevitably comes out) its more about focusing on what a person can do to change the behaviours that have become destructive to their day to day life ie, obsessions, bad thoughts, worries etc. This Emma Drew person sounds to me like she isn't ready to accept the changes she needs to make. CBT is hard. So much harder than other talk therapies (which I also do) but with the right input from the patient the results are amazing.

I've got a magnetic white board on the fridge. I don't put too many things on my list though because I know I need time to tattle
If "go on Tattle" is all you put on their some days then so be it 😘
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Oh dear, Erin cannot sing bless her.

So that's three grid posts featuring triple threat in the last week and zero featuring Ethan. Poor kid. :(
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