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Couldn’t resist 🤣

KeBab Conway School Report

Babs is often first in the door in the morning, she chats enthusiastically and enjoys sharing with the class. This can mean that she isn’t always listening to others, and she has a tendency not to take ideas of others on board. Hopefully she will work on accepting constructive criticism in order to improve her work.

Babs can be easily distracted and does not always complete tasks that she starts. She must try harder to commit to projects.

Babs is keen to write and enjoys creating long tales. Her punctuation could be improved, her spelling and use of full stops can be a problem and so Babs must ensure she reads her work back before she submits so that she can edit and change things.

Babs has a good understanding of history and enjoys referring to the past and how it has shaped current events. She is well travelled, it’s clear she has been to many different places this year alone! And so her geography work is of a good standard.
Babs enjoys music and participates enthusiastically with singing especially!

Babs is reluctant to participate in physical activity, she must try harder to be enthusiastic about movement and exercise. Her diet can be slightly unhealthy, we will be talking in class about healthy lunchboxes and encouraging good choices of snacks and food. We will also be cooking healthy recipes so hopefully Babs will find enjoyment in this and carry on doing it at home!

We have noticed that Babs sometimes invents stories that she thinks others will find amusing, but we discourage this as it is not a habit we think will serve her well. She has also been known to take the credit for ideas of others and so her group work skills are something we will be helping her with.

Babs enjoys field trips, particularly if they involve spending money. Her economics work is very strong, she understands how to make maximum profit without over exerting herself. She does have some trouble with savings and spending, hopefully next term she will try harder to balance the amounts.

We are slightly concerned about Babs’ playground friendships, she prefers to speak to a wider audience rather than focus on a few good friends. Again, taking criticism and letting others share their own experiences and opinions may help her to form happier bonds.

Please ensure that Babs sticks to the school uniform code, her headbands can be a little distracting to those around her and she often prefers pyjamas to clothes which is always not suitable for day wear.
We enjoy having Babs at school, she is certainly an entertaining character who keeps us on our toes!
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I know this makes me look sadder than Emma wearing a hair band but can I be recognised, officially, as ‘The 1st Person To Buy A Creme Egg in December.’ 😜🤪
Briggs - 1 Conway - 0

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The roots on that woman’s head, stop with the cheap box dyes you’ll be ginger soon and I won’t have it 😂

also it really highlights her receding hairline now someone’s pointed it out. She’ll have a comb over come January 🙈
I’ve had a vision of Emma Conway in 2021.....
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Guys I'm sorry, I can't hold this in any longer. I'm sorry if this derails the thread. Mods, please delete if this isn't allowed. But after looking at Erin's birthday PowerPoint extravaganza on Emma's story this morning, I've really got to say........

Emma's really fucking annoying, isn't she?

Phew. Glad I got that off my chest.
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Ode to Babs ( Kween of the Teeny Tiny House))

It's all about me
It's all about me, Babsy
It's all about me
It's all about me

Yesterday, I had a birthday quiz
for a sky high fee.
For my family and friends
'It's all about me!'
Slapped some make up on
and a Xmas jumper on Ste,
'took a photo for the 'gram,
it's all about me'

And I would stay up and watch imaceleb
and vote for Momma G.
But if Tom doesn't reshare one of my stories
I'll take it out on Ste.
So give a like and buy my mugs
For a cup of tea.
In my little tiny house, it's all about me.

And I would answer all your queries, if BTEC Paul let me.
But I'd probably end up in a bathroom meltdown,
Filming it on my knees.
So I'll keep gurning and itching for you in my morning pit stories
Yes I never do a tap,
Refer to gifts I get as crap,
I really am a spoilt brat...
It's all about me.

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I love a recap if you have the time for one! x
It’s already done, I keep it on my phone as we go because she posts so much shit I don’t think anyone could cope with writing one looking back over a few days! 🤣 I’ll copy and paste it over x

The last thread was on fire! Good work lovely KeBabettes, I’ve been highly entertained by you all 🤩 We have to move very quickly because Babs posts A LOT and is SO annoying; we have lots to say!

We began the thread on Sat evening with Babs showing off her bubble, IE drinking with her sister after their shopping trip which broke lockdown rules. Not that any Babettes will know as she made out they only had fresh air walks. Babnocchio thinks she’s so sneaky but she should know by now that eagle eyed Tattlers are all around!

Sunday morning started at 6:32am (from her pit, on her own!) with the announcement of a vlog from Costco. No one wants hauls. No one wants to see influencers breaking lockdown rules to buy pointless tat. Her plan for the day was to decorate the outside of the house but she won’t show it.....she’ll show her kids’ bedrooms, her undies, her yawning and scratching.....but yeah Babs, keep the front of the house private 🤦🏼‍♀️

Yet ANOTHER AD for cushions and pictures from some website she’d never mentioned before and probably will never mention again.
Sunday crap of the family doing usual Sunday things, some excitement over an empty washing basket and a reel of Babs’ nostrils. I think it had something to do with her trying a gross flavour of After Eights but all she really did was flare her nose at the camera.
Sunday evening was a bra shot (Emma’s lost dignity?!? Anyone seen it?!? Please let her know if you have, she could do with getting it back!) as her and Ste had done a DIY hair cut. Literally JUST made it look better with a different home dye kit, now she’s cut it herself. FFS 🙄 No issues going to any shop and spending hundreds of pounds on complete crap but won’t get a professional hair do?!? WTF?? I would have thought with the amount fo photos she takes of herself for “werk” that she could probably even wangle that as a business expense! But even if she can’t, she’s done more than enough ads in the last few weeks....she could probably pay for the whole IC200 to have their hair done. You know, as a thank you for all of the content ideas we give her!!

Then a 6:30pm post with a FULL face of make up, clearly she’s been recording something otherwise no way would she be looking like that! Prepping the Babettes for the mug launch tomorrow. They’re all in for a sleepless night waiting for 9am!

Monday. Monday. Monday. What an infuriating shit show we had today! Started early in the pit telling us PUS snored, and it’s worse on a Sunday when he’s full of roast dinner. She even pretended to speak to him off camera which is always a highlight!

A little late but we got the shaky, poorly recorded mug shots. She doesn’t show all the angles, she doesn’t show them next to something to get the idea of size, she doesn’t tell you if they’re dishwasher safe etc. Just puts them next to mince pies with loads of cream on top of them and sticks a candy cane in. Brilliant 🤦🏼‍♀️ The Babettes were fawning on them but our eagle eyed Tattlers were quick to check stock and see there were quite a few left. Didn’t fly off the shelves as quickly as she thought they would, did they?!? Anyway this was all ignored by Babs as she pretended to cry about how happy it makes her that people want her “babies” - IE feel sorry for me and buy a mug please - and she went on about disturbing PUS and his actual job by flouncing around being dramatic about mug sales. Anyone would think she’s a small business relying on carefully crafted, handmade with loads of effort products. It seems she’s forgotten she is churning out ADs quicker than BTEC Paul can delete and block negative comments on Aldi posts, earning herself thousands in the process and selling her soul on the regs.
She also disturbed poor PUS as she wanted him to make lunch - could she BE any lazier?!? - and started rambling on about a cheese and ham sandwich, or a chamwich as she decided to call it. Plain, boring, unhealthy lunch that didn’t use any of the Costco bulk crap she’d bought 🤔

Then we got to advent calendars. First she “got presented” a Dairy Milk one....roughly translated, she got it out of the cupboard it’s been in since she bought it for herself in September. Then PUS and the kids “surprised” her with a Yankee candle one. She was rabid. They screamed. She pulled ridiculous faces for pictures. She probably won’t like half the candles in it and she most likely bought it for herself. But hey, the Babettes were super invested and excited and it’s all content right?

Speaking of content no one asked for, we got told what the kids are waking up to tomorrow. No, you haven’t lost 24 days of your life. It is in fact not Christmas Eve. But on Dec 1st, just because it’s Dec, her kids will enjoy advent calendars (2 or 3 each), pyjamas, jumpers, biscuits, pencils, craft kits, earrings/a nutcracker that Babs “popped in” their elf bags 🤬 So casual. So matter of fact. As tho every family can do that. Wish she would read the room. Some kids will be getting less than that at actual Christmas. Calm the bloody hell down! By all means spoil your kids if you can. Treat them any way you like. But with her, it’s all just for content and the chance to show off. She’s so tone deaf it’s untrue!

Tuesday morning began with elf talk (she only started doing it a couple of years ago so clearly for the gram, not actually for the kids) and advent calendar chat. She says she’s going to show us the candle every day but that didn’t pan out with mugs now did it??
Another chin reel, that’s three since she began her festive campaign 🙄, a gratitude notebook she’s going to write in every day (again, she doesn’t usually stick these things out!), a flashback to last year’s birthday night out and flowers sent from a friend (after we said she has no friends. Hi Babs👋🏻)
Then we had a made up face and the apparent shock of those in her “office” IE PUS and the dog.

A shocking reel that basically slated other mugs, making hers out to be something special, when they aren’t. Plus a “oooh get one quick” story, which is pointless as there look to be loads on the website still 🤣

She’s eating Rolos (I expect they’re calorie free in December 🤪) and then declared she invented the massively famous ad campaign of giving your last one to someone you love. REALLY?!?! Give. Me. A. Break. She is infuriating!
A tap to tidy, a trip to the park, a plug for the pamphlet, a Studio AD (with all the free stuff she didn’t like and ripped off the tree asap!) and a shot of her legs in the small, somewhat murky bath 🤢 Then a quick mention of Gi (Hi Babs 👋🏻) and a really close picture of her spots and awful looking skin telling us she’s already eaten tomorrow’s advent chocolate 🙄

Wednesday is the day before her birthday so throwback to getting THE keBab tattoo. Also the holiday hotties poll and she did manage day 2 of showing us her the contents of her Yankee (aka Wankee) advent calendar! She moaned about the results of the poll, as she always does! And posted a pic of wellies that she can’t get off without PUS so she’ll be wearing them until her gets home 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️

There was a Poundland haul, which she clearly made the day she went to Costco on that oh so essential trip out while in lockdown. She basically didn’t buy anything that she actually needed, it was all just tat tat and more tat. We’re only supposed to go out for essentials but not our Babs. She’s just a woman. Who needs to buy. Paper plates for Christmas.
Who in the world wants to eat a full roast dinner from a paper plate? Altho I suppose Babs doesn’t have gravy so a paper plate would survive a dry dinner 🙄🤢 But totally unnecessary, ridiculous in the current climate and crass. And the reward box for her kids who are old enough to know how they should behave. She’s still trying to relate to the toddler mums who may use reward charts 🤦🏼‍♀️ Not to mention all of the treats, all of the chocolates, all of the sweets. To have on walks so they’re calorie free. To have at home because it’s Christmas. To have as treats because she works so hard. Twat. Bore off with the hauls Babs, it’s not the time for them. And by that, I mean we never want to see one ever again.

It was revealed that Babs had a pre-birthday celebration (most children don’t make as much fuss as this 43 year old Bab) in the form of a walk with a friend, at an NT place that she would have had to leave her Tier 3 area to go to. Covid guidelines don’t apply to the Kweeeen of Brum, obviously she’s free to visit every shop for non-essential tat in a family group or with PUS, use her parents for childcare when she works at home, visit a tier 2 name it, Babs has done it. Now I don’t think any of us Tattlers, myself included, are claiming to be perfect, I’m sure some of us have had moments of being Covidiots.....some intentionally, some because the rules are hard to understand and you get mixed up! But Babs has a platform. Followers. She is literally an “Influencer” 🤢 and so therefore should know that she influences what people may do. They may copy her. They may think that because she’s doing these things it means Boris has said we can. She wants all the rewards, the money and attention, but does she want to be responsible and careful and considerate?? No. No she does not. She’s not even hiding her covidiocy, she’s voluntarily sharing it. After making comments promising they won’t break rules, won’t leave their tier, will be responsible. Honestly.

She then answered our “why hasn’t she mentioned Gary Barlow’s new album?” with a reel (Hi Babs 👋🏻) and showed us that she’s put a Happy Birthday to Meeee note in the kids’ lunchboxes for tomorrow. That is just 🤬🤢🤬🤢 Those poor, poor kids. I hope they manage to hide it before anyone notices it.
We also had the (predicted on here 👏🏻👏🏻) body confidence birthday eve post. Rehashed old crap about being loved and dumped at every size, having an A.May.Zing life now and it not being anything to do with her looks. Her family and friends adore her. She has the best job she is so proud of. She does what she loves. And she really means it, us mean trolls are all wrong, she is truly happy and loving life. Sure Babs, sure. She’s a size 18 she that a plus size anymore?? Or just above average? Anyway if she was a plus size lady who wore whatever she wants, didn’t pose to look “skinny” in photos, exercised regularly, ate five portions of fresh fruit and veg a day, drank plenty of water etc to balance out the treats she eats then yes, she could be a role model. But all she’s really doing is saying “I’m a size 18 and I’m pretending I’m happy with it so I can keep shoving Baileys and biscuits in my face” 🤦🏼‍♀️

A little story about the results of her hottie poll and then nothing. Very quiet. Did she pass out in a pool of Baileys? Is she blowing up balloons and sticking up banners for her birthday? Is she wrapping all the shit she’s bought herself and practising her shooketh face in the mirror for when she pretends they’re surprises? Or is she in the giant queue outside Primark ready to burst in at midnight for the good of the vlog? Intriguing.......

Adding more fuel to the flames of intrigue was a story about Gi at around 1am. Babs does not usually post at this time, what was she doing awake?? Getting in from Primark? Or grinding her teeth and internet shopping because she’s so “anxious” about tier 3? Couldn’t sleep with excitement about her birthday? Ooooooh......the mystery......🤪🤣🤪

The Kweeeeen began her birthday with a grid post of balloons and cake. Then we were treated to a host of stories; piles of presents, a note from the kids, the dog, the candle she got from her advent calendar (a green one that she hates....*evil laugh*) and a pic of her as kid that her mum posted. All before 7:30am! She’s 43 ladies and gents, 43. She’s not a child. It’s not a special decade birthday. We’re in a pandemic living under rubbish restrictions. Is this much fuss really necessary?? Especially as there is a very high chance that she bought everything herself, told PUS where to hang the balloons and what colour to wrap the presents in, how to stack them for the perfect photo etc. All so she can show it off on Instagram.

She told a Babette in the comments that she’s off to Primark today, so will be interesting to see when we get the stories/vlog of that whether she did in fact go in the day or if she’s covering up a night time escapade!
Lots of birthday excitement for her - buying “crap” at the shops on a very tier 3 non-essential shopping trip, and lots of excitement for us KeBabettes as we wait to see just how much of a ridiculous, tone deaf, selfish twat she really is today. Strap in ladies, could be a busy day 🤣🤣😘😘
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Good Egg

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What a day to have a day off from work 🥳. I’m live from my pit after working a night shift and can I just say (not to steal anybody’s thunder or anything!).


Let there be cake, hot cocks, and after eights all round!

Looks like today isn’t only Babs special day! PMSL 😆

NB: and Bundle up candles because let’s all light a bundle up candle to eradicate the stench that isn’t eau de morning bab c cesspit
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This is hilarious. I actually wonder if she is testing the water to see if anyone actually replies? if they do I can see this as her next get rich quick venture as it requires minimal effort. Pay me £10.00 and I’ll send you a personalised message 🙄
It’s Only Fans but council edition
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Oh ffs!! Thank you Emma - I’d put the leather jacket on under the dress!! I’m so bloody thick - thank god you’re so brilliant at your job & can tell me how to get dressed.
You’re just amazeballs!!

In real life - is she having a fucking laugh?? Standing there like a 6 yr old holding her dress out!! What an embarrassing picture!! 😂😂😂
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Brummy Mummy #48 All I want for Christmas is Babs to f*** off

She's really annoying me today. 'Party for US with the boys'?? Is it still HER birthday?? Self centred cow
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On the second day of lockdown keBabzilla gave to me,
another tat filled non essential trip to priiiimarnnniiii
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Why would you write a birthday post for your child and make a list of all the things your child likes about YOU?! Surely it should be a list of all the things Babs likes about Erin!
I honestly don’t think she realises how selfish and self-centred she is. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Thread title suggestion -

"She's taking covid rules, breaking them twice, Ste knows that Babs is naughty not nice!"
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Hello IC20,
I have a new KeBab game that has renewed my interest in the shitshow that is Emma Conway.

The Babette's comments fawning over her whilst she is being a dick were annoying me but then I had a revelation...KeBab might be able to control (dictator style) her page getting her 'team' to delete anything negative but the rest of the internet reveals the truth...

1. The Aldi comments-people are seeing through her multiple ads
2. The comments under her reply on Gi's page (the 1.7 million followers too short comment was genius 😂)
3. The negative comments on her youtube costco video (she seems to be slow to delete there)
4. Then there is this absolute gem on taming twins page-I have left the username on show because its my favourite part (if you are on here-take a bow!)

The IC20 on here is growing people now regularly joining

Thing is KeBab you can censor your own page but the rest of the internet holds the truth on peoples feelings towards you...and if they are doing it on the internet you can guarantee people are doing it behind your back in real life too...not as adored as you think.

Get playing if you want a laugh...would love to see if anyone can find a comment on another page to top 'covidiotbabs' 😂😂

Hope this helps

ETA: The mug could I forget the biggest indicator she isnt as adored as she pretends...she hasnt even sold half her rip off mugs 😂
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Chatty Member
Dear oh dear, where to start?

1. She is NOT going to Primarni dressed like a dog's dinner. She'll be meeting Wet San and Roger the Dodger for a lunch in tier 2,i guarantee it. She was dead quiet last night so we know she was at Primark then.

2. Grow the fuck up. My 13 Yr old isn't as childish as you are about his birthday. Nor are most children tbh.

3. Who openly boasts about shopping in Primark? I'll never knock the place bc for lots of struggling parents it means you can buy your children new socks and pants for under a fiver. But when you're raking in 3 grand per ad, DO BETTER. You can afford not to buy into the sweatshop cycle of misery, Emma. I suppose it's fitting that the shallow bint does what she does best on her big day; shopping for more unnecessary shite to fill the aching void. Here's a clue, Emma: you've shopped every day for god knows how long and you're still not happy. I think you'll be the subject of a channel 5 documentary in the future. "Non-Stop Shop: One Woman's Contribution to Landfill"

4. You're a dick. Hope that helps. Xxxx
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I'm still really struggling with the Boots voucher comment.

Firstly, so very rude when it was a gift from your in laws. I bet they sat there and said, what do you buy for the woman who buys herself everything she wants whenever she wants? I know, let's buy her a Boots voucher so she could treat herself to some nice bath bits given she's in the fucker more than she isn't. And then she says she is going to buy crap with it?! So ungrateful

Secondly, and perhaps this is just me, but I can't ever imagine receiving a Boots voucher and thinking anything other than "ooh I'll treat myself to some perfume, nice skincare stuff or save if for the Summer when you have to do the expensive holiday shop". Imagine being so spoilt and having so much money that it's just nothing to you.

Never thought I would get so wound up about a Boots voucher 😡🤣
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Lady Doodle

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Tonight's quiz Categories
- Food & Drink - what do we eat EVERY Saturday for Breakfast?
- T.V - To the closest month, how much time in a year does Emma spend watching tele?
- Current Affairs - To the closest one thousand, how many Ads has Emma done this year
- Pop Music - Which 90's boy band pop icon now solo Artist has an injunction out on Emma?
- Economics - Roughly how much £ per year does Emma spend in Poundland
- Fiction - Which of Emma's lies got her into the most hot Water in July when she went to DLP?
- Health & Beauty - what baby product is Emma known to "wipe her fanny with"?
- Fashion - How old is Emma's manky Black & White Swimming cossie featured in EVERY body positive post she wrote this year
- Family - Who is Emma's favourite child (clue, its not herself)
Bonus question for triple points - Where does Kenny/Ste/PUS sleep?
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